Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 876 I, Black Adam, am an indomitable man!

Black Adam's forceful move of throwing the head of the Wayne Group's branch from a tall building successfully attracted the attention of the media.

People on Earth think that this is probably another villain who wants to make trouble.

"Go get the Avengers and the Justice League!"

"This is another superpower crime!"

"I really miss the past. In the past, criminals robbing a bank was considered a big case, but for these superpowers, robbing a bank is simply a trick that is not worth mentioning..."

An elderly citizen watched the news and sighed.

How good the old days were, it was amazing. There were some mutants who made troubles, such as assassinating the president once, and they, small citizens, were rarely directly affected.

But now, crimes committed by people with super powers are very common. It seems that with the departure of mutants, the evolution of human genes has not been curbed, on the contrary, it has been greatly intensified to some extent.

The government has long come to the conclusion that these superpowers that appear today have almost no X gene in their bodies, and they are all gene mutations in their bodies, just like Spiderman.


Black Adam flew around the city extremely arrogantly. He had received all of Lisen's memories, and he had a very good understanding of modern society, and there would be no more jokes about killing the person in charge.

The world after thousands of years is strange, which surprised Black Adam very much.

"Fine, this is going to be my world soon."

Black Adam stood on the top floor of a building, overlooking everything, with a stern and arrogant expression.

Dr. Sivana said cautiously: "My lord, the Justice League and the Avengers will become a huge hindrance to us."

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of ridiculous waste. As long as I find the new Shazam and take away the new god's power from the new Shazam, everything will be fine."

Facing the strong wind, Black Adam narrowed his eyes, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and a trace of jealousy and hostility flashed in his eyes.

He really didn't pay attention to Zhenglian and Fulian. To put it bluntly, they are a group of self-righteous righteous people who think they are maintaining world peace, but in Black Adam's view, these guys are just messing with the world. worse.

Focus on fighting with criminals, stupid and ridiculous.

"I want to find the whereabouts of the new Shazam as soon as possible! Then defeat him and get the power of the new god! The power of the old six gods is too restrictive. Relying on this, it is difficult for me to rule this planet."

Black Adam said something coldly.

He is clearly aware that the power in his body is slowly passing away. Whenever he uses a little supernatural power, a part of his body will disappear forever. This feeling of gradually weakening like cutting flesh and bloodletting makes Black Adam feel bad.

Through Lisson, he already knew the upheaval of the World Tree god system. Except for a heavenly court that ran to the depths of the universe early, the others were all finished, and they were all killed by a terrible guy.

Don't think that people on Earth are still so closed. Now that the earth has developed towards the starry sky of the universe, what's more, there is also the Celestial Eye Society. The Earth government often exchanges information with the Celestial Eye Society to learn about major events in the main universe.

For Black Adam, this is tantamount to the collapse of the sky. In his eyes, the extremely powerful Olympus god system has been wiped out.

No, strictly speaking, there is still a guy alive, the youngest son of Zeus, the weakest god of war Ares is still alive, but he is not much different from a waste, his helmet was taken away by the goddess of war Diana, and his father also To die is to lose all divine power and be imprisoned in a prison in outer space.

The so-called God of War... Black Adam doesn't even have the interest to investigate. It's not worth it for such a useless piece of trash.

Your own strength is very precious.

"Continue to intensify the search for the new Shazam, I want to know his whereabouts as soon as possible! The power of Shazam of the new god must be controlled by me, Black Adam, and only I am qualified to use the power of Shazam! That old immortal The thing that always feels that I am not worthy of his strength... is ridiculous!"

Black Adam looked coldly at Sivana and Lisson,

Urge them to intensify their search and find the whereabouts of the new Shazam.

Sivana and Lisson looked at each other and nodded helplessly. Before leaving, Lisson respectfully said, "Maybe the new Shazan was taken away by Kama Taj."

This is another bad news, adding to the haze in Black Adam's heart.


A fiery figure flew up into the sky, heading straight for Black Adam.

Human Torch is here again, as Richard's brother-in-law, his favorite thing is to pretend to be aggressive and show off, flying around all day full of fire.

