Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 967: Hell Brawl

An army from the nascent multiverse descends, many of whom have some godly consciousness watching.

"Death! No one can save you!"

In the melting pot of the world, Senhan's voice slowly sounded, resounding throughout the multiverse, the countless beings in the entire world, their souls, no, it should be said that they were in the fire, a tall phantom emerged, with a higher level The perspective is observing them.

They can also see this phantom, seen in Tinder.

The supreme will is born with nobility and respect, and has absolute control over every fire.

"Who is this person?"

Many beings are dumbfounded, with blank faces.

The eyes of the Supreme were watching them, almost suffocating them.

But soon, the gaze disappeared.

On the melting pot of the world, the guys who gathered around were even more directly impacted, and their fierce eyes fell on their fire, with undisguised disgust.

At this moment, every individual who was disgusted had a weird illusion, as if they were being rejected by the whole world. Disgusting reptile.

Fear and regret set in.

"This is not the will of the nascent multiverse, this is Downey's will."

Annihilation watched this scene, and said something lightly.

They are the five great gods of the multiverse. In terms of understanding of the multiverse, no one can surpass them, not even Downey.

Downey just restarted and transformed the multiverse himself, using himself as the soil for the new multiverse.


An ear-splitting roar sounded, and under the cold and indifferent gaze, these swarms, as well as the guys on the way, their fire was pinched by an invisible hand at the same time, and then slowly tightened.

"Damn it, I didn't mean to attack you!"

"You devil, villain! Deceiver!"

"You're worse than the worst super-criminals!"

Countless noisy voices sounded, and the signs of extinction emerged. They finally knew their fear, and either justified, begged for mercy, or simply insulted them, and began to frantically attack the melting pot of the world.

It's a pity that it's useless. Those who do it in a crazy way can't even break through the outer barrier of the melting pot of the world.


There was a soft sound that only existed in the soul world. In the darkness, one after another, the fires that symbolized life were being extinguished. The originally bright world immediately became dim.

Every fire that is forcibly extinguished is the permanent death of a mechanical life.

Their Creator God personally obliterated them.

Cursing, begging, and silence are all useless.

In an instant, countless creatures died, and their souls were directly crushed by Downey, obliterating all of them from any trajectory in time and space. Now, even if the five great gods make a move, unless they kill Downey first, they will also die. Powerless to revive these people.

And this is just the beginning.

The terrifying power spread out from the melting pot of the world little by little, and finally radiated to the entire multiverse. The universes collapsed rapidly under this power, and countless lives wailed mournfully.

No high-level god stood up to stop them, they just watched indifferently, watching the universe collapse one by one.

A lot of universes die, and they will be destroyed when they are destroyed. It is not worth their time to worry about it.

They are more concerned about Downey's status.

Some smart guys have figured it out.

"This guy has tied up ninety-nine percent of the lives of the super-large multiverse. What a great idea." Death said in a faint tone.

"can you do it?"

"Yes, but it also depends on the rules of death to connect countless low-level lives. And he directly plugged each new life with fire. This is a more direct relationship between the core god and the subsidiary creatures."

Death answered.

It's amazing, Downey maintains himself in this way, and every living guy is providing Downey with nutrition for survival.

"Sooner or later, I will destroy all of this!" Suddenly, a low growl came from the busy rune somewhere.

Everyone was too lazy to talk to him.

Damn you, even if this multiverse is destroyed, as long as the melting pot of the world is not extinguished, nothing will be affected, and there will still be a steady stream of Transformers universes born.

As for directly attacking the melting pot of the world... Leaving aside the fact that there are ten eighth-level gods with a large number of divine weapons staring at them, what if they break through the barrier and come into contact with the melting pot of the world? smashed? Or simply follow Downey's example and blend in?

Tired of living?

Downey has the Fire Seed Source, which is comparable to the life equation to some extent. All new life must follow the rules of the Fire Seed Source. Do you have this kind of artifact?

Each of the gods has different expressions.

For a while, the pair fell into silence, and no one came to trouble the melting pot of the world, and those prying eyes finally dissipated.

I just don't know how long the silence will last this time, whether Downey himself can't help it, or some arrogant idiots can't help it.

For example, runes.

"Where is my ultimate eraser?"

The talisman kept muttering, his face full of doubts, and he looked around suspiciously.


The main universe, Earth.

Once again, the members of the Illuminati gathered and besieged a round table.

As a figure exuding a dim golden light walked in, the whole meeting officially started.

"Don't talk, let me guess—your plan failed. Donnie killed everyone. Maybe it's an exaggeration to say that even the universe they were in was destroyed? With a bang, it became a big firework."

Without raising his head, Tony fiddled with the virtual screen with his head down.

Clark pursed his lips and fell silent for a while.

"This is his character. He will never show cowardice and retreat to any enemy when he has enough strength." Batman said hoarsely, "You should have expected this kind of result a long time ago. The starting point is good, but the goal is achieved. way is wrong.”

Clark said in a low voice: "I never thought those guys would be so impulsive... Fortunately, most of them are acting in a low-key manner, patiently probing the mystery of Downey's creation."

Stephen's whole face was cold, and the red robe behind him fluttered spontaneously. Hearing this, he immediately said coldly: "I remember reminding you a long time ago, don't impose your idea of ​​being a superhero on him, he won't Pay attention to what you said, in his eyes there are only two kinds of people, those who have influence on him, and those who have no influence on him, what you are doing is playing with fire! You have indirectly killed many people!"

If there is anyone in the main universe who understands and even inherits Downey's philosophy the most thoroughly, that is the current supreme mage, Stephen Strange.

He didn't recognize Ancient One, and when he ran to Karma Taj for help, Downey had already taken over the responsibility of Ancient One, shouldering the heavy responsibility of protecting the earth.

