Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 894 The Ring of Origin

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In this sudden dark world, countless black light rings began to explode wildly, covering the entire battlefield in an instant.

"From Cybertron..."

"From Star Sapphire..."


A dead warrior began to be resurrected under the influence of the black lantern ring, bringing back the memories of his dying days.

Soon an army of black lanterns had gathered, rotting flesh and blood fell, as if the Transformers had become rotten after a long period of time, they also began to stand tall, with indescribable coldness in their pitch-black eyes.

These zombies all maintained their own memories and wills at this time, and the Black Death Emperor did not control them.

"It's the black lamp zombies, these unkillable monsters..."

A number of lantern warriors who had experienced the darkest night immediately frowned when they saw these zombies, showing a look of fear.

Few of the Lantern Heroes who besieged Furong were wearing Green Lantern Rings. They didn't have Green Lantern Rings to mix and match. They didn't have the ability to destroy Black Lantern Zombies.

"The Black Lantern Ring actually appeared again... What's going on here?"

"Isn't the Black Death Emperor buried by the spirit of existence? Why is there such a thing as a black lamp?"

"Optimus Prime was resurrected by the black lantern ring that suddenly appeared, does it mean that Cybertron is also planning something?"

"I always feel involved in new troubles..."

"Compared to these, I am more concerned about the monster Black Death, and whether the spirit of existence will stand up to stop him again!"

A group of Lantern Heroes showed a chill in their bones, watching these black lantern zombies warily.

The reason they killed the soldiers was to avoid becoming a battery for the soldiers to extract energy, and these black lamp zombies were what disturbed them the most.

The Green Lantern Corps was almost wiped out, and only a few Lanterns survived. Their lethality against the Black Lantern zombies was unprecedentedly low.

The zombies let out sharp screams. These resurrected undead followed their own will, turning a blind eye to other living people, and staring at Furong with empty eyes.

"Highest command, kill Furong!"

Optimus Prime gave orders to all the zombies.

A group of zombies screamed and rushed towards Fu Rong, with sticky black plasma spewing from their mouths, their withered bodies trembling slightly, and they rushed towards Fu Rong hysterically.

"The Ant's Struggle."

With a look of contempt on his face, Hua Rong slightly raised his finger wearing the ring of origin, and lightly tapped against the tide of corpses rushing towards him. The emotional spectrum immediately rioted, and a powerful force swept everything, forming a vacuum-like seal. In the energy field, bright colorful rays of light radiated out, sweeping across these zombies.

The powerful zombie army was wiped out in an instant.

Huo Rong alone can suppress the Seven Lanterns and countless fighters, how could he take these low-level zombies seriously.

"This time, even death can't save you. In front of me, you can't even die. Your fate is already doomed to become my slaves and playthings."

Fu Rong's tone was subtle, and he smiled lightly.

Optimus Prime's whole body was flickering with lights of various colors, which was a little weird. His eyes, which were darkened by the black lantern ring, were full of indifference, and he said, "Maybe, but before that, you have to face death directly."


The darkness once again ushered in the expansion, and the death of a large number of black lamp zombies seemed to not only have no effect on curbing the darkness, but instead became some kind of catalyst, stimulating the terrible creatures in the darkness to wake up.

Optimus Prime held the ring high, and the black lamp emitted a palpitating black light, aiming at the gate of the dark world.

"Black Death Emperor, I will summon you to the world of the living."

Optimus Prime made a low voice, accompanied by the ups and downs of the light of the black lamp, and with a loud bang, a dormant existence was awakened.

An ominous premonition rose, and all the living people present felt the breath of a natural enemy, as if they were facing a big enemy.

A figure the size of a planet,

Walk out of the dark world slowly.

The terrifying figure of the Black Death Emperor, who had been silent for a long time, slowly emerged at this time, and he walked out from the other end of the dead, with an awe-inspiring look.

The original restless emotional spectrum, with the moment of the arrival of the Black Death Emperor, also appeared a momentary silence.

The authority of the Black Death Emperor on the emotional spectrum is very high-end, at least no worse than that of Huo Rong. As a lamp beast in the death band of the emotional spectrum, the status of the Black Death Emperor in terms of life and death in the multiverse is even higher than that of the local sole god Death. a bit higher.

The deadly darkness swept everything, and with the arrival of the Black Death Emperor, a heavy sense of oppression weighed heavily on the hearts of every living person.

Even Huo Rong couldn't help frowning the moment he saw the Black Death Emperor with his own eyes.

"You can actually summon the Black Death Emperor... I underestimated you."

