Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 886: Another Explosion

The entire Green Lantern Corps fell into a great rage and roar.

The endless chains were fiercely tied to all the Lanterns, covering the huge OA star, forming an impenetrable blockade.

The five little blue men, including Ganser, are raising their hands, continuously creating more green chains, and constantly crowding out the resistance and movement space of the Lantern Heroes.

Below, a tragic massacre is going on.

The upgraded Third Legion has shown a terrifying ability to assimilate. As long as it is touched by these black things, even the Green Lanterns with willpower will fall in an instant, wrapped in black matter, and transform their minds and bodies , into a humanoid thing with exactly the same appearance.

This is even scarier than the increase of the virus.

A famous Lanternman roared to resist, the light of will flickered wildly, and many Lanternmen joined forces to fight against the rapidly increasing Third Legion, but the number of fighters was still rapidly decreasing.

"What the hell is the guardian trying to do!"

"You actually betrayed us!"

"Why on earth!!!"

No one knows how desperate these Lanterns are in their hearts at this time. They faithfully believe in the little blue people, and regard them as the guideposts of their lives, and they can entrust all life mentors and even gods.

And the little blue man reported a brutal massacre to them.

The five little blue men looked indifferently at the chaotic OA star.

Ganser said: "Everything will be on the right track. Although the plan was constantly disrupted due to the appearance of the new god, it finally succeeded."

"The main universe will be under our rule from now on, ushering in a new order."

"Assimilate all life in the main universe, let the third legion radiate to the whole world."

"In the new world, there will be no more conflicts and strife, they are all our fighters."

"Hundreds of millions of lives are the best candidates for fighters."

The five little blue men were extremely ruthless, watching a famous lantern man become a member of the third army in screaming and despair.

Ambition is growing in their hearts. They are ruthless and only have goals in their eyes. They are a group of thinking robots who can abandon everything in pursuit of maximizing their interests.

Behind them, the group of dazzling rays of light exudes a heavy atmosphere, and the power of the emotional spectrum is continuously spreading.

It seems that this light group is providing the five little blue men with powerful energy to control everything.

"It's been more than ten billion years, and you haven't changed at all. You are still so arrogant and arrogant, thinking that you are the center of the world, and everything must exist according to your will."

In the light group, a vague figure can be seen. This person slowly walked from the center of the light group to the edge of the light group. Every step he took, he was under tremendous pressure and endured the loss of power.

With a bang, this figure lay on the edge of the light group. This light group is a prison, locking him inside.

"You will regret it! Sooner or later, I will find a way out and gouge out your eyes with my own hands!"

The figure said in a mechanically stiff voice.

Ganser said indifferently, "Then you have to come out first."

The other four little blue men didn't even turn their heads, but quietly increased the pressure on this figure again, drawing more power.

The figure let out a painful growl, and in that transparent body, veins like blood vessels and nerves were visible to the naked eye.

What is even more surprising is that these veins are flashing with colorful lights, flickering on and off, just like human neurons that transmit signals.

"You should be honored. You, who have been imprisoned for ten billion years, have the honor to see the birth of a new order. This is a new rule once and for all."

"Stop trying to escape, Fu Rong, you have tried for 10 billion years and haven't escaped, let alone now?"

"You are being drained of power by us, you are becoming weak, and the emotional spectrum is leaving you."

Each of the five little blue men spoke aloud.


Fu Rong didn't speak, just punched the barrier of the light group with his fists, repeating this action stiffly.

The guardians are very confident that the damaged Huo Rong is no longer able to get out of trouble.

But they were so focused on slaughtering the Green Lantern Corps, they didn't realize that with Fu Rong's persistent hammering, a hidden crack quietly appeared in this indestructible light group...

Using the power of the spectrum to imprison the first Lantern, and only these guardians can come out. This is equivalent to using a piece of cake bought from the market to show off in front of the best pastry chef in the world.

Fu Rong stubbornly punched the light ball, cracks continued to spread, his transparent eyes stared at the five little blue men, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It's been more than ten billion billion years, and it's not just him the prisoner who hasn't changed, these self-righteous idiots haven't changed at all.

