Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 896 News from the Endless Family

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Donnie stretched out his palm expressionlessly, and a powerful force enveloped it. A big hand composed of the power of the only god grabbed the silkworm cocoon.

Emotional energies of various colors are gathered and continuously input, but this balance immediately deviates with Downey's strong intervention, violent shaking occurs, and the balance is broken.

"How did you find this place! There is still the spirit of existence, how dare you!!"

A roar came out from the cocoon, and a vague human figure tore through the barrier, quickly got up, the roars continued one after another, and the violent emotional spectrum slowly became agitated.

The spirit of existence turned its head away in disdain: "You think too highly of yourself, but I didn't do anything."

Donnie's face was expressionless, and his huge palm held Furong fiercely. The emotional energy bombarded from all directions was gradually exerting a strong pressure on Donnie.

"Come back with me, your value has not been fully excavated, and you cannot die yet."

Downey said lightly.

Fu Rong was about to go mad with anger, his whole body was grabbed by Donnie, and his two arms that were not fully formed beat the back of Donnie's hand hard, but it was useless.

"My ring..."

Huo Rong growled.

The Ring of Origin suddenly shone brightly, and was about to float towards Fu Rong, but Downey directly grabbed the Ring of Origin, interrupting Hua Rong's call.

No matter how much the Origin Ring struggled, it couldn't break free from Downey's control. Monsters emerged and roared loudly at Downey, but they were easily defeated by Downey.

"It's getting unsafe here, and you'd better get out before you attract the attention of the emotional spectrum."

The spirit of existence suggested.

Although the only god is extremely powerful, the emotional spectrum is not bad at all. After all, it is the power of hundreds of millions of lives. Even if Downey is entangled in the emotional spectrum, he will feel very troublesome.

Downey nodded slightly, raised his thumb lightly, perfectly blocked Fu Rong's mouth that kept roaring, and the world suddenly became quiet.

Two kinds of diametrically opposed rays of light erupted from the black and white lights. Following this light, a passage was torn apart. Downey stepped on the black and white lights and quickly left the core area of ​​the emotional spectrum.

If it weren't for the protection of the black light ring and the white light ring, Tang, you really wouldn't be able to escape unscathed. Only the black and white light ring with super high authority can protect Donnie from being attacked by the emotional spectrum.

In the next second, Downey had already returned to the Cybertron star in the blood domain, and Fu Rong was thrown to the ground.

At this time, many warriors who fought against the main universe are returning one after another, and the light of the cosmic bridge penetrates the blood domain, illuminating the huge Cybertron brightly.

Donnie threw the Furong and the Ring of Origin to different departments of the Academy of Sciences, and ordered: "Separate these two guys, and absolutely do not let Furong come into contact with any lantern ring. I don't care how you study it, you must give it to me as soon as possible." A result."

Just like that, both Huo Rong and the Ring of Origin were dragged away by a group of bright-eyed scientific research lunatics, and what awaits Huo Rong will be all kinds of tragic experiments.

"Huo Rong will not die. Unless you have the ability to destroy the emotional spectrum, otherwise Hua Rong will not die. What do you want to do after doing so much? The Ring of Origin has already belonged to you, so you don't have to care about Hua Rong."

asked the Spirit of Being.

Donnie glanced at her lightly.

Of course Downey would not tell anyone that he captured Fu Rong not only to study the possibility of controlling the Origin Ring, but also to better plan for the future, in case he could dig out anything useful from Fu Rong Woolen cloth?

Like reverse coordinates? Like a way to cross the wall of origin?

Anyway, it is true that the Light of Creation, the predecessor of the Spirit of Existence, can travel freely, and it is also an alternative plan...

The spirit of existence raised her head vigilantly, and looked at Downey unkindly. She clearly sensed the strong malice again, and the bastard was plotting against herself again.

At this time, Optimus Prime immediately found Downey.

"Has the Black Death Emperor been trying to open the door to reality..."

Donnie rubbed his chin,

Staring at the black lantern ring on Optimus Prime's hand, he fell into deep thought, and said after a while: "Now you are the only one wearing the black lantern ring, and you are the only medium that can communicate with the Black Death Emperor. Can you reach a consensus with the Black Death Emperor?" , or even control him, it’s up to you... You’ll be staying on Cybertron during this time, and if there’s an accident, there will be countless powerful fighters to help you stop the Black Death Emperor.”

Among other things, there are several eighth-level fighters on Cybertron, and there are even monsters like Doomsday King Kong, who can stop them even if they are as powerful as the Black Death Emperor!

Optimus Prime caressed the black lantern ring, and the other seven ordinary lights were still fighting fiercely with the black lantern ring, and they were undergoing terrible wear and tear all the time, and Optimus Prime needed to explore the stability and balance of it.

