Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 875: Reached

Just being the eighth smartest is so outrageous, let alone Richard, who is the number one.

The first time Richard saw Franklin, he estimated that even his grandson decades later would have made a lot of calculations.

The identity of a mutant is easy to calculate, either a genetic mutation or a mutant.

"You want to take Franklin to your planet? I don't agree!" Richard refused without waiting for Downey to speak, and said seriously, "Even if he is a mutant, there is no reason why he was born to be your person. Now The next mutant on Earth! Times are different now!"

"That's true...but, Richard, dare you say you're not interested in the outside world?"

Downey gently put the teacup on the table and smiled.

Richard hesitated, running through his hair irritably.

outside world? He wants to go! Of course I want to go! For smart people, the earth is too small, so small that they can figure out many things that ordinary people can't figure out in a lifetime by using their brains.

"I just built a brand new Cybertron star in the blood domain, the size of which can rival a universe. If you are interested, I can let go of the quota limit on your family. From now on, you can freely enter and exit my world."

Downey said leisurely.

"What's the price?"

"I want Franklin, don't keep refusing, his upper limit is far beyond your imagination, no matter how smart you are, you will never think of what a terrible monster he is, after all, you are just a mortal, Richard, and the knowledge of the multiverse and the wider world Your cognition is too narrow, and you don't even know what a terrifying... genius your son is."

Downey wanted to say monster, which was a more suitable adjective, but in the end he found a more suitable word.

"Let's put it this way, your son has super-Omega-level potential. Since he was born, he has stood at the apex of the multiverse. He is a god at the same level as me. His future will only be more brilliant."

Downey said lightly.

Richard took a deep breath and was entangled. After a while, he got up and said in a low voice: "I want to discuss it with my wife and children."

After finishing speaking, he walked out and activated a device at the same time to isolate Downey in the house.

"It's a good defensive measure, but it's still not out of the seventh-level category." Downey observed with admiring eyes.

The Spirit of Existence said: "Are you really going to take that baby to Cybertron? If you don't pay attention, Cybertron will be gone. The world you worked so hard to build can't withstand the power of that baby."

"Do you think Franklin would be so stupid? He has already calculated everything. The past and future of the main universe can't hide him at all. His wisdom is beyond imagination, and he can distinguish the most basic concepts of weight and weight."

Moreover, entering Cybertron and wanting to die at will would make Cybertron too incompetent. Even if Donnie is not there, there are still a few eighth-level gods on it who can fight Franklin.

The spirit of existence said that he didn't want to talk, and wanted to throw papa at Donnie, this bastard, and mocked the spirit.

At this moment, a strange will easily broke through Richard's barrier and connected with Downey.

"What do you want to do after staring at me for so many years?" Franklin revealed his deep helplessness with a somewhat immature consciousness.

These days, it's not easy being a baby, being directly stared at by the only god.

"I don't have any bad thoughts, I just want to lure you into my world."


"Cultivate you, let you become my resident, and I will turn your terrifying potential into terrifying strength, which will enrich the power in my hands." Downey took a sip of tea and said lightly.

"Greedy guy, the whole earth, except for the one who is still sleeping in Egypt, other mutants such as Hellfire, either quit by themselves, or were killed by superheroes, and the others with a little bit of skill were taken away by you, Can't you let me go?"

"If it's possible, of course I won't let it go, but if you insist, I won't force you, but you have to think about it.


Downey shook his head, and said calmly: "I won't stay in the multiverse for too long, this world is gradually becoming dangerous, maybe one day I will leave quietly, at that time, if you want to find me again, it won't be so Easy."

Franklin cut the connection.

After a while, Richard walked in with Franklin in his arms, and said, "We can accept your invitation, but I won't be your resident. We only need a green card—everything will be discussed after Franklin grows up."

After a pause, Richard added: "Similarly, you can't hinder any round trip between us on Earth and your planet."

"Yes, this is the most sensible decision." Downey smiled.

As for how the Fantastic Family should transfer across the universe... Don't be ridiculous, Richard will create an unreasonable shuttle machine and arrange everything clearly.

"When are you going to go?"

"Now..." Richard began, but the Invisible Woman interrupted first.

"We feel that a..."

"One month? A very suitable time, I am waiting for you in the world of Cybertron."

Downey nodded suddenly, and directly blocked the invisible woman's words. He wanted to say that it's been a week, but it seems to be too much.

Downey grabbed the spirit of existence and disappeared in an instant.

The Fantastic Family was silent for a while, and Richard took the lead to break the awkward atmosphere: "I didn't think much about it, I just thought it would be better to get the green card early..."

"Stupid, have you considered my opinion and the child's opinion?" The invisible girl was very angry. She hugged Franklin and walked away invisibly.

Richard stood there like a fool, waited for a while, and asked stupidly: "Susan? Franklin? Are you leaving? Or are you waiting for me in the room?"


Downey returned to the world of Cybertron with a smile on his face, his hands were empty at some point, and the spirit of existence went to nowhere.

Wanda was standing there quietly waiting, eating more than half of the fruit on the plate.

"Is it going well?" Wanda's eyes narrowed into crescents with a smile.

"It went smoothly, even smoother than I imagined. Franklin may not want to come, but unfortunately he has a father who is eager for new knowledge, so he didn't discuss it."

Downey wanted to laugh.

The five major Omega mutants were all acquired, and they contacted Franklin before the Cosmic Gods group. This is undoubtedly the biggest initiative.

Those guys in the Cosmic God Group will probably know soon that there is a powerful and terrifying monster in their experimental product, and they will send people to the earth soon.

However, it is useless to go, and it is useless for anyone to go, unless the justice comes in person.

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