Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 877 The Fifth Team

Shazam is a very peculiar group, so peculiar that many powerful beings are willing to spend their energy to study Shazam.

Only now, for the time being, very few people have noticed the specialness of Shazam.

Whether it is the new Shazam, Black Adam, or the old Shazam, they all have a magical characteristic, the ability to act as a panacea-like energy container.

Even Franklin was keenly aware of the specialness of Black Adam.

"It's really possible..." Franklin was a little surprised, and an adult-like astonishment appeared on that immature baby's face.

Black Adam, this guy who was suffering from constant weakness, was able to accept the powerful power given to him by Franklin without hindrance, but he would not show the slightest discomfort.

It was as if Heiya was born able to adapt to Franklin's power system.

"What did you do to me?" Black Adam's eyes shot out more and more terrifying lightning, and he looked down at his hands that were also flashing with thunder, with a look of horror.

He found that his original power of the six gods of Olympus had been directly defeated by a powerful force, replaced by a more high-end and transcendent strange power.

Even more weird, powerful, vast, and even unsolvable omniscience.

His Shazam power is now carrying Franklin's power system.

"Who the hell are you..." Black Adam looked at the baby in front of him in horror.

The baby waved its fleshy little hand, and the spirit passed into Black Adam's mind: "Now, according to the agreement, you are my nanny, and you will be qualified to use my power."

Black Adam remained silent, his whole body surged with lightning, like a god of thunder coming into the world, accompanied by the all-round strengthening of body and soul.

Now he has far surpassed his peak period, and is still getting stronger crazily.

Franklin's dark eyes showed a thoughtful expression, until Richard and Susan rushed into the house impatiently, watching Black Adam warily.

"Why did you come here by yourself? Didn't I tell you not to get in touch with bad people?" Susan hugged Franklin and kissed him hard.

Richard frowned and looked at the stern-looking Black Adam with a bad expression. He tapped the technological device on his palm and said coldly: "This room can strictly limit the power of the seventh level—it is the single universe Super strength, you can't break free."

Black Adam sneered, but said nothing.

With the new power of Shazam, his ambition is also quietly expanding, but before he has the ability to cross Franklin, Black Adam can only faithfully follow the instructions of the gods.

For Black Adam, Franklin is a god, controlling everything about him.


Downey has been paying attention to Franklin, this chicken thief's little baby really can't be underestimated.

"I discovered the specialness of Shazam so quickly. It's no problem to find a thug, loyal servant, or spokesperson for myself."

Downey touched his chin and nodded slightly.

Very sharp little guy.

If Downey didn't know the content of the comics, he would not pay attention to the little Shazam. After all, for Downey now, with Shazam's level, he can kill a lot of people with one breath.

But in fact, every Shazam is terrifying.

The new Shazam Billy, in the comics, was caught by Yuga Khan for a while, and he clearly understood the power of the six gods, and stuffed his own power of origin into it, and transformed Billy into a humanoid self-propelled fort , blatantly bombarded the wall of origin.

In the evil alliance on Earth 3, the baby born to the double body of Shazam and the double body of Diana unexpectedly has the ability to carry the anti-life equation and the Omega effect at the same time, which is ridiculously strong.

This is a feat that even Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor have never achieved, but a newborn baby has achieved it.

The reason is that this baby is Zansha's biological child, and he was born with the qualifications to be a super container. Even if it is two top-level artifacts, this baby can hold up.

This is how scary Shazam is, so powerful that it doesn't make sense,

Even the power of a ninth-level god is consumed in minutes, and the omega effect and anti-life equation are accommodated together.

Every Shazam is an open super container and carrier.

"The new Shazam, temporarily used as a container to carry my strength, the old Shazam, I threw it to the old mage to study the magic chain, Black Adam, was held down by Franklin, and acted as a bodyguard..."

Downey shrugged, this is great, the three Shazams on Earth have been divided up.

As long as the time is right, these three Shazams can turn from weak chickens into terrifying existences in an instant, and be promoted to seven or eight levels in minutes.