Fu Rong looked at Optimus Prime, and as a life instinct, it was inevitable that he would feel a sense of uneasiness. The concept of the existence of the Black Death Emperor was too special, and even the first Lanternman could not suppress it.

At this moment, Fu Rong had some regrets in his heart. He shouldn't have given Optimus Prime a chance just now, either let him live or simply kill him.

"Huo Rong, you are facing death directly." Optimus Prime said in a low voice, and immediately told all living people to back away from the Black Death Emperor.

A number of soldiers with numb scalps quickly retreated, looking at the reawakened Black Death Emperor, their hearts were jumping.

They can't forget the performance of this monster in the darkest night, which directly caused the zombie disaster covering the multiverse.

The Black Death Emperor is also the only existence so far that almost hacked Downey to death. He made Downey taste the taste of eternal sleep.

What a horrible guy.

Holding a sickle in one hand, the Black Death Emperor stared indifferently at every living person present on the cold and stiff skull, revealing an undisguised sense of death.

All living people are hated by the Black Death Emperor and deserve to die.

"Attack Furong! He is bringing a huge threat to the dark world, and he wants to forcibly modify everything!"

Optimus Prime raised his arm, and the black light ring flickered continuously, communicating with the Black Death Emperor.

Black Death Emperor glanced at Optimus Prime expressionlessly: "Get lost."

You, a living dead, still want to control me?

Even that thief Downey can't do it!

"No one can order me, you humble thing, I am the darkness before the light, you have no right to dictate to me at all."

The Black Death Emperor whispered indifferently, holding a huge scythe high, and in the hollow black eye sockets, two penetrating lights flickered from time to time, exuding bursts of depressing fluctuations.

This higher incarnation of the concept of death, the lamp beast in the death band of the emotional spectrum, moved slowly, but every subtle movement revealed reluctance.

It seemed that Optimus Prime woke him up rashly, and then pointed at him, which made him feel impatient.

"You living people are a bunch of disgusting things. I can clearly feel the ugliness in your hearts. Your best destination is to die."

As the Black Death Emperor spoke, the sickle turned, a pale light emerged, and the edge of the knife pointed fiercely at... Huo Rong.

He ignored Optimus Prime who woke him up, ignored the larger number of living people, and took the lead in attacking Fu Rong.

To be honest, Hei Si Di and Huo Rong are very difficult to deal with, because Hei Si Di thinks this guy is very annoying, and he is also an existence connected to the emotional spectrum. Huo Rong, who is not a lamp beast, is difficult for Hei Si Di to kill exist.

Huo Rong looked at the God of Death's scythe, and was silent. After a while, he growled: "Black Death Emperor! I don't remember having any grudges against you. If you leave now, I can pretend that none of this happened."

"kill him!"

Optimus Prime raised the ring, blessed by the power of will, urging the Black Death Emperor to kill Fu Rong quickly.

The Black Death Emperor became more and more impatient, turned around, and seemed to want to kill Optimus Prime first.

At this moment, on Earth, Downey looked up at the battle situation, then stepped on the black hand William under his feet, and with a little force, he trampled William to pieces.

The Black Lantern Ring instinctively wanted to resurrect William, but the next moment, Donnie grabbed the Black Lantern Ring and forcibly crushed it.

William Blackhand is really dead.

The medium is broken.

The movements of the Black Death Emperor froze for a moment, and stared at Optimus Prime with empty and cold eyes for a second, then slowly turned around and stared at Fu Rong, everything looked so skillful and natural, as if the Black Death Emperor just turned his head Take a look at Optimus Prime, as if his original goal was to harm Rong.

But no one knew how aggrieved and dissatisfied the Black Death Emperor was at this moment.

Mom sells batches, the black hands have been wiped out, and the medium is cut off. If the Black Death Emperor wants to maintain his existence in the world of the living, he must find a new medium. The embarrassing thing is that only Optimus Prime is wearing a black lamp quit.

Now, Optimus Prime is the only medium for the Black Death Emperor.

Optimus Prime immediately communicated with the Black Death Emperor through the Black Lantern Ring, and no one knew what the two of them said.

"Hit it! Chao Rong is a threat to the entire multiverse!"

Optimus Prime growled.

The Black Death Emperor looked down, and saw the endless skeleton body shaking, a cold light flashed, the sickle was raised high, and it slashed straight at Fu Rong.

"You actually obey the orders of a mortal!! Hei Si Di, what's wrong with your face?!"

