Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 598 Another Pit

The middleman has never been a quiet guy.

He quickly shuttled across the tragic battlefield, his cold expression did not have the humility and respect when he faced the Lord of Chaos just now, but instead showed indescribable cruelty and chill.


While advancing, the man in the middle tore a god of the dark multiverse expressionlessly to pieces. Two diametrically opposed forces, the power of order and the power of chaos, surged out of his body at the same time, colliding with each other, far surpassing A steady stream of powerful attacks from a single force blasted out.

In the blink of an eye, several eighth-level gods died at his hands.

No one knows that compared to the two gods of order and chaos, he, the middleman who exists as a link, is the one who can fight the most, and has the authority to control chaos and order at the same time.

An ordinary eighth-level existence, if you meet him, you will die.

"It's still too early for the war. If it can be's useless."

The middleman walks on the grand battlefield with low eyebrows and looks pleasing to the eye, seemingly low-key and cautious, but he is more fierce than anyone else when he strikes. The two extreme powers of tit-for-tat rules, in the hands of the middleman, there is no barrier, and they can explode in geometric multiples. Even more terrifying power.

It is no exaggeration to say that on this battlefield, as long as the quasi-level nine does not make a move, his middleman is the existence at the top of the pyramid.

This is also the first time that the middleman no longer hides, and begins to erupt the tip of the iceberg of his own power.

"If you give me a little more time, I don't need the power of two multiverses at all, and I can stand at a level that even the ancient gods look up to."

The middle man sighed secretly.

According to his plan with order and chaos, any war in the multiverse is useless, and their plan is the most valuable one.

What is a mere super-cosmic level?

The Almighty Cosmic Grade is their goal!

As long as it works...


"It's all useless."

The middleman looked gentle enough to be sympathetic to others,

Sighing deeply, he stretched out his hand and stopped the dark god who had just killed the mother ring.

"Hollenmeyer? I heard that your main body is on the origin wall. If you don't hide your avatar well, what else will you mix with it? Do you want to die?" The middleman sighed.

Opposite him, Hollenmeyer, who was fighting for Barbatos at this time, was full of tyranny, threw away the corpse in his hand, crushed the mother ring made of many lamp rings, and said with a grin: "Everyone They all have ambitions, and so do I, I want to make this avatar of mine stand at the super universe level through this war, and I want to gain the power of revenge!"

It's nothing to surrender to Barbatos, as long as Barbatos can always maintain a far lead, then these guys will always be loyal lackeys-until they have the ability to counter-kill, they will turn their faces without hesitation.

This is the general law of the dark multiverse, and Barbatos is clear, and these eighth-level existences are even more clear, and all loyalty is based on absolute strength.

Similarly, this time the scuffle between the two major multiverses was set off. They participated in it and worked so hard, so why didn't they have the idea of ​​cutting off.

What if it happens? Can stand at the eighth level, which one is not a monster that surpassed hundreds of millions of lives? What they lack is just an opportunity, a chance to surpass their current self and advance to the super-cosmic level.

"Boring, die."

The man in the middle waved his hand impatiently. Look, there is another idiot talking about the super-universe level. It's just super-big.

The man in the middle folded his arms together, the power of order on the left, and the power of chaos on the right. At the moment of gathering and exploding, terrifying energy was born, which continued to superimpose towards more terrifying levels.

The regular power containing two extreme powers blasted out from the middle man, and suddenly blasted towards Hollenmeyer.

A fierce battle broke out almost on the eighth-level battlefield.

The reason why it wasn't the most intense was that Infinity, the second of the five great gods, was fighting against several Darkseids with his own strength at this time, and he was firmly in the upper hand, and even smashed one casually, looking like he was able to handle it with ease.

Darkseid's omega rays bombarded Infinity and was directly ignored by Infinity.

On this battlefield, Infinity with super-level combat power but at a multi-level level is simply an unsolvable bug, whoever touches her will die.

The man in the middle violently blasted Hollenmeyer's defense, and two palms with different strengths grabbed it, holding down Hollenmeyer's head and tearing it hard!

Hollenmeier exploded on the spot.

"Your main body has been killed by someone, and you still want to use your clone to rise again? What a hopeless fool."

