"Careful, we've been spotted."

"That baby was scarier than we thought."

"It has been confirmed that this baby is born with multiverse-level abilities. If we can study the secret of this baby's birth, we can create a more powerful Celestial Group."

The powerful gods of the fifth team looked at the earth with countless horrifying eyes, and looked at Franklin. The prying information was erased by Franklin's gaze.

Very strong, terrifyingly strong, the birth of this kind of monster is simply unreasonable.

For the other four major Omega mutants, the Celestial group can barely accept it, but Franklin is too strong, which troubles the fifth team.

Huge bodies descended on the earth, which once again aroused the panic of the people on earth.

The figure that started at least 600 meters towered into the clouds, like a demon god in mythology, and the people on earth fell into great panic.

"It's these things again, they came here before, but then left, why did they come again this time!!"

"The government said that last time the Celestial Group went to the Cybertron star on the other side of the galaxy, and it didn't seem to end well."

A number of earthlings stared at the gods numbly, and hurriedly avoided.

The No. 1 Adjudicator flew directly to where Franklin was, and his huge body descended, bringing a sense of déjà vu that covered the sky and the sun. He lowered his head slightly, and the cold and oppressive metal armor exuded silence and coldness.

The scene of Franklin playing with a few small balls was seen by the number one adjudicator.

If outsiders saw it, they would be scared to death. The few small balls Franklin played with were planets that had been shrunk countless times.

The bright one in the center is clearly a sun!

Franklin got a star system from nowhere and placed it in front of him as a toy!

The No. 1 adjudicator stared straight at Franklin, and looked at Franklin across the distance of a building.

"You are special, human being." The No. 1 Adjudicator couldn't help but say.

In fact,

He didn't even see a fart, and Franklin didn't let him see it, and it was because of this that the number one adjudicator became even more astonished.

Franklin replied childishly: "Leave here, you are not welcome on this planet."

"We have no ill intentions towards you."

"There is no malice, and the entire fifth team will be dispatched?" Franklin unabashedly expressed his mocking emotions through spiritual communication.

Black Adam's strong body slowly stood up, staring at the number one adjudicator in surprise and fiercely.

Black Adam had never seen such a big guy before, and he only knew a little bit through Lison's memory.

A series of powerful bodies of the Celestial Group descended on New York, and happened to surround the building of the Miracle Family, which is the enterprise founded by Mr. Richard.

Black Adam sneered, and said to Franklin: "I can kill these scrap iron for you, but in return, I need the most basic freedom."

During this period of time, Franklin really regarded him, the ancient Egyptian, as a nanny, and Richard and others were also on guard against him, looking at him like looking at a thief, which made Black Adam feel bad.

"Even if you are a certain god, you should show the most basic trust in your servants, and I use your power, and everything I do can't be hidden from you." Black Adam said.

Franklin said milkingly: "I have never restricted your freedom."


"You didn't ask again."


Black Adam didn't want to talk.

The fifth team gathered in New York City, and a group of superheroes immediately gathered from all directions, watching the first judge vigilantly.

Tony Stark simply drove the Celestial Armor modified with the sentence of the final arbitrator, and landed in front of the first adjudicator with a bang.

"Jarvis, scan this guy." Tony ordered.

But the information Jarvis gave back to him surprised Tony.

"Can't scan it out, there is an unknown energy force field blocking me."

Tony frowned.

The current Jarvis is not the weak chicken he used to be. Tony has obtained a lot of Aspirant technology through the Godslayer Armor. The armor of the group has been upgraded.

Although it was still not a slap from the Godslayer Armor, at least it was controllable, it was Tony's own Armor.

"It turned out to be a final adjudicator... This should be the one that crashed on the earth."

The No. 1 adjudicator indifferently scanned the armor of the anti-God group and sneered.

It's just an inferior imitation of myself, just rubbish.

