Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 887 Disaster Rong: Let me take a closer look at you

"Does a creature like Doomsday have any enmity with us?"

Saito looked at the exploding OA star below, his face stiffened, and he murmured in a low voice.

This tragic scene seems familiar...

Many years ago, that time when the ancient Doomsday broke into the main universe and smashed the OA star, they had nowhere to cry and could only admit that they were unlucky.

After finally rebuilding a new OA star, it was blown up again by a Doomsday that ran over out of nowhere.

Too much deception!

The five guardians stood in the cosmic vacuum, watching the OA star that gradually became hot and exploded, and fell into endless silence for a while.

Fortunately, the central lamp furnace was pulled out by them, and the light group that imprisoned Furong was also behind them intact.

However, apart from them and the Third Legion, some bugs also escaped...

Ganser glanced indifferently at the few figures at Tomare's side, then withdrew his gaze, lost in thought.

"Why did the people from Cybertron come here? To stop the rise of the Third Legion?"

Even Ganser himself doesn't believe this nonsense reason. When did the people of Cybertron become keen on being the savior?

Ganser knew that, judging by the Guardians' criteria for judging good and evil, the residents of Cybertron were all a group of lunatics who feared that the world would not be chaotic, destroyers of order, and promoters of chaos.

"By extracting the power of the evil dragon, we can resist the attack of the Sovereign, but we cannot resist the attack of the doomsday... This thing is too strong, we are no match." A little blue man whispered.

"Then extract more energy! Until Fu Rong contributes everything for us!"

The five guardians communicated for a while. They didn't have time to pay attention to the escaped Tomare and other miscellaneous fish, and began to stretch out their hands to face the light group, frantically extracting the remaining energy of the disaster.

The transparent figure roared in pain, and the hatred that had been suppressed in his heart for hundreds of years continued to accumulate and was about to erupt completely.

In the ten billion years of being imprisoned in the shadow cabinet, he had already wasted too much, and now he was being unscrupulously squeezed by this group of despicable traitors.

Chu Deng's patience has reached the extreme.

Tomare and Kilowog barely escaped with the few remaining Green Lantern Warriors. Behind them, there were still some black soldiers who had not been killed by King Kong, chasing them down.

"Escape immediately, pay attention to avoid the living planet!"

"To find a way to restore the communication function of the Lantern Ring, we need to contact Optimus Prime! The Green Lantern Corps must not die in vain! The Guardians must pay the price!"

"Finally... don't die! We are the only ones left in the Green Lantern Corps!"

Several Lantern Heroes looked gloomy, suppressed their anger and grief, turned into streamers of light and rushed in different directions, disappearing into the vast universe

At this time, it is meaningless to gather together again. If you can run one by one, maybe who can escape the pursuit of the Third Legion and contact Optimus Prime?

As long as the guardians are killed, the lock of the green light ring will naturally be engaged, and the communication function will automatically recover.

As for contacting that Sovereign... That kind of guy is trustworthy? Don't be kidding, in the Sinestro Corps wars a few years ago, Duzun stood in the Yellow Lantern Corps and killed many Green Lanterns.

Tomare and the others are waiting, when the guardians are dead, or when they have no time to take care of them.

Turning his head to look, there was a terrible fluctuation, and Tomare had no time to take care of it. There was only a piece of coldness and sadness in his heart.

It is so sad that the Green Lantern Corps was wiped out by the most trusted Guardians.


In sector 0, the OA star has turned into a light in a vacuum, and the light beam produced by this instant explosion even surpassed the brightness of the star.

The five little blue men had no expression on their faces, they didn't even feel angry, they were persistently drawing the power of Huo Rong.


On the light ball, the cracks are extremely dense and connected into one piece.

"Smurfs, immediately tell me the whereabouts of the origin lamp ring!"

With a proud face,

Arrogantly flew to a place not far from the guardian, casually glanced at the big light ball, and roared.

Behind him, Doomsday King Kong was silent, like a loyal guard, which greatly enhanced the domineering style of the domineering, which made him extremely satisfied.

"Hand over the origin lamp ring, and you will not die! I have no interest in killing you weak chickens!"

