Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 963 1 will surely succeed

When Downey came here last time, it was clear that there was still a lot of X energy, most of which were plundered by Downey.

But now, the X energy in the melting pot of the world is almost exhausted, the ground is full of hideous cracks, and the black ground is solidified, showing withering.

This is the handwriting of Barbatos. For a long time, Barbatos has been using his own power to pollute the world furnace, reducing the X energy of the world furnace until it completely disappears.

The foundation was damaged and eroded by Barbatos' power. After Barbatos defeated Annihilation and occupied the two multiverses, the entire world above ten thousand days was almost within his control.

"It's really sad. I persisted tenaciously, waiting for the day when things will turn around." Donnie stepped on the ground and said in a low voice.

no respond.

The furnace below was dead silent.

Downey sneered and didn't care, no matter what the melting pot of the world thinks of him, today, he will carry out the plan that he has prepared for a long time.

"You are the lowest foundation of the two multiverses, but I don't know if the multiverse will be permanently destroyed if you suddenly disappear..."

Downey smiled softly, bent down, stretched out his hand, and stroked the ground.

Quietly, the melting pot of the world throbbed for a moment, and then fell silent.

Donnie made a move.


After a long distance, the power of the source of fire surged out of Donnie's body, turned on at full power, and crazily poured into the furnace below!


The melting furnace of the world felt the interference of this terrible force on itself, no longer pretending to be dead, and suddenly became agitated, a deafening roar sounded, and the entire melting furnace of the world in the central depression began to tremble.

The dirty, solidified and dead x-energy that had accumulated for countless years was now full of cracks, turning into pieces of debris that fell from the surrounding walls and fell powerlessly to the ground.

Donnie glanced casually, feeling a little regretful.

These dead X energies no longer have the power of the world, are full of sin and filth, and are completely "dead".

It's a pity that these fetishes that could play a greater role were abolished by Barbatos.

"But now, let alone the X energy, the melting pot of the whole world will disappear...Compared to Barbatos, maybe I am the biggest executioner..." Downey stood where he was, and the violent earthquake couldn't do him any harm. Regardless of the influence, his stern expression remained unchanged.

As Downey's will became ruthless, the distant Cybertron star, the black cube in the earth's core, erupted with even more frightening power, and the entire fire source began to crazily... burn!

Once again, Donnie was so crazy that he burned the fire source to gain a short period of powerful power, occupying the entire melting pot of the world in an almost hysterical manner!

This is Downey's best chance. If he succeeds this time, the limit of the eighth level will no longer be an obstacle. Downey will be able to go one step further, surpassing countless gods from ancient times to today, and become a quasi-level nine. super god.

Quasi-level nine, apart from the top few almighty gods, Downey is almost the strongest, qualified to truly participate in major events related to the realm of gods, and as a giant, has the ability to stir up troubles according to his will. huge wave.

I don't know how many gods are stuck at the eighth level and can't move, and they can't find a way to advance after spending countless years.

Downey is also fighting this time. If he succeeds, he will have everything. If he loses, his vitality will be severely damaged. He can only contact Emperor Weishan to help him, and try his best to keep himself and the planet Cybertron.

The melting pot of the whole world is shaking wildly!

That violent floating, radiating to a terrifying magnitude of billions of worlds, is enough to ignore the time and space together, and even the wall of super speed force is shaken.

Many red-eyed gods also noticed this obviously abnormal tremor, as if the entire Wantianyi world was trembling along with it.

But most of them didn't bother to care about this, rightly it was Barbatos and Annihilation who did it, and they were roaring loudly and fighting bloody battles with their respective opponents.

"what happened?"

Infinity wiped out several eighth-level dark gods with a flick of his hands, and with a murmur, ignored a group of guys who showed fear and screamed to stay away from him.

She knows the foundation of Annihilation, and Annihilation is not so boring, shaking the world of Wantianyi with absolute power.

While lowering his head in doubt, his infinite sights crossed layers of cover, and saw the tiny figure standing in the center of the melting pot of the world.

