Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 957 The Broken Wall

The terrifying black shadow created by Barbatos directly covered the light of the entire multiverse, and his figure was terrifying.

He looked down on the world that was about to become a part of him flamboyantly, and the grin on the corner of his mouth was not concealed in the slightest.

He was looking forward, waiting for his servant to open the gates of the two multiverses, so that all his dark legions could enter this hypocritical world.

The terrifying figure was ready to go, just waiting for his army to arrive, he rushed up quickly, to show these stupid gods how powerful he is Barbatos!

"Hurry up, my servant, I can't wait!!"

Barbatos kept wandering, and the entire multiverse trembled with his movement, and the dark multiverse roared hoarsely.


On the side of the multiverse, the faces of many eighth-level gods were tense, and they looked at Barbatos with livid eyes. They were nervous, and the powerful divine power was flowing, almost suffocating, and the depression was scary.


There's no after that.

Nothing happened.

There is no gate connecting the two multiverses, and there is not even a sound, everything is quiet and scary.

Annihilation stood at the forefront, and his indifferent mood suddenly fell into a strange stiffness. He slowly turned his head and looked at the majestic Barbatos flying around in silence.

So everyone looked at Barbatos inexplicably.

At this time, a long-overdue message continued to extend along the cosmic membrane, and was finally received by Barbatos.

"Master, I was tricked, the main universe is poisonous!!"

The roar of the laughing bat sounded, and then fell into silence.

All the gods heard this voice with a huge amount of information, and for a while, their expressions became a little complicated.

Barbatos simply froze there, stunned.

The two parties stared at each other, silently, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.


Barbatos could not bear it,

After shaking his stiff body, there was a loud bang in the terrifying energy cloud surge. This dragon of the world didn't know what to say for a while.

Gradually, the expressions of the gods on the multiverse side kept changing.

A ferocious expression appeared on Annihilation's indifferent face: "Barbatos, go to hell!"


The war broke out immediately!

Annihilation and Phantom fought at the same time, and they killed Barbatos together. Three terrifying figures filled all the horizons in an instant. It collapsed instantly.

The average strength of the three statues was at level nine, and they almost destroyed everything that could carry them in the first moment of the crash.

At least, the small multiverse is still unable to carry their power. The two multiverses shake violently and start to collapse in large numbers. Where the aftermath spreads, everything will turn into dust and dissipate invisible.

The power of the super-cosmic level is not something that a mere multiverse can contend with.

Barbatos let out an irritable roar, and countless universes were shattered by the sound waves. He said angrily: "Incompetent idiot, I shouldn't have believed you in the first place! My dark army, come!"

From the gap in the cosmic membrane blasted by Barbatos, a powerful force extends, and Barbatos directly transfers the dark army here, trying to reach the multiverse through the crisis-ridden cosmic membrane.

The barrier that can separate two multiverses, of course, contains a lot of danger, and it is very easy to be blocked, but Barbatos, who is depressed in his heart, can't care about it.

The original plan was to leave the main universe unharmed, and then quickly strangle the eighth-level gods of the multiverse. As a result, this plan went bankrupt. Who would have thought that the Laughing Bat, who has been smart all his life, would go out in person this time in the hell armor. So thorough?

"Useless things!"

Barbatos cursed secretly in his heart, and at the same time felt uneasy. What is there in the main universe that makes the Laughing Bat overturn even the man and the armor...

Not only Barbatos wants to know this question, but Annihilation and the others also want to know.

Visually, it was Downey, because the main universe defaulted to Downey's domain, and the other gods didn't intervene too much—those who had a grudge against Downey had already been killed by Downey.

Now, Barbatos' pawn is also kneeling in the main universe...

At this time, the Dark Legion had already arrived in front of the cosmic membrane and began to invade on a large scale.

Some weak miscellaneous fish died on the spot in the process of passing through the cosmic membrane, and the entire dark army lost more than half of its fighters in an instant.

But everyone knows that this is meaningless, as long as the top fighters don't die, it doesn't make sense no matter how many miscellaneous fish in the lower ranks die.