Their IQs will never match their rapidly expanding ambitions, and if they don't, something will happen.


The Green Lantern Corps has very few living members. Of the 7,200 Lanterns, only a hundred are still struggling to resist. The entire army will be wiped out at any time—probably in the next second.

More than 7,000 companions have turned into soldiers of the Third Legion, and in turn they raised their butcher knives and planned to kill them.

"We can't wait to die!"

A beam of light from Tomare knocked several enemies into the air and roared loudly. However, more Third Legion soldiers rushed towards him. At the moment when Tomare was about to be transformed, a lanternman let out a roar and knocked Tomare away, but he himself was assimilated.

Too late to grieve, Tomare tried to calm down and said: "The communication function is locked, and the escape route is blocked by the guardians. We can only find a way to support it and look forward to a miracle."

While speaking, dozens of Lantern Heroes were transformed again, leaving only more than 30 survivors, on the verge of collapse.

Looking around, there is a dense mass of darkness, and it is impossible to know how many enemies are besieging them, and the number is countless.

If it weren't for the fact that they are all Green Lantern Warriors who are known for their willpower, they would have already collapsed and gone crazy.

"I didn't die in the battle with the star criminals, but I died in the hands of my own people, just to make room for the new legion."

A Green Lantern smiled miserably, and was immediately overwhelmed by the black tide.

For a loyal soldier, the black gun coming from behind is what makes them feel sad and helpless the most.

They did not fall in front of a powerful enemy, but died at the hands of their own people.

The green ray of will is falling, and the black is sweeping the OA.

"Enough! Stop it all!"

There was a loud roar.

Everyone, including the Third Army, paused and looked towards the sky.

The guardian also looked up.

Deadpool managed to crawl out of a bunch of slimy symbiotes, but he was so popular that the symbiotes didn't rush at him crazily, which caused him a lot of trouble.

Deadpool looked at everyone, looked at the countless soldiers of the Third Legion, fell silent for a moment, then took off his hood and took a deep breath.

"I want to pee, I can't hold it anymore."

The guardians remained expressionless and continued to look at Star OA, while the Third Legion began a fierce battle with the remaining soldiers again.

As for Deadpool... No one pays attention to him, just let him talk about it.


In the starry sky of the main universe, there are two figures moving rapidly.

"I have a bold plan, this plan will make us extremely powerful!"

Duzun walked in front, followed by the Doomsday King Kong who looked like a hill.

"I searched some records in the Iron Castle Archives and found out that there is a good thing in the main universe! The ring of origin!"

Duzun looked excited, and while moving quickly, he said to Doomsday King Kong behind him: "Let's do it together, I will use my brain, you will use your muscles, and you can easily grab the origin lamp ring!"

"According to the records, the function of this light ring is terrifying, no less than the white light and black light, and even more powerful, because this first light ring in history is equivalent to the first key of the emotional spectrum!"

The domineering face revealed greed, and he communicated with Doomsday King Kong confidently.

He's talking, and Doomsday is listening.

However, Duzun didn't notice the occasional sarcasm and disdain that Doomsday King Kong showed, and he also regarded Doomsday King Kong as a second fool who was not very smart and could fool around casually.

Don't ask who the big fool is, whoever asks is Dormammu.

The two figures quickly rushed towards the OA star with awe-inspiring murderous intent. They came this time to solve the problem violently.

"Although there is no record of the exact location of the origin lamp ring in the Iron Castle Archives, if I ask Master Ti that guy, he won't tell me whether he is dead or alive! If it weren't for his age, I would have beaten him up long ago."

Duzun sneered, curling his lips in displeasure.

He would never admit that it was because he was worried that he might not be the opponent of Master Titan, the ancestor King Kong with a long beard.

The thirteenth Yuanzu has made rapid progress, and has already established a firm foothold at the seventh level, provoking one, and provoking a group.

Moreover, the research progress of X energy is very worrying for Du Zun.

"I've had a hard time. I came to Cybertron to be an uncle, but I accidentally became a grandson. How can I bear this? Now, apart from that big fool Dormammu, I feel that I am the weakest. I can do it myself."