The man in the middle was slow, but his strikes were extremely fierce. The burst Hollenmeier was attacked by the man in the middle again, and his existence was also wiped out in all directions.

The power of chaos disrupted his self-healing process, and the power of order forcibly obliterated this process. This clone of Hollenmeyer was finished.

"Bastard! Bastard!" Hollenmeyer roared, and the faces that finally gathered were full of hatred, but they were blown away by the middleman in the next second.

Hollenmeyer, dead.

The man in the middle sighed: "It's all useless..."

It would be great if they could find the Tribunal of Life. According to his plan, the Tribunal of Life, which exists purely as a certain duty, should be accepted and annexed by him who combines order and chaos without hindrance.

With the cooperation of the Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos, the jurisdiction of the Life Tribunal will be greatly weakened. This is their chance to merge with the Life Tribunal.

The middleman couldn't help counting on his fingers, using the life court as the carrier of the almighty level, and the two gods of himself, order, and chaos as the hub of the control carrier... Tsk tsk tsk, it was a perfect plan.

Just find the Tribunal of Life and find a way to swallow him.

He even thought of the name, and he called it Logos, an Almighty God who is not a newborn, replacing or even surpassing the Life Tribunal, it is simply perfect.


The scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, and some hidden guys on the side of the multiverse are simply drawn into the battlefield in a daze. In the end, even the side of the multiverse was not spared.

Only one place is safe and sound.

The main universe is sheltered by a force so powerful that it makes all the beings present tremble.

Those who were not afraid of death leaned over, and were obliterated into ashes by that powerful force on the spot. No matter what kind of existence they were, they would be obliterated in an instant.

"What is there in the main universe?"

Countless treacherous gazes came over, with apprehension and fear on their faces, carefully avoiding the main universe.

Only the devil knows what kind of thing exists here, it's simply unbelievable!

Soon, after carefully avoiding the main universe, the fighting situation, which had eased a little, reached its peak again. A group of gods stood hysterically in the world of Wantianyi, which had been almost destroyed into a white space except for the main universe, fighting wildly!

"Fortunately, we released the original transcendent. If even the main universe is destroyed, the origin universe will be completely exposed."

"Even if we don't release them in advance, we're not afraid of these crazy guys."

"Don't be too optimistic... The editor-in-chief has sent a message back, we..."

The people in the editorial department had weird expressions on their faces. As soon as they heard the word editor-in-chief, they immediately shut their mouths, bowed their heads and went about their own affairs.

Really, the editor-in-chief's plans scare them, it's crazy.


main universe.

No matter how chaotic and desperate it is outside, this place is safe and sound. There is an inestimable and terrifying force protecting this place. No matter what kind of force it is, it will be wiped out in an instant.

There are even several eighth-level gods who have proved this with their lives.

No one dared to provoke the main universe.

At this time, the Transcendent hugged left and right, and with a huge team of beauties enough to form a reinforced regiment, he proudly entered the gate of the White House.

The war in the multiverse didn't affect him at all. Compared with the kind of children's fights, becoming the president is more concerned about the Transcendence.

He finally stood at the pinnacle of power!

The mentality of the original transcendent is bursting! This feeling of satisfaction was only there when he hugged each other back then.

"...Yes, the war outside will not affect you, I will use my strength to protect you, this is my duty as president..."

"I promise there will be no more frivolous crimes on this planet, believe me, I will catch them all and stuff them in the pit."

"What? Superheroes? These guys can retire."

The transcendent talked eloquently to the camera, but no one could refute anything.

At least these politicians don't know where the limit of the transcendent is, let alone that the transcendent is protecting them with his power at this time, otherwise they would have been blasted into scum.

gotham city.

The citizens who had just recovered from the chaos expressed their heartfelt gratitude and cheers to their new president. Many of them should have died, but it was the Transcendent who resurrected them and helped them move away. Ringed volcano, rebuilt the city.

Bruce watched the city silently through the surveillance equipment.

The dim bat cave was full of mess, and the laughing bat was still buried in the ground, motionless.

"Master, what do you want to drink?" Alfred walked over.

