Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 889 Deadpool's Great Dream Adventure

"Help me, you are not worthy."

Doomsday King Kong rarely spoke, his voice was extremely low, brewing the bloody smell of destroying the world, his face was extremely ferocious, his steel-like skin trembled from time to time, revealing a

In those red pupils, bloodshot immediately spread, and the tyrannical aura became more and more violent, and the half-veiled body organs that covered the metal barbs on both sides also faintly changed slightly.

The color has become deeper and deeper, and the new round of evolution brought to him by Furong is very valuable.

The kind of cheers and growth shown from the life factor made King Kong very happy to give him a smile.

Anyway, anyone who has seen me laugh seems to be dead.

Even if it is the first disaster, it is no exception.

"Not good! You damn thing!" Fu Rong cursed secretly, a little anxious.

He had to be anxious, knowing that Doomsday King Kong had almost the same undead characteristics and evolution speed as the ancient Doomsday King who killed the only god and chickens, so Huarong looked at Doomsday King Kong very seriously.

One method cannot kill the ancient Doomsday twice. This terrifying double combination of learning and evolution ability seems to not be fully possessed by this Doomsday King Kong. It only has a greatly weakened castrated version.

The Ancient Doomsday was killed once to learn what evolved, and it would take many repetitions to reach the standards of the Ancient Doomsday King Kong.

Huo Rong saw that when Doomsday King was just born, he was repeatedly killed by Darkseid for an unknown number of times, and then he quickly evolved the ability to survive in the blood domain, and barely survived a blow from Darkseid Ability.

But this is enough to make Huo Rong more vigilant, use his own power to kill Doomsday King Kong, and its effect will be greatly weakened every time he uses it, until Doomsday King Kong evolves, his means will be completely ineffective.

Doomsday King Kong smirked, and his burly black body rushed towards Furong fiercely, intending to kill this transparent person.

Huo Rong disappeared immediately, heading towards the deeper inner world of Doomsday King Kong, trying to find Doomsday King Kong's spiritual weakness.

When he controls other lives, and cuts and absorbs the emotional energy of other lives, this is what he does.

"As long as it is a living creature, there will be unwillingness. Even if it is a paramecium, its survival instinct will drive it to obtain more food to become stronger!"

"I don't believe that your monster has no mental defects!"

"As long as you are caught by me, I can perfectly control you! You will become my most powerful sword!"

Huo Rong disappeared quickly, digging deeper into the soul.

The moment he disappeared, Doomsday King Kong's fists arrived, destroying many layers of images with a bang, and a part of Doomsday King Kong's body exploded on the spot, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

Doomsday King Kong didn't care at all, opened his bloody mouth, and followed Fu Rong. At his wound, a strip of granulation sprouted, grew, and twitched continuously, and immediately bound together, and the injury returned to its original state.

Boom boom boom!

Doomsday's emotional world has been destroyed layer by layer by himself, and it is riddled with holes. If it were someone else, he would definitely not dare to do this. This is a more terrible act than self-mutilation, but Doomsday King Kong doesn't care!

He is still enjoying it, because his life factor is getting stronger little by little!

It has been a long time since Doomsday King Kong has not ushered in a special evolution, let alone an evolution from the spiritual level.

Layer after layer, Huo Rong continued to explore, and finally reached the deepest emotion of Doomsday King Kong.

"I found it! Let me see your flaws!" A smile appeared on Fu Rong's face, and he stretched out his hands, like a doctor performing an operation, carefully tearing off the last layer of camouflage.

Then he was dumbfounded.

"You don't want revenge?"

"You don't want to destroy the world of Cybertron and become your nutrition for a new round of evolution?"

"You don't want to fight countless great beings,

Get rid of them, adapt to their specialties and abilities, and become more perfect? ! "

"You really believe the nonsense of that guy Downey! The only god is a bunch of guys who are full of lies, and you really believe that he will give you freedom?!"

"You are fucking crazy! You actually want to enter the realm of gods through Donnie? You can do better yourself!"

"Why change your mind!!!"

Wo Rong looked at the scenes in front of him unwillingly, this was King Kong's deepest thoughts.

He wants to curse.


Doomsday King Kong violently destroyed countless emotional layers, and was scarred and killed in front of Fu Rong.