"Hey! I don't care what you want to do this time, I advise you to be honest and leave the earth! Don't treat us like the abnormal people!"

cried Tony.

Superman also flew over from the metropolis at the first time, his blue battle suit was tight, his red cloak fluttered, his eyes became scorching hot, the red diffused, and the high temperature gathered.

"We're here for this baby."

Pointing at Franklin, who was playing with toys at ease, the No. 1 judge said in a deep voice: "He has multi-universe-level strength, was born noble, and has the potential and strength to surpass countless ancient gods from birth. I have never loved this creature." Never heard of it."

It's not just that I haven't heard of it.

There are not many existences in the entire multiverse who can rival the five great gods at birth. What's more, this is just a newborn, who knows what he will become in the future?

Super cosmic level?


The situation on the entire earth has become delicate and tense.

"Go away, someone is already watching me before you." Franklin said childishly, and threw a small ball, which turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

"Sir, that's a planet." Jarvis reported faithfully.

Tony's face was as weird as eating a poop, and he looked at the streamer in the sky in silence.

Another Omega-level mutant?

No, it was much scarier than the ones Downey took away, they were simply monsters.

"Richard, you are a genius." Tony said sincerely.

He is convinced that a son can give birth to a god, which frightens people.

With a cautious look on his face, Richard yelled at the first adjudicator: "We have promised to go to the world of Cybertron. If you want to do something to us, you must first be prepared to bear the wrath of that one."

"Damn it!"

The number one adjudicator was a little angry, and smashed a building with a hammer, and a little bit of power released from his body caused tiny cracks to appear on the ground.

Why is Downey everywhere? ? ?

That bastard was born to be at odds with their cosmic god group! ! As long as Downey is around, their cosmic god team will always be deflated!

"You don't need to bow your head to that guy, you have a potential that is even more terrifying than the only god! The new god may not have the aptitude to transform potential into strength, but you do! Once you are born, you are no worse than the new god, there is no need to listen to him !"

The first judge said to Franklin in a spiritual way, completely ignoring the superheroes who almost rioted, and outsiders could not hear the conversation between the two of them.

"There are many unique gods in this world. They have lived for many years, but most of them still stay at the multiverse level. Even if the rise of new gods is full of legends, they still cannot escape the law of unique gods!"

"And he was originally just a multi-cultural native, unlike those top-level realms in the realm of the gods, who have knowledge and information that have been passed down for countless epochs, which further limits his upper limit."

Theoretically, every one-of-a-kind god has unlimited potential, but potential and current strength must always be viewed separately, just like Omega mutants. Except for Wanda and Qin, who rely on external forces to cause their strength to surge, is there any Omega? Mutants promoted to level eight?

Almost gone, because it's too difficult, transforming potential into strength, if you don't pay attention, you will die, and you will die by yourself.

After a moment of silence, Franklin replied innocently: "You shouldn't tell me this kind of thing, but say it in front of the new god."


The first god was devastated.

If I had this ability and opportunity, why would I talk nonsense to you here?

The number one adjudicator fell silent for a while, and the divine light around him fluctuated.

Stephen opened the portal, arrived with the new Shazam, and said in a deep voice: "Old gods, we have no intention of being your enemy, but your arrival has seriously damaged the stability of the earth, and you probably don't want to see the earth Fall into endless chaos and killing because of you?"

The earth is a testing ground, and there are so many amazing monsters that the top ten gods are dumbfounded.

New gods, omega mutants, super-omega Franklin... There are too many surprises, almost frightening to death, and each one is rebellious, and they will fight at the slightest disagreement, which makes the Tianshen group very headache and helpless.

"I will pick the twelve best human beings who can follow us to a higher world."

After a long time, the No. 1 adjudicator said slowly: "Earth has passed the rigorous review process of the Cosmic God Group, and we are willing to take away twelve of the best humans."

"This is the most precious opportunity, even the Skrulls didn't get it."