A small, but at the same time, a figure that cannot be ignored at all.

"Donnie... is planning something..." Infinity murmured, but he just turned his head and continued to massacre the Dark Legion.

Infinity, which can compete 50-50 with Annihilation, is simply a bug on the battlefield of the eighth-level gods, cruelly slaughtering a god from the dark multiverse.


Feeling the attention of many eyes, Downey let out a cold snort, madly eroding the melting pot of the world with its own power.

During this process, the most difficult thing was not the melting pot of the world itself, but the power left behind by Barbatos. Although it was just a pile of extremely filthy power, it also caused great trouble to Downey.

Some eighth-level gods have wandered over tentatively, and fought with Optimus Prime and the others.

The melting pot of the whole world is roaring.

"It's useless. Even if you don't follow me, you will be destroyed by Barbatos sooner or later. You might as well become my promotion channel!"

Downey showed a ruthless look. In an instant, his whole body began to swell wildly, and then differentiated into countless energies, information, and will, and even the godhead was directly released. It contained the source of Downey's essential power, and a large amount of it surged from the godhead. Out, roaring into the melting pot of the world.

The source is the essence of a unique god, and each god has a different source.

Directly releasing the godhead, even dismantling the release source of the godhead, is obviously desperate.

The resistance of the melting pot of the world is getting weaker and weaker, or in other words, its struggle and entanglement are getting weaker and weaker.

Originally, Barbatos wanted to pollute it, which had aroused a frenzied resistance in the melting pot of the world, but when Downey came, he simply wanted to own it completely, which was even more extreme than Barbatos to a certain extent.

That vague consciousness, exuding an angry will, was directly ignored by Donnie.

Gradually, Downey's whole body began to melt, and gradually merged into this exhausted melting pot.

In other words, devour.

Swallowing the dying and weakened world melting pot, and building a brand new multiverse on top of it, this is Downey's plan!

The super-cosmic level is a wider world above the multiverse, and as a world melting pot that carries two multiverses, it is undoubtedly of great value. If it can be controlled by Downey and used as the foundation of the new world, Downey You will get the opportunity to spy on the super large class.

Building a world more magnificent and vast than the multiverse and the dark multiverse is what Downey is going to do now, and occupying the melting pot of the world is only the first step!

"The huge threshold, I can already feel it..."

In the haze, Downey's will quickly spread to the melting pot of the whole world, quickly crushing the small defense force of the melting pot. Everything in the past was swallowed up by Downey bit by bit. hands.

The melting pot of the world is slowly dying, replaced by Downey himself.

This is an extremely crazy approach. In the past, no one has ever seized control of the melting pot of the world in this way of abandoning most of themselves.

Likewise, no one has ever really appreciated the value of the melting pot of the world.

Except Downey.

More beings sensed that something was wrong, rushed over quickly, and fought with Optimus Prime and others. The aftermath of the fierce battle finally spread to this depleted and dead area that they had ignored.

But, they came too late, too late.

Downey has completed the assimilation of the melting pot of the world.

Suddenly, the foundation of the entire Wantianyi world was eroded and swallowed by Downey. The two multiverses above the melting pot, at this time, had a strange change.

"What happened?" Some gods suddenly stopped, looking at everything in confusion.

In their perception, although the two major multiverses were beaten, only the main universe survived, and the dark multiverse was completely destroyed, but as long as they want to, they can restart the multiverse in this blank space.

This is the rule for the existence of the world of Wantianyi. No matter how terrible disasters the multiverse encounters, as long as the original universe is not destroyed, everything will start again.

This is the iron law, it is common sense, and it is what it should be.

But now a strange change has taken place, and all the gods have noticed it.

This rule is being modified by an unknown existence.

"Damn it, who is it! How did he do all this!!"

A god roared.

Even the gods such as Annihilation and Barbatos were stunned.

"There is a problem with the world furnace, that lunatic Donnie, he actually activated the world furnace! And he succeeded!!"

Barbatos flapped his wings fiercely and repelled Annihilation with one move. Although he was also stabbed by the ghost, it was a trivial matter.

