Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 895 Optimus Prime, Are You Poisonous?

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Huo Rong's eyes were tearing apart, and he watched the colorful colors in his body begin to disappear, and the flesh and blood that had been isolated for more than 10 billion years returned.

After the last drop of color was stripped off by Optimus Prime, Furong had returned to his original appearance.

It was a... mortal who was no different from ordinary earthlings.

A mortal without any supernatural powers.

Looking down with helpless eyes, Huo Rong looked helplessly at his trembling hands, which were his original hands, but they were not what he wanted at all.

He lost.

He didn't lose to Optimus Prime, he didn't lose to anyone, he just lost to the Black Death Emperor.

Huo Rong overestimated himself and severely underestimated Hei Si Di, so much so that he had the illusion that he was almost the same as Hei Si Di.

Hei Si Di is a Lantern Beast, while Fu Rong is just a powerful mortal.

call out!

The Black Death Emperor cut off the sickle and hit the spine of Fu Rong. He had already lost the desire to fight, and the collapsed Hua Rong was chopped into two pieces on the spot.

Overwhelmed by the power of death, Fu Rong's body quickly withered, and with a blurred consciousness, Hua Rong stepped into death.

"I can't kill him."

Black Death Emperor reluctantly explained to Optimus Prime.

Don't look at him cleanly overthrowing Fu Rong, but even if he is the Black Death Emperor, he can't kill the coordinates of Fu Rong.

The Black Death is now part of the spectrum of aggression, and there is no way to kill a creature chosen by the spectrum of emotion, even if it is just a human being.

Killed countless times, Huo Rong will be reborn countless times under the shelter of the emotional spectrum.

Optimus Prime said in a low voice: "Don't worry, someone will deal with Fu Rong, now, you can go back."

Black Death Emperor: "???"

Are you so toxic?

Hei Sidi didn't say a word, subconsciously tightened his scythe, thinking about the possibility of killing this young man with one knife.

How urgent and impatient Optimus Prime was when he was just needed, how is it now that Fu Rong was hacked to death, and he couldn't wait to drive him away immediately?

Animal ah this is.

If it wasn't for Optimus Prime being the only remaining medium... the Black Death Emperor was about to move, and the cold light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"I want to clean this dirty and messy world, as my chosen one, you should stand by my side."

The Black Death Emperor stared at Optimus Prime, and he swore that if Optimus Prime opened his mouth to drive him away again, he would hack Optimus Prime to death regardless of everything.

Anyway, he is not afraid of the new god.

Optimus Prime simply took off the Black Lantern Ring, and looked up at the Black Death Emperor.


The media was interrupted, and the figure of the Black Death Emperor began to appear blurred. He was about to be driven back to the world of the dead by the power of light. After all, this is the territory of the spirit of existence.

"I remember you, Optimus Prime! You have the same shameless and meanness as Downey!"

The Black Death Emperor issued a sinister threat, the door opened behind him, and the world of the dead called, and the figure of the Black Death Emperor disappeared immediately, being swallowed by the world of the dead.

"Will this anger him?" Raven asked cautiously.


Optimus Prime said calmly, and put on the black lantern ring again.

The power of death reappeared, and the Black Death Emperor came with overwhelming anger. Even if Optimus Prime tried to prevent him from descending from the world of the dead, the Black Death Emperor couldn't care less, and insisted on killing him in the main universe.

Then Optimus Prime took off the ring again.

It came to an abrupt end.

Then he put it on again.

Then took it off again.

The Black Death Emperor finally stopped moving. He simply squatted in the world of the dead, refusing to move no matter what.

Everyone present fell into a strange silence, thinking in their hearts, the Black Death Emperor must be trying to find a way to kill Optimus Prime, right?

Optimus Prime, you have changed, you are really poisonous.


Megatron made a walnut out of the Reality Gem, then smashed it with his fist, and handed it to Optimus Prime: "I'll use the Infinity Gem to smash the walnut for you to eat."

Too Nima show,

Now the Black Death Emperor probably has the heart to slaughter Cybertron.

"Our side is over, and we just need to wait for the result of the other side."

Optimus Prime relaxed slightly, the eight light rings on his fingers were still flashing with different lights, the confrontation between the seven lights and the black lights was always going on, even with Optimus Prime's terrifying will, it was impossible to avoid their mutual conflict. internal friction.

Can only use time to kill.

