Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 888 What do you want to do

At the same time, the world of Cybertron in the blood domain immediately became agitated.

One after another, figures exuding terrifying aura rose into the sky, and all kinds of bright lights were rising one after another.

"Huo Rong has been confirmed to appear, immediately send people into the main universe and capture him back!"

"The Light Ring of Origin will wake up with Furong's awakening, find Ganser, kill him, and bring back the Ring of Origin!"

"This is an order from the Supreme God!"

"Huo Rong is the first person to touch the emotional spectrum, and it seems that he has an unimaginable close connection with the emotional spectrum pool outside the wall."

"At all costs, we must bring Huo Rong back!"

"The first Lanternman was terrifying. We can't give him a chance to recover from his prime, so try to capture him alive."

"Even the Black Death Emperor can't really kill Huo Rong, and we can't do it either! Capture alive is the best choice!"

"Using Chudeng as a medium, maybe one day in the future, we will be able to obtain information about the emotional spectrum pool."

"The tenth lamp ring appears."

The entire cybertron world began to riot, and a strong man opened the cosmic bridge to the main universe and rushed away.

The Colored Light Legion, which had been silent for a long time, also began to move out crazily. The seven-color light shone in every corner of Cybertron, and many soldiers began to rush to the cosmic bridge and enter the main universe.

They can feel the restlessness of the emotional spectrum in the main universe, as if they can touch it with their eyes closed. The awakening of the first Lanternman is also a feast of the emotional spectrum.

Fu Rong is a person who can control the spectrum of emotions by himself. After tens of billions of years of precipitation, he has gone one step further. He simply broke away from the shell of life and became a new creature that uses the spectrum of emotion to build a body, blood vessels, and nerves. Possess the power beyond the seven-color light.

At the same time, the Academy of Sciences has released the news that whoever can bring back the Ring of Origin and Huo Rong for their research will get the priority to use X energy.

This is the reward that makes many people who are completely indifferent to the lantern ring interested.

A Transformer began roaring and killing towards the main universe. Each of them has a crazy obsession and greed for the creation seed of X-energy, especially at the moment when the Academy of Sciences' research on X-energy is coming to an end. want both.

boom! boom!

"Go away, you bastards who stand in the way!"

Megatron violently crashed into countless Transformers, waved his arms irritably, and violently knocked thousands of hapless ones into the air.

On his hands, six infinity gems are shining brightly, five in his left hand and one in his right hand, exuding bright light of different colors, every time he uses it, there is a terrifying power bursting out.

The five broken gems, plus the only complete soul gem, have their internal energy matrix extracted by Megatron and fit into a part of themselves.

Although because of the incompleteness of the five gemstones, coupled with the forcible stripping of the main universe, and purely using it as an energy replenishing organ, the current Megatron is still unable to have an eighth-level combat power.

But it's coming soon, as long as he finds a way to carry the plot gem fragments in Downey's hands, promotion to the eighth level will become a matter of course.

"Metal X must be mine! Only I deserve to be the first to own the X body!"

Megatron showed a ferocious smile, and his violent aura swept over everything. Many unlucky people were directly slapped aside by Megatron, and a passage was forced out.

Incorporating X-Metal, Megatron is confident that his body will be further strengthened and possess more powerful potential. At that time, he will absorb the power of the plot gem.

To absorb a unique gem, the more resistant you are, the better. This is completely different from the concept of absorbing multiple gems—even if the plot gem is broken.

"Megatron, you should not treat your fellow man like this."

Optimus Prime is fully armed, wearing five rings on his right finger, and two rings on his left index finger and middle finger. He has held seven common light rings, and Optimus Prime has become the first person who can control seven rings at the same time. The ruthlessness of Deng Jie is unprecedented.

The seven conflicting emotional forces are infinitely magnified,

Only an existence like Optimus Prime, who is full of emotions, detached in reason, and possesses terrifying willpower, can perfectly control the seven rings of lights.

Now, Optimus Prime has turned his attention to the Ring of Origins.

"It's better to be beaten by me for nothing, at least it's better than being killed by the enemy on the battlefield." Megatron snorted coldly, and glanced coldly at the shiny ring on Optimus Prime's finger.

He looks like an upstart, with all kinds of gemstone rings inlaid on his fingers, making his eyes blind.

