Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 881 Birth of the Lord of Chaos

In the main universe, Bumblebee gave Qin a fragment of a phoenix as if offering a treasure.

"Thank you, Bumblebee! This is exactly what I need!"

Qin looked surprised, hugged the big head of Bumblebee and kissed it hard, and Bumblebee danced happily at that time.

After absorbing this fragment, Qin was one step closer to the White Phoenix King.

Although the power of the goblin kept expressing dissatisfaction, Bumblebee completely ignored it.

Downey was thinking about reforming the godslayer, watching the scene where the bumblebee offered the treasure, he couldn't help laughing, and shook his head.

Well, Bumblebee has found a proper way to get along with the goblin power, and Downey can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

As for what Bumblebee told him about Mobius, Downey frowned.

"Mobius is about to reach his limit."

Downey judged.

In the comics, Mobius can't wait to find Darkseid to fight to the death after killing more than a thousand universes. It's definitely not that Mobius is stupid and doesn't know how to develop insignificantly, but because he has reached the upper limit, even if he is a powerful opponent. The monitor also cannot bear the terrifying pressure brought by the anti-life equation.

What a tragedy, to get a powerful artifact, but not possess the aptitude to unearth the full potential of the artifact.

"The Omega Effect and the Anti-Life Equation... What will be born from the combination of the two..."

Downey thought, if possible, he would be happy to get involved, and while Darkseid and Mobius were fighting each other, he would overthrow the two guys in one fell swoop.

At this time, a vague fluctuation suddenly passed.

The powerful barrier that blocked the world of Cybertron from being destroyed by the energy of the blood domain also fed back a large amount of information, analyzing the changes in the blood domain.

Shockwave quickly approached, and the leader of the Academy of Sciences said seriously: "Not far from Cybertron, there are eighth-level gods fighting, and they are approaching here. I don't know if their goal is the main universe or us."

Downey glanced at the blood field, his expression changed, and he said calmly: "Don't worry, no matter who these two guys want to do to us, it will not end well...Let the Supreme Council get ready. directly dispatched,

kill them. "

Several eighth-level gods, killing an eighth-level enemy is not a problem, at least it can be supported.

Downey got up, appeared in the blood field in an instant, easily tore through the energy of the blood field, and went straight to the battlefield.

In the vast area far away from the world of Cybertron, Jade Emperor, who had just left the antimatter universe, had already fought with an inexplicable guy.

"Zeus, Odin, La, Shiva, Amaterasu, Sakyamuni, Maya... You are the Tianjin Wengxing! You bastard is still alive?!"

The Jade Emperor felt the familiar but slightly unfamiliar mass of divine power from this eighth-level existence like a black shadow, and his heart was jumping with fear, and a trace of fear inevitably appeared on his calm face.

Regarding the great destruction of the main universe god system, he heard through Guan Yu and others that if the Jade Emperor hadn't built the heavenly court like a copper wall before leaving, the heavenly court would definitely not be spared.

The gods of the entire main universe, except for the heavens, were all destroyed, and only a little bit of fire remained in Asgard.

This is an unprecedented disaster in the god system.

However, fortunately, Weng Xing of Tianjin bumped into an iron plate, and was first delayed by the god Thor, and then unluckily chopped into pieces by the bad-tempered Steppenwolf clone with an axe, which was extremely tragic.

Many people thought that the demon Tianjin Wengxing was dead, and there were very few seventh-level gods who were opponents of Steppenwolf.

Unexpectedly, not only did this guy not die, but he became even more terrifying. As an eighth-level god, he returned to the main universe for revenge.

He also traced the divine power breath of the Jade Emperor first, and killed him.

"Back then, I was the only one who missed you. If you obediently let me swallow you, I wouldn't have ended up in this situation!! Little Steppenwolf, almost killed me! That bastard doesn't even know who I am! !!"

The black shadow-like existence with no width let out a sinister roar, and the divine power of various gods burst out one after another, impacting on the Jade Emperor.

"I am the clone of Annihilation! It comes from an existence that far exceeds the gods of the Apocalypse! How dare the little Steppenwolf treat me like this! You goddamn gods, instead of obediently being eaten by me, dare to resist and escape !!"

"It's an honor for you despicable gods to be a part of me!"

