Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 955 The main universe always produces freaks!

After a long time, the original transcendent wandering around the earth finally awakened to a higher pursuit—his eyes began to shift from bikini beauties, money and food to power.

Beauty has bored the original transcendent, and even the most exquisite food has made him dull.

Rights became his new pursuit.

"I want to run for President of the United States, believe me, I am the most suitable candidate for you, and I will not let you down!"

The transcendent is full of confidence, showing a mouthful of contagious white teeth to the camera. His appearance and shape, which are the same as Michael Jackson, at least in terms of image, are a few streets ahead of his competitors.

The politicians and big capitalists below, while laughing from time to time, also inevitably revealed deep helplessness in their cryptic exchanges with each other.

Until now, they have nothing to do with the original transcendent.

The most powerful superheroes on earth are as vulnerable as a group of children in front of this mysterious visitor.

The most advanced technology on the earth is like a play house in front of this person.

Originally, it's okay to say, isn't it just women and money, they are very happy to see such a big guy hanging around in various places, and even a little famous nightclubs all over the world have the figure of this original transcendent.

People give the nickname "Little Prince of the Nightclub", referring to the original transcendent.

Not anymore, this guy started to have a great interest in power, causing a group of people in power to collapse.

"What should I do, let this guy come on stage, and then dig a big hole around the United States? This guy will definitely do what he says!"

Some big capitalists made eye contact with each other, and they were so fucking broken.

According to the election game in this capitalist world, no matter who becomes the president, he is essentially a spokesperson selected by a group of big capitalists. Even if the spokesperson becomes disobedient after taking office, it doesn’t matter. dead.

In any case, it is a victory for capital.

But not anymore, the original transcendent has reinterpreted the definition of power, which is something that can rewrite all rules in all fields.

The last time it was that guy named Donny who gave them this sense of powerlessness, they had to listen patiently, otherwise Donny would really turn the tables on them.

Now there's another even more unsolvable transcendent, that's enough.

Just as that Michael was talking about bragging, suddenly, the dignitaries below received a message, and there was a burst of restlessness.

"Two gentlemen, we are in trouble! Whoever can help Wayne Group solve this trouble, we will fully support him!"

A well-dressed guy suddenly raised his hand and stood up, interrupting the process of the two candidates spamming each other, he hurriedly said: "Gotham City has been invaded by a powerful enemy, and the number of casualties has risen sharply, and it has exceeded hundreds Wan! The entire city was almost destroyed by the sudden volcano!"

In an instant, the audience became dead silent, and many people frowned, contacting their respective staff to confirm the situation.

The primordial transcendent was startled, full of energy, and patted his chest to promise: "Don't worry, my voters, as the president, I will solve all your problems! No matter who dares to invade here, they will have to pay the price! "

Everyone looked at him.

The representative of the Wayne Group showed even more hope.

The headquarters of their Wayne Group is in Gotham City! More than 80% of the industry in Gotham City,

They all belong to the Wayne Group, and no one is more anxious than them.

The original transcendent faced countless gazes, and his mentality was bursting. He enjoyed this feeling very much, which was much more comfortable than showing off his wealth.

"It's very simple to solve this disaster. I just need to let go of my consciousness a little bit. Well, a grimace in tatters is wandering around in Gotham City. He is the maker of this disaster. We can easily Solve him, according to what I said, we dig a big hole..." New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer terminal:


Gotham City, Batcave.

The Laughing Bat drove the Hell Armor and easily ravaged Bruce and Alfred. Batman and Butler were tortured to death by him.

"X metal, N metal, amber metal, promethium metal, Dionysus factor..."

While talking wildly, he stuffed all kinds of strange things into Bruce's body.

What he wants to do is to put it bluntly, very simple, is to set the Batman in the main universe as the coordinates, stuff in a lot of metal enough to penetrate the universe membrane, and transform Bruce into a portal in a living form.

A portal to the Legion of Darkness.

Otherwise, the Laughing Bat would have killed Bruce long ago. Don't underestimate any Batman, let alone give Batman any chance to come back.