"These rubbish, I can destroy them all by myself!"

The talisman grinned, bypassed Barbatos, and rushed towards the dark army. Those shadowy eighth-level gods were his targets.

The more he kills, the stronger his God of Destruction will be!

The Lord of Chaos immediately cursed loudly: "He is bragging again, so let him do it by himself, let's watch, I will see how he dies!"

Just kidding, the eighth-level existence of the Dark Legion absolutely crushes them, at least in terms of numbers. This integrates all the power of a multiverse, and there are many clones of the only god!

Did you see it, what the hell, he just glanced at it and saw several Dakseids! Who should I ask for reason?

The little violent temper of the Lord of Chaos exploded at that time.

The other gods ignored him, and rushed up with solemn expressions, closely following behind the talisman.

If you want to win, you must eliminate these dark legions as quickly as possible, and then quickly help Annihilation, otherwise none of them will survive!

"Order has already rushed up, look..." The middleman came over and reminded in a low voice.

"I know, do you really think I'm blind?!"

The Lord of Chaos roared angrily, cursed, and stared wide-eyed at the full-scale war. On this battlefield, the seventh-level soldiers belonged to the first-level miscellaneous soldiers, and the confrontation among many eighth-level soldiers was the mainstream.

To be honest, looking at this battlefield, the Lord of Chaos felt a little scared, it was so frightening, and many of the energy waves that exploded in large quantities were no less than the full blow of the Lord of Chaos.

The middleman kept urging him, and the Lord of Chaos had no choice but to bite the bullet.

One after another, ancient gods capable of subverting a multiverse frequented, causing the destruction of countless worlds in a flash, and all kinds of figures that only appeared in myths and legends appeared.

The high-end combat power of the two multiverses is fighting desperately, and the momentum is really terrifying, which has never been heard before!

This terrible confrontation caused irreversible and catastrophic consequences almost instantly. A group of bosses who only appeared in legends fought wildly, and countless universes died out in batches.

The cosmic membrane was pierced, fragmented, and the crisis-laden multi-dimensional storm floating in the gap between the two multi-verses is as gentle as a breeze here, because there are more terrifying attacks than can be counted.

The entire world of Wantianyi was almost turned upside down. In just a few moments of the two major multiverses, ninety-nine percent of the universes were destroyed, and the dark multiverse was completely wiped out. Those universes full of despair and sin, It was already in jeopardy, but at this time it was attacked by an irresistible external force, and it exploded on the spot. The entire dark multiverse composed of endless filth and sin was washed into a vast nothingness on the spot.

It was so clean that it made one's heart palpitate. There was no filth, no sin, and no hope. There was only a dead silence that made people feel hopeless. Everything was completely destroyed by the battle of a group of high-level gods.

On the multiverse side, the situation is slightly better. Some eighth-level gods who did not participate in the battle barely maintained their worlds from being destroyed by the aftermath, and watched the battlefield in horror.

Hundreds of millions of lives are disappearing silently like ants, and countless planets are beginning to shatter. At this moment, no one knows how many people died, and no one cares at all!

Just kill it! No one cares about the lives of the ants! Anyway, they are all multi-life beings, things that can be copied infinitely, no one cares about how many people die!

On this battlefield, even the life of a god is a lowly and incomparably cheap thing, let alone those humble ants who are not even gods? At this moment, no matter how Holy Mother is, he has no time to think about other things, and devotes himself to the battle with the enemy.

The number of eighth-level gods reached three digits, and together with the quasi-ninth-level existence of Annihilation and Barbatos, this unprecedented decisive battle was beyond imagination, and it almost destroyed the extremely prosperous world of Wantianyi of fragmented.

Even the wall of speed force is trembling violently, countless vortexes of speed force are generated, trying to stabilize some universes as if there is life, but they can't maintain it for even a second, then they collapse, and together with the exploding universe, they are destroyed by a higher level of power Rushed to bury.

Indistinctly, the wall of super speed and force made an unknown humming sound, and was subjected to waves of aftermath bombardment.

