Transformers In Marvel

In the blink of an eye, there are 2.25 million words...

I originally wanted to add a chapter, but the status is not good today. I have only been able to write a chapter since I wrote it at three o'clock, so I can only update it normally.

Just now, when I turned on my phone, I saw 2.25 million characters. I was inexplicably moved that there were so many words before I knew it.

According to when the book was published on March 10, 2018, I originally wanted to strive for 1.5 million to finish, and at least it would have to pass the million mark. Looking back now, sometimes I feel surprised that it took so long to write, and According to the outline I am preparing now, it will take a long time to finish writing.

Oh my god, that's about as many words as I've cut out so many things.

Among other things, at least on earth, there are many, many things that can be written, all of which were cut off by me.

For example, through the analysis of the source of the power of the mutant red tank, I used this to lead to the plot of Marvel's first demon Setorak, which was also cut off by me.

Another example is the cosmic god group. The original plan was to have a full-scale fight with the protagonist's Cybertron star, but it was also cut off.

Up to now, even I myself really can’t remember how many things were cut in the middle in order to maintain the rhythm and not procrastinate. Otherwise, this book would be less than 3 million words when it comes to the current plot.

From the time when the book was opened, because the writing was so bad, whether it was the rationality of the plot or the writing style, I was chased and scolded by a bunch of readers every day, especially in the writing style. At the beginning, I didn’t find my own rhythm and style at all. I have tried all kinds of writing styles, and I often change my style suddenly every few chapters. The last chapter is still solemn and sad, and the next chapter is forced to be funny... Back then, I still had a period of time to imitate Chen Dong's writing style, can you believe it? Chen Dong wrote beautiful comics in a fantasy style, that scene, tsk tsk tsk, although it was deleted and changed later, this is definitely an unforgettable history.

The most difficult thing was the two months of opening the book. I couldn’t find my own style and rhythm, so I had to keep learning from others. In addition, when I wrote the public chapters, I didn’t have a detailed outline, and there were only a series of big events on the outline. , It’s pure blind j8 writing, hahaha.

During that time, I could see all kinds of greetings to my relatives every day. At the beginning, two-thirds of the comments in my book review section were scolding me. Fortunately, I have a thick skin and survived.

Later, I finally figured out what I am suitable for, how to write well, I have my own things in writing, and then a series of innovations and blends of the plots of American manga, I gradually got better, and I talked about the plot more. Some, less swearing, although the results are not strong, but it is considered very good for me, the average subscription is 1500, which is more than double the original subscription of 600.

Until now, 2.25 million words.

I don’t know how many readers have followed from the public period to the present. I guess there is no one. It took one year and four months. Looking back now, it is not short. It is thanks to all the readers that I can get to this point Thank you for your support!

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