Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 956 My faithful servant...

Barbatos came in menacingly.

The number one overlord of the dark multiverse, brutally tore the cosmic membrane, directly killed the inner world of the multiverse, and confronted the gods here.


The talisman looked at the shattered cosmic membrane, the darkness and sinful energy pouring down like a vast torrent like the sky, suddenly stood up, and a deep chill suddenly appeared on the originally indifferent face.

To say who is most looking forward to the arrival of the war, besides Barbatos, is the talisman.

Killing the other party and merging everything in the two multiverses will likely find a way to go further.

The reason why Annihilation is quasi-level nine is because he is the comprehensive opposite of the other four gods, so he possesses such powerful power.

The ambition of the talisman is to cross the limit of diversity and embrace a higher level through this war.

Compared with Barbatos, who is eager to advance to the omnipotent level, if the rune absorbs the power of two multiverses, the probability of being promoted to the super-universe level is greater, so the rune is crazier than anyone else.

Even if he can't beat Barbatos, he is more active than any god.

The figure of Barbatos covering the sky and the sun slowly emerged. The cosmic membrane that separated the two multiverses of darkness and light, facing the terrifying world dragon, became fragmented in an instant like paper. The new 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest Mobile terminal: https:/

The daemon-like figure of Barbatos crossed the boundary and descended on the multiverse.

At this moment, the entire multiverse is covered by unspeakable endless darkness, and some original rules are invaded and distorted by more filthy forces, rushing towards the corrupt side.

"You guys, get ready to die..."

Barbatos glanced at all the people present, and with just one glance, a huge storm was set off. Countless information and energy roared, and countless worlds trembled.

Annihilation, who was originally silent, slowly took off his hood, stepped out of the shadows, and looked up at Barbatos.

"According to our previous plan, I will block this guy. You hurry up and deal with the Dark Legion. Whether we can win or not depends on the speed of your attacks."

Annihilation looked at the gods present.

Infinity, death, runes, chaos, order, the middleman, Ego, Hal, Gaia, and the ghosts and phantom strangers who just arrived...

These are already all the powerful gods that the multiverse can come up with here.

Of course, there are some lurking guys, but they ignore the call of the five gods at all, and they are full of thoughts on being an ostrich, watching coldly. Anyway, whether Barbatos wins or the rune wins, they will attack the multiverse. Does it make a difference who they help?

Annihilation sighed silently, this is also where the multiverse is far inferior to the dark multiverse.

On the other side of the dark multiverse, Barbatos conquered all the existences, and killed those who refused to accept it, he just unified the power of a multiverse.

Among other things, the eighth-level existence that can be brought out is much more than theirs.

"If that bastard Donnie didn't take away so many multi-dimensional gods, if the universe gods could come out in full force, they wouldn't be so embarrassed..."

Annihilation gritted his teeth secretly.

Let's not talk about the god group, it's fine if the nine gods don't participate, the key is Downey, how many gods have been eliminated directly and indirectly? Not to mention that the three major forces of the multiverse have been wiped out by him,

Two of the four great Chaos Gods were abolished by Downey, a miserable batch.

In addition to those artifacts swept away by Downey... It's simply!

If he loses this battle, that bastard Donny will definitely contribute a lot!

Fortunately, there is an unreasonable infinite existence in the multiverse. As the second strongest of the five creation gods, the only god who can compete with Annihilation 50-50, whether he can defeat the Dark Legion mainly depends on Infinity.

If it goes well, even if the Dark Legion is tied together, they won't be able to win Infinity, and with the help of other gods, the winning rate is very high.

Then there is Barbatos... In the final analysis, we still have to face Barbatos. If we can kill this bat, all losses are victories, and if we cannot kill this bat, all victories are losses.

Barbatos stared at these guys indifferently, and let out a creepy laugh, with deep contempt.

"With you like this, you can't defeat my dark army..."

Barbatos stared at every god with vicious eyes, that is, he paid more attention to Infinity and Phantom, and he ignored everything else.

Even infinity and ghosts are nothing - he doesn't know that infinity can be 50 to 50 with annihilation, this is extremely secret information, only the two gods of annihilation and infinity know. starter

Who would have thought that an eighth-level sole god in the infinite area would be able to tie with the quasi-ninth-level annihilation?

What's more, he didn't know that Ghost was a guy whose fighting power was a mystery, he went up and down, it all depended on his mood.

The ghost said coldly: "You go back now, everything is still too late, once I do it, I can only kill you, the incarnation of sin."

"You just went outside the wall, and you are already so arrogant? When I smash the wall of origin in the future, I look forward to your expression..." Barbatos whispered coldly.

The ghost of God's wrath, Barbatos is most afraid of this guy, he can't kill this thing at all.

The Phantom Stranger glanced at his buddy who had become more determined, and said in a low voice: "Have you really decided? If Barbatos is really tried, the existence of the dark multiverse will be greatly affected, and even... "

"There are some things that someone should do." Ghost said coldly.

The dark multiverse gathers all corrupted, damaged, and distorted universes. The meaning of its existence is to collect evil and deformed worlds. Only a healthy universe can stay in the multiverse.

If the filthy Barbatos can be wiped out with the power of the light of judgment, the entire dark multiverse will be affected.

"My army will destroy all of you! Your innocence will surely bring about permanent demise!"

Barbatos spread his wings, and the tyrannical and cruel thoughts in his heart climbed to the extreme, he decided not to wait.

Now, he is going to call on the dark legion he personally built, a super legion with many eighth-level gods as the backbone, to completely destroy this multiverse!

"Come on, these hypocrites are the target of your hunting, for me, destroy them!!!"

Barbatos let out a roar that resounded through the world of the celestial sphere.

The ferocious and cold body of darkness filled almost the entire sky of the multiverse, wantonly displaying his hatred.

The army began to gather, and the evil warriors gathered at the other end of the cosmic membrane. According to the plan, they would attack the main universe, the center of the multiverse, and then invade other universes with the earth in the main universe as the center, completely destroying this light. world.

"Let's act, my servant, open the door to the multiverse!!"

Barbatos opened his bloody mouth wide, as if he could swallow countless worlds in one gulp, his sinister smile slowly bloomed, his terrifying sharp teeth were revealed, and a strong smell of blood filled the air.

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