No way, it's too dazzling, I can't stop at all, there is always a color that can dazzle your eyes.

"The Ring of Origin is mine, and so is Huo Rong! Don't think that you have the confidence to compete with me if you have access to the emotional spectrum."

Megatron grinned, and said maliciously: "When you get the white lantern ring and the black lantern ring, come and fight with me."

Optimus Prime? Very strong, but Megatron has always looked down on such things as lantern rings, relying on the power of emotion, no matter how strong it is, it is unreliable!

The real absolute force, the power that will always only strengthen but never decline, is what Megatron desires!

For example, X Metal! For example, the other three unique infinity gems!

After Megatron finished speaking, he had already entered the cosmic bridge, surrounded by a group of King Kongs who crazily admired and worshiped, and rushed to the main universe.

If he could have level eight power, he wouldn't need something like the cosmic bridge at all, but he was only level seven after all, and it would be quicker and more convenient to take the cosmic bridge if he wanted to cross the blood domain.

"We want to get ahead of him and get the Ring of Origin first." Lieutenant Tong Tianxiao stood behind Optimus Prime and said solemnly.

Optimus Prime calmly said: "Megatron doesn't care about the lamp ring, even if it is a powerful lamp ring, he doesn't care about it, he just needs a lot of X metal, I can give it to him."

"But you can't give up the origin ring!" Tong Tianxiao said stubbornly, "You are the most suitable person to control the emotional spectrum, and the origin ring is the key above all the lamp rings!"

The Ring of Origin, as you can tell by its name, is something that can be related to the origin, and it is something extremely terrifying, and it is the closest thing to the source.

Optimus Prime nodded slightly, looking down at his shining hands with seven lights. The seven different colors of light are slowly dissipating different emotional forces. They are powerful, stable, and get along very well at the same time. It all depends on Optimus Prime's control. If you become someone else, you will have a mental breakdown and go crazy.

Adjutant Tong Tianxiao looked at Optimus Prime who was looking down at the ring in thought, pondered for a while and then quietly took a few steps back.

It doesn't mean anything else, these rings are too dazzling, he can't bear it a bit, it's better to stand far away for comfort.

To be honest, Tong Tianxiao admired and envied Optimus Prime's ability to control different lantern rings to such a perfect level, because he tried it himself, and it was too difficult.

Tong Tianxiao once wore the Green Lantern Ring and the Blue Lantern Ring at the same time, and fought against people in the Karon Arena, but thinking about that experience now makes his scalp tingle.

The green of will expands, and a certain hidden thought in his brain desperately tells him to be firm in all thoughts, and to crush the enemy with the persistence that crushes everything.

At the same time, the youth of pity was also chattering at him, telling him not to be so stubborn, but to tolerate everything with compassion, even your enemies...

One wants to keep fighting fiercely, while the other wants to use forgiveness to carry everything. For example, it is very good to hold your head in place and get beaten. When the other party feels good about fighting, it will be fine.

The two of them are desperately torn apart in their minds...

What kind of bullshit logic is this!

After this time, Tong Tianxiao vowed that he would never wear a ring again in his life. These are all weird things that don't know how to work. It's better to stay away.

God knows how Optimus Prime can perfectly control the seven lantern rings! How terrifying will and reason are needed to sort out so many magnified emotions like a cocoon!

After a long time, when many soldiers had already entered the universe bridge, Optimus Prime raised his head, stared ahead, and took a deep breath.

He can clearly feel the restlessness from the main universe and the urgency of the emotional spectrum to move more clearly than anyone else.

All these differences stem from the awakened man, the first number Lantern Man Fu Rong.

"Now I can hardly defeat Huo Rong, but if I use that kind of power... But the spirit of existence is also a problem. I don't know if she will interfere with me, or even directly destroy the balance of the Seven Lanterns..."

Optimus Prime finally lifted his feet and led Tong Tianxiao and others into the universe bridge. Their tall figures were swallowed by the huge vortex, and they were transmitted to the main universe in an instant.

Until the moment when Optimus Prime was teleported, that is, when Megatron could not wait to search for the target in the main universe, Optimus Prime actually did not tell anyone that he had faintly touched the ceiling of a higher level, and A hand has been smashed through, peeking into a higher corner.

