Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 891 Broken

Facing the terrible disaster, Optimus Prime finally tried his best. On the scarred body, rays of light rose up, and different lights and colors intertwined and converged.

As the first existence in the main universe to control the seven lamps, it is naturally qualified to connect to a higher spectrum.

When the seven lights converge, the white light will eventually come to the world. This is the rule of the emotional spectrum, and it is also the rule set by the spirit of existence.

The seven common lights were originally born from the light of creation. If it weren't for the light of creation aggressively coming in from the nothingness outside the wall, and savagely attacking the black death emperor in the darkness and chaos, like the ion shark parallax monster The seven-headed lamp beasts of the Blood Slaughter Ox are no different from other [UU Reading 00kxs] dark concept creatures, and will die one after another in the battle between black and white.

It was part of the power of the light of creation that redeemed the seven dark creatures, ignited their wisdom, endowed them with authority after new life, and acted as spokespersons for specific bands of the emotional spectrum.

When the power of the seven lamps gathers together, the white of life will awaken.

The colorful brilliance disappeared, and the seven lantern rings changed one after another, and their respective colors changed quietly.

Dazzling white light, brewing the rhythm of life, peaceful and great, gentle and majestic, the seven-color battle clothes have already retreated one after another, replaced by the white battle clothes that belong to the white light alone.

A huge white light logo appeared on Optimus Prime's chest, and all the scars on the body that was covered with cracks due to the attack of Huo Rong were restored to their original state. The strong vitality that came, easily repaired all injuries, and restored everything to its peak.

The blue Optimus Prime had already changed at this time, becoming a symbol of life exuding noble white all over.

"This is the white lamp..."

Optimus Prime felt the power and nobility of his own heart, as well as the significance of the great mission that seemed to be born with him, and thought about it.

He succeeded.

Originally, he only knew this advanced method in the dark, but in the face of the terrible calamity, he had to take a risky attempt, but he did not expect that he really succeeded.

Many years have passed since the darkest night and the whitest day, and a new white light has come again.

Fu Rong threw Ganser aside casually, ignoring Ganser's life and death. He rubbed his chin, looked at the brand-new Optimus Prime as if watching the excitement, and couldn't help clapping his hands.

The custom of applauding was also something he dug out of Duzun's mind.

"Very beautiful, but vulnerable, this still can't change your fragile nature, you are just a sad defective product."

Huo Rong sighed.

This kind of White Lantern...he can kill a hundred with one hand!

Garbage of garbage!

The higher spectrum that is forcibly piled up by the power of the seven lamps is fundamentally false, and the essence is still the seven common lights.

There is no white lantern ring, no spirit of existence, and it is all made up of seven ordinary lantern rings, which are extremely fragile.

"Then you can try. If I win, you have to surrender the Ring of Origin and return to Cybertron with me. I will try to save your life."

Optimus Prime rubbed his hands together, and made a sharp sound, and white sparks flew out.

He really didn't have the idea of ​​killing Fu Rong, and he had no grudges with Fu Rong, and Fu Rong himself was not that kind of vicious murderer, at least not now, and he hadn't realized the current state of life of Fu Rong.

On the contrary, in Optimus Prime's view, Huo Rong is a complete tragedy. He trusts the little blue man who reveals conspiracy and betrayal from the bottom of his heart, and is used by the little blue man as a tool to test the emotional spectrum.

After accommodating all the emotions stripped out by the little blue people in one breath, he lost himself, from a hero of peace and justice to

He quickly became crazy and tyrannical, and was finally overshadowed by the little blue man and imprisoned in the Shadow Cabinet.

This level is 10 billion years.

Is there anything more tragic than Huo Rong? It seems that there are very few, and this guy has not had time to commit serious evil. At most, he just attacked the high-level leaders of several legions and extracted a lot of emotional energy to restore his strength.

This guy can be saved, if he can be saved, Optimus Prime is willing to save him.

It's a pity that Huo Rong has no awareness of being saved at all. From the very beginning, he has the idea of ​​ruling everything, and anyone who stands in the way will die!


Two figures collided, one was Optimus Prime with a white light, and the other was Chudeng Huanrong. The two beings standing on the upper reaches of the emotional spectrum fought a fierce battle in this main universe.