"Hey! See you again, guy in black, want to fight again? I will definitely send you to the police station!"

The Thunderbolt came whistling, and a fireball was thrown out when he raised his hand.


A flash of hostility flashed in Black Adam's eyes, and he burst out at super speed, knocking the fireball away, and smashing the Thunderbolt flying with his fist.

This is not the first time they have fought, Human Torch is like a bug that can't be shaken off, sticking to him, and coming to trouble him at every turn.

With one punch, Human Torch was smashed from one end of the city to the other, which was extremely miserable.

There is a huge gap between him and Black Adam.

All members of the Miracle Family were dispatched and began to attack Black Adam.

"A group of humble bugs can only tremble and howl under stronger power."

Black Adam sneered, and a ferocious expression appeared on his stern face. He almost killed the mysterious family including Richard by himself.

The invisible woman's ability to control the field can't control Black Adam at all. Richard, the rubber man, at most caused a little trouble to Black Adam, which is not a big problem.

Not to mention the Stone Man and Human Torch, the all-out attack on Black Adam was harmless and would only arouse Black Adam's anger.

"Kneel down to me, and I will walk around you without dying. This is my pity for you lowly ones!!"

Black Adam pinched Thunderbolt's neck with one hand, and the other party's high temperature comparable to the sun could not melt Black Adam for a while. Richard, who was wrapped around him in circles, resisted the invisible woman's energy control field, and opened his mouth to spray A bolt of thunder and lightning easily knocked the stone man into the air.

One person beat the entire Miracle family violently, which shocked countless eyeballs.

"This criminal is too powerful..." Someone's eyes widened with fear on his face.

The last time a person killed the super criminal of the Fantastic Family alone, it was the famous Doctor Doom, and now there is another unknown guy.

"I can't trap him!!!" The Invisible Woman screamed with difficulty!

The surging energy visible to the naked eye is desperately restraining Black Adam, but the opponent only needs a flash of violent lightning on the surface of the body to easily smash the invisible woman's control.

Richard was the most dangerous. His body, which had been dragged around countless times, was almost chopped off by the berserk Black Adam.

"We can't deal with him!" Richard said decisively, "Let Franklin do it!"

"Franklin? My little nephew? Richard, are you serious?!" Human Torch was almost strangled to death. Fortunately, Black Adam didn't kill them all, but just threw him out contemptuously, crashing through more than a dozen buildings .

Thunderbolt coughed twice, then yelled angrily.

Black Adam kept pulling Richard's rubber-like body, sneering again and again: "It doesn't matter who comes!"

little nephew? Your uncle is not good enough! ! !


A childish voice came.

Black Adam kept dragging Richard's movements, and he paused suddenly, thinking he was hallucinating.

At this moment, his mind was suddenly in a trance, and the will wrapped in the power of Shazam became vulnerable at this moment, and it was broken by a powerful external force as if it were defenseless. During the roar, Black Adam only felt a blackness in front of his eyes. .

Black Adam was furious: "Who is black Adam!!!"

In the next second, Black Adam fell to the ground, unconscious.

Black Adam, fell.

a long time.

When Black Adam woke up again, a baby was staring at him with wide eyes.

It is white and tender, and it looks like it has not been long since it was born.

Covering his head, Hei Adam frowned subconsciously, glanced at the baby indifferently, snorted coldly, and looked around vigilantly, the power of Shazam surged in his body, and found no danger.

"Who the hell..." Black Adam was a little confused.

"Yeah!" The baby waved at him.

"Go away, brat!"

Black Adam snorted impatiently, lifted his foot, and his body flew up, about to smash through the wall and leave here.

Things were too weird, which made Black Adam a little uneasy.

As for this chubby baby... Well, it's cute, but it's useless. The great Black Adam doesn't even bother to kill a baby! That was insulting him!

But just when Hei Adam was about to hit the ceiling with his head, suddenly, his eyes went dark again, and he passed out.

After a long time, he woke up again, Black Adam roared into the sky, roared loudly, got up quickly, and slammed his head into the ceiling, the thunder flashed like a thunder god descending, and his whole body was like a tyrannical tiger, majestic and majestic.

