Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 880 Level 8 Jade Emperor

Greer has been going round and round in the antimatter universe for a long time.

With the status of Dakseid's daughter, Greer can be treated and respected even in the antimatter universe.

But unfortunately, what Greer wants is not these, she is using her most hated identity to better carry out her own plan, this is really an extremely bad situation.

"Boss, we have wasted too much time on Kovad, I suspect that the new god is lying to us."

Thain blasted out a death beam with one punch, blasting an anti-matter life that rushed up to rob. Looking at the broken corpse that was smashed into slag, he said in a deep voice.

Sion has been hanging out with Greer all these years, and the son of Thanos has been working with the daughter of Darkseid, looking for the power to kill Darkseid.

"No, on the contrary, I'm more convinced that the power I need exists here." Greer's pupils filled with blood and tyranny were filled with inexplicable things.

"Mobius has disappeared, and there is no trace of him in the entire antimatter universe. The most important thing is that my beloved uncle, Steppenwolf, is also haunting Kovad Star, and he seems to be looking for it. Mobius..."


Greer is very aware of Steppenwolf's character, there is no benefit, the only god of Apocalypse will not do unnecessary things, even if it is just to send a clone to do it.

"We have to find Mobius first." Several years have passed, and Thain has grown from a teenager to a young man, becoming more mature and stable, and his timid character in the past is gone forever.

This kind of Thain made Greer even more satisfied. She didn't see the wrong person back then.

Greer glanced at Thain, who had followed her for a long time, without saying a word, and lightly sipped the drink in the cup with bloody red lips.

The antimatter drink will not affect her. She is a life from the realm of gods, and she doesn't care about the division of matter and antimatter. The noble blood flowing in her body also gives her the power to be immune to all this.

Thain always stood behind Greer, looking at her with eyes of admiration and admiration.

Greer didn't speak all the time, feeling the fiery gaze, her lips moved slightly, but she still didn't say anything after all.

She knew what Thain thought of her, but so what? She only cares about revenge, to kill Darkseid,

When Thain has this kind of strength, Greer doesn't mind giving everything of himself at all.

But now... no.

Greer will only give everything for someone who can achieve her goal, and Thain is still far behind.

"If Donnie would help me, we wouldn't be in such trouble. Originally, he was the man most likely to help me realize my wish..."

Greer drank the drink in one gulp, scratched her messy hair, and sighed deeply.

Sean pursed his lips, hesitant to speak.

Donny? He is the best candidate, with a noble and sole god status comparable to Darkseid, powerful potential, fearless awareness, and the madness to seize slim opportunities from crises without fear of death...

But, how could this kind of existence be able to take a fancy to the mere Greer?

Daughter of Darkseid? Is this status very honorable?

Downey himself is tied with Darkseid, and he has the only daughter of the most powerful demon in the third palace, and everything is better than Greer.

The two of them want revenge, and they have to rely on themselves to find the artifact that can fight Darkseid.


Thain crushed a drunk trash again, and threw the bloody corpse on the ground, making a bang.

Looking over with sinful eyes, these lunatics laughed wildly and continued to focus on the fun in their hands.

There is a big battle inside, and not far from Kovad Star, there is also a big battle breaking out. This is the confrontation between two quasi-eighth-level powerhouses, and both sides are only one step away from the real multiverse level.

In the place of evil, these lunatics laughed wildly, pointing at this battle, and there was no lack of admiration and jealous eyes.

"I bet one of my arms, our anti-matter one will definitely win." Someone shouted drunkenly holding a wine glass.

"Fart, another idiot who drank too much and doesn't know what to say!"

The hideous creature at the next table touched the devil-like horns on his head, and said with a sneer, "I know about that guy who came from the main universe. The taste of the material god king, but I have to give up, I don't want to die yet."

He took a sip of wine and said with a sneer, "I bet my head that the guy from the main universe will definitely win. He is just a paranoid lunatic. This is the first time I have seen such a god king."

Greer raised her head expressionlessly, her blood-colored eyes looked through the wall at a rare battle outside Star Kovad.