Wo Rong clenched his fists, and a large number of deformed and twisted monsters emerged from the Ring of Origin. It seemed that no matter which universe the Wo Rong was in, he was very good at making such spectral monsters.

For example, the power ring, which is one of the variant light rings of the will band to which the green light ring belongs, is the light ring used by a certain doppelganger, and its function is also to mass-produce an extremely terrifying and distorted spectral monster, with a mess of powerful combat power , and even directly intervene in the decisive battle between Darkseid and the Anti-Monitor.

And the Lord Universe Trooper in front of stronger! Even more terrifying!

Because what he wears is the unique ring of origin, the source of everything, and the only beginning in the entire multiverse!

Spectrum monsters created using the ring of origin will only go far beyond the limit of the ring of divine power!


A Cthulhu-like super-distorted creature, staring at the strange one-eyed, stretched out arms of different thicknesses, and slammed Optimus Prime, and the white life force burst open on the spot, like a broken mirror. Same, fragmented.

Optimus Prime's huge body was collapsed on the spot, the white light was uncertain, and he was severely injured.

Deformed monsters swarmed one after another, and Chudeng Furong, who had recovered his strength, easily created an army of monsters to surround Optimus Prime.

In front of monsters as big as planets, there was only a ray of light shining on Optimus Prime's body, making him look extremely small and humble.

The whiteness of life surging from his body is very strong, but it is still far from enough.

"I am the origin of the spectrum, no one is my opponent, why don't you understand?" Furong changed into his compassionate attitude again, as if the gods despised ants.

At least in the realm of the emotional spectrum, he is a god.

Monsters swarmed towards Optimus Prime. Amidst loud noises, Optimus Prime suffered repeated ravages. The white light that exploded desperately would be easily defeated. Once due to excessive wear and pressure, the white light gradually disappeared. Symptoms of collapse.

The current Optimus Prime can barely resist. If the white light is broken and re-separated into seven common lights, it will really be over. The seven discrete lights can't even hold up a move.

Fu Rong's transparent body revealing different colors, was standing quietly in the vacuum, admiring the toys he made at will, playing with Optimus Prime wantonly.

The creation of the New God is nothing more than that, compared with other incompetent guys, there is no difference at all.

Time and time again, Optimus Prime was easily defeated, tortured repeatedly, and the body was broken.

Fu Rong raised his head slightly, as if a little bored, he felt that many auras were rushing here, apparently they had received a message from Optimus Prime to arrest him.

"Ants can never compete with gods." Fu Rong was tired and decided to stop this boring game.

Optimus Prime barely resisted a monster's attack again, the white light barrier was completely shattered, seven extremely dim lights emerged, and the White of Life was forcibly defeated by Huo Rong.

At this moment, a blue vortex emerged, and Megatron, who used the space gem, walked out of the vortex with a sneer on his face.

The space gem was originally the infinite gem of the main universe, but the connection between the energy matrix and the main universe was stripped, but even so, it could still produce more power in the main universe.

Chat is better than nothing.

"You are really miserable."

Megatron glanced at Optimus Prime, expressionless, whether it was ridicule or anger.

But to be honest, Megatron had never seen such a miserable Optimus Prime, the body was almost smashed to pieces, held together only by a few broken nerves.

This tragic situation stimulated Megatron.

He knew better than anyone else how powerful Optimus Prime was. Even if he lost those seven lantern rings, Optimus Prime was still a powerful warrior! The so-called "Lantern Man" like Optimus Prime is fundamentally different from those guys who are no different from trash when they take off their lantern rings.

And Megatron also clearly felt a more high-end life force, but even so, he was beaten into such a ghost by Fu Rong in less than a minute...

And it seems that Fu Rong hasn't used his full strength yet, at most it's just warming up.

If he had come later, the old man would have been beaten to death.

"Be careful, this guy is very strong." Optimus Prime silently stabbed his almost severed arm into his shoulder, which was regarded as splicing.

The power of the seven lantern rings has been extremely weak, and the wear and tear has been serious, even Optimus Prime's spirit has been severely damaged.

The power of something like a lantern ring is largely related to the user's own emotional characteristics. The lantern ring has turned into this miserable appearance. It is conceivable that Optimus Prime's state is also Not much better.