"The precious metals on the earth are definitely not just vibrating gold and edman alloy, there are many more exotic things... such as this green spring water, understand? Dionysus factor, which was originally rewarded by the Sangong Demon to his followers It's a pity that you don't realize the value of this thing at all... The Court of Owls was destroyed too early, otherwise I wouldn't be able to do this kind of dirty work!"

The Laughing Bat let out a gloomy low laugh, while holding Bruce, who had been maimed again, injecting a lot of colorful things into his body.

This is also impossible. The Court of Owls is also a chess piece that Barbatos put into the multiverse. Unfortunately, the most important main universe has an accident.

A bastard named Downey first destroyed the Court of Owls, and the subsequent invasion of the Three Palaces directly led to the accidental destruction of the Court of Owls.

He had to do it himself, otherwise the Laughing Bat would not have given Bruce the opportunity to build this set of armor, which he used for himself.

The housekeeper Alfred let out a low growl, and exploded with all his strength, but he was still not an opponent of Maniacal Laughter.

"Let him go!" the old housekeeper yelled.

This old man dared to swear that if the Laughing Bat could take off this armor, he would definitely blow him up!

Yes, Alfred has this confidence!

Anyone who knows a little bit about comics knows that Alfred, a character similar to the sweeping monk in oriental martial arts, usually has no sense of existence, and once he explodes, it is enough to shock countless eyeballs.

In terms of IQ, Batman knows the technology he knows, and he knows what Batman doesn't know. He is the most trusted assistant of the Dark Knight.

In terms of emotional intelligence, Batman always makes a mess of things related to emotions. It is Alfred who keeps coming forward and quietly kneading the centripetal force of the Bat family.

In terms of strength, he can beat Bruce, who is known as the pinnacle of mortals, one-on-one. In the comics, when Batman took the risk of injecting himself with the clown virus, his mind almost lost control and he became disrespectful.

At this time, the old butler took off his coat gracefully, and said gently: "I'm going to do it, my young master, you need to calm down."

Then Alfred held down Batman and beat him violently. Batman was beaten black and blue, but he didn't even break out a drop of sweat.

As long as the old butler goes out in person, let alone Batman, there will be no creature in Gotham that he can't defeat!

If Batman is the father of DC, then Alfred is the GM who brought this father up with shit and urine.

This is where the name Steward Alfred comes from.

But after all, he is just a mortal with open arms, facing the sudden super powerful enemy, all preparations are useless.

The Laughing Bat held down the two of them and rubbed them repeatedly.


Laughing wildly kicked Bruce into the air, "Five kinds of metals have been injected into your body, Barbatos' army is about to arrive, and the entire Wan Tianyi world will fall into eternal reality!"

Laughter fell into a state of madness, he shouted: "You guys who are trying hard to hide the darkness in your heart, but you like to pretend to be great, never refuse to face your inner needs, and the great Barbatos, will It will make your world no longer hypocritical!"

Bruce spat out a mouthful of pus and blood, and turned to look at Alfred: "Where's your reinforcements?"

"I think it should be soon, my young master, that guy is always unreliable..."


At this moment, Batman wanted to die.

When he died, Barbatos would have no coordinates and could delay the arrival of the Dark Legion.

At this moment, a strange force suddenly descended.

The laughter of the Laughing Bat stopped abruptly, and he noticed some subtle changes through the Hell Armor.

Well, the ground below is actually trembling, and the microscopic particles are actually moving...

In the next second, the change was completed suddenly, without the slightest process, and it was in place in one step. A deep pit suddenly appeared, and with a bang, the Laughing Bat was pulled down.

Laughing wildly: "??!"

An indescribable terrifying force descended, pressing him all the way down. Amidst the rumbling sound, Mangxiao, who was driving the Hell Armor, inevitably fell down.

Laughing wildly without panicking, he suddenly increased the output of vitality. The entire Hell Armor broke out with all its strength, and the power of the eighth level spread, and the powerful force that was enough to disturb the multiverse poured out, trying to fight against this invisible force.