"A glass of water is fine. You know, I rarely drink anything without nutrition." Bruce's huge and deformed body was standing silently without turning his head.

"I think you may be interested in some new drinks during these years in the dark multiverse... In recent years, many new drinks have been launched on Earth, and I recommend it to you."

Alfred opened the freezer, took out some drinks from it, put them carefully on the tray, and brought them to Bruce.

Bruce was silent for a while, picked up one of the bottles, pinched it carefully with his thick fingers, and slowly opened it.

Then, he swallowed the whole bottle like drinking oral liquid.

"Smells good." Bruce whispered.

After speaking, continue to stare at the screen.

"What are you looking at, isn't the Laughing Bat already held down by the President?" Alfred asked.

"Nightmare Knights is not just a laughing bat... There are some tricky guys lurking on this planet. I have already notified the others. Once found, I will immediately arrest them."

Bruce didn't move, watching quietly.

It is understandable that the Laughing Bat fell because of the Transcender, and the other Nightmare Knights lurking in are the new troubles.

"Do you know, Alfred, right now, just outside our universe, there are countless terrifying figures shaking, and the disaster they create every second can restart the multiverse."

Batman took a deep breath, pulled himself together, walked to another complicated instrument, and lay down on it.

Alfred started the machine, and immediately began to analyze his physical state to see if there was any possibility of recovery, and said, "Is that so, but our President should be reliable, I believe him."

"You didn't say that before, and you said he was unreliable."

"You heard wrong..."


Suddenly, the entire Bat Cave erupted violently.

A figure shuttled in, and the super speed was brought to the extreme, far exceeding the speed of light, so fast that Batman and the others had no time to react.

The Red Death suddenly rushed into the Batcave, looked indifferently at the butler and Bruce who were almost stagnant, a bloody arc flashed clearly in his eyes, and finally, he took the lead in rushing into the pit below, trying to fish out their boss.

No one is more suitable for this job than him. His speed is the fastest, so fast that people can't react.

It's getting closer and closer.

The Crimson Death's eyeballs were blood-red as he stared down.

He who drives the speed force, time is almost stagnant, the whole world is at a standstill, only he can move, as long as he wants, he has almost infinite time.

That's why it is said that the speedsters are lonely. They enjoy the convenience brought by super speed, but endure the loneliness in the process of running.

However, everything is worth it, as long as the Laughing Bat can be snatched back, especially that suit of armor!


The maniac laughing in the ground was pressed by a powerful force inside the armor and couldn't move, but because he was connected to the armor and was also connected to the Speed ​​Force, he could clearly feel the arrival of the Red Death, and immediately couldn't help but cursed.


Bruce, who was lying in the instrument, was unable to move, but his powerful evolutionary ability gave him a little ability to adapt to time lag, and he immediately whispered something in his heart.

The Red Death stretched out his hand, grabbed the Hell Armor, and turned his head to run away.

at this time.


An invisible force slammed down, and the Red Death fell into the pit in a daze, the kind that could never climb out again.

He was tightly attached to the Hell Armor, unable to move at all.

Great, the second Nightmare Knight is in the pit.

"What happened?" Alfred heard a muffled sound and wanted to look back.

Bruce calmly said: "It's nothing, let's continue, first find a way to make me ask this Doomsday form to be more important."


Alfred pushed his glasses and looked at the genetic map seriously.

As for the guy who fell into the pit... They won't pay attention to it for the time being, and they won't be able to get out anyway.

At this time, the other four Nightmare Knights were hiding somewhere on the earth, waiting patiently for the return of the Red Death, but they waited and waited, but the Red Death did not come back.

Killing Machine said coldly: "I have monitored the whole of Gotham. After the Red Death guy entered the Batcave, he never came out again. Obviously, the existence that claims to be a transcendent is beyond our imagination."

"Then what should we do?" Li Xiao Leng said in a low voice.

"Wait, wait for Lord Barbatos to get the result, and then help us kill this transcendent. This is the best way." The killing machine spoke stiffly.

"Bad idea... We didn't do anything the whole time, what will Lord Barbatos think of us..."

The voice of Daybreak Lantern became lower and lower, and the other knights also closed their mouths.

It's so embarrassing.

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