The Ring of Origin exudes a deep light, quietly lying in the palm of Optimus Prime, becoming ordinary again, waiting for the next recovery of Hua Rong.

"The end? No, you are wrong about this, this is just the beginning!"

Atoshitas got up covered with scars, his eyes were extremely tyrannical, and he looked at the five little blue men who had regained their freedom ferociously.

"Blood debts, this is the philosophy of the Red Lantern Corps. Now, it's time for you to pay your debts with blood."

Atoshitas led the Red Lantern Corps and quickly surrounded the five guardians.

The blood feud between the two parties is really inseparable. The mass extinction of the entire sector 666, hundreds of millions of lives were massacred by the first legion of the guardians.

Many Lantern Heroes gathered together, with different expressions, some were sneering, some were hesitating, and more people looked at this scene with expressionless faces.

"Optimus Prime, stop them."

Ganser ordered decisively.

Optimus Prime stood where he was, and behind him, Tomare, Kilowog, and a few other Lanternmen looked at the five guardians indifferently. Not only did they have no intention of helping, they even showed hatred on their faces. and happy expression.

"No one here will pay for traitors, Guardians, you betrayed the soldiers who respect and love you." Optimus Prime said lightly.

"Don't forget, we are the ones who trained you, and we are the ones who gave you the lantern ring!" Ganser's face was cold and indifferent.

Megatron suddenly sneered, his eyes filled with ferocity, he appeared in front of Ganser in an instant, grabbed Ganser, his blood-colored eyes revealed cruelty, and let out a sinister laugh: "At that time, the lantern ring was given by you Well, I clearly remember that a guy named Abin Su chose Optimus Prime instead of you."

"Besides, you don't dare not give it!"

Just when Megatron was about to crush Ganser, the Holy Walker of the Blue Lantern Corps suddenly made a move, using the Blue of Hope to interfere with Megatron's consciousness, blocking it for a second.

"Ganther shouldn't die!"

Saintwalker said quickly, with an anxious look on his face: "He is the only one with a conscience among the guardians, and he maintains the order of the main universe with a selfless heart. Neither Ganther nor Saito deserve to die!"

But it was too late for him.


With a little force from Megatron, Ganther was crushed into a pulp.

The expressions of Optimus Prime, Tomare and the others changed slightly, but they all said nothing, watching the guardians greet their fate quietly.

"You—" the mild-tempered Saintwalker showed rage on his face.

The entire Blue Lantern Corps surrounded him, looking at Megatron angrily.

The Blue Lantern Corps, originally the Legion created after Ganther was expelled from the Guardian Sequence, symbolizes indelible hope.

"He has been brainwashed into a ruthless and weird thing. The Green Lantern Corps has been eliminated. Gunther has made great efforts. He deserves to die."

Megatron tossed the shattered corpse aside and smiled contemptuously.

Atoshitas roared loudly, extremely dissatisfied with Megatron's killing of a guardian, and he wanted to crush the little blue men one by one with his own hands.

The remaining four guardians finally couldn't keep their composure, and hurriedly said: "Saintwalker, we order you to block them! Whether it's Atoshitas or Megatron!"

But Saintwalker just gave Megatron an angry look, turned and left with the Blue Lantern Corps.

He didn't even glance at the remaining four people.

"Kill them!"

Atoshitas grinned, and a group of Red Lanterns rushed forward with red eyes, roaring, and devoured the guardian in the most cruel way.

That's right, it's not dismembering the corpse, it's sharing the food, one person eats the four noble guardians alive, all of them are crazy.

Every red-lantern warrior has a blood feud with the guardians.

The era of guardians has come to an end.

Many legions stayed in place, quietly watching the guardian's miserable end, and then left one after another.

Before leaving, Qingnv said to Optimus Prime: "The Black Lantern Ring is in your hands, we hope you can keep this thing forever, and don't let the Black Death Emperor raise his butcher knife against the living again."

Soon, only the many warriors from Cybertron and a few Green Lanterns with sad faces remained.

Looking at these fighters, Tomare sighed deeply. Is there anything worse than this?

The Green Lantern Corps is almost dead.

"You need to rebuild the Green Lantern Corps, re-establish the prestige of the Green Lantern Corps, and recruit enough soldiers."

Optimus Prime patted Tormare on the shoulder hard.

The main universe cannot live without the Green Lantern Corps. This is the only impartial and neutral emotional army, and it is not easy to go to extremes.