"I, the Lord of Chaos, will issue the supreme judgment on your pantheon - become a part of me! This is my gift to you!"

Tianjin Wengxing, no, it should be said that it is the Lord of Chaos who has taken over the authority of the multiverse, a god that symbolizes chaos and destruction, roaring at this time, and greedily staring at the Jade Emperor.

Eighth-level Jade Emperor, he has never eaten this kind of food, it must taste good.

In order to advance from the seventh level to the eighth level, the Lord of Chaos dragged his seriously injured body, ran to many universes to slaughter the gods, and continued to devour them before he was able to recover and obtained the qualification to enter the eighth level.

It's really miserable, the independent clone that has been annihilated dignifiedly has been reduced to this point.

But it's not too late now, after eating the Jade Emperor, he will become stronger!

The Lord of Chaos has already made up his mind, he wants to eat up all the gods in the main universe, whether it is Heavenly Court or the remnants of Asgard, they will all enter his stomach!

Even new gods...

The Lord of Chaos licked his lips, regretting in his heart, the five great gods would not allow him to start a war with the new gods, so he could only suppress his desire and endure.

The Jade Emperor raised his hand indifferently, smashing the chaotic power of the Lord of Chaos with one punch, with a serious expression on his face.

The Lord of Chaos is very good at pulling all stable forms into the chaotic and disorderly camp. This is bad news. Every attack the Jade Emperor makes will become disordered and collapsed when it reaches the Lord of Chaos. It is extremely lethal limited.

"how did you do it?"

The Jade Emperor frowned, returned in vain again, and quickly retreated, dodging the attack of the Lord of Chaos.

The Lord of Chaos just sneered, attacking and killing the Jade Emperor again and again, the two terrifying figures collided with each other, causing huge waves.

But it was obvious that the Jade Emperor, who had just been promoted to the eighth level, was obviously at a disadvantage and was far from being the opponent of the Lord of Chaos.

When fighting the Lord of Chaos, there will always be an illusion, as if the entire multiverse is helping him. This is an advantage of being in charge of the authority of the multiverse, and it is also an advantage recognized by the five great gods.

The Jade Emperor looked precarious.

"You can't kill me." The Jade Emperor said indifferently, raising his hand to point in a certain direction.

There, Downey's powerful body exuding a deep aura has descended, wearing the set of black supreme battle armor, which is a complete set of artifacts that Downey barely built with the power of the entire Cybertron world.

Built with X energy, it is extravagant to the extreme.

"Tianjin Wengxing, you have crossed the line!"

Downey's face was grim, and he was wearing the Supreme God Armor. He descended with sternness and sternness, like a demon god caught in a rage.

On the black shadow of the Lord of Chaos, ferocious sharp teeth appeared, and his wide bloody eyes slowly opened in the darkness.

"Donnie, you stretched your hand too far. The multiverse is not your backyard to wander around! Also, I am the Lord of Chaos now, the master of chaos and disorder!" the Lord of Chaos roared.

"I said you are Tianjin Wengxing, you are Tianjin Wengxing, isn't that true! Besides, you are worthy of calling yourself the Lord of Chaos?"

Downey landed with a bang, his feet stepped on the blood field, time and space oscillated, the rules rioted, the blood field boiled, and energy exploded.

Downey became even stronger, and the bonus of this suit of armor to Downey was raised to a terrifying level.

Back then, Downey was wearing the mother box armor, which was able to resist the Sangongmo. Now this set of Supreme God Armor, which is no worse than the mother box armor, is enough for Downey to have the ability to arm-wrestle with the old eighth-level god.

Donnie really didn't pay attention to the little Lord of Chaos. He's just a guy who eats and drinks. He relies on Annihilation as the background. Do you really think he's invincible?


Donnie looked at the Lord of Chaos indifferently, and then at the embarrassed Jade Emperor.

"If I don't come to save you, you will die." Donnie said calmly.

The Jade Emperor shook his head: "This guy is not that strong, I can't win, and running for my life is fine. Anyway, I owe you a favor this time."

"My favor is not that bad, you have to pay it back slowly."

Downey said something lightly.

The Jade Emperor glanced at Downey and nodded silently.

At their level, there is no need to waste words on many things, you just need to feel each other's information sets.

I'm afraid this "favor" will be very troublesome, and it has something to do with the cooperation that Downey mentioned before.