The two quasi-eighth-level god kings with the same appearance, the same clothes, and the same energy level, but with a clear distinction between positive and negative matter, are fighting desperately.

These are two Jade Emperors.

One is from the main universe, and it seems to be frantically hunting down the doppelganger—this is no secret, you must know that the antimatter universe is too huge and vast, with a diameter of 32 trillion light-years, and it receives information from the entire multiverse .

The other one, the anti-matter Jade Emperor, also reached the limit of level seven, and was only one step away from being promoted to a rare level eight god.

Even if it is the lowest level of multiple gods in theory, it is still at the eighth level, enough to wipe out all of them with a backhand.

Supremacy, equal to Darkseid, is also a powerful force that Greer dreams of.


The two Heavenly Court Lords fought desperately, dripping with blood, and from time to time, a large amount of flesh and blood was crushed and scattered into the antimatter universe.

Many people are watching their engagement, waiting for the result.

"There are always some lunatics in the main universe." Thain clenched his fists, stared at him, and growled.

The new gods, and those monsters under the new gods who know how to be so perverted, forget it, and now even a god king of a multi-divine system that has never been heard of in the past is so terrifying.

The war broke out, the energy surged, and a powerful energy barrier emerged on the entire Kovad star. This planet also has a technological level that crushes the multiverse. Mobius has mastered many powerful technologies of the watchers. Of course, you must carefully manage your own lair.


The Jade Emperor of the main universe tore off half of the shoulder of the anti-matter doppelgänger, pulling out a large piece of flesh and blood, and then punched him through the opponent's chest.

The contact between antimatter and positive matter immediately erupted with annihilating power. In the bang, the Jade Emperor of the main universe was blown away, bloody and dying, no matter how you looked at it, he was not far from death.

"Stupid! Fighting against my antimatter life in the antimatter universe, your brain must be kicked by a donkey!"

The anti-matter Jade Emperor had a mutilated body, but on that middle-aged cold and stern face, there was a ferocious laugh.

The Jade Emperor of the main universe was expressionless, spat out a mouthful of blood, and continued to pounce on it. The powerful heavenly power exploded and slammed at the enemy.

After another series of fierce battles, the anti-matter Jade Emperor finally couldn't hold on anymore. It wasn't that he couldn't win, it was because he was in the main universe on the opposite side, and he didn't even think about letting anyone win.

Zhao Zhao desperately, every time he makes a move, he has the consciousness of dying together, and the Anti-Material Jade Emperor feels hairy.

How do you feel that the Jade Emperor of the main universe is more extreme than the brutal and bloody self? What the hell has this guy been through?



Rumble! !

The antimatter Jade Emperor turned into an explosive firework, which destroyed hundreds of nearby galaxies and turned into dust in the universe.

The main universe Jade Emperor's body has long been mutilated, his energy is empty, and his face is numb, as if he has completed a predetermined task, he rushed into the core of the explosion, grabbed the space with his big hand, and began to assimilate the double body himself.

"This is a crazy ogre. He is desperate to advance to the multiverse level."

A drunkard shivered in fright, and clicked his tongue in horror.

This is really desperate, and it is also desperate. Jade Emperor's doppelganger all over the multiverse will not let him go.

Greer's eyes were gloomy: "Although this is the most stupid and risky method, it is at least better than becoming a quasi-sole god. As long as he can continue to win, he will be able to maintain his original self and will not become something weird. ..."

The difference between the quasi-unique god and the multiple gods is unknown to many indigenous peoples, but the noble-born Greer knows very well that even though the quasi-unique is powerful and claims to be the closest to the only existence, it has actually been distorted from the very beginning.

I gradually become not myself, just a part of myself, a hodgepodge.

Although the multiverse gods are the weakest and cheapest in theory, they are still noble multiverse-level gods, and they can be regarded as the mainstay if they get the domain of gods.

If given the chance, Greer would also like to do the same...

"If I also have a bunch of doppelgangers..." Greer smashed the wine glass in her hand, with unwilling tears flowing in her eyes.