Duzun let out a long sigh, and arrived at Star OA with the Doomsday King Kong who was always as silent as a piece of wood.

At this time, the OA star has turned into a black ocean, and some black legionnaires began to fly out of the OA star and rush towards the entire universe.

A single soldier can assimilate billions of lives on a planet and create a large number of soldiers, which is more terrifying than the plague.

The remaining green light is in danger and will be extinguished at any time.


Duzun shot out a hot line of sight, roasting more than a dozen legionnaires to ashes, and snorted coldly.


The figure exploded, and the energy surged. The antimatter Kryptonian slammed into the OA planet fiercely, and the soldiers of the Third Legion who stood in front of him died as many as possible.

Doomsday King Kong quietly followed behind, his blood-colored tyrannical eyes swept these black things indifferently.

A black soldier bypassed the Sovereign, and rushed straight at the Doomsday King Kong who looked easy to bully. The black palm touched Doomsday King Kong's hideous body, and the sticky black substance immediately clung to it and began to soak into it crazily. .

Doomsday King Kong glanced coldly at this fearless thing, and in an instant, all the civil war structures, forms of existence, and modes of operation of this soldier were all analyzed and learned by Doomsday King Kong.

Even the ability of this black thing that was desperately trying to drill into his body, the ability to assimilate the Doomsday King Kong with a high level of life, was also cracked.

There were undetectable small changes in the life genes, which made Doomsday King Kong feel more bored and impatient, and also shot out heat vision, destroying all the legionnaires in sight.

Those black substances that were constantly escaping were destroyed by Doomsday King Kong.

There is no way, the level of these things is too low, and they are trying to assimilate the Doom King Kong who can evolve infinitely.

Now, Doom King Kong already has antibodies, but this is useless, and there is no learning value at all.

Doomsday King Kong was a little annoyed, his blood-colored eyes stared coldly at the figure of the Sovereign killing all directions.

There is nothing worthy of evolution to learn, why did you ask me to come out?

Ask yourself to die?

If it weren't for Duzun being the only one who was willing to drag him into trouble, according to King Kong's violent temper, he would have held Duzun in his hands and torn him into eighteen pieces.

Duzun felt a chill behind his back, a little inexplicable, but he didn't care, and made a note of Dormammu in his heart.

"On X, X, X, when I was abusing food, my back suddenly turned cold. It must be that big fool Domamu plotting against me. Write this account down first. That bastard is always jealous of Lao Tzu's outstanding talent and mega-diversity. The wisdom of the universe."

After thinking about it, Duzun punched out a no-man's land a few kilometers away, and made a secret note.

"He is also jealous of Lao Tzu's heroic appearance. After all, that ugly guy is narrow-minded. I really don't understand why this kind of guy is qualified to live in the world of Cybertron."

Duzun was satisfied, became more and more fierce, and entered the OA star.

The blocking net elaborately made by the five guardians was blasted out by the Duzun, and it shook violently on the spot, but it did not shatter.


Duzun was a little surprised, and continued to attack. These network chains could always be stabilized, and even became stronger. In the end, even Duzun could hardly be beaten.


Duzun couldn't hold back his face, he was so proud of himself.

He thought it was something that could be blown up easily, but he gradually couldn't even shake it.

With a dry cough, Duzun immediately turned around, waved at Doomsday King Kong, and pointed to the green chain below.

"It's time for you to perform, don't let me down, although I don't know what those little dwarfs are studying, but as long as we do this vote, the two of us can dominate the world of Cybertron... Wait, are you What look?"

Ruining Day King Kong was tired and didn't bother to pay attention to him. He stretched out his iron arm made of steel, and punched lightly at the chain below.

Really, Doomsday King Kong swears that he really just punched lightly. He is very clear that Downey has a layout in the main universe, so he deliberately reduced his strength so as not to blow up the main universe with one fist.


With a light fist, the chain network collapsed. Not only that, the entire OA star was also under terrible pressure, and it began to shatter on the spot, and flames burst into the sky.

OA star exploded again.

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