Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 879 You Greedy Guy!

Hal just sneered and glanced contemptuously at these people present.

If there is no Downey, today's earth, can only die tens of thousands of people? It is normal for the earth to be blown up!

They are all Earthlings, why is there such a big gap? When Downey was already fighting in the multiverse, these people were still struggling to survive another crisis.

Hal's eyes flickered, and a trace of disdain flashed in his yellow pupils. This Yellow Lantern Man, who has become a bit cynical because of the destruction of the seaside city, has a lot more darkness in his heart than ordinary people.

But that's all. Under Downey's guidance, Hal still kept his heart. He didn't frantically face the green light on the OA star in order to get more green light energy to build an illusory energy beach city like in the comics. The comrades-in-arms raised their butcher knives and killed them one by one, leaving corpses everywhere.

Although his personality is a little cold, he still maintains his original heart.

When they returned to the earth, they were surprised to find that the buildings and roads that were destroyed by the first adjudicator vented their anger, and they all returned to their original state at some point.

Those who died also appeared one by one, as if nothing had happened, as if they didn't even know that they had experienced a death.

"Look, so many superheroes!"

Many citizens who had just died and resurrected pointed at Tony and they shouted in surprise.

"What's going on here?" Clark was equally surprised, looking at the revived citizens with joy.

"It's Franklin." Richard couldn't help but glanced at his innocent child, and sighed in his heart.

All the superheroes looked at the pink baby with amazement.

Stephen frowned and asked Franklin, "Did you change the time?"

Franklin shook his head and said naively: "I didn't, I just modified reality. Modifying time can easily lead to riots in the timeline."

While Downey is gone, there is no crucifixion to the timeline after his departure, the burden of the timeline has been untied.

But time itself is a very troublesome thing. Franklin's powerful ability does not need to touch time at all.

He just roughly recreated the dead people and damaged buildings, including the souls, bodies, and memories of the dead.

Just make it all at once, it's easy.

Stephen's brows loosened, and he nodded slowly.

If weaker people want to modify reality, they must modify the timeline to achieve it, but it is not necessary for a monster like Franklin.

This kind of Franklin is the real modification of reality.

A group of superheroes looked at each other and made eye contact, then looked at the little baby playing with a bunch of "glass balls", and fell silent.


Black Adam stood up immediately, his voice arrogant and bloodthirsty.

"New Shazam! I found you! I want to see how you, an unreliable guy, can get the approval of that old thing! That old thing would rather wait for thousands of years to pass on the power of Shazam to you than Don't give it to me!"

Through this period of understanding, Black Adam has already known what New Shazam is. To put it bluntly, it is a bastard with an abnormal brain. The serious and serious Black Adam despises New Shazam the most.

"Be quiet." Franklin said in a milky voice.

Black Adam's violent roar and thunder immediately fell silent, and fell silent one after another.

Black Adam was silent.

Xin Shazan looked at the cold-faced Black Adam in a daze, and murmured, "Who are you?"

A group of superheroes stared at Black Adam indifferently, their eyes flickering.


Regarding how to treat Franklin, these superheroes with slightly different ideas are destined to discuss for a long time, and even violent conflicts break out, even if they fight.

It's even normal for these superheroes to do some jaw-dropping crazy things in order to limit Franklin's powerful power.

These small things that happened in the main universe did not have any obvious impact on the multiverse, and some big shots wandering in the blood domain didn't care what happened in the main universe at all.

Because even the new gods are withdrawing from the main universe, there is nothing unusual about the universe without the new gods, and it can be wiped out with a slap.

At this time, for the great anti-surveillance who is busy with the strengthening plan, he will undoubtedly face a bad situation.

"What the hell do you want!!! Greedy guy, how long do you want to follow me!!!"

Mobius was so angry that his eyes were bloodshot, and the riotous anti-life equation was brewing the ultimate destructive power to obliterate all living things. Terrifying divine lights erupted, clouds and mist expanded, and divine lights superimposed.

This powerful offensive capable of collapsing multiple universes attacked the guy Mobius was facing.

But like many times in the past, this attack is still not very useful.

"Click it!"

A ferocious monster suddenly appeared from the body of a small guy, opened its mouth wide, covering the sky and covering the sun, as if it could swallow an entire universe in one bite, and bit the anti-life light fiercely.

A horrible thing happened.

The horrific light of destruction shot out by the anti-life equation was bitten off a gap by this terrifying monster on the spot. Immediately, it seemed to arouse the opponent's greater greed and madness. Before going up, he took a few more bites in a row.


The behemoth let out a long sigh of comfort, then flinched back.

The remaining anti-life light still attacked and killed the giant beast with annihilated power, but its power increased by a bit, giving back stronger power to the host, enough to withstand the consumed a lot of light.

