Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 885 Crazy 3rd Legion

Eternal and Tun Xing looked at Downey coldly.

The other world was completely exposed to Downey's gaze, and it became no longer secretive and safe.

"You utilitarian, your rash invasion may lead to disastrous consequences first, not before we have an impact on you." Swallowing star coldly snorted.

To say that the most difficult ones are Tunxing and Downey, after all, the main universe Tunxing died once indirectly because of Downey, this is a sad story

The most important clone is gone. For Tun Xing, he became blind in the main universe and suffered a heavy loss.

Donnie glanced at Tunxing, and said lightly: "No matter what you think, I'm not interested in fighting with you. If I didn't realize that something was wrong with eternity, I wouldn't break into your base camp... One-on-five, I'm the one who suffers." .”

Three new figures quietly appeared, and the five gods surrounded Downey in the center.

On Annihilation's body, the fog lingered: "You have crossed the line, and its nature is the same as that of the Cybertron world that I raided you. This is a bad practice."

"Take care of yourselves first. I'm here for eternity. I'm here for the multiverse disaster caused by eternity. I, an outsider, are happy to help you with things that are inconvenient for you, but I need a good reward."

Downey glanced at Tun Xing nonchalantly.

Tun Xing's heart jumped, and the position of the heart, the ultimate eraser was about to activate subconsciously. This was the only thing Tun Xing could rely on to confront Downey head-on.

But this instinct was forcibly suppressed by Tun Xing, pretending to be expressionless.

The five great gods fell silent for a while.

Annihilation took the lead and said in a low voice: "The inner world will never be open to you, Donnie leaves, or war begins!"


The annihilation of the ultimate opposite representing all the concepts of the multiverse suddenly erupted and blatantly attacked Downey. The conceptual power that seemed to be able to erase everything in the world directly aroused the response of the entire multiverse.

Downey immediately faced terrifying pressure, and was forcibly pushed by Annihilation. In the silent roar, his whole body immediately flew up, and the two energy cannons bombarded each other, but it was obvious that Downey was not an opponent of Annihilation at all.

Even though he was wearing the supreme battle armor, which made Downey a top existence in the eighth level, but facing the ninth-level Annihilation, he was still famous for his destructive power and the head of the five great gods, Annihilation. was defeated.


The Supreme God Armor creaked and wailed piercingly. X energy, as the most basic link unit, had a faint tendency to collapse.

Downey spat out a mouthful of blood, let out a cold snort, and retreated violently, several powerful unique god powers gushed out, but in the end he could only protect himself and was crushed and beaten by Annihilation.

The inner world began to be restless, but the other four gods joined forces to stabilize the world. They watched indifferently the destruction of countless asteroids. Amidst the roars comparable to the Big Bang, Downey was violently expelled by Annihilation and kicked out.

Annihilation waved his hand, closed the gate of the inner world, sealed it again, and turned his head to look at death.

"You are doing crazy things, seriously violating the tacit understanding between us." Annihilation said.

Death giggled, and said, "Isn't this exactly what you expected? Bring Donnie in and wipe our ass... Don't tell me you don't have this idea."

Tun Xing said angrily: "But this idea came after something went wrong with Eternity! You shouldn't have lured Donnie before us!"

Death looked at him in surprise: "Are you sure?"

Tun Xing looked at the playful death and fell silent for a while.

He didn't know how much death knew about the relationship between him and eternity.

Among the five gods, the most difficult thing to grasp is death. This is an unreasonable crazy woman who doesn't even know about swallowing stars. If death knows the truth, what will she do.

It's just a trivial matter to provoke Downey.

I'm afraid that even their four great gods will be cheated by death together.

Death stared at Tun Xing, then at Eternity who had been silent all along, chuckled, and left the inner world directly.

Annihilation and infinity depart one after the other,

He didn't ask about the two from the beginning to the end, as if he was too lazy to intervene.

After a while, Eternal said: "Your affairs are still kept secret until the talisman is freed, and the ultimate eraser should not use it lightly."

Swallowing Star, who is in charge of the ultimate eraser, has the terrifying ability to instantly kill high-level eighth-level gods, and is a killer existence.