The seven lights converged, and the white light descended. If the current Optimus Prime burst out with all his strength, he would be able to win against Megatron, but Optimus Prime always felt that this new power was somewhat different, giving him a feeling of incompleteness.

The Spirit of Being is the most critical piece of the puzzle.


The main universe, sector 0.

The five little blue men have become marionettes, and Du Zun has fallen into a dreamland, welcoming a new life that is extremely real based on the emotional spectrum.

From time to time, he smirked and wailed in pain.

"It's a poor thing, new students are also full of tragedy and helplessness." Fu Rong looked at Du Zun with contempt, looking at the choices of each new student.

There is a choice, Duzun reached the pinnacle of life, punched Downey, kicked against the prison, walked to the pinnacle of life, and then died after being stared at by a higher existence.

Some choices are actually more tragic, being tortured to death by the Supreme Superboy, by Downey, by the Anti-Monitor, and chopped into eighteen sections by the Steppenwolf, which is extremely miserable.

Huo Rong is constantly harvesting the emotional energy from Duzun, his strength is constantly recovering, and his controllable power is rapidly strengthening, and he is satisfied.

Doomsday King Kong has always been watching him coldly, without any change in his eyes, it seems that there is no difference in essence whether it is a disaster or an ant.

Huo Rong threw away the Domineering One, and the dense spectral threads were already entwined towards Doomsday King Kong.

"Let me see your heart, I can give you everything you want..." Greed bloomed on Furong's unrecognizable transparent face.

Doomsday King Kong, here we come.

He will have a monster puppet so terrifying that the only god can tremble!

The thread instantly entered Doomsday King Kong's body, arousing Doomsday King Kong's emotions according to the established method.


Doomsday King Kong finally rolled his eyes, showing a surprised emotion. It was the first time he felt this strange power, and it was worth it to come out with the Sovereign this time.

Nothing can motivate him to evolve more than being exposed to a more powerful and weird attack. Obviously, Furong is very appetizing for Doomsday King Kong.

Otherwise, he would have punched the transparent man to death long ago, so he wouldn't have stood there stupidly waiting to be beaten.

Twisted with threads, Wo Rong has appeared in the emotional world of Doomsday King Kong.

"You who have been reborn for only a few years, what kind of desires do you have... Regret? Greed? Despair?" Huo Rong whispered while standing next to King Kong, watching the scene flashing past in front of him.

Including Doomsday King Kong's birth, growth, hesitation, until now.

"As the first battle you were born in, you thought about killing Darkseid to become stronger, but you had to give up because of Donnie."

"You wanted to kill the new god who controlled you several times, but you had to forcefully suppress the desire to kill again and again, because you felt that you were no match for Donnie, let alone break away from Donnie's control over you."

"The fire source is a shackle around your neck. If you want to evolve something that overcomes the fire source, get back your own initial factors from the fire source, and become a truly free and independent individual, you can hesitate again and again. "

"It's so pitiful... You are like a beast locked up, and you can only be scolded by scum far inferior to you."

"Choose, every hesitation and hesitation of yours can be exchanged for the chance of a new life, and you will thank me... Wait, what do you think I am doing?"

Doomsday King Kong looked at the confused Fu Rong with a grim face, deep in his body, a new round of evolution was beginning.

This is an evolution that directly affects the spirit. As the Doomsday King Kong whose soul and body are integrated, nothing is more meaningful than spiritual transformation. He has obtained the opportunity to further evolve together.

He wants to thank Fu Rong!

At this moment, the spirit begins to sublimate infinitely, stepping on the emotional spectrum, jumping high, surpassing the concept of three-dimensionality, and touching a more mysterious world - the world from the endless void of time and space outside the wall of origin.

Fu Rong was horrified to find that he had become the nourishment for the growth of this doomed day, and the other party was adapting to the emotional spectrum at a frightening speed, and then produced further sublimation.

Huo Rong's control over Doomsday King Kong is becoming more and more powerless.

"Why don't you choose? This is all real!! I'm talking to the real you, I'm kind enough to help you, but you want to eat me?!"

It was not the first time he had come into contact with a monster like Doomsday, but it was the first time he had come into contact with the perfect Doomsday of infinite evolution and immortality!

I didn't expect such a big change to happen!

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