Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 874 Franklin

At this time in the world of Cybertron, the supreme god Downey is watching a peak duel in the Karon Arena with boredom.

Megatron and Duzun, two guys who like to build muscles, are constantly colliding with each other, people are turned upside down, the earth trembles, causing millions of people in the audience to cheer wildly, and there are tens of millions of people gathered outside, through electronic equipment There are countless people watching the battle.

Megatron and Sovereign's way of fighting is extremely eye-catching. The two move quickly without the slightest sloppiness. Every attack is honed and baptized by actual combat, and its moves are deadly.

However, both of them are rough-skinned and thick-skinned guys, and the battle was extremely fierce for a while, driving countless audiences to the point of going crazy.

As one of the most famous buildings in the world of Cybertron, the Karon Colosseum covers an area larger than that of the Eurasian Continent—it is enough for ordinary fighters, but it is enough for two seventh-level guys , still seems too narrow.

Donnie lay comfortably on Wanda's long legs, opened his mouth, and a grape was stuffed in. It was a beautiful day.


Donnie stood up abruptly, his slightly narrowed eyes suddenly widened.

"What's the matter? Do you want to go down and have a game too?" Wanda peeled another grape and put it into Donnie's mouth.

Downey rubbed his chin: "You haven't obtained the complete power of chaos, and you can't sense some special information for the time being... On the other side of the earth, a great monster has been born."


Wanda was a little surprised, her lips parted slightly, very surprised.

On the earth, what else can be called a "monster" by such a powerful new god?

Yes, the adjective monster is a title of honor, which comes from the admiration of the eighth-level sole god, the immortal and immortal high-level god.

Downey stared at the main universe, and the countless planets were within Downey's monitoring range, and all the behaviors of billions of lives were seen by Downey, but when he focused on the earth, suddenly, the entire earth became It was a blur.

"He found me... What a guy." Downey was moved.

Among other things, the ability to detect the prying eyes of the only god at birth and barely block the line of sight has already crushed countless gods in the multiverse.


Downey's heart moved, and the covering fog immediately collapsed, and the entire earth fell into Downey's sight. If a superhuman looked up at this time, he would be shocked to find that there is a pair of sun-like giants in the outer space of the earth. The huge light cluster is the sight of the only god.

The scene of Richard delivering his wife in a hurry was also watched by Downey.

"How could such a terrible guy be born in the multiverse?"

The spirit of existence, which hadn't appeared for a long time, suddenly appeared and looked at the main universe in astonishment. This baby who was about to be born shocked the spirit of existence.

Without him, the starting point is too high.

The key is to be born from a group with a very low start like the people on earth, which is the only one in the multiverse.

"Born divine, placed on any planet in any age, this baby is a born sage or saint."

Donnie watched the baby's birth unscrupulously. Although he knew about it a long time ago, he was still amazed when he faced the baby.

The fifth Omega mutant, as well as the first and only super-omega mutant, Richard's son Franklin, is about to be born.

This is a monster that even the Celestial Group fears. He was born to rule everything, and the multiverse is the back garden where this baby can play at will.

Omega mutants are already synonymous with immortality and infinite potential, and this super-omega level, born with the ability to be a five-dimensional life like a troublemaker, has a terrifying potential that is even more undetectable than a five-dimensional person.

It is no exaggeration to say that a Franklin's growth limit may be higher than most of the only gods.

It is as strong as Darkseid, Eternity, Death, etc., and it still stays at the eighth level, but Franklin is comparable to the eighth level at the beginning, and it is natural for him to be the ninth level after adulthood.

As for whether it can reach a higher level... probably not, but the quasi-ninth level is enough to make the only god tremble.

Even Downey himself, who wanted to be promoted to the quasi-ninth level, was prepared to spend years and months, but Franklin's growth rate was as fast as eating and drinking.

"Really are……"

Downey pursed his lips, unable to describe what it was like, he couldn't laugh or cry.