The focus is on the melting pot of the world.

"According to my understanding, the melting pot of the world just acts as a platform to support the universe." Annihilation looked indifferent.

The positioning of the melting pot of the world is more like soil, and each universe is a grass growing out of the soil.

As long as the soil is there, there will always be new grass.

The ghost glanced down, with complicated emotions, then looked at Barbatos, and said coldly: "It seems that you, a god who can be traced back to the creation of the Origin Wall, don't realize the value of the melting pot of the world."

"No! I realized it a long time ago, otherwise I would spend a lot of time to pollute it for so long?! You all know that when I kill a few of you, the entire Wantianyi world will belong to me, just a melting pot of the world There is no need to care at all!"

Barbatos was extremely irritable.

How can it be like this? !

The old men fought to the death and flattened the two multiverses above the melting pot, you bastard actually went all out and took the opportunity to directly assimilate the melting pot itself?

"He won't succeed..." Barbatos stared at him, "Although I didn't see the scene where the world melting pot was created, this thing is not so easy to deal with..."

Annihilation said unceremoniously: "But he is on his way to success. The rules of Wantianyi world are changing and being modified little by little by invisible hands. The concept of two multiverses is disappearing."

Two, are transforming into a bigger world.

That's why they called Donnie a lunatic.

Abandoning itself to fuse the furnace, failed, nothing - oh, maybe there are still a few clones alive in some corners? But what good is that?

As for success... so what if it succeeds?

"I'm curious, what about this greedy lunatic after integrating the multiverse, is he still himself?"

Barbatos grinned cruelly.

It's a great idea to decompose itself into the melting pot of the world, at least Barbatos has never thought of it that way, but after the success, is Downey still Downey?

Is he the god of Cybertron? Or the melting pot of the world?

I'm afraid it's neither, it becomes a brand new thing!

"His own concept of existence will be dispelled and become something brand new. He is dead." Barbatos sneered.

The huge wings flapped crazily, venting their anger, even more resentful.

The power of the multiverse is beyond his imagination.

Not to mention annihilation, the super-cosmic-level ghost, which is usually ignored, actually has super-cosmic-level strength when it goes crazy!

What surprised him even more was Infinity. Originally, Infinity was the most low-key among the five great gods, while Annihilation was the one to handle it. Eternal avatars spread all over the multiverse.

Infinity is the most low-key and inconspicuous one.

But with such infinity, it actually has the strength comparable to a super class!

"You're lucky this time, trash. Thank you Donnie. Although this idiot's idea is whimsical, he saved your life."

Barbatos raised his chin arrogantly, glanced at Infinity who came indifferently out of the corner of his eye, twitched his cheeks, and said something in a deep voice.

He wants to withdraw.

Facing three quasi-ninth-level existences at the same time, although Barbatos is reckless, he is not stupid.

At this time, Annihilation said coldly: "I'm not interested in whether Downey is dead or not. Compared to him, I want to keep you here forever. You bat has lived for too long, and you should die too." gone."

Multiverse? To be honest, he is more happy than anyone else about the fusion of the two multiverses. The basis for the five gods to maintain their uniqueness is the multiverse.

It was originally just a multiverse.

Now, it is an even bigger and brand new universe.

Annihilation is sure to make its own strength go further, and even Infinity can overcome the limitations of the past, and it is logical to become a super-cosmic level.

It would be best to settle the problem of Barbatos here forever, before this dangerous creature suddenly strikes and destroys it all.

"Do it!" Annihilation roared.

The Specter, Infinity, immediately followed Annihilation and began laying siege to Barbatos.

A new battle started again, this time, it was even more tragic than in the past, the four gods all fought out their brains, just to completely destroy each other.

But this time, Barbatos was suppressed a little bit.

The battle was extremely fierce.

But this has little to do with Downey. In his barely condensed vague consciousness, Downey modified the rules of the multiverse bit by bit according to his own plan.

"It will definitely succeed..."

A low murmur sounded.

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