Duzun folded his arms across his chest, his cold face was full of cruelty and pride.

The five little blue men just looked at him coldly.

"Dou Zun, you will pay for this. Don't forget, we were the ones who caught you last time." Ganser said coldly.

Duzun snorted coldly, a little annoyed: "I was careless last time! If it wasn't for being beaten by that bastard Supreme Superboy... Bah! I spent a lot of energy to subdue Supreme Superboy first, otherwise how could I Captured alive by you guys?"

This is his dark history. The great Domineering Master was captured alive by a group of little blue men, and then sold to Downey as a trade item.

What a shame.

"How did you know about the Ring of Origin, and who told you?" Saito asked.

"Do you still need someone to tell you about the shitty things you did? You just need to look at the timeline of the main universe. Everything you do is remembered by time, and there is nowhere to hide."

The Duzun sneered, and decided to play tricks to the end.


The light group made a disturbing sound again. At this time, the five little blue talents finally turned their heads to look carefully.

That crack has expanded to the extreme.


A transparent fist smashed through the ball of light. Inside the fist, things that resembled blood vessels and nerves constructed with spectral energy were clearly visible, shining with colorful lights.

"I said, you have to pay for this!!"

Huo Rong was roaring, suppressing the hatred of tens of billions of years, once it burst out, the light group was shattered under the powerful internal force, Huo Rong kept bombarding the gap, and the whole person walked out of the cage.

"Not good! Stop him!"

"We underestimated him. This guy still has such a terrifying energy reserve today after 10 billion years!"

The five little blue men tried to stop them, but now they were no match for the escaped Huo Rong.

The powerful power they used all came from Furong. How could Furong allow these despicable guys to use their own power to deal with himself?

Fu Rong grabbed a little blue man's neck, grinned grimly, and stretched out two fingers, poking into the guardian's eyes on the spot, bringing out a pool of blood.

"Let me see what you guys have been doing in the past hundred years!!"

In an instant, Huo Rong's will began to spread strangely and become stronger, entering the world of the guardian's will, like a high god, looking down on the whole past of this little blue man.

From Fu Rong's fingers, at some point, many silk threads of different colors protruded out, like a puppeteer, controlling the threads to stick to the little blue man.

Each silk thread represents a different spectral power, and each spectral power can always bloodily reveal a part of the heart of the living body.

A large number of silk threads are produced, which become the channel for Furong to control the little blue people.

"It's really sad to declare war on Apocalypse, but finally abandon the leader of Green Lantern in exchange for Darkseid's forgiveness, but it is in line with your character..."

"Kalona's experiment led to the birth of the antimatter universe? Well, interesting, but you actually chose to exile Karonna, stupid."

"Sector 666 Massacre..."

"The rise of the new god, tsk tsk tsk, an epic feat, if a troubadour knows all this, he will definitely write the most magnificent poem, the only god... hey!"

"Third Legion, this is how you try to control the main universe? Using my power to create these inferior soldiers can only be done by idiots like you! Extremely stupid!"

Everything the guardians have experienced is controlled by Fu Rong, and everything in the past ten billion years is also well known to Fu Rong.

What surprised him the most was the birth of the only god. This is really a miracle. The only god who rose from the natives of the main universe was born extremely humble, but eventually became noble.

Fu Rong let go of the little blue man, but didn't kill him, but just tossed the guy aside in a dull manner.

"You've chosen to strip away emotions, which means I can't get energy to replenish..."

Fu Rong felt a little bored.

Although he has lost too much power in these ten billion years, but also, he has been studying the emotional spectrum for these ten billion years, and has obtained further qualifications.

What he lacks now is just exhausted emotional energy, and it is very simple to make up for it, just need to play with more people's hearts.

He would look down on the emotional world of all beings, watch their joys and regrets in past lives, and then try to arouse more emotions.

This is somewhat similar to the black lamp zombies. It is very simple to become stronger, just stimulate the emotions of the living.

It's just that Huo Rong's methods are more sophisticated, he can create the illusion of people's hearts, and show the choices one by one bloody, and every different choice will be handed over to the living body for him to choose.

