Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 964 Unknown Sense of Violation

This battle, which attracted the attention of the entire world inside the wall, ended somewhat anticlimactic.

Most of the entire Dark Legion died in battle, and most of them were killed by Infinity.

And Barbatos, the supreme god of the dark multiverse, fled in embarrassment under the siege of annihilation, infinity, and ghosts, and he didn't know where to hide.

Two multiverses are dead, and a whole new multiverse is being born.

Taking advantage of the breakage of the wall of super speed and power, many guys who crossed over from the realm of gods to take advantage of it were also brutally cleaned by Annihilation and others. There came a brief peace.

The so-called "peace" in which everything else is destroyed except the main universe.

Many ancient existences are paying attention, and they have gradually received the news that the new god has done another crazy thing, directly decomposing his own godhead, and blending into the melting pot of the world.

What a madman.

"He won't succeed. No one has ever done this kind of thing that directly shattered his godhead, and why would he want to gather again?"

"No one has ever mastered the furnace of the world, he will only die forever, and combine with the furnace to form something new..."

A series of cold eyes were observing the multiverse. They were waiting for Downey's movement to see whether he succeeded or failed.

Some guys wanted to take this opportunity to find trouble with Cybertron, but they were surprised to find that Cybertron had disappeared and moved to a corner of the God's Domain, so they could only give up angrily.

The old world is being destroyed, and a new world is being conceived, and everyone is waiting.

In the world of Wantianyi, many gods gathered, looking down at the foundation of the world, each with uncertain expressions.

"I think he will succeed." Death said slowly after being silent for a while.

Everyone looked at him, and the talisman even gave a sip: "You think highly of him, he is a brainless idiot, a complete gambler."

"Even a gambler is a monster who has gambled all the way from a lowly mortal. If it were you, would you be able to do it?"

"Of course I can! And I can do better than him! Just right,

When he builds a brand new multiverse this time, I will destroy it myself, maybe it will make me go further. "The rune sneered.

Others ignored him, this kind of thing can't be assumed.

"It's not so easy to achieve the super-cosmic level. It's not realistic to think about it by creating a new multiverse..." Shaking her head infinitely, if it was really that simple, she would have already reached the super-cosmic level.

The two multiverses started this war. In the final analysis, they want to find an opportunity to advance to the next level. No one is sure that it will succeed—except that the god of destruction is very confident, and the god of destruction only needs to destroy everything. The simplest , and the most difficult.

"Wait, a new rule has been born, see what he wants to do, the new multiverse will tell us what he wants."

Annihilation turned his head indifferently, "Where did Order and the three go?"

"Chaos is your avatar, you don't even know it, why are you still asking us?" Death snapped back angrily.

Annihilation didn't speak, and looked around the slowly changing empty world in silence. While meditating, his figure flickered, and he was about to leave.

"Wait, what should we do over there in the main universe? I always feel that the guy guarding there is too scary. Even the life court has never given me such a suffocating feeling." Infinite called him.

"Wait, he can do whatever he wants, we don't care about him, and there is no need to pay attention to him."

After speaking, Annihilation disappeared immediately.

The other gods looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and dispersed.

That ghostly place in the main universe is so weird. Killing this unknown existence is as easy as crushing an ant.

Egg approached the main universe in the melee, and was easily wiped out by that unknown existence without even splashing a splash.

"I still need to find my ultimate eraser first...Damn Star Devourer, I won't worry even if I die!" The talisman gritted his teeth, plunged into the dark and blank world, and began a carpet-like search for the ultimate eraser. remover.

Without finding this thing, the talisman really feels insecure.


With the passage of time, the wall of speed force is recovering its own trauma little by little, but the progress is extremely touching. Without countless speedsters to recharge it, there will not be enough speed force, and the wall of speed force will fully recover Just indefinitely.

It is more impatient than anyone else, waiting for the birth of a new multiverse.

It also has more opponents than ordinary people imagine. It is extremely difficult for the Wall of Speed ​​and Power to face these guys with a damaged self, and even trickier guys seize the opportunity to act again, which is great for the Wall of Speed ​​and Power. A sense of crisis, the result of its complex calculation logic is that it will suffer this time.

Much worse than last time.

But all of this cannot affect the progress of the new multiverse. The basic rules were modified a little by Downey, and the two multiverses began to merge. There is no longer a division between healthy and corrupt, and there is no longer a distinction between light and darkness.

Everything is starting again, each universe is running according to brand new rules, under the control of Downey who is in charge of the world melting pot, they are re-extracted from the traces of the past and placed in their proper positions.



New York City.

People come and go, and there is a lot of traffic.

In this huge city, countless citizens are in a hurry every day, especially in the morning rush hour, when endless vehicles block the streets, and countless pedestrians start their day's work.

Stark Tower.

Tony Stark opened his eyes, as usual, woke up from his luxurious big bed, Jarvis faithfully opened the curtains, the dazzling sunlight shone directly on his face, just for a moment, He's already adjusted, getting up refreshed, checking to make sure he's in top shape.

"I always feel that something is not right..."

Tony shook his head and scratched the back of his neck instinctively, which was his habitual action.

There was a small whistling sound.

"Hey, would you like something to drink?"

Pepper got up earlier because she was responsible for the daily operations of the entire Stark Group and was still preparing breakfast for Stark.

The woman was holding a glass of a strange, cloudy drink that smelled rather heavy, but for some reason Tony felt comfortable smelling it.

"Your new drink?" Tony took it and took a sip.

"Of course, I thought about it for a full minute this morning and devised 17,241,170 solutions before I decided to adjust this drink." Pepper wiped it gently Tony's mouth, "So, my genius, how does it taste?"