Donnie was annihilated and driven out of the inner world in a state of embarrassment. Looking back, the entrance had long since disappeared. He released his perception, but he could no longer find the location of the inner world.

"This is the quasi-ninth level... It's so powerful that the gap between the borders can't be seen..."

Downey shook his head, a little envious.

Only when facing annihilation directly can he personally feel the oppressive feeling of being overwhelmed and breathless. This feeling is unprecedented, and it is more stressful than Darkseid's body.

The head of the five great gods is worthy of the name.

"I have to get the Ultimate Eraser. This unique artifact, which was born only for killing and destruction, even if it gets the Domain of God, it will cause the gods to frantically pursue it."

Downey turned his head, took a deep look at the gap that had been blasted away by him just now, and now disappeared, and returned to the world of Cybertron within a step.

Every ounce of strength is what Downey pursues, all in order to enrich his body as much as possible before entering the realm of gods.


In the main universe, since Downey relocated the residents of Cybertron for the second time, it has been silent for a while. After a long period of observation by all parties, it is finally confirmed that Downey, the plague god who suppressed everything, has finally left.

Some guys who couldn't bear it any longer were ready to move, and some even started to act.

OA star.

The three little blue men looked at Ganther and Saito grimly.

They were originally seven members. In the darkest night, they scarred their faces and killed a guardian, the little blue man sitting on star OA, and there were only three of them left.

"It's sad, Gunther, that we meet again."

A little blue man looked indifferent.

With a bruised nose and swollen face, Ganser raised his head with a sluggish breath, and smiled miserably: "You really can't let us go? Are you willing to slaughter the Blue Lantern Corps for this?"

"Everyone who betrayed Star OA will die, even you Ganser!" a little blue man said coldly.

On the side, Saito had already fallen into a coma.

Ganser growled: "You villains, the Green Lantern Corps has served you for so many years, and you actually started to clean them...why!!"

The three little blue men still kept their cold expressions, but they became more sinister.

Yes, they have officially started to purge the Green Lantern Corps, and all members of the Legion will die!

"The green light rings in the entire universe have terminated the function of selecting hosts, which will ensure that the number of legion members will not increase—before we complete the final plan."

"The Green Lantern Corps is loyal to us, so obeying our will is the only thing they should do."

"It was a mistake to form the Green Lantern Corps. We once thought that the green of the will was the most impartial force, but the Lanterns just became who they wanted to be, but not what we wanted them to be."

"The Third Legion will inherit the strength of the First Legion, the obedience of the Green Lantern Corps, and eventually replace everything in the main universe."

The three little blue men talked to each other, telling Ganser, their companion who had lived together for more than ten billion years, their plan.

A little blue man raised a finger, and the green light ring on it flickered non-stop. Immediately, amidst bursts of violent sounds, a black planet was dragged by countless green chains, and slowly approached OA star.

This is a black, living planet, with countless black slime-like substances wriggling on it.

Ganser clearly felt that there were countless fuzzy wills spreading fragmented thoughts on it.

Oh, not all wills are fragmented, and there is a guy on it who is always thinking in fragments, which makes people headache.

"Whoah! You are too much! This is the planet I found! It is mine! You shameless robbers! Look, you are not as good as a single hair of mine!"

A guy who was entangled by a lot of black liquid creatures simply took off his pants to several little blue men, pointed at his lower body and yelled seriously.

For a while, Ganser fell silent, and the three little blue men fell silent.

"Why didn't you kill him?" The little blue man in the lead asked left and right.

The little blue man on the left had a cold face: "I killed him, but I couldn't kill him. This guy's self-healing ability is too scary."

"Leng Jie can't kill him, so throw him into the sun and melt him completely."

"I tried it. Even if this guy is burned into a quark, he will be resurrected by himself in a short time, and he will come to Planet OA alive and kicking."

"I used the power of the emotional spectrum to investigate. It seems that a high-level power is protecting him, so he can't die." The last little blue man said.

"Is it death?"

"It should be, I don't know why she favors this lowly creature called Deadpool."

"Then don't worry about it, just a small thing that can't be killed, it doesn't affect the overall situation..."

The three little blue men looked at the sky, the dung-spraying dregs on the black planet, expressionless.