"Donnie, I've had enough! I don't want to study any magic chains! This is something illusory at all!"

Old Shazam, who had just arrived in the world of Cybertron, was yelling loudly at this time, and came to complain.

"The magic chain needs a powerful source of magic power, and you are not proficient in eighth-level magic. It is useless to rely on what you have learned from Kama Taj."

Old Shazam was very dissatisfied and complained to Downey.

The old mage has been studying the power of Shazam day and night, trying to build a magic chain that belongs to the world of Cybertron as soon as possible, and establish the Sanctuary of Acharas as soon as possible.

Old Shazam hit the gun and was taken away by the old mage to serve as cheap labor.

"Wait a minute, I have a good source of magic, it just takes time." Downey smiled.

"The power of chaos?"

Old Shazam looked at him, "Have you found the whereabouts of the ancient god Kesen?"

"Not yet, but soon, it depends on who can't bear it first."

Downey took a sip of tea and looked at Wanda who was sleeping in the room. The power of chaos in his body was becoming more and more irritable day by day. Although this change was subtle, it was real.

When Wanda gradually approached the eighth-level threshold relying on her own talent, Ke Sen would become even more disturbed.

"In the entire multiverse, only the main universe Wanda was selected by Ke Sen as a pawn to be placed in the multiverse, but he never thought that this pawn would have a man with the only god."

Downey sneered.

The fundamental purpose of Ke Sen's selection of Wanda in the main universe is to make Wanda suffer from the distortion and madness of the power of chaos at the right time, and then act as Ke Sen's weapon to destroy the multiverse, or as a pawn and victim to face powerful enemies.

Downey will not allow this to happen. As long as Ke Sen dares to move, Downey will immediately join forces with Visandi, who has been waiting patiently and ready to go, to find Ke Sen's hiding place in one fell swoop, and then kill him.

"Soon, as Wanda gradually becomes stronger, he will start to spontaneously compete with Ke Sen for the share and control of the power of chaos. At that time, Ke Sen will not be able to help himself, and I will find him and kill him. kill him."

Downey drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, his expression indifferent.

Old Shazam looked at Downey silently for a while, then nodded, but still bit the bullet and said: "You might as well send me to study the divine power chain. The source of the divine power chain is you. These are all ready-made things."

Downey pondered for a moment before saying, "Alright, the Godslayer Armor has been in my possession for a while, and it's time to modify it."


In the multiverse, a distant unknown land.

The fifth team assembled again. This time, they had to go to the main universe in order to follow the order of the top ten gods.

This is a risky move. The main universe is the sphere of influence of the New God, and there are many dark hands planted by the New God.

"Even if the new god has gradually withdrawn from the main universe, and the life forms under his command are gradually withdrawing, we still have to remain vigilant."

"Avoid war with the new gods as much as possible. Once they fight, it is likely to trigger a chain reaction, and the second war between the gods and the new gods will break out."

The captain of the fifth team, the first judge, had a terrible headache.

It stands to reason that the last time was the best opportunity. Many gods joined forces to kill the new god's body in one fell swoop, greatly weakening the new god's combat power.

It's a pity that the power and ferocity of the new gods are beyond their imagination, so the success falls short.

If there is a second war...

"We have already lost too many advantages, and if we go to war, the loss will be even more terrifying." A god said in a cold and gloomy voice.

The power of the new gods has been further increased, and the birth of the goblin god and the five-faced monster has put even greater pressure on the Celestial God group.

Moreover, New God also went to the Dark Multiverse. Not only was he not crushed to death by Barbatos, but he also brought back a lot of X-energy, which made the Celestial Group envious.

If I knew that when the five great gods were fighting fiercely with Barbatos, their god group should also make a move!

But it's no use worrying now.

White brilliance emerges from the body of the First Judgment Master, which is a different power from the final Judgment Master model. It looks similar at first glance, but in fact the level is completely different.

You know, the final adjudicator, which claims to be the most powerful of the mass-produced models, is nothing more than an inferior imitation of the first adjudicator.