Huo Rong is too powerful, as he said, in the field of emotional spectrum, he is a god.

From the current point of view, hitting other lantern rings is like hitting a son.

"The ring of origin is no worse than the white lamp and black lamp, we are in trouble." Optimus Prime got up, looked down at his seven lamp rings, and said in a low voice.

"White lamp? Black lamp?" Fu Rong wanted to laugh, "You compare the Ring of Origin with those two things?"

Although Fu Rong has never really been in contact with the White Lantern Ring and the Black Lantern Ring, but through extracting emotional memories so many times, he has some understanding of the power of the Black and White Lanterns.

He really doesn't think these two things are his opponents, what nonsense is black and white, it's far worse than the origin!

This is Huo Rong's self-confidence!

Megatron looked at Chu Deng indifferently, and said coldly without turning his head: "Useless guy, you should rest well, and I will deal with him! The X energy of the Academy of Sciences will definitely belong to me."

The six infinite gems also exude different colors, and in this main universe, they have been blessed with greater power.

"Infinity Stones... Another bunch of toys."

Fu Rong paused, felt Megatron's condition, and immediately smiled contemptuously. This kind of incomplete stone is useless, and it is not as powerful as the seven lantern rings.

"The five gems are broken, only the orange gem is complete... How do you want to defeat me, lift the soul world in the soul gem and smash me to death?" Fu Rong said contemptuously.

There is a soul world in the soul gem, which is the residence of countless souls. This is no secret. The original owner of this soul world is also Gamora, the daughter of Thanos.

However, Gamora's soul has long been driven back to the main universe by Megatron. After monopolizing the soul world in the gem, Megatron has no interest in caring about Kamora's life and death.

But if you want to rely on the soul gem to deprive the soul of the Huo Rong... Megatron would not be so naive, how could Huo Rong be taken care of so easily.

Megatron's brain calculated quickly. If he wanted to resist the disaster, hard power was definitely not enough. If nothing else happened, he seemed to be much weaker than the white light Optimus Prime just now... and his mood suddenly became extremely bad.

Is he really that weak?

The rookie Optimus Prime is stronger than himself? And was abused into such a ghostly appearance?

Abandoning the half-crippled Optimus Prime, the monsters immediately turned and pounced on Megatron.

A monster approached, Megatron snorted coldly, activated the power gem, and punched out, the purple power attached to the heavy punch blasted a monster away on the spot.

But to no avail, more monsters rushed over, and the powerful force of origin directly pulled the power of the spectrum, like a suddenly falling universe, pressing against Megatron.

Rays of light burst out, but they were still powerless to resist these monsters.

Optimus Prime invoked the power of the Seven Lanterns, stood beside Megatron, and fought hard.

"Let's find a way to find reinforcements, get Bumblebee and the others." Optimus Prime said in a deep voice.

"You can't find Bumblebee if you look for anyone, that bastard will eat Fu Rong and the ring, what am I doing for so long?!" Megatron said angrily.

Optimus Prime was speechless, what the other party said seemed to make sense...

Bumblebee has changed a long time ago. He is no longer that naive and easy-to-deceive fool. He was corrupted by the power of the goblin and became a terrible foodie. And after the power of the goblin became stronger, my appetite became even more terrifying. I felt like I was looking at food when I looked at everything. I wanted to bite Donnie to taste the taste several times. Be honest.

After Megatron blasted a monster away with one punch, he snorted coldly, and reluctantly activated the space gem, creating a swirling vortex that connected many regions of the main universe.

He started shaking people, though reluctantly.

Groups of soldiers who were rushing to the battlefield saw the blue vortex that suddenly appeared in front of them, without hesitation, they immediately plunged into it, and appeared beside Megatron and Optimus Prime.

At the same time, with the light of the cyan teleportation array shining, the green girl used the teleportation power to arrive one after another with many legions from the main universe. They were all tortured by the disaster, and many of them couldn't wake up at all. In an alternative real world.

Huo Rong was surrounded by many warriors, still behaved gracefully, with arms crossed.

"Are you all here to die? Let's go to war."

Numerous monsters surrounded Huo Rong, surrounded by this demon-like figure

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