Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 968 I Can Tell Fortunes, If They Don't Believe Me, They Beat Me

Constantine actually came to hell, looking for death! !

At first, this big news caused a sensation in the entire hell world. Even Lucifer, the ninth-level existence in the underworld, was alarmed and threatened to come to hell to kill him.

It is said that there is also movement in heaven, and there are quite a few higher creatures such as angels and unicorns who have been tricked by Zha Kang.

All beings want to kill Constantine.

As for Constantine's nonsense, no one takes it seriously. Everyone knows that Constantine is very good at predicting the future. Not only does he have a superficial prophecy magic, but he also has a powerful skill: divination. This guy likes to use the "Book of Changes" he got from China to do fortune telling.

But is this useful?

Konstantin dares to tell you a fortune, do you dare to believe it?

Those who believed in the letter probably lost their underwear and hid in the garbage dump shivering.

When Zha Kang came, the happiest ones were the remaining two of the three kings of hell.

The three kings were the undisputed rulers of hell before the advent of the endless family era. The head of the three giants was originally Lucifer, but he was expelled from hell like a bereaved dog. Only two of the three giants remained: Beelzebub and Azazel.

But in that era, the three giants of hell were indeed the undisputed rulers. Even now, Lucifer has gone to the underworld, and Beelzebub and Azazel can only tremble in the shadow of the endless family, but the three After all, the giants are the Big Three, and no one can deny it.

Countless beings, past and present, fear them.

Until Zha Kang appeared.

He invited Lucifer to drink the holy water, and put Lucifer into the holy water pool to take a bath.

He signed a soul contract with Beelzebub, claiming that he was willing to contribute his soul, and then sold this information to Lucifer backhandedly.

He bragged to Azazel, saying that he could teach angels a lesson, and in fact he did so. Gabriel was played by him as a monkey, and Constantine turned around and settled the account on hell, forcing Heaven almost fought with the Big Three of Hell.

Originally, according to the agreement between the three kings and Constantine, Zha Kang's chaotic but orderly, cunning and sincere soul should belong to one of them, but Zha Kang played with them, causing the three kings to Looting Zha Kang's soul and making a fuss first.

They know very well that this kind of precious soul cannot be found in the entire multiverse. Whoever can get Zha Kang's soul can instantly create a powerful subordinate. .

In the end, the three kings refused to give in to each other, and they simply worked together to make Zha Kang immortal, endowing Constantine with almost eternal life, so as to give them the opportunity to capture Zha Kang's soul.


Constantine, a bastard who received a thousand knives, actually got into hell by himself because of a bullshit prophecy!


It's an orgy from hell.

But everyone always thought that this was the beginning of a great chaos.

The two giants were dispatched, causing a sensation in hell, and directly brought out a group of fearless guys to surround and trouble Constantine.

At the same time, some ambitious guys also took advantage of the trend.

Master Sangong, who is known as the strongest demon, led his demon army to attack boldly, and led his demon daughter, who was said to be frighteningly talented, to the Crimson Hell. , stabbed Settorak severely.

The two guys, who both claimed to be the number one demon, pinched their eyes with red eyes.

Well, it’s true in a sense, a DC’s first demon, and a Marvel’s first demon.

The two big demons are both running their own forces in hell, speaking viciously at each other. In the past, Sangong had to be patient, he was not absolutely sure to kill Setorak, but now it is different, his precious daughter is back!

Under the training of Sangong, even at the expense of his own heart of darkness to promote growth, Raven's strength leaped wildly, and the title of Queen of Hell has gradually spread.

Sannomiya made up his mind,

While the two domineering giants were attracted by the ant-like Constantine, and when no one in hell was paying attention to him, they attacked Setorak brazenly.

"Setorak, your time of death has come! I will eat everything from you and become stronger! Children, come on, kill them!!"

When Sangong's roar spread throughout the small half of hell, many existences were surprised to find that the two most powerful demons had already started fighting, and the fight was in full swing.