This endless and terrible power, under the continuous accumulation, after almost cleaning the huge Wantianyi world into a blank, continued to spread in a farther direction, and finally poured all of it into the wall of super speed and power!

Without the constant wear and tear of these forces in the endless universe, in the endless aftermath of annihilation, finally, the outermost edge of Wantianyi world is also the last line of defense, the wall of super speed and force that was once regarded as indestructible, has become to withstand these forces. The last line of defense for the explosive force.

All kinds of completely different high-level power systems are entangled and torn with each other. After being roared and bombarded by their almost crazy masters, they constantly collide and collapse, fight and mix with each other, like a vast tsunami that cannot be perceived at the end. Any reservations blasted against the wall of speed force.

Standing for countless epochs, witnessing the ups and downs of Wan Tianyi's world, the stalwart barrier is passively enduring the combined attack that almost gathers most of the high-end combat power.

These attacks are the power accumulated over the years since the birth of the Wantianyi world until today!

The wall of speed force kept trembling, one after another speed force was defeated, and the whole wall seemed to be facing the cruelest Ling Chi, being constantly cut and weakened by countless high-end forces with almost no end in sight.

Every moment, an indescribably huge amount of speed force was consumed. Gradually, the wall of speed force could no longer grow as strong as before, and even became weaker and weaker.

This has never been the case.

Since Ultimate Flash created it, it has been receiving the charge of countless speedsters every moment, and it has grown stronger all the time. If there is no accident, after a few years, perhaps when the Domain of God enters the fourth generation, the Wall of Speed ​​and Power will be one step closer, possessing the power to easily suppress quasi-level nine existences.

But now, it is an "accident", an unprecedented war that has attracted the attention of the domain of God, just broke out, and caused a serious impact on this wall that cannot be repaired.

Its slow growth momentum was interrupted, and it began to weaken rapidly.

What's even more frightening is that the entire Wantianyi world is almost empty, there are not many speedsters alive, and it can no longer be replenished like in the past.

Worse to come.

Barbatos let out a cruel laugh, stretched out claws exuding terrifying power, and ruthlessly grabbed at Annihilation. In countless confrontations, he ruthlessly tore off half of his body from Annihilation on the spot.

The sharp cold light was revealed, and in the roar of several top gods, it penetrated from one end of Wantianyi world to the other, and blatantly smashed into the crumbling wall of speed and force.

The full-strength attack of the quasi-ninth level is like hundreds of millions of tons of straw, overwhelming the wall of speed and force.



A huge crack appeared on the wall of speed force.

At both ends of the rift, the world of Wantianyi and the realm of God began to contact, and the completely different worlds directly led to a larger-scale explosion, which increased the load on the wall of speed and force.

As the war intensified, more cracks appeared on the wall of speed and force, making this majestic and vast wall a little more difficult and heavy.

The realm of the gods. Countless eyes looked at the world of Wan Tianyi, with unimaginable astonishment.

"Wan Tianyi World is so strong?"

"Even the wall of speed force is broken, hiss~"

"With so many high gods, these two multiverses are more terrifying than I imagined..."

The scale of this terrifying battle, whether it is quality, quantity or frequency, is beyond the imagination of many beings in the realm of gods!

This level of war is already comparable to an all-out war between the two top realms!

No, or stronger!

Even some of the top gods of the ninth-level almighty are paying a little attention to this war, watching indifferently from a long distance.

This civil war that broke out in Wantianyi World completely shook the realm of gods. For the first time, many gods in the realm of gods discovered that there are so many terrible guys hidden in the Wantianyi world that has always been neglected!

"Who will win?"

"I don't know..."

"From the current point of view, Barbatos has a greater chance of winning. If Annihilation can't come up with a way to come back, they will lose sooner or later."

Concealed consciousnesses communicated one after another.

Many gods feel that the war in Wantianyi's world is terrible, but in the eyes of more advanced beings... it is still a child's play, and the whole war process is boring.

If it weren't for the possibility of being related to the birth of Almighty God, they wouldn't be bothered to waste time in Wantianyi World.

at the same time.

As the civil war in the world of Wantianyi became more and more fierce, some ambitious people also started to act.

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