There is only one of his first judges! Can not be copied!

"Let's go, target the main universe, Earth, that newborn mutant baby!"

"Our goal is to examine that weird baby. It stands to reason that our experimental product shouldn't be born with such a scary guy, who is born with abilities no lower than the multiverse level."

The No. 1 Judgment Lord led the powerful fifth team, heading straight to the main universe, and the vast blood domain was easily crossed by them.

"If conditions permit, launch a new round of review and screening of people on Earth to see if any freaks with terrifying potential will be born."

All members of the prestigious fifth team were dispatched and rushed towards the main universe earth.

The No. 1 adjudicator did not specify the details of the "conditions permitting", but they all knew that as long as Xinshen didn't do anything, it was conditions permitting.

But even the fifth team, which is so powerful that it has sealed the power of the goblin, would not realize what a terrifying monster the experimental product they were about to face would be.

Everything seemed to be going very smoothly, and the fifth team did not encounter any obstacles when passing through that huge planet.

Oh, if you don't count the five-faced cylindrical mechanical creature that stared at them the entire time.

The first adjudicator glanced indifferently at the world of Cybertron, stared at the five-faced monster, and felt cold in his heart.

He knew that this five-faced monster was OAA God, the captain of the fourth team.

"Everything will have results, it's just not the time."

The No. 1 Adjudicator forced himself to withdraw his gaze, otherwise he was worried that he would not be able to control the anger in the body and the awe-inspiring chill emanating from the light bulb-like energy ports on his body.

In the world of Cybertron, several figures flew up, looking at these gods from afar, each with indifferent expressions and cold eyes.

"Kill you!" The five-faced monster howled even more, and violence emerged from the five faces, bursting with energy, and the momentum was astonishing.

Giant figures of gods once again broke through the barriers of the universe, entered the main universe, and arrived on the earth.

From the beginning to the end, they didn't take another look at the world of Cybertron, as if it didn't exist there.

"Immediately start the second round of screening. This time, we only focus on the earth, and we don't care about the experimental products from other planets!"

The No. 1 Adjudicator clenched his weapon tightly, and uttered the divine words with a sense of repression.

Last time, the fourth team was wiped out because the OAA gods insisted on entering Cybertron to examine those mutants, so they were wiped out by the new gods.

The First Judge will not make the same mistake.

As soon as these giant figures entered the solar system, they were noticed by the forces here.

On Mars, the Martian hunter who focused on planting trees and restoring the already collapsed ecological environment on Mars frowned slightly, and immediately used his psychic ability far surpassing that of Professor X to notify the earth and the moon.

On the moon, Black Bat King looked ugly, standing on the top of the building and looking indifferently at the menacing Fifth Squadron.

The observation stations on the earth and outer space also discovered the clues immediately, coupled with the warning of the Martian Manhunter, various heroes began to gather.

It seems that every time a group of gods descends, nothing good happens.

"Confirm their purpose first, and then do it." Clark sat on the round table and said solemnly to the other members of the Illuminati.

Tony wiped his tired cheeks with both hands, and said: "If they want to do something to the earth, we will fight it. It just so happens that my Celestial Armor has never been dispatched since the transformation was completed."

Coincidentally, the Celestial Battle Armor was renamed the Anti-Ten God Team Battle Armor, and it was specially used to beat up these cosmic gods who were as annoying as flies.

A group of people left immediately and mobilized the team to prepare for battle.

With the information of Kama Taj and the Sky Eye Society, the earth's high-level officials have long known the complicated relationship between the earth and the cosmic gods, and they also know the tragic ending of the anomalous annihilation.

Franklin, who was playing with the small balls he got at home, suddenly raised his head and glanced at the ceiling. His gaze went beyond the solar system and focused on the fifth team.

"Black Adam, there are new toys coming." Franklin said childishly.

Hei Adam had a cold face, dressed in black tights, and looked like a bodyguard with a cold face. Hearing this, he quickly got up and said coldly, "Then I'll kill all these scrap iron and bring them back to you."

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