The No. 1 Adjudicator quietly looked at the Earthlings present.

But the people on earth are expressionless and lack interest.

Only twelve? Let's not talk about conspiracy or conspiracy, what's the point of twelve?


A yellow light flew over suddenly, the yellow light Hal still kept the gloomy face that had not changed for thousands of years, he flew directly to the very center of the tense situation, and looked at everyone coldly.

Hal said: "We will open to the Earth the Cybertron star located at the other end of the Milky Way. The gravity and air composition are almost exactly the same as the Earth."

Many people on Earth shouted excitedly on the spot.

They were so excited.

If the No. 1 ruling had any expression, it would probably be distorted.

Downey's status in the hearts of people on Earth is far beyond that of these cosmic gods with strange origins. Downey rose from this planet and personally killed the multiverse, protecting the earth directly and indirectly in crisis after crisis. .

Hal looked at these gods indifferently: "Besides, Franklin is the distinguished guest promised by the new god himself. If you want to do something, you have to pass the level of Cybertron first, and weigh your weight first!"

"The collector's head is still hanging on Cybertron, facing visitors from the entire multiverse!"

Hal sneered again and again, looking at these gods coldly, the yellow light ring on his finger was flashing according to the established frequency.

As long as Hal is willing, he can pull the parallax monster over at any time, and the two merge into a powerful parallax monster. Maybe it's still not enough to look at in front of the No. 1 adjudicator, but it's enough to resist even for a moment.

A number of gods were about to move, and a terrifying light burst out from the light bulb. As long as the First Judgment gave the order, they would fight.

In the end, the No. 1 ruling master endured and left with all the gods.

Without him, because Franklin has been targeted by the new gods, they came too late, and they can't afford the price of fighting the new gods again.

"If we use tough methods, it will also cause Franklin's hostility, and the Cosmic God Group will add another terrible enemy."

The No. 1 Adjudicator explained to the other gods, and left holding his breath.

The main universe earth, this big fart place, made the gods resigned time and time again.

Before leaving, the number one adjudicator cast a cold glance at all the people present, as if he wanted to keep them in mind.

Then, he suddenly raised the hammer and hit Tony directly.

"Do you want to go to war!!" The superheroes were furious and roared.

Clark's long-prepared thermal sight simply blasted out, and shot at No. 1 Celestial God.

Tony flew up decisively in the battle armor, and a burst of divine light burst out, directly blasting at No. 1 Judgment Lord. At the same time, he had already flown to outer space in the battle armor.

In the battle on the earth, the losses are too heavy. If these big guys act casually, they will cause countless deaths and injuries.


The sledgehammer fell, and Tony's anti-God armor was almost blown up on the spot, leaving only a barely-preserved head falling to the earth.

"The final arbitrator, even if he dies, he is still a god! You small and lowly creature is not worthy of using the body of the final arbiter as a weapon!"

The voice of the No. 1 Tianshen Senhan made people shudder. He raised his hand and exploded the armor of the anti-Tianjin group, while ignoring Clark's hot vision.

The No. 1 adjudicator didn't like this kind of play-by-play attack at all.

Exploding this battle armor can be regarded as barely venting the depression in my heart.

It's so embarrassing, when did the Tianshen group become so low, anyone can come up and step on it?

"These damned earthlings dare to treat their creator like this. It's best not to let me find a chance for the rest of my life!!"

A god roared.

"Patience, everything will have results, but not now!"

The No. 1 Adjudicator comforted, with cold eyes, watching the heroes who came to outer space one after another, watching them vigilantly.

They're all a bunch of bastards, they're all damned!

Damn it all!

Hal folded his hands on his chest, the yellow light flickered, and said expressionlessly: "They have already left, and the earth has escaped another disaster."

"Hey, how can you say that? It should be said that we have once again carried out a cosmic event with our strength!" Tony's voice came from the rapidly falling head, and the next second he was supported by Clark in time, slowly landing.

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