Many of the things he learned were taught to him by Downey.

A supreme mage who doesn't kill people is definitely a disaster for the entire earth. Stephen is very aware of this, so he has been killing, killing alien creatures, and killing troublesome earthlings for decades.

He killed more creatures alone than the entire Zhenglian and Avengers combined.

This is the story of a cruel guardian of the earth.

"Give up, Bruce, we are not gods. We are lucky to manage our planet well. As for protecting the entire multiverse...that is the responsibility of gods. As long as the gods do not fall, it is not our turn." Tony shook Shaking his head, he stretched.

As I get older, my waist gets worse.

Clark was silent for a while, then took a deep breath, sighed: "I see, in fact, my intention is not to target Downey, I just don't understand what he wants to do... Create a new Transformers multiverse , What good is it for him? It’s nothing at all, mechanical creatures are mechanical creatures, and what I’m most worried about is how he will treat this new multiverse.”

For example... Sacrifice? Or by building first and then completely destroying it, to what end?

This is what worries him the most.

The main universe is watched by transcendents, and Downey's power cannot extend in, but the other universes are all Downey's playthings.

Now, Clark felt extremely painful. Many people died. Although this was not his intention, he did not encourage them to form an army to fight against Downey...

Batman spoke at the right time: "That's the end of this proposal, we're now talking about the second proposal, about troublemakers..."

The Illuminati immediately put Downey's matter behind them and talked about things closely related to the earth.

Clark left first.

Outside, the golden superman is waiting for him.

"Have you been hit?" The golden superman asked lightly.

Clark shook his head silently.

Jin Chao patted Clark on the shoulder: "What you want to do has been done. If possible, I will take back my strength."

Clark in the main universe is essentially just a level seven, and he can travel freely among many universes with the help of Jin Chao's power.

Now, Jin Chao intends to take back this power. The Superman of the main universe is the only Superman who has been using his power. The other members of the Superman Alliance have already returned the power to him.

With the flow of a dim golden light, Clark returned to what it should be, and all those golden lights poured into the golden superman's body.

Before he knew it, the luster on Jin Chao's body became even more dazzling.

"If you need anything, you can contact me."

After leaving this sentence, Jin Chao planned to leave here.

Clark opened his mouth, but he still didn't ask. He wanted to know if Jin Chao was planning something...


The situation in the world of Wantianyi fell into silence again, as if a bigger incident was brewing.

As soon as the many beings in the realm of gods took their eyes back from the world of Wantianyi, they were immediately shocked by the chaos that broke out in a certain top-level realm.

Hell, messed up.

This is news that shocked even the gods, because hell is synonymous with chaos.

Any life can enter hell, and any existence is allowed to enter hell. As long as you are not afraid of death, as long as you dare to risk your life and think you are powerful, hell welcomes such evil spirits at any time.

Because in hell, the most indispensable thing is those who are not afraid of death, and the most indispensable thing is the strong.

Even if hell is connected with countless universes, even if there are countless demons crazily throwing their own consciousness, desperately fooling mortals into taking the bait, and exposing the coordinates of each universe to hell.

Even if there are countless worlds and countless universes, they can easily enter hell.

Ninety-nine percent of them died, died in hell, and couldn't even escape their souls. They stayed in hell forever, either caught and eaten by high-level demons, or burned by the fire of hell.

Too small to underestimate hell.

"What happened in that chaotic place?!"

A god who wanted to go to hell was blasted out by the terrifying aftermath as soon as he stepped into hell. Just the most insignificant energy remaining, almost blasted him into scum.

He tried to enter hell from multiple directions, but all of them were more or less attacked by the aftermath of energy, which almost completely shattered his godhead.

This god is about to collapse.

Although hell is dangerous, except for the time when the endless family fought for the control of hell, it has never been as outrageous as it is now!

If you can't even get through the gate, what kind of chaos should the whole hell be like?

Just when he was in a daze, a more terrifying ray blasted out of the realm of hell, completely annihilating him, the unlucky guy, with an extremely humble death.

The whole hell is indeed in chaos, the chaos has reached the extreme, a group of big demons fought and fought crazily, and all kinds of strange races participated in it in a daze.

That's fine.

There is also a group of outsiders, to be precise, creatures who have not moved into hell for a long time, and they are also fighting in a daze: a large group of Doomsday are fighting each other crazily.

The whole hell seems to have become a battlefield overnight, all kinds of people with hatred and those without hatred are fighting - don't ask why the people without hatred are also fighting.

Because hell is like this, there is no reason, you don't like each other, just roll up your sleeves, hell is like this.

Most of them didn't understand what happened at all, so they hurriedly participated in this chaos, and when they saw a living person, they drew their swords and chopped them down.

It wasn't until the chaos of the entire hell was gradually transmitted that many beings noticed in astonishment that the reason for the mutual fight was gradually understood.

A man who claimed to be Constantine, followed a strange hexagram, and plunged into hell. This first attracted the attention of the two old kings of hell, and then Lucifer, who was far away in the underworld, even threatened Go to hell and kill this scum in person.

You must know that the name of the Hell Detective of the main universe is powerful in the entire hell. This is a guy who can turn a big boss around with a low-end life body.

"According to the guidance of the hexagram, I am here to save you."

Constantine's original words spread throughout hell, laughing out the teeth of countless beings.

Especially those who were tricked by Zha Kang.

Damn it, if I believe your nonsense again, I will immediately stand on the spot and have diarrhea!

It's fine if you can't rule you in the main universe, it's too difficult to cross the wall of speed and force, and the guardian force on the earth is not weak.

But now! This guy actually went to hell! ! !

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