But in front of his eyes, there was Yi Hei again, mentally fuzzy.

"I X! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻"

Black Adam almost vomited blood, and the whole person fell from the air again, hitting the floor into a big hole, and he was unconscious, a miserable group.

"Who the hell is teasing me?"

Black Adam woke up again, full of resentment, tyrannical and manic, I am the god of ancient Egypt! The future ruler of the present earth!

Who is messing with me?

At this time, the little baby clapped his hands and laughed non-stop, revealing a mouthful of bad gums.

"What are you laughing at?" Black Adam sneered, looked at the little baby suspiciously, fell silent for a moment, walked steadily to the wall, raised his strong arms, stopped suddenly at the moment when he was about to attack the wall, and looked around coldly.

After waiting for a few seconds, he slammed into the wall like a thunderbolt, and the few Shazam powers in his body exploded.

Then he woke up again, and sat there blankly, staring at the baby, almost doubting his life.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

On Black Adam's stern and iron-blooded face, black as the bottom of a pot, he looked at the baby extremely unkindly. The wise man had already seen through everything, and it was this little brat who was messing with him.

What should I do, attack and kill this baby? It's not impossible, it's one thing to be able to fight well, even if facing an enemy that can't be beaten, Black Adam, a decisive person, will fight to the end.

But it's just a baby... It's a shame to think about doing something to a baby who hasn't been weaned yet.

Black Adam couldn't help hesitating.

"I am the destined master of this planet. I will rule this world. If you want, you can follow me. I will bestow upon you glory and the power to govern this planet."

After waiting for a while, Black Adam took the initiative to speak to the baby, extremely domineering.

The baby looked at him cutely, with black eyes rolling around.

"Don't pretend, you know what I'm talking about, you can easily control me mentally, your mental power will only become stronger, which means you are smarter."

Black Adam sneered again and again, feeling unlucky in his heart.

How did you come across such a monster that you can't fight, and you can't beat even if you fight?

This little baby is the "little nephew" of the flame man? This is too strong.

Franklin stared at Black Adam for a while, and then came out with a consciousness.

"What?! You want me to be your nanny???" Black Adam was furious, his whole face turned pale.

"It's not a nanny, it's a nanny. I'm missing an interesting guy to play with me." The baby corrected seriously.

Black Adam was furious: "Fart! I'm a god! I'm the ruler of this planet! How can I be your nanny?! You little thing, give up! How can I, a stalwart man like Black Adam, follow you? kid?"

Franklin said quietly: "The power of the old god in your body will be exhausted after a few more battles. Where can I replenish it?"

Black Adam suddenly fell silent.

"The new Shazam is in Karma Taj at this time, being taught by the supreme mage. If you choose to attack the Himalayas, you will not only have to face the new Shazam, but also face the powerful magic holy land at the same time, and the supreme mage can destroy the entire Avengers at any time. He Zhenglian teleported here, with this power in your body that is constantly dissipating, how many battles can you sustain?"

Black Adam was completely silent.

The Olympus god system collapsed, he lost the source of power, but the new Shazam has a new god that is more terrifying than Olympus, as the energy source of Shazam's power, Heiya was born at an absolute disadvantage status.

In addition, Kama Taj, a holy place that has been passed down for thousands of years, has been resounding all over the world as early as the ancient Egyptian era. Of course, Black Adam knows the weight of Kama Taj.

There are other superheroes... There are too many superheroes in modern society, and there are many powerful characters.

Franklin stretched out his fleshy little hand, and with one finger, the power in Black Adam's body suddenly began to swell wildly, and terrifying lightning bursts out one after another, far exceeding the peak of Black Adam, and this is not the limit!

Still growing like crazy!

Hei Adam's complexion finally changed. He looked at his own hands surging with immense power in disbelief, and then looked up at the baby with a look of horror.

"Who are you?! Are you the reincarnation of which god?"

Reincarnation was very popular in ancient Egypt, and Eagleman and Eaglegirl were reincarnated more than 200 times and lived to modern society.

Franklin didn't speak, just clapped his hands, and Black Adam fainted again.

He chose Black Adam because of his own speciality. Like Billy, he is the most special "container" and carrier.

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