Sangong not only sent his favorite only daughter, Raven, but also sent his three foolish sons who failed to live up to expectations.

Sangong intends to join hands with Raven to besiege Settorak, kill this object he dislikes as soon as possible, and then eat it to become stronger rapidly.

A burly figure stood in front of the raven. This was a strong and ugly guy with an ugly helmet on his head, showing his face.

"Human?" Raven raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's a mutant, my name is Red Tank."

"Why did the mutants come to hell, or are they Settorak's subordinates?"

"I was born to inherit the power of Lord Setorak, so I must serve Lord Setorak."

Then the two began to fight. The big man who claimed to be a red tank actually hindered the raven for a moment, but was quickly defeated by a demonic magic thrown by the raven.

"Red Tank..." After obliterating Red Tank, Raven vaguely remembered that she had heard this name when she was on the main universe Earth, and it seemed to be the backbone of the Brotherhood...

I just don't know how it was brought to hell by Setorak.

But it doesn't matter anymore. After so many years, everything is meaningless. Now it is an enemy, and the enemy should be killed.

Raven slowly put on a mask, with pure demon power and terrifying magic power surging from her body at the same time, all enemies standing in front of her were easily killed.

The current raven is really too powerful, and ordinary multiverse existences are not the opponent of the raven.

Sangong and Raven teamed up to start the siege of Setorak. This was a big battle, a quasi-level nine battle.

The winner gets everything, and the loser perishes completely.

Hell became more chaotic, and a tragic war broke out, but who knows that this is still not the most lively time.

The most tingling thing was that a guy with a green face broke in at this moment.

Doomsday King Kong, the legendary perfect weapon that followed the new gods, was comparable to the ancient Doomsday, and since then the realm of gods sent Hollenmeyer to the wall of origin, and it was a mess.

This guy took a Doomsday named Gao Tianzun and ran to hell to find his younger brother.

"Doomsday, it's all mine! Resist and die!"

The quasi-level nine Doomsday King Kong roared unscrupulously towards the entire hell, and every living person heard this roar full of endless tyranny.

If other newcomers dared to be so arrogant, they would have been killed long ago, but everyone saw that it was Doomsday King Kong, and kept silent tacitly, turning their heads as if they didn't see it.

Whoever falls in love with whomever, a fool will compete with the perfect model of Doomsday, that is asking for trouble.

Doomsday King Kong was rampaging in hell like a wild bull. Some of them who were driven crazy did attack Doomsday King Kong, but there was no way for them to die.

The only exception is the large number of Doomsdays. They were found one by one by Doomsday King Kong, and without saying a word, Doomsday King Kong punched them and beat them half to death on the spot before asking them if they would surrender.

Many Doomsday knelt down on the spot. They didn't have to beat them, but they were willing to follow Doomsday King Kong.

Creatures like the Doomsday are also very rejected in hell. Although they are much better than when they were in the realm of gods, they are not very good.

Until Doomsday King Kong comes in and gathers them all.

"I want to build a country, a country with only Doomsday!" King Kong of Doomsday said to the only hundreds of thousands of Doomsday he recruited.

The new kingdom is built on countless corpses, among which the corpses in hell are particularly dense, but no one cares about those, not even the natives in hell.

Anyway, this is an unbelievably chaotic place, thanks to Lucifer back then, that bastard Lucifer encouraged the hell creatures to kill themselves, and sometimes ended up personally, successfully leading hell to the most chaotic time in history.

Even after entering the era of endless family rule, hell has continued this "custom", and the chaos has reached the extreme.

Anyway, hell is in complete chaos, and there are wars everywhere.

In this regard, the two giants said that they don't care at all, they only care about Constantine in their hands.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?!"

Beelzebub was overjoyed and roared anxiously, impatient to kill this scumbag so that he could harvest his soul—to torture him for 100 million years first, and then talk about other things.