She would, too, if she could! And she is more willing to take the path of the only god, integrate countless selves, and gain the power to hunt and kill Darkseid!

But she can't help it!

As the only heir of God, there must be no worries? No, there will be the same.

The current Greer is neither the only god, nor the quasi-unique god, nor the multiple gods. She is the only favored person, who continues the blood of Darkseid, enjoys the protection of Darkseid's power, and is free from all duplication The only blessing.

Faintly, a terrifying wave that overwhelms Kovad Star is being born.

"He really succeeded... Do I count as witnessing the rise of a lunatic god king?" Greer laughed at himself.

The ghost knows how long it took this crazy character from the main universe to kill how many himself, it doesn't matter, people cannibalism is the most essential rule of the multiverse.

The point is that he lived to the end, kept winning, and succeeded.

An eighth-level multi-god, emitting terrifying fluctuations and radiating all light, illuminating the entire antimatter universe.

Countless lives vibrated, silently watching everything.

Those guys who were hiding in the dark and ready to move, cursed unwillingly, and stopped angrily.

They still wanted to take advantage of it and kill two god kings in one go, but now they can't do it, the eighth-level god king can kill them all with one finger.

The smoke filled the air, the multi-dimensional force field trembled, and the antimatter universe seemed to fall into a brief silence.

At the core of the explosion, as it slowly dissipated, a breath was slightly weak, but a figure with terrifying power surged around him, like a demon god, exuding blood and ferocity, and walked out.

"What the hell is the main universe? Is the specialty there lunatics?" Someone took a sip of wine and muttered.

"The main universe was not like this before. It was recently that many, many horrible things happened there. The gods and gods who were powerful in countless universes died there one after another."

"I don't know who brought this evil wind up. Could it be that guy named Donny..."

"Shut up! You must at least maintain the most basic reverence for the only God! You can hate him, but you can't insult him for nothing! As long as he thinks about it, he will definitely know that you are insulting him!"

The only god, that is a monster that can receive information from the entire multiverse by himself.

Greer threw away the fragments in her hand, took a deep breath, and immediately pulled the helpless Thain into flight, and quickly came to the Jade Emperor.

Thain looked helpless. They have tried this kind of thing before. The last time they went to the main universe to find Donnie, that's what they did, but it didn't work.

"Who are you?" The Jade Emperor looked at Greer indifferently. The other party exuded a faint aura of tyranny and nobility, which is not something that the natives in the multiverse can have.

This is the offspring of a single god.

Donny? He doesn't have kids yet, so that can be ruled out.

As for Thain who was following Greer... he was too weak and was directly ignored by the Jade Emperor.

"I'm Greer, the daughter of Darkseid." Greer bowed his head slightly, showing respect.


"Congratulations, you have done what countless wastes want to do but dare not do."


"I hope to get your help. After it is done, you can get everything you want."


"I'm looking for a warrior who can kill Darkseid..."


The Jade Emperor turned around and left, his movements were clean and neat, without the slightest sloppiness, his decisiveness was so frightening, it showed the demeanor of the Emperor of Heaven.

Kill Darkseid? The Jade Emperor is not crazy yet, although he has hunted and killed hundreds of thousands of his own ruthless people, but he is not crazy enough to challenge Darkseid just after being promoted to the eighth level.

That's not self-confidence, it's not domineering, it's a fool, and whoever does that is a fool.

"Why don't you try?!" Greer yelled, "Not now, maybe in the future! As long as you succeed, you can get the Omega effect and occupy the entire Apocalypse!!"

"Go find someone else, I won't provoke Darkseid, I will take my god system to gain a foothold in the realm of gods in the future, and I won't provoke the only god overlord who can't be killed."

The Jade Emperor shook his head, turned indifferently, broke through the barrier of dimensions in an instant, and disappeared into the antimatter universe.

As long as Darkseid does not come to slaughter his gods, the Jade Emperor will not take risks for an illusory future.

He is a very practical god-king.

"Go to the main universe, the new god may be interested in this - the anti-monitor may also help you."

The Jade Emperor disappeared, and the voice entered Greer's mind, causing the latter to fall into deep thought.

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