More likely, it has something to do with the realm of the gods. Downey needs a pawn to enter the realm of the gods first and meet the firepower of many ancient gods.

And the Jade Emperor thought exactly this way, he wanted to let Tang Ni rush in first and get beaten up, and then make troubles on his own, and act in a low-key manner.

As for what will happen in the future, it all depends on how these two guys with their own ghosts trick people.

The Lord of Chaos looked at Downey coldly, and the shadow-like body slowly gathered together, and finally, a head with a distorted and hideous face appeared.

There is only a head, no body, well, it is still a bald head, which is not easy to mess with at first glance.

This is the true form of the Lord of Chaos, a head floating in the blood field. At first glance, it seems that countless dimensions of countless time and space are filled with this head. He is suppressing half of the multiverse in a special form. rule.

"You want to fight me just because of you. You're looking for death. Call the Lord of Order to come together, and that shitty middleman. Call together. I'll beat you three alone."

Donnie opened his hand. His figure seemed so small in front of the Lord of Chaos, but such a dwarf exuded a power that made the Lord of Chaos faintly palpitate.

"How did you know about the Lord of Order and the middleman? Also, you grew up too fast... This set of armor, you fearless lunatic, went to the Dark Multiverse? How did you get it from Barbatos?" survived?"

The Lord of Chaos looked at Donnie with great fear.

Back when he was raging in the main universe, he didn't see Downey through. He was trying to attack Cybertron, but he was dragged away by the newly transformed god Thor.

After such a long time, he couldn't see through it even more.

Originally, he was confident that he could fight against Downey. No matter how fast this new god grows, he can still be faster than with Annihilation as the backstage.

But looking at it now, Nima's opponent has become stronger and more unreasonable.

There has never been a guy who can rise so strongly like Downey. The rise of the new god is to step on the corpses of countless ancient gods and step on the road watered by countless blood.

What frightened the Lord of Chaos the most was that Downey seemed to know him very well, which made the Lord of Chaos's scalp tingle a little. Looking at Downey's cold eyes, his scalp felt numb.

"The Lord of Order was born before me, but he has always acted secretly. He is a god jointly created by the five creation gods, specifically to enrich the power of the multiverse... Then I was born."

The Lord of Chaos said coldly: "The middleman is the spokesperson who was selected with the Lord of Order shortly after I took over the power of chaos. How did you know that before he had time to walk in the multiverse?!"

The Lord of Chaos was anxious and looked at Downey coldly.

"Go away, or die!"

Downey slowly pulled down the battle helmet on his head, covering his entire face. On the sharp-edged, sharp-edged Supreme God Armor, bright rays of light poured out, exuding destructive power.

"Or you can choose to call the Lord of Order and the middleman right now, and I can kill the three of you alone." Downey whispered.

The Jade Emperor said indifferently: "I am also willing to participate in the war. If nothing else, it's okay to hold you back."

"Don't be too arrogant!"

The Lord of Chaos sneered, looked past the Jade Emperor, took a deep look at Downey, thought for a moment, and countless thoughts flashed across.

Suddenly, the Lord of Chaos struck, very suddenly.

A terrifying shady curtain covered the blood field, unexpectedly forcibly cut off a large area of ​​high-dimensional time and space, and rushed towards Downey with the power of devouring.

The power of countless multiple gods swallowed by him exploded in the dark, densely covered with shadows, and various chains of divine power were clearly visible, turning into dead chains and bombarding Downey.

"A wise decision, Tianjin Wengxing, it seems that you haven't lost your mind yet."

Downey praised him sincerely.

Doing it is most in line with Downey's wishes, and he can take the opportunity to draw out the Lord of Order and kill these two guys directly.

For such a long time, Downey has been waiting, waiting for the birth of the Lord of Chaos and the Lord of Order, so much so that when the Tianjin Urn star aggressively attacked the Cybertron Star in the main universe, Downey was enduring it, and did not Find a way to kill him.

Now finally, it's time to receive the result, as long as it can lead to the Lord of Order!

Downey raised his head slightly, and on the Supreme God Armor, powerful blades that were so sharp that they could cut a whole universe into pieces suddenly exploded, brewing with higher-level power, colliding with the chains and chains, like cutting tofu. The lifelong accumulation of these gods was smashed to pieces.

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