In order to become the only god of the eighth level, he did not know how many times he had narrowly escaped death and took risks like death again and again, just to snatch that almost untraceable opportunity, so he became the God of Cybertron today. There's a lot of luck involved.

A slight negligence, and he died.

But Franklin, since he was born, stood on the same level as Downey, only lacking the position of the only god.

"People are more deadly than others, and they will really die of anger."

Downey stood up and said to Wanda, "I'm going to the earth. If possible, I want to bring that baby into the world of Cybertron."

Out of the five major Omega mutants, Downey has already brought in four of them. So far, no one has been promoted to the eighth level of God. Now there is only one Marvel number two, Franklin.

Don't ask who the first hanger is, the first hanger is Franklin's father, Mr. Fantastic Richard.

Can give birth to the father who is the second father, who is the first if he is not the first?

The spirit of existence fluttered its wings: "I want to see it too."

Downey looked at her in surprise: "You are the light of creation from nothingness outside the wall, so concerned about a little earthling?"

"That was in the past! In the past! And what's wrong with coming from outside the wall, have you eaten rice from your house?! Even if you eat, you will be poor!!!"

The spirit of existence flapped its wings on the back of Downey's head, and then flew away with ease.

"This bird is getting more and more presumptuous, and sooner or later I'm going to roast her."

With a calm face, Downey pointed to the light cluster where the spirit of existence disappeared, and said to Wanda.

Wanda chuckled: "You should go to Earth quickly, I'm worried that the spirit of existence will trick Franklin away first."

"How can the eighth-level god's matter be called cheating?"

Donnie spoke righteously, stretched out his hand, and slapped Wanda's ass hard, and then stepped forward to the main universe.


The hand-to-hand fight between Megatron and the Sovereign is still going on, people are turned on their backs, the ground is cracked, that is, the world of Cybertron is huge and strong, otherwise it really cannot withstand the confrontation between these two humanoid beasts.

With the lighting of the infinite gems one after another, the Duzun was completely suppressed, and his face turned black.

It is because he has no energy source to push.

"I am Duzun, how could I lose???" Duzun fell to the ground with a disheveled face and a bad look on his face.

Mmp, I am so arrogant, even the anti-surveillance people look at me high, how could I lose?

Several kinds of energies surging around Megatron slowly calmed down, his red eyes glanced at Du Zun indifferently, and said: "Trash!"

"I fuck your..."

Duzun was furious, and a hot line of sight radiated from his eyes, but Megatron waved his hand soon, and the red reality gem modified the reality, easily erasing the hot line of sight that attacked.

After looking contemptuously at Du Zun, Megatron turned and left.

A trash, how could it be worthy of the majestic, future, infinite god Megatron.

Duzun was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot, tore off his tattered battle clothes, and roared: "You have the guts to remove the five infinity gems, let's fight again?!"

Uncle, what about hand-to-hand combat, what about routine combat, what about the most basic tacit understanding between people! !

Hitting me with five infinity gems on your body, it's awesome, isn't it? ? ?

Duzun was very aggrieved, the anger in his chest almost ignited himself. Picking up the external force, Duzun is sure to blow up Megatron in minutes!

But Megatron just glanced at Du Zun coldly: "Fool, if you have the guts, cut off your limbs and fight with me again?"

Remove Infinity Gems? Can this thing be unloaded? These five broken Infinity Gems have been "eaten" by him and transformed into a part of Megatron's body. They are five inseparable energy sources. How to unload them?

Duzun is indeed Duzun, his mind is full of shit.

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, Megatron walked out of the Karon arena. He came here for fun, and when he had a good time playing, he should get down to business. The Academy of Sciences has been researching X energy for a while, and it should have some results.

Megatron intends to use X-energy to integrate into his body, turning his body into an indestructible artifact, which will not only have greater future potential, but also carry more powerful power.

"As long as I can succeed, I will immediately upgrade myself, and then go to the old mage to find a chance to get the soul gem."

Megatron punched open the half-opened door just in time, his tall and mighty body knocked open the broken door and walked into the passage.