They activated the Green Lantern Corps and captured the symbiote planet. This is a major event that happened in the main universe recently, and it was also the last time the Green Lantern Corps played a useful role.

With the symbiote planet in hand, the preparations for the Third Legion were officially completed. After this time, the little blue men officially began to cleanse the Green Lantern Corps.

Ganser murmured in a low voice, "The Third Legion...?"

"Don't worry, Gunther, you will soon understand everything and understand our painstaking efforts."

The three little blue men used the green light ring to control Ganther to float up. Immediately, the power of the spectrum exploded and pierced into Ganther's body viciously.

A shrill scream came from Ganser's mouth, and the chains made up of various spectrums were slowly being pulled from Ganser's body.

This is extracting the emotion from Ganther's body, a noble guardian does not need such things as emotion.

Soon after the execution was over, Ganser lost all his emotions and became an indifferent thinking machine again.

"Gancer, you are qualified to continue to lead us like this." The three little blue people looked at Ganther who had returned to "normal", and said.

Ganser pointed at Saito, who was lying on the ground: "Let her also return to 'normal'."

In the air, Deadpool frantically brushed his sense of presence: "You executioners, you are so cruel to your own race, watch Master Deadpool punish you! How about cutting off friendship? I am studying this new posture! Look at my big hang!"

The five little blue people didn't bother to pay attention to him, their tiny figures floated above the sky above the OA star, watching the Green Lanterns roaring towards from a distance following the orders of the guardians.

"Third Legion, activate."

Gunther spoke.

Immediately, from the symbiont planet, countless symbionts began to frantically gather, and finally gathered into a human shape, pulled by chains and pounced on OA star.

There was also a roar on the OA planet, and a huge light cluster rose. From the light cluster, a cold-looking creature walked out, and combined with these symbionts that had been controlled and transformed, forming a whole black body. , but muscular humanoids.

These are the soldiers of the Third Legion, but they are not yet perfect at this time. They need living people as "hosts". As long as each soldier comes into contact with a living creature, he will transform the creature into a unified appearance. Regulars of the Three Legions.

Unrestricted assimilation is a means for the Third Legion to expand its strength. As long as one legionnaire is present, it can assimilate many living creatures and create more things.

"Combining the characteristics of the Black Lantern Ring and the unexpected surprise of the symbiote planet, the Third Legion is powerful enough to sweep the main universe."

Ganser has already passed the Lantern Ring and received all the content about the Third Legion, and he is very satisfied.

This is stronger and more reliable than the Third Army they prepared many years ago.

The soldiers of the Third Legion they originally prepared were all silver-white and only had the function of assimilation, which was not enough to occupy an overwhelming advantage in the main universe.

it's OK now.

"All the guardians are not allowed to leave star OA, even if they leave, they must act together to avoid being defeated by the enemy one by one." Ganser ordered.

At this time, all the Green Lanterns have arrived at star OA, looking curiously at the light cluster and the symbiote planet.

The obedience and awe they have formed over the years prevents them from thinking that the guardians will harm them.

Only Tomare and Kilowog felt extremely uneasy in their hearts. After looking at each other, they tried to contact the outside world through the green light ring.

But they were horrified to find that the communication function of Lantern Ring was locked the first time they entered OA star.

"A new era will eventually come, the departure of darkness represents the rebirth of light, and a new order will be established."

Ganser's voice resounded in the minds of every Green Lantern, like the final death knell tolled for the once glorious Green Lantern Corps.


Strips of powerful energy grids suddenly enveloped the OA star, trapping all the Green Lanterns in place.

That terrifying black creature with a name like a demon couldn't wait to pounce on all the lantern men present, as if rushing towards a feast.

"What is this?!"

"I was caught by them..."

"Guardian, what are these??"

A Green Lantern has fallen, as long as they are touched by that black thing, they will immediately be covered by black matter, their bodies will be covered, and they will be transformed into humanoid creatures with a uniform appearance.

This is the Third Legion. It is a powerful soldier developed by the little blue people by combining the advantages of the First Legion and the Green Lantern Corps, plus the characteristics of the Black Lantern Ring and the Symbiote Legion. It has a terrible infection ability.

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