It stands to reason that this eighth-level power is enough to easily destroy the earth, which is also the purpose of the maniac laughter, but the reality once again gave him a heavy blow.

The Hell Armor exploded at full strength, it was useless, and the terrifying power that destroyed the world seemed to be an illusion of reality. It couldn't even shake the ground, and was crushed to death by the absolute power of a higher standard.

"How can there be such an existence on the main universe earth?!"

The laughing bat's face completely changed, the vitality in his body was rapidly disappearing, his hair gradually turned gray, and a large area of ​​cells in his body began to die. He was gradually becoming old.

The Hell Armor was fully motivated by the maniacal laughter, but it was powerless to resist.

This level of strength is at least at the level of Barbatos... no, stronger than Barbatos! The Laughing Bat knows how powerful this suit of X-metal armor is, even if it is Barbatos, it is impossible for him to have no room to resist!

"Who the hell?"

The Laughing Bat was covered in cold sweat, and immediately gave up resistance, slowing down the flow of his own life, otherwise he would have died of old age.

In an instant, a huge deep pit suddenly appeared without any traces of molecular and atomic changes. The Laughing Bat, together with his battle armor, fell powerlessly into the pit, unable to move due to the powerful force.

At the same time, the huge ring-shaped volcano that overwhelmed the entire Gotham City disappeared out of thin air, and those who died were resurrected on the spot, standing there in a daze.

Somewhere, there is a pair of eyes watching them, modifying all the reality in a blink of an eye.

The original transcendent was very satisfied with this, and immediately showed off his achievements to all the dignitaries.

There is no doubt that the original transcendent won, and he is about to become the president and ascend to the pinnacle of power.

Gotham City, Bruce looked at the scene in front of him in confusion.

"Who did it?" Bruce asked.

"Your Excellency our President for the next few years, young master, he can do more than any of us—provided he has a normal brain." Alfred breathed a sigh of relief, stood up tremblingly, and supported Bruce with difficulty, The two figures barely stood up supporting each other.

At this time, Clark was late.

"Here I come, Bruce!"

The golden Clark has just returned from the fifth dimension in a hurry to deal with the invasion of the dark multiverse and run back to protect his planet.

Even Jin Chao's power, he had the audacity to not return it, but fortunately Jin Chao did not take it back either.

From the current point of view, he came back a bit late...

Bruce glanced at the guy indifferently, and the injuries all over his body began to heal slowly. He stood in front of the big pit, staring at the immobile laughing bat that was crushed below.

A manic laughter came from the pit: "You have won, there are gods of this level on the earth, no one can touch this planet, the master's plan must be revised immediately, I hope there is still time..."

A cryptic message sent straight across the cosmic membrane in an instant, the last thing he could do.

In my heart, I was aggrieved to the extreme.

Who would have thought that there are hanging on the earth? Even the top-level hell armor of level eight is vulnerable, at least a quasi-level nine existence can do it, and it is more likely to be an all-around monster of level nine.

Even the Laughing Bat with a resolute and impeccable mentality could not help but say something in his heart at this moment.

It's not that their Dark Legion didn't work hard enough, it's that the hook here is too strong.

Strong enough to make Laughing Bat lose his temper.

Bruce looked down, and said in a deep voice: "What awaits you is an endless prison life, so do it yourself."

The laughing bat didn't speak. In his mind, he immediately began to calculate a new plan. For example, first try to find out which existence is protecting the earth, and then try to blacken him...

This is the best idea at the moment. If it succeeds, maybe it can do things that even Barbatos can't do... Thinking of this, the Laughing Bat, which has become much older, couldn't help but lick it. lips. starter

Everything is just the beginning, Bruce, a new confrontation is unfolding...

Not taking the opportunity to kill me is your greatest arrogance and mistake!

Clark rushed down, piercing through the Hell Armor that had been suppressed with all its power, a thick arm directly grabbed Laughter, and pulled him out of the armor.

"Repent well in prison."

Clark said.

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