The Soul Gem is the only complete Infinity Gem in the main universe, and the other five were all broken when Downey resisted San Gong.

"However, the soul gem has the closest connection with the main universe. It is also relatively difficult to cut off the connection and transform it into a single source of power. The soul world in the soul gem must be dealt with in advance..."

Megatron was thinking, domineering and mighty, smashing all the barriers blocking the way, like an unrivaled giant beast.

After swallowing the soul gem, the next step is to ask the Creator for the fragments of the plot gem, so as to attack the eighth-level gods.

Megatron walked away majesticly. Under the adoring eyes of countless residents, he was so coaxed that he broke through the sky and went straight to the blood zone.

"I X!"

The Duzun died of anger, and when he heard the countless audience around him chanting Megatron's name, he became angry again.

It's really life and death.

"The supreme god is not fair!! I want a baby too, and a baby stronger than this bastard!!!"

Duzun was furious, and he, who had always kept a good face, lost his prestige.

I always feel that I have less and less status in this world, and one pervert after another is rising strongly.

Back then, when he was captured by Downey on the Cybertron star in the main universe, he was a sight to behold. Although he was a prisoner, his combat effectiveness was also at the forefront!

But now...there are a lot of them at the seventh level. Even the thirteenth Yuanzu, who was ignored by the Duzun in the past, is now standing on the same level as the Duzun. Artifact!

If you take into account the X-energy that is like a panacea... Damn it, why did I go from the top to the bottom in the blink of an eye? ? ? The power of this new god is expanding too fast!

No, Duzun is destined to be a great man, how could he be willing to sink? It's ridiculous!

Duzun looked gloomy, snorted coldly, didn't bother to pay attention to these stupid audiences who didn't know how to appreciate Uncle Duzun's demeanor, he took off and flew towards a certain direction.

It was a place as rough as a prison.

Duzun landed, the majestic and stern face immediately changed, forced out a flattering smile, walked in with a smile, and shouted as he walked: "Are you here? I have a good idea, we two brothers can't be too honest It's..."

Doomsday King Kong sat quietly on the spot, with an extremely oppressive and terrifying atmosphere permeating the air. Hearing this, a slit was opened in the tyrannical blood-colored pupils. Looking at Duzun with a mean smile, a trace of humanity flashed clearly in his eyes. sarcasm and...curiosity.


The main universe, Earth.

Mister Fantastic's baby is born.

Richard was surprised to find that his child was very smart when he was born, looking at him with big eyes.

The key is not crying or fussing, but there is no sign of breathing discomfort. It seems that this baby has been very adapted to the air since birth.

"My child..." Richard laughed like an idiot.

"Congratulations, Richard, if you don't mind if I come in."

Just when the family was enjoying themselves, Downey opened the door and walked in, followed by a big bird with white light.

"Donnie? Why are you here, and the spirit of existence..."

Richard watched in astonishment, and the invisible Susan became even more vigilant, for fear that Downey would harm her child.

"Wow!!" Franklin suddenly cried.

Downey glanced at Franklin expressionlessly, and stared straight at him.

Franklin kept crying, crying for a while, peeking at it, and then continuing to cry, leaving Richard and Susan bewildered and trying to keep coaxing.

"Chicken thief's little boy..."

Downey rubbed his forehead.

He dared to bet that this little kid who could discern the past and the future already knew everything, even the time of birth was chosen by himself.

"Can we talk alone?"

Downey made a gesture of invitation to Richard, and after the latter nodded, he led Richard to the next door in a single thought.

"As you may have guessed, this child of yours is very special, so special that I even came to find you in person."

Donnie got out a cup of tea from somewhere, took a sip and said.

Richard said in a deep voice: "As long as he is my child, it doesn't matter even if he is a mutant. I don't care about that."

Downey nodded slightly, not surprised at all.

The brains of this kind of smart people are far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Take Zhao Huoke, who is known as the eighth smartest person in Marvel Earth, as an example. Everything that comes over can be calculated by the brain.

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