Zha Kang was held upside down on Beelzebub's fingers, dangling back and forth, hearing the words, tried to calm down and said: "If I were you, I would definitely listen to the reason why someone sent you to the door, and then decide whether to kill or not. "

"Fart! I am the king, who am I afraid of? I will take your soul away!!!" Beelzebub roared and shattered Constantine's eardrum on the spot. Two streams of blood rolled out of the ear hole. Drips down the cheeks and from the hair.

Azazel stopped him, and said coldly: "This scum is mine, you don't want to take it away alone."

Beelzebub stared wide-eyed, not daring to say anything: "You are still arguing with me at this moment? Have you forgotten the lesson of our three kings' majesty and majesty last time?!"

Azazel twitched his face severely, took a deep look at his old opponent and comrade-in-arms, and said meaningfully: "You are so smart, why don't you give up Zha Kang to Lao Tzu, so as to preserve our prestige? "

Beelzebub cursed and stared at Constantine.

"How about, let's split five and five?" Beelzebub stroked his chin, malice appearing on his ugly and terrifying face.

"I said, you two really don't want to hear why I came to hell? Do you think I will take the initiative to die? It's not for you! You are going to die soon!"

Constantine was not afraid at all, even though he was flustered in his heart, he still kept calm and wise on his face.

"Hehehe, I clearly smell fear from your soul..."

"It still smells like lies!"

The two kings sneered and said.

Beelzebub slightly increased the strength of his fingers and directly crushed one of Constantine's ankles. The pain made Constantine sweat on his forehead and his face was a little distorted.

"Is it painful? The things you imposed on us back then were infinitely more painful than this." Beelzebub laughed cruelly.

Azazel said coldly: "Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming to hell? After you finish speaking, I can decide whether to deep fry you or swallow you alive!"

"Hey, he's mine, I won't give it to you!"

"Shut up, that's not the point!!! Are you stupid?!"

The two kings began to quarrel again.

"To be honest, if I hadn't had a choice, I wouldn't have looked for you. I originally wanted to find out about the situation from the Endless family... and only they know what happened."

Constantine covered his face and sighed.

"Those guys from the Endless family are very arrogant, they won't pay attention to you, tell me quickly, why are you here to die!" Beelzebub roared.

"A monster has been born in hell. For you, it is your natural enemy! You will all die!"

Constantine yelled.

He is not the Holy Mother, and he will not take risks for the lives of the two hell kings. He hopes that these two guys, together with the number one enemy Lucifer, will die together.

It's a pity that this matter also has something to do with the earth, and Constantine had to go to hell at this juncture.

To be honest, if Constantine hadn't signed soul contracts with three kings at the same time, he really wouldn't dare to take the risk, after all, any guy could easily kill him.

It's true that Hell Detective is very familiar with hell, but it doesn't mean he likes hell foolishly.

"I want to see the endless family!" Constantine shouted, "It's better to let that death come to see me, she is a big beauty..."

The two kings looked at him suspiciously and pondered for a moment. Beelzebub let go of Constantine and fell to the ground. Constantine's head was bloodied.

"Tell me, what do you know?" Azazel suddenly lowered his head, a gust of wind was set off, and the magma under the rock immediately began to riot, making scorching rolling sounds.

"Darkness! Indescribable darkness enveloped the entire hell, everything is in darkness!" Constantine said, while applying a healing magic to himself.

The two kings looked at each other and saw the sneer in each other's eyes.

"Finish, go die, I will split your soul in half." Beelzebub laughed, very happy.

"You don't believe me?"

"Whether we believe it or not, there is no necessary connection with harvesting your soul. The result is the same." Azazel said coldly, stabbing Constantine with his long and pointed nails, and at the same time turned his head to Beelzebub who was staring nervously. Said, "Konstantin, we have divided the two, and the distribution is fair, but don't forget, don't tell that fool Lucifer, or he will come to share."

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