"Don't think that you have the power of a goblin, that I can't do anything about you!!"

Mobius looked at this familiar scene, and almost exploded on the spot. Amid the roar, his huge body like a rock suddenly swelled up with rock muscles that could explode the world.

The newly built battle armor immediately swelled a lot.

"Gulu Gulu..."

Bumblebee spread his hands innocently, and made an incomprehensible tone, communicating with Mobius who was in a rage.

"What? Want more?! Do you really want to die?!"

Mobius flew into a rage, roared loudly, rushed over, and punched the hornet.

Two giant-like figures collided together, and a powerful wave gushed out to the surroundings. Huge waves were set off in the blood field, and the red high-dimensional power unexpectedly appeared at this time. Terrible ripples visible to the naked eye, like the weirdness before the tsunami erupted. "calm".

Mobius swung the power of the anti-life equation and slammed the bumblebee hard. He hated this guy. He was obviously greedy and never satisfied, but he always put on a despicable face of an innocent victim.

As if Mobius shouldn't hit him, it's shameless!


As expected of the creation of the New God, this yellow iron man has the same character as the Yin of the New God!

"You Cybertron, do you really think that I, the Anti-Monitor, is your slaughterhouse?"

Mobius smashed the bumblebee into the air with one punch, and the terrifying force caused the bumblebee to fly upside down on the spot, directly cutting the blood field into a long trajectory, like a wave-splitting warship flying upside down.


A universe unfortunately appeared on the trajectory of the bumblebee, was knocked out a huge gap on the spot, and knocked out from the other end in embarrassment.

Mobius came over fiercely, and blasted this hapless universe with a single punch. Before the countless life forms inside could figure out what happened, the superheroes inside had no time to react, and were killed by Mobius. Kill them all.


The brilliance of the anti-life equation erupted immediately, soaring into the sky, turning into long snakes, sweeping across the universe crazily, devouring all the dead creatures in it, destroying and killing them one by one, to enrich Mobius' own strength strength.

It is a cruel scene, but it is most in line with the operation law of the anti-life equation.

The more lives you kill, the stronger the Anti-Life Equation becomes, until it reaches the upper limit of Mobius.

"This is the nine hundred and forty-third universe I destroyed! You bastard, you stole the energy of more than ten universes from me, greedy and shameless thief! Despicable robber!"

Mobius cursed, stretched out his giant hand with iron pincers, grabbed the hornet's petite head, and punched it wildly with the other fist. Almost every time he punched, a wave of blood would emerge from the hornet's body. The powerful devouring power shelters.

But this couldn't resist the full strength of Mobius. With every punch, the hornet's head would be slightly deformed, and it was not until Mobius blasted tens of thousands of punches in just a few seconds that it barely stopped.

Bumblebee's head had been smashed flat, and he was in a miserable condition. He threw a large number of energy cannons at Mobius, but they couldn't even hurt the opponent's hair.

"Crackling!" Bumblebee grumbled dissatisfied.

The goblin power instantly restored Bumblebee's head.

In terms of vitality, the power of the goblin can be called the first among the three major forces of the multiverse, absolutely crushing the power of the phoenix and the power of chaos.

"In that universe just now, there was the incomplete power of the phoenix. If you let me eat this power, we can become stronger." The power of the goblin said to Bumblebee.

Bumblebee rolled his eyes fiercely, making Mobius anxious, why are you still thinking about eating?

Too greedy, no wonder the Creator repeatedly emphasized to him that he should not be overwhelmed by the power of the goblin, otherwise the consequences would be serious.

It was originally Bumblebee's plan to tease Mobius and pick up food from Mobius's leftovers, and it stands to reason that it would not stimulate Mobius to this state.

But the problem lies in the power of the goblin. This guy is going crazy. He not only crazily devoured the universe destroyed by Mobius, so that he invisibly robbed the shares of many creatures. want to eat.

Enough is enough, Bumblebee regrets dispatching with this guy and looks for Mobius.

He was originally influenced by Downey. At the beginning, Downey chose to blackmail Mobius. He did not destroy the universe himself and caused bad results, but also got the benefits of the destruction of the universe. Bumblebee also wanted to do this, but he underestimated With the greed of the power of the goblin, this guy actually robbed Mobius directly.

Mobius panted heavily, took a deep breath, and looked at the helpless and innocent bumblebee ferociously.

It still had that beating expression, weak, pitiful and helpless... a ghost.

"Get out, I won't kill you. If you want to get more food, you have to find a way by yourself. The most indispensable thing in the multiverse is food!"

Mobius glared cruelly at the bumblebee, growled, turned around, and continued to pounce on the next universe.