Fu Rong couldn't help cursing, and clusters of pale green light gushed out from the Ring of Origin, turning into monsters and pounced on the Black Death Emperor.

These ferocious monsters faced the terrifying sickle of the Black Death Emperor, but they were as vulnerable as paper. These things that the Seven Lantern Legion can't hold their heads up are vulnerable to the Black Death Emperor.

"It's a disgrace for you to hold the lamp ring of origin, you are not worthy of it."

The Black Death Emperor whispered in an ancient language. At this moment, only Optimus Prime and Fu Rong understood.

In the direction of the blade, the barrier created by Furong was split open, and the huge sickle was about to cut towards Furong.


Huo Rong let out a tyrannical roar, and his original calmness and calmness had long since disappeared. His rainbow-like body suddenly expanded, dozens of times, hundreds of times, becoming the same size as the Black Death Emperor.

The Ring of Origin erupted with more powerful power, and two existences with extremely high authority broke out in a war.

The spectrum fell into extreme rage, and the hundreds of millions of lives in the entire main universe were disturbed by the emotional spectrum, and various strange emotions grew up, interfering with their original will.

The battle between two giants is a fierce battle between the death band and the origin band, and it is also an unprecedented event in the world inside the wall.

If the spirit of existence gets involved, the three most special spectral authority dogs will be assembled, and then the dog will bite the dog.

The two giants clashed several times, and it was clear that the Black Death Emperor had an absolute advantage. Every time he swung his scythe, he could easily cut off the attack of Hua Rong.

Huo Rong is just a human being who has obtained authority, and there is still a big gap in combat power between Lantern Beasts like Hei Si Di Di.

Many soldiers watched from a distance, watching these two guys use the spectrum of emotions as a means of fighting, they only felt a splitting headache, countless emotions ebbed and flowed, and the cycle went back and forth. Many lives with weak willpower had already passed out in a coma.

All kinds of chaotic emotional fluctuations are superimposed and exploded all the time, bringing unspeakable emotional changes to everyone present.

The black death emperor became more and more violent, and the huge body of Huo Rong was chopped into several sections, and the colorful nervous system was still turned into countless silk threads, trying to connect these broken bodies.

It was only a matter of time before Huo Rong was hacked to death.

"Optimus Prime, take away the Ring of Origin, before the Black Death Emperor kills Huo Rong, otherwise you will get nothing and the main universe will be destroyed."

Downey's voice entered Optimus Prime's head.

"Everyone, attack Huo Rong!"

Optimus Prime didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately led many soldiers to besiege the severely injured Huo Rong.

Beams of light blasted on Fu Rong's body, without pain or itching.


The Black Death Emperor's sickle was chopped off, Fu Rong's right arm was chopped off in half, and the light of the Origin Ring was becoming dim.

Optimus Prime threw himself at the huge arm, and the Black Lantern Ring erupted with a powerful depleted force, cutting the broken colorful silk threads fiercely. At the same time, he grabbed the Origin Ring and pulled it fiercely.

"You ant, what do you want to do!!" Fu Rong roared violently with red eyes.

The black death emperor's deep eyes flickered, and he intensified his attack on Fu Rong.

Everyone may have forgotten that Huo Rong was paired with the Ring of Origin, so that he contained a trace of the power of the light of creation in his body. Once Huo Rong died, the light of creation would collapse, and the main universe would collapse with it.

Of course, the Black Death Emperor is willing to kill such a disaster, and being buried with the main universe is also his appearance fee.

This group of living people counts as one who can die, Hei Sidi thought stubbornly.

Numerous warriors tried their best to interfere with Fu Rong, causing Fu Rong to roar again and again. The Black Death Emperor took on the role of the reaper, depriving Fu Rong of his life little by little.

Finally, the Ring of Origin was stripped off by Optimus Prime at the cost of being hammered to death several times by Fu Rong. Fortunately, with the Black Lantern Ring in his hand, Optimus Prime would not die.

Everything is worth it, the first lantern ring in history has already fallen into the hands of Optimus Prime.

"No! You despicable ant!!"

Fu Rong let out an unwilling roar.

With the departure of the ring of origin, this is just the beginning. Optimus Prime held the ring of origin in one hand, raised the other hand, the black light ring shone, and began to strip the breath of life of Huo Rong.

The rainbow-like light is gradually disappearing, which is more terrifying than the disappearance of life, at least for Fu Rong, his transparent body is gradually transforming, and it is beginning to transform into an ordinary earthling.

"No! You can't do this!! I am a god, a god who can change all the negativity in this world!!"

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