Huo Rong pulled the emotional line, trying to control Doomsday King Kong, but was torn off by Doomsday King Kong.

There was another loud bang, and the emotional world of Doomsday King Kong had collapsed, but at the same time it was frantically rebuilding, becoming more expansive and tenacious.

Doomsday stretched out that giant hand that easily crushed the planet, grabbed Fu Rong's neck like a chicken, and then twisted it hard, taking Fu Rong's head off on the spot.

There are no bloodstains, only a large number of silk threads of various colors, just like human blood vessels.


Huo Rong's whole body was crushed by Doomsday King Kong.

In a trance, he returned to the real world of the main universe again.

Huo Rong had already turned into a stream of light, and hurriedly fled with five guardians, as if he had seen a ghost.

Yes, I did see a ghost!

He is in trouble, he has never lost in the field he is best at in this life!

Even if he was defeated by the little blue people back then, it was because the little blue people attacked him secretly, and the emotions that the little blue people stripped them out of them were all stuffed into Fu Rong's body in one breath, which directly became the fuse of Fu Rong's madness later. search.

But this time, it was too aggrieved. There was a feeling that no matter how hard you tried, you were giving experience to the other party.

Commonly known as experience baby, the more intense your resistance, the happier Doomsday King Kong will be, and the stronger you are, the faster he can upgrade.

It's so unreasonable...

Huo Rong almost exploded on the spot, so he fled in embarrassment.

"When I regain my strength and have the ability to modify reality, even if you are the ancient ruin day, as long as you are alive, you will be under my control!"

Huo Rong was full of resentment, and dragged five little blue men away from Doomsday King Kong.

In the same place, the Sovereign was still sleeping, and the Doomsday King Kong smacked his mouth twice, as if he was reminiscing about the feeling of leaping evolution.

With indifferent eyes, the monster first glanced at the distant figure of Huo Rong, then came to Duzun, carefully stretched out two fingers to pinch Duzun's hair, as if he disliked Duzun...dirty.

"Don't touch me, I can hit ten Downeys with my bare hands!!"

Duzun closed his eyes tightly, yelled and turned over, danced and fell into a deeper slumber.

Doomsday King Kong paused, looked down at the guy, and then grinned ferociously, not even bothering to give him a look of contempt.

waste time.


At the other end of the main universe, Tomare has already met with Optimus Prime.

"Over 7,000 Green Lanterns, only a few fighters left! I'm not reconciled!!" Tomare clenched his fists tightly. He was a very rational and calm person, but now, the anger in his chest continued to soar.


Generations of Green Lantern Corps warriors have dedicated their loyalty and lives to the Guardians. In order to fulfill the orders of the Guardians, they have gone on and on. I don’t know how many Lanterns have died in battle over the years!

Those guardians used mass extinction to repay their loyal fighters?

Although "heterogeneous" such as Sinestro and Optimus Prime have appeared one after another recently, it seems that Abin Su also had some problems at the beginning, but for individual reasons, he just bloodbathed the entire Green Lantern Corps to vent his anger? ?

Optimus Prime patted Tomare's shoulder lightly. Tomare's slender physique was less than half of Optimus Prime's palm.

"Blood debts, they will pay a heavy price for this."

Optimus Prime whispered, this time, he completely lost patience with those little blue men who had no bottom line.

Oh no, it should be said that this group of little blue people has never had a bottom line, but this time the method is more bloody. In terms of casualties, when they abolished the First Legion, they dragged the entire No. 666 sector to be buried with them.

This time, the second legion, the Green Lantern Corps, was buried with him, opening the way for the emergence of the third legion.

"Where are the soldiers from the Third Legion?" Optimus Prime said in a deep voice.

"No, I don't know why, these black guys suddenly disintegrated themselves, otherwise I wouldn't be alive now." Tomare wondered.

"Huo Rong has awakened."

Optimus Prime raised his head, looked in the direction of sector 0, felt the distribution of life in the entire universe through the seven light rings, and said slowly: "Megatron and the others, most of them have already gone to sector 0." In the sector, the transparent lamp furnace is broken, and the disaster has escaped."

The existence of the Third Legion is based on extracting the power of the disaster army. When the disaster army is out of trouble, they will not be stupid and continue to use their own strength to maintain a group of useless soldiers.

The Third Legion is tantamount to automatically collapsing.

"Cause Rong? Who?"

"A guy ten billion years ago was the first life form in the history of the multiverse to come into contact with the emotional spectrum. He surpassed the genius of countless ancient gods. He is also the first Lanternman, in charge of the ring of origin."

Optimus Prime didn't say any more, and immediately got up, not heading towards Sector 0, but heading towards the complex ball of light he sensed.

That unknown light group was filled with almost all complicated emotions, and it was extremely terrifying. If Optimus Prime did not miscalculate, that guy was the legendary disaster.

A colorful light flashed, and before leaving, Optimus Prime said to Tomare: "You should immediately contact the other surviving Lanternmen, and we must not let them have any more accidents."


sector 0.

Megatron arrived here first, and a large number of fanatical fighters arrived one after another, but they were disappointed to find that there was no hair here.

Megatron and Doomsday intertwined.

"Where is the trouble?" Megatron asked coldly.

Doomsday King Kong ignored him, holding the Sovereign in one hand, and swayed leisurely in the main universe.

Megatron snorted coldly, glanced at the monster fearfully, and then stared at the conspicuous symbiote planet.

Although the top is almost bald, there is only a small ball left.

Megatron used the time gem to try to restore everything that happened here. As soon as the green power of time was activated, it was immediately disturbed by an unknown force. We could only vaguely see the collapse of the planet and the five little blue people being dragged away by something.

"Everyone, even if you destroy the main universe, you must find out the whereabouts of Furong and Ganser!!"

Megatron rose into the air, roaring.

Behind him, many warriors flocked in all directions.

Many Lanternmen wearing lantern rings also scattered in all directions, trying to find the whereabouts of the number one Lanternman.

Even Megatron himself hurried to a certain direction, with urgency in his heart.

Only Hal Jordan stayed where he was, wandering around seemingly aimlessly, creating a large number of yellow machines from time to time, playing with a large number of planetary fragments that filled the vacuum.

A small number of Transformers and Lanterns are doing the same thing, picking up the wreckage here.


Hal's expression turned cold, and he directly manipulated the excavator, crushing a large piece of debris and digging out the contents.

This is a naked guy with a burned face and two katana swords in his hands.

"Dude, you're finally here, someone finally dragged me out! I've had enough of this damn thing, I just want to tease their ancestors, why should I be tortured like this..."

Deadpool crawled out from the huge debris, heaved a long sigh, then picked around, found his trousers, skillfully surrounded it in a circle, tied it under his crotch, and covered his dick.

Deadpool then looked up at Hal, "Hey, didn't you get killed by me?"

Hal looked at him indifferently, the yellow light ring on his finger was about to move, ready to kill the killer at any time.

"Last time you were clearly shot in the head by me. Wow, Green Lantern, that's disgusting... No, you're Yellow Lantern... How is Seaside City?"


Hal's face was distorted, and he directly patted this nagging psychopath into a meat paste.

"Go to hell and repent." Hal looked at the blood stains indifferently, and kept sneering.

"Hell won't accept me! Those nasty guys won't let me go to hell at all! Last time I dreamed, when I was about to reproduce with my goddess, another guy named Death appeared. He claimed to be the endless family My second sister, with God... Well, I admit that she is pretty, but she is not my type!"

Deadpool immediately healed on the spot, and a pile of broken corpses began to be pieced together, forming a mouth first, babbling endlessly, telling the wonderful story between him and the two deaths.

"And then?" Hal asked coldly, his expression unchanged.

Deadpool dawdled for a while, deliberately created two baby-like hands, and then spread them out helplessly: "Then I woke up, kicked out by Sandman, that guy told me to get out of his world. You know I don't know if it's true or not, if there really is a death with God."

"Excellent story."

Howl smashed Deadpool up again, searing the guy with a flood of dreadfire.

"Add to that, Sandman said he is the third in the endless family! A very annoying guy!"

Deadpool came back to life, yelling loudly.

Hal's face was a little ugly, he grabbed Deadpool's half-recovered head, thinking about what to do to kill this annoying thing.

"Did I just headshot you once?! Are you going to retaliate against me like this?!"

"I don't know you at all!"

"Then you still kill me?"

Hal stopped, gave him a cold look, and threw the guy towards the sun.

"I just find you disgusting."

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