He faintly felt that the power he could carry was gradually becoming full, and the power given back to him by the anti-life equation was too strong and too heavy.

"Probably more than a thousand universes is the upper limit of what I can carry. I don't know if I can beat Darkseid at this level..."

Mobius felt urgent, the multiverse is becoming more and more dangerous, some terrible guys are already ready to move, and the dark multiverse will break out an unprecedented cruel battle with the light multiverse. And he always felt that there was a gaze staring at him in the realm of gods, gradually locating his specific position.

Not surprisingly, this should be Darkseid. The stronger the accumulated power of the anti-life equation, the higher the upper limit of unlocking, and the clearer the vague connection with the Omega effect becomes.

Time is running out, and he will grow to the peak of at least eighth level before Darkseid discovers him completely!

At least it can't be worse than Darkseid, otherwise, it's death! ! Either die in the hands of Barbatos, or be crushed to death by Darkseid who came to the door in advance!

"Be sure to reach my peak as soon as possible, then kill Darkseid, snatch the Omega effect, and get a more powerful boost."

Mobius thought about it, took a deep breath, and countless blood domain energies poured into his body, as if acting as a stream of water to calm the raging anger, and the anger gradually subsided.

No one knows what will happen to the Omega Effect and the Anti-Life Equation, two super artifacts that are vaguely related, when they merge into one.

The Anti-Life Equation is an artifact that only appeared in this era, and Mobius is the first master of the Anti-Life Equation. Everything has to be explored and tested by Mobius himself.

Likewise, if he succeeds, he will surpass his previous limits and become a higher-level god.

The almighty cosmic level is probably not a fantasy, and he, Mobius, will be able to stand on the same level as the domain masters in the domain of gods.

Bumblebee helplessly spread his hands at Mobius.

Mobius glanced greedily at Da Huangfeng.

If he hadn't found the anti-life equation, the power of the fairy seemed to be quite suitable for him. The process of strengthening is the same, and they all need to destroy a large number of universes as nutrition.

It's not bad to keep this guy behind to act as a comeback. If the Anti-Life Equation fails to achieve the expected effect of Mobius, it's not bad to kill the bumblebee and snatch the power of the goblin.

"Fourteen universes! Little thing, you owe me fourteen universes! You will have to repay this debt sooner or later!" Mobius gestured, showing a terrifying grin, and his sharp teeth revealed a strong smell of blood.

After finishing speaking, he turned around, and Mobius rushed to the next universe, feeling urgent.

This time, Bumblebee didn't catch up, and he really pissed off Mobius.

Bumblebee patted his head in frustration, feeling terrified, almost blown his head off by Mobius.


"Don't complain, if you want to eat, you have to work hard! Wait where you are, and there will be food delivered to your door? You should thank me, now we are real eighth-level life forms."

The power of the fairy exudes a somewhat scattered consciousness, proudly showing off to the bumblebee, a little excited and joyful.

The current Bumblebee can only be regarded as the real eighth level. It is not like when two guys who were about to starve to death barely put together a combat unit like when they were first united.

Bumblebee stared at Mobius' anxious figure going away, fell silent for a moment, came to the universe that was blown up just now, stretched out his palm, a strong suction was generated, and a phoenix fragment appeared in Bumblebee's palm .

The power of the goblin rushed over fiercely and ate most of it in one bite.

The remaining half was protected like a bumblebee.

"You want to give this to the Phoenix girl? You just need to give her the fragment! The Phoenix power that the fragment comes with can be eaten by me! Can she become level eight by using this fragment? No. , it is useless!"

The power of the goblin exudes scattered consciousness, and all kinds of fragmentary thoughts are pieced together to form a sentence and pass it to Bumblebee.

The power of the goblin is very special, both the power of the phoenix and the power of chaos can be swallowed by it.

Of course, it still can't reach the level that can completely annihilate these two forces. This is too exaggerated. He just absorbs the high-level energy erupted by these two forces.

Similar to absorbing the energy produced by a nuclear reactor instead of eating the nuclear reactor itself.

Bumblebee ignored the guy who was dazzled by the food, happily holding the precious phoenix fragment, and returned to the main universe excitedly.

Qin needs more fragments to piece together a phoenix as complete as possible, and for such things as fragments, every extra piece is extremely precious.

Along the way, the power of the goblin complained desperately. The more familiar it was with the bumblebee, the more its messy consciousnesses liked to chatter. It wasn't just a subtle consciousness, but all the scattered consciousnesses .

It has been imprisoned by the fifth team for too long. It has no clear intelligence, and its consciousness is extremely chaotic. It has been divided into thousands of parts. It has only come into contact with a host that can communicate, the bumblebee.

Bumblebee returned to the main universe in a hurry.

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