"Can't you stay?" Tomare asked seriously, "Compared to me, you are the most suitable candidate."

Optimus Prime fell silent for a moment, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said, "I have my own things to do."

The Ring of Origin slowly floated up, disappeared suddenly with a flash of white light, and was teleported into Downey's hands.


With the end of the first Lantern Man, Downey finally dispatched, wearing a black lantern ring and a white lantern ring at the same time, communicating the emotional spectrum.

"What do you want to do, accept Huo Rong as a member of your command?" The spirit of existence suddenly appeared on Downey's shoulder, fluttered its wings twice to stand firm, and asked doubtfully.

"Accept Huo Rong? How could I accept this paranoid who doesn't even have a heart."

Downey stepped into a higher level of the emotional spectrum, and was able to enter in person with two super-high authority light rings, black and white.

At least now, it will never be accepted. The world of Cybertron can't afford a guy who can't communicate. Even Doomsday King Kong is a guy who can control and communicate, but Fu Rong is not.

Huo Rong didn't have the value that Downey valued, at least not now.

"Let me say it first, you don't want to use me to deprive Huo Rong of authority, I can't do it, Huo Rong is the coordinate selected by the spectrum, as long as the world inside the wall is not destroyed, Huo Rong will not die, who will come?" It's useless."

The spirit of existence warned.

Just kidding, even the Black Death Emperor can't kill the guy, and Downey will definitely not be able to kill him.

To some extent, the backstage of the Black Death Emperor is an emotional spectrum, which is far beyond Downey, the only god. Even the things that the Black Death Emperor cannot use the emotional spectrum to achieve, Downey can't do it.

"I'd love to kill him if I had the chance, but I'm self-aware."

Donnie stopped talking, and quickly went deep into the emotional spectrum, using black and white as the medium, and using the origin as the guide, to find the evil.

In this colorful world, Donnie does not know how long he traveled, and countless distorted pictures emerged, recording the information of all living beings in this world. Countless emotions are intertwined to establish an emotional world of life and death.

Suddenly, Downey paused for a moment, turned his head suddenly, and looked at a fleeting picture, which was distorted, blurred, disappeared in an instant, was covered by more pictures, and finally drifted to nowhere.

No matter how hard you try to catch up, you can't catch up, and you can easily get lost in this vast world forever.

"What's wrong?" the spirit of existence asked in confusion.

"Saw a scary guy..."

Donnie thought about it.

He clearly saw just now that a scary guy was climbing something, trying to break free.

Climb the wall of origin, try to break free from the wall of origin.

"Yuka Khan... that guy is going to come down from the wall of origin..."

Downey's expression was solemn, and a big stone was placed on his heart.

Yuga Khan is the only monster in the past and present who can climb the origin wall and break free by himself. This is the only one among the four generations.

This is a cruel tyrant. Compared with Yuga Khan, Dakseid is just like a good baby. It is difficult for people who have not experienced the era of Yuga Khan to suppress the realm of gods. The terrible pressure of a tyrant.

Downey's scalp felt a little numb as he thought back to the scene he had glimpsed just now.

Damn, this guy can actually crawl around on the wall of origin, like an octopus... Other gods can't even move a finger, this animal can actually crawl around!

The gap is too big! ! !

Yuga Khan, the god of origin, is coming back soon, and this is destined to shake the entire realm of gods. It is not guaranteed that the realm of gods will usher in a wave of bloodbath from tyrants as a celebration of his return.

"It's time to speed up."

Downey frowned. The Domain of Gods is over, and the multiverse is also over, so his Cybertron star will also be over.

Entering the realm of gods may still be spared, and continuing to stay in the multiverse is waiting for death, and there is no place to run.

Of course, it will take a long time before Yuga Khan escapes, and the origin wall is not so easy to escape. From the perspective of the multiverse, this time may be extremely long.

Downey felt a sense of urgency.

The spirit of existence pecked at the feathers, a little indifferent, but didn't say anything.

As it went deeper, the Ring of Origin began to recover, glowing faintly, pointing straight ahead.

There, in the interweaving and wrapping of countless emotions, a ball is slowly wriggling, like a cocoon, in which a humanoid creature is brewing.

This thing is Huo Rong, the unkillable Huo Rong, no matter how many times he dies, he will be reborn in the emotional spectrum.

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