Downey took off the white lantern ring on his finger, handed it to Optimus Prime, and said calmly: "After you feel that you can control the Black Death Emperor, you can try wearing the white lantern ring, and you will become the first A person who wears nine lamp rings... Including the ring of origin that is being researched, ten rings are already in hand."

The level of distance from God has been pulled in without limit.

Donnie didn't say this, but Optimus Prime also understood it.

"I understand, I will find my own promotion method." Optimus Prime turned and left, with the seven-color light and black light still flickering around his body.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, an unprecedented ten-lamp master will rise.

The spirit of existence tilted its head and looked at Optimus Prime who was going away, "Do you really think he can control so many rings?"

Downey said calmly, "Do you really think you won't be controlled by him?"

The aura of existence had to run away.

The annoying guy finally left, Donnie felt relieved.

Originally, he planned to take this opportunity to take down the Black Death Emperor and the Spirit of Existence at the same time, but from the current point of view, it is not necessary to use force. As long as Optimus Prime's side goes well, the two lantern beasts will not be able to escape .

"If Optimus Prime can't do it, then it's my turn..."

Downey mused.

The Black Death Emperor can still fight, but the spirit of existence is hard to say. Until now, Downey has not figured out the strength of the spirit of existence.


On the other side, Doomsday King Kong came back with the Dominion who was sleeping like a dead dog. The first thing he did was to find Downey and throw it to the ground with a bang.

"He, idiot."

Doomsday King Kong pointed at the Sovereign, making a loud voice.

"It's not just a day or two, you're new here?" Downey was very calm, and then slapped Duzun on the face, forcefully waking him up from his dream.

"Don't touch me! I can beat ten Downeys!"

Duzun suddenly opened his eyes, let out a low growl instinctively, and quickly jumped up.

With eyes wide open and a majestic expression on his face, the devil knows what this guy has been made of by Fu Rong.

The Duzun shook his head, and for a moment, a slight daze flashed across his face. In the emotional world, he has experienced countless lives, and many times, he once reached the pinnacle of life.

Duzun stared at Downey for an instant, stared at him, and roared, "Donnie, you've seen your father, why don't you kneel down quickly?!"

In the latest dream, Duzun realized his dream of punching Downey and kicking him against the prison, but he was woken up by Downey at the beginning of this experience.

Duzun roared, and in an instant, everyone was quiet.

The terrifying pressure came suddenly, and the Sovereign was crushed to his knees on the ground at that time, the blood flowed backwards, and the bones creaked.

"You idiot, do you want to die?" Downey said expressionlessly, but the murderous aura surging around him was real.

Duzun finally woke up and stood there in a daze.

"Fool." King Kong Doomsday sneered.

boom! Da da da! Ding bang! Cool time cool time! Boom!

Accompanied by Duzun's shrill screams, deafening sounds rang out one after another, and those who couldn't understand what they heard were terrified.

In the end, the Sovereign was hung on the Karon Arena to accompany the Collector.

The collector looked curiously at the Sovereign who was thrown beside him, and asked, "What did you do to make Donny hang you here?"

Duzun's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was beaten into a pig's head. Hearing this, he raised his head and gave the collector a fierce look: "None of your business, trash! Didn't you see me exchanging feelings with my father?"

The collector's eyes widened, and he really wanted to spray this scum to death.

You've been hung up here, why are you so arrogant? Do you really think you, the top ten god, have a good temper?


The violent beating of Duzun was just an insignificant episode, and Donnie didn't care at all. Really, he was just warming up. It's been a long time since he beat Duzun, it's just itchy hands.

He really wasn't angry.

Compared to this, another uninvited guest really attracted Downey's interest.

Deadpool, who couldn't be killed no matter what, was brought back by Hal.

Hal was so annoyed by Deadpool that he was going crazy, he couldn't take it anymore.

"I can't kill this guy. The yellow light ring told me that there is a high-level existence protecting him. I want to ask you to kill this bastard."

Hal walked in dragging Deadpool, who was covered in yellow ropes all over his body.

"Woo woo woo..."

Deadpool's mouth was tightly gagged.

Downey didn't take it seriously at first, but after glancing at Deadpool, he suddenly let out a small gasp.

With a wave of his hand, the chains on Deadpool immediately collapsed, and Deadpool turned over at that moment, lying on the ground like a dead dog, panting heavily.

"Wow, you are really cruel, you actually used yellow things to mess with me! You will be blocked if you do this..."

Deadpool began to speak words that Hal couldn't understand at all, and even the yellow light ring couldn't analyze the deep meaning in it.

"Long time no see, Wade." Donnie pulled the chair and sat down, smiling.

"Long time no see. You still owe me a symbiote suit. Do you remember that time in Gotham! You left my clothes and ran away!"

Deadpool yelled loudly.

"If you can answer my doubts, I will accompany you with a hundred symbiote suits."

Donnie motioned Hal to leave, looked at the confused Deadpool, and asked.

"I feel a different message from you. