Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 890 Reappearance of the White of Life

Duzun scolded Downey, in the dream he became Downey's father, Downey looked at him with a half-smile, and then hung him beside the collector.

Hal was surprised to find that he couldn't kill this annoying guy no matter what.

Even if it is thrown into the sun, this guy can always recover, and then chase him and chatter, saying some strange things, it is simply inexplicable.

The endless family or something... I have never heard of it.

Through the yellow light ring, Hal quickly analyzed the existence of Deadpool, and found that some powers that he could not decipher were sheltering Deadpool's soul.

The soul is immortal, the core is immortal, and Deadpool will never die no matter what.

Hal was tired of it, and once again crushed Deadpool and discarded it, and quickly searched for clues in the ruins.

Deadpool was resurrected again, sitting bored on a huge rock, holding two sodium carbon steel knives, poking here and chopping there.

Until accompanied by a bang, a huge black shadow rushed out from a large piece of rubble.

"Gnar, the god of my symbiote, is finally out of trouble!! Damn earthlings, dare to kill my clone!! You are all going to die!!!"

Gnar's body roared wildly. He was imprisoned here by his own damn symbiote descendants, and now he is finally free.

Countless sharp eyes looked over, silently watching this guy who appeared suddenly, and fell silent for a while.

Hal rubbed his ring lightly, pondering for a while.

If you can't find Chu Deng Chao Rong, then I don't know if dragging this fool's body back will arouse the interest of those lunatics from the Academy of Sciences...


Optimus Prime moved quickly in one direction.

Countless spectral threads entwine, turning into a transparent lamp furnace shining with colorful light, the first lamp Furong is leading five little blue men to quickly attack the various lamp clusters in the main universe.

He was frightened by Doomsday, which made him more urgent and impatient, and he needed to draw more and stronger emotional energy.

The green light is almost dead, and there are still several other light groups.

The Lord of the Red Lantern, Artocitas, has fallen and has become a source of energy for disaster.

"Your world was destroyed by the First Legion, and your family, wife and children died tragically in front of you."

"I'll give you a brand-new choice to avoid the attacks of the First Legion, but you know that your character makes your life unhappy..."

Atoshitas' ferocious face was already filled with confusion.

He was born with suspicion of disaster.

He saw clearly in his new life that even without the massacre of the First Order, his future would be very bleak.

Ambitious and tyrannical, he will soon launch an armed uprising and lead the oppressed people to destroy the government. But with greater power comes greater corruption, and Atoshitas was quickly blinded by power.

He executed his wife with his own hands, in front of countless civilians.

Having personally "experienced" this period of life, Atoshitas was almost insane. He loved his wife so deeply that in order to avenge his beloved wife, he would rather be tortured and slandered by the little blue people crazily than survive. .

He sacrificed the other five clansmen, got the recognition of the red light ring, and became the master of the red light to take revenge on OA star.

But now... Atoshitas' heart was ashamed.

"Good luck, great Lord of the Red Lantern."

Huo Rong laughed wildly and left. After absorbing the power of Duzun and Atoshitas one after another, he became even more terrifying. He was getting closer and closer to the peak period, and he was in a happy mood.

As for Atoxitas and the unconscious Sovereign? Huo Rong let them die.

After Fu Rong left, Atoshitas stayed where he was, his eyes were numb and empty, as if his heart had died.

"All Red Lantern members, I am Atoshitas...I order you, kill the Red Lantern Lord!"

Atoshitas issued such an order to his soldiers through the red light ring.

All Red Lanterns are dumbfounded, no matter where they are in the main universe, they have received orders from their masters,

Let them kill him.


"In the end what happened!"

"Atoshitas saved me from despair, he is my god, how could I do it?!"

"I am willing to sacrifice my own life for him. Without him, I would not be where I am today! But...why does he suddenly want to die?!"

"No matter what, I will faithfully carry out Atoshitas' order, even if it means killing him! Because this is Atoshitas' will, he wants me to kill him!"

Countless red light fighters gathered and came to Atoshitas together, each with complicated expressions.

The Red Lantern Warrior is the most tragic existence among the Seven Lanterns. After experiencing despair, almost every member ushered in a new life in anger, was rescued by Atoshitas and bestowed with a ring of lights.

They love Atoshitas far more than themselves, and the Red Lantern Corps is the purest and most united legion among the Seven Lanterns, not one of them.

A number of red-lantern fighters surrounded the god in their hearts, hesitating again and again.

Finally, Laila took the lead. This woman who switched from the Green Lantern Corps to the Red Lantern Corps in the Spectrum War possesses determination and firmness beyond ordinary people.

"Although I don't know what happened, I respect your will. We will avenge you and find the culprit who turned you into this!"

Laila held up the red light ring, and a bloody red flame was produced. It was a war weapon composed of Laila's blood. She led all the red light fighters to besiege Atoshitas.

Atoshitas sat in the same place all the time, as if his consciousness was blurred.

"I'm a sinner...have been looking for excuses for years."

"I tried to avenge my wife, but I killed her myself for power."

"I am a person born with original sin..."

"Damn me..."

Torrents of blood roared over, about to bury Atoshitas.

"No... I'm just doing what I think is right."

"I will lead countless people who have suffered misfortune to avenge Star OA. This goal has not been achieved..."

"I, Atoshitas, even if I die, I can't die now!"

"To survive, for revenge!"


Atoshitas erupted, and the terrifying sea of ​​blood boiled, easily destroying the attacks of these deliberately reserved Lanternmen.

"Are you alright?" Laila asked in surprise.

Atoshitas' face was gloomy, but his whole body was relaxed, as if his soul had been reborn.

Woe Rong did not bury him! He himself overcame the bondage of emotion and ushered in a rebirth!

"The Red Lantern Corps is assembled! The Guardians must die!"

Atoshitas opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, flashing a cold light: "The group of damned blue-skinned people are under the control of Furong at this time, and our goal is to kill them all! Whether it is Furong or the guardian! "

The entire Red Lantern Corps began to agitate, roaring with joy.

Revenge on the OA star is the meaning of the existence of this legion!

As for Furong... well, they've never heard of it, but it doesn't matter, does it? Because Atoshitas said, everyone must die!

Just kill them all!

The riots of the Red Lantern Corps were just the beginning.

Other lantern groups were attacked by Fu Rong one after another, and a large number of high-level executives fell into the emotional trap set by Fu Rong, providing Fu Rong with abundant energy.

"It's a pity that the Orange Lantern Corps is not here."

Huo Rong threw the young girl to the ground, it was boring, and this group of guys who only had pity in their minds were the most boring.

Starscream followed the new god and left the main universe, and Fu Rong couldn't do anything about it, but it didn't matter, anyway, he had already got what he wanted.

Strength at its peak! No, it must be stronger and more powerful than him tens of billions of years ago!

Don't forget, in the past tens of billions of years, Fu Rong has never stopped studying the emotional spectrum, and he has long been able to take a step closer.

Even more... closer to the origin.

At the same time, Optimus Prime, who had been chasing the traces of the disaster, finally arrived. His huge body crashed down, causing the planet to tremble.

The seven lights flickered, but in front of Huo Rong, no matter how dazzling these lights were, they would eventually be three points dim.

Because disaster is the origin.

"Optimus Prime, I know about you from the minds of the Guardians, the last leader of the Green Lantern Corps."

Fu Rong glanced at Optimus Prime, who was so tall and oppressive, with interest, and casually glanced at Optimus Prime's fingers.

A life form that can control seven lantern rings at the same time? Tsk tsk, very good, looking at the multiverse, there are actually very few people who can do this.

But it's not impossible, wearing the seven lamps of common light is just good, and it is still vulnerable to the disaster.

"Wai Rong, we may not be enemies, but I have to do this."

Optimus Prime clenched his fists tightly, out of ten fingers, only three were bald, and seven kinds of dazzling lights surged one after another.

The green of will coordinates everything, the yellow of fear deters the enemy, the red of anger impacts reason, the blue of compassion stabilizes the self, the orange of greed increases desire, the blue of hope brings new life, and the purple of love bursts with power.


Fu Rong glanced at Optimus Prime with great interest, and immediately stretched out his hands, ripped Ganser's mouth open, and tore it fiercely, the wound burst open immediately, blood flowed horizontally, Fu Rong put his hand into Ganser's mouth, Straight into the stomach, groped for a while, and pulled out a seemingly inconspicuous ring.

There is no light, except that the workmanship can barely catch the eye, it always looks unremarkable.

"The Ring of Origin!"

Optimus Prime no longer hesitated, and rushed towards Furong decisively. He came here for this, and he must not let Furong wear the ring of origin calmly!

"You know this? It's no wonder that you are the hardest backstage leader in the history of the Green Lantern Corps, so you can survive until now, unlike your previous leaders, who died after being tricked by the guardian a few times .”

Huo Rong waved his hand casually, and Optimus Prime was immediately hit by an invisible force, and his whole body fell into an unspeakable stiffness. The power of Qideng weakened instantly, and he was almost vulnerable to the original power.

The carefully constructed spectral force field collapsed in an instant, Optimus Prime was punched in the chest by Fu Rong, and fine cracks appeared on the powerful body.

Fu Rong calmly put on the ring of origin. He has been separated from this thing for ten billion years.

For tens of billions of years, the Ring of Origin has been sealed in Ganser's body, which is why Ganser can gradually restore his emotions.

It's a pity that he was brainwashed again and stripped of his restored emotions.

When the ring was put on, drastic changes took place immediately. Countless colors appeared on it, each of which represented an extreme emotion, as if this ring naturally possessed the ability to control all emotions.

In Huai Rong's body, there was also a more terrifying power explosion. In his transparent body, the spectral veins also expanded and contracted wildly, as if suddenly alive, "breathing" like a human heart.

At this moment, not only the main universe, but the emotional spectrum of the entire multiverse has undergone slight changes, but others try to feel it, but they can't find anything.

It's a valve that's been opened.

As the key, the ring of origin is combined with its true owner, regaining the ability to control the emotional spectrum.

"It's ridiculous. You have done so much, but you have never noticed the gods standing above your heads."

Fu Rong used his mechanical voice to show compassion.

Optimus Prime's body floated spontaneously, easily controlled by Fu Rong, and floated in front of him, his transparent arm carried unparalleled strength, and the ring on his finger was shining.

"You are not a god at all, you are just a mortal full of creativity and imagination." Optimus Prime said in a deep voice.

He tried to use the power of the Seven Lanterns to break the control of Furong, but the power of the Seven Lanterns was too weak to compete with the Ring of Origin.

"A 'mortal' who can easily control your life and death? Countless people want to be this kind of mortal."

Huo Rong smiled contemptuously and said, "I am a god, a god who surpasses you, and even the supreme god who surpasses the new god!"

"No one knows better than me the greatness of the emotional spectrum, and no one understands better than me what the emotional spectrum really means!"

"This is a power that transcends the multiverse of a single body. It comes from the mysterious and unknown nothingness outside the wall. Only I understand it, and only I am qualified to control it!"

Fu Rong suddenly became crazy, and his peaceful expression revealed fanaticism.

Through the emotional spectrum, Furong can vaguely grasp some vaster truths, which are far beyond the understanding of these poor people embodied in a single multiverse.

It's really sad, no matter how hard they try, they will be kept in captivity like pigs and dogs.

But his misfortune is different! He holds the key to the higher! Although it is still not sure to break through the origin wall and leave this damned cage, at least Huo Rong can barely peep into that great corner!

This kind of subtle prying is something that countless unique gods have failed to do in four generations.

The new god... Hey, let alone, Huo Rong really doesn't like it, so what about the only one, can it surpass the countless monsters of the previous three generations? Those scariest guys are all sticking to the wall of origin now, life is worse than death, just to have a glimpse of the world outside the wall.

"So you have become the highest target of Cybertron, and countless people want to catch you and bring you back for the God of Cybertron."

Optimus Prime stretched his fingers and let out a low growl, every inch of the body began to bear more terrifying power.

The seven-color light gradually gathered and disappeared.

When the seven lights gather, the whiteness of life will finally come.

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