"I don't have the ability to change reality yet..."

Fu Rong quickly controlled the five guardians and made them into living puppets under his control.

After being stimulated several times, my heart became more and more unhappy.

For example, he brought up the time when he declared war on Darkseid and put it in front of the little blue people again. As a result, these bastards lived up to expectations and chose to declare war on Darkseid again. Nothing changed.

It's pointless to talk about choices with a group of people who have abandoned their emotions.

"I need more and more emotion to get my strength back."

Huo Rong's indifferent eyes looked at Suo Zun and Doomsday King Kong.

Now he can only play with the living body with the incomparably real illusion. But as long as he returns to his prime, he has the ability to modify reality.

At that time, the illusion is no longer an illusion that stays in the heart, but will become a real reality, and the whole world will change according to Huarong's will.

Not only that, at that time, Huo Rong would communicate with the emotional spectrum and completely detonate the full power of the emotional spectrum.

You know, he, the first Lanternman Furong, is the first person in history to communicate with the spectrum of emotions! It is also a "key" closest to the emotional spectrum!

Compared with Fu Rong, the spirit of existence and the Black Death Emperor all have to stand aside. The emotional spectrum authority that Fu Rong has is much higher than these two lantern beasts!

This is the most terrible thing.

Moreover, the Chudeng Huan Rong cannot be killed, even if the Black Death Emperor dispatches, and the Huo Rong is chopped into pieces, he cannot really kill him.

Huo Rong, in a sense, is the spokesperson of the emotional spectrum, even one step closer, and has a deep connection with the "emotional spectrum pool" that seems to exist in nothingness.

Duzun frowned, and looked at the transparent guy in front of him in surprise, his emotional energy had already become a part of his body.

"What are you?" Duzun said indifferently.

Fu Rong looked up at him, and slowly opened his palm: "You are the only one? Heh, a fool from the antimatter universe...?"

"What did you say?!"

Just as Du Zun was about to explode on the spot, he suddenly froze.

He has already appeared in a complex space, and countless pictures are circulating around him, which are his past experiences.

"When you were on Kovad Star, you obeyed the order of the Anti-Monitor to fight the Steppenwolves, and you have never forgotten the power given to you by the Anti-Monitor... You have a chance to change the past and choose to wait for the opportunity to kill the Anti-Monitor , the opportunity to seize that power."

"When you followed Sinestro, you could have quickly gotten out of this quagmire and acted at will, but you refused, and now you have a chance to start over."

"New God is developing Doomsday serum, in fact, you can find a way to get it, and then experiment with yourself, a pure Kryptonian, so that you can become... Doomsday King Kong, surpassing New God, with unlimited potential, crushing the multiverse , now you have a chance to choose again."

In the emotional world, Duzun stared blankly at the picture in front of him. In the dark, he really felt that he could choose again and get a brand new life. It seemed that everything he experienced was an illusion.

Duzun checked himself repeatedly to make sure that his will had not been modified by this transparent person, and he was still himself, but the more this happened, the more weird it seemed.

But it's so real.

Finally, Duzun made an attempt and chose a new path.

Part of his emotions were leaked, and he was cut off and taken away by Fu Rong. Dominating the emotions of this seventh-level peak brought huge rewards to Fu Rong.

"Just another poor thing."

Huo Rong glanced at Du Zun who had started a new life, new tragedies and joys intertwined, new life is not always so beautiful.

Because, the new choice, the new life that Fu Rong showed him is "real", but Fu Rong has no power to change the reality for the time being.

This brand-new lifeline is built on the basis of the emotional spectrum that occupies all the ubiquitous. This is a new world that is more real than the timeline of the multiverse.

Huo Rong sighed, very satisfied with the energy that Duzun had contributed to him, and then he set his sights on Doomsday King Kong who was looking at him coldly.

"What an amazing big guy. He is only a few years old, and he has already stood at the multiverse level. His body is immortal, his soul is immortal, and his potential is endless. This is a perfect life that even many unique gods would envy."

"Now, let me take a closer look at you, I can feel the unwillingness in your heart, and I can help you make up for everything..."

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