"It tastes very fragrant. After drinking it, my body feels very happy, and my performance has improved by 0.17 percentage points."

Tony replied naturally, but his expression flickered slightly, and he became more and more puzzled.

I don't know what happened today, I always feel that something is wrong...

Pepper was still wiping Tony's mouth carefully, over and over again, but he had already wiped it clean.

"Pepper, I'm fine. There's no need to be so serious. Such a little drink won't leave any traces on my body. As a public figure, I pay great attention to my personal image."

Tony stopped with a smile.

Pepper gave him a white look: "I don't want to wait for a while after the meeting is over, and the media will reveal that your mouth is stained with traces of 341 kinds of drinks, so they will have no shortage of subjects."

Tony snorted, "You think my Parker is a slob?"

After a while of tenderness, Pepper left.

Tony's expression immediately became serious. A certain thread in his head was always sending out strange signals to him. Tony, who had always believed in his intuition, felt a little uneasy.

and violations.

Something always feels wrong...

He searched his memory over and over again, and answered some logical questions he set for himself one by one, making sure that no one had modified his memory, let alone the slightest sign of mind modification.

"Jarvis, is everything normal today?"

"No, sir, compared with yesterday's you, today's you look more radiant. It seems that the new body lotion that Ms. Pepper designed for you is better than expected. After one night, there is still Such a powerful effect."

Jarvis came up to flatter, and it didn't want to, but Tony designed it that way.

As expected, Tony nodded with satisfaction, stood in front of the mirror, and carefully arranged his body surface.

Looking at myself in the mirror, the 1.8-meter body, the body that has been maintained and upgraded all the year round, every smallest part is just right, as if it has been tempered thousands of times, the dazzling metallic luster exudes the charm of a mature man. Women are lethal.

"Sir, I strongly recommend that you wear dark clothes, which can slightly cover up your excellence and show the world your more amazing inner self." Jarvis said.

"Very good, Jarvis, you went with me, and prepared me a suit number three, no, a suit number four, I'm tired of wearing the nano material of number three."

Tony faced the mirror and ordered.

Immediately, the closet next to it was opened, revealing a set of extremely expensive metal clothing in different colors.

In the wardrobe specially used for participating in the meeting, the dark black suit flew out immediately, turned into dozens of parts, and stuck to Tony's body one by one.

In a few seconds, tinkling sounds sounded one after another, indicating that Tony had finished changing clothes.

What was reflected in the mirror was a tall and straight metal man.

The edges and corners of every turning appear hard yet soft, so that when he walks in the crowd, his powerful body will not cut others.

The hair that has been tempered in a furnace has been meticulously combed, and brand new steel oil and iron lotion are applied, exuding an intoxicating fragrance, which is a must for men.

Putting on this outfit, even the world's top fashion design masters will inevitably let out an exclamation, it is perfect, every detail has been made to the extreme, even if those media have electronic eyes that are more powerful than a microscope, don't even think about it. Find the slightest negativity in his clothing.

He, Tony Stark, is so flamboyant.

Going out and driving, a black commercial vehicle composed of countless parts is ready. The cost of this car alone is extremely terrifying, comparable to all the technology and precious rare metal reserves of some backward small countries.

Tony drove his car into the meeting place with his own hands, and started business negotiations with the world's top businessmen.

According to Tony's thinking, he is of course the center of the audience, attracting everyone's attention.

As hell, he arrived at about the same time as the other guy, and the two met on the red carpet outside the conference.

Bruce Wayne.

A transvestite who likes to fly around Gotham City in the middle of the night wearing an ugly bat suit.

The eyeballs of all the media people on the scene lit up, one by one desperately mobilizing most of the energy on their bodies to concentrate on the eyes, staring at the two people, even the cellular robots on the two people were not spared, all recorded in the central processing device, and then transmitted to the rear headquarters.

When it comes to talking about topics, they are all professional.

"The clothes are nice."

It was rare for Bruce to come to the meeting without a beautiful woman by his side. When he saw Tony, he praised him blankly.

Tony raised his eyebrows and pointed to the gray coat on the other side: "It's terrible aesthetics. The most important thing is that you are obviously out of touch with the forefront of the clothing industry. If it were me, the first thing I would do would be to fire your assistant." , this kind of clothing made of Dionysus factor mixed with vibrating gold will become extremely fragile when facing absolute zero, and I have already eliminated him."

Almost instantly, Tony analyzed every millimeter of Bruce's display, and a large amount of data flashed through his eyes.

Heh, stupid bat, as expected, bat temptation is more suitable for you...

Bruce ignored him and went straight into the conference room.

The media on both sides of the red carpet was as excited as fuel, and someone shouted with a microphone: "Mr. Wayne, why didn't you respond to Mr. Stark's taunt? It means that this meeting, you will launch Do you want to make concessions on the world's energy issues?"

Bruce didn't respond, and walked into the conference hall.

Tony frowned, closed his hearing organs directly, filtered out the media's nonsense, and stared at Bruce's back.

There was something wrong with that look just now, um, from the perspective of probability, psychology, and body composition, he clearly wanted to express some key signal to me, a dangerous signal that cannot be said...

With a smile on Tony's face again, with a sudden heartbeat, he also walked into the meeting room without haste, pushed open the door, and then turned on the hearing system again.

Although I still don't know what happened, but something strange happened.

Tony racked his brains but couldn't figure out what he missed. The complex audit system and logic system told him everything was normal.

In the conflict between reason and intuition, Tony fell into hesitation.

Perhaps, this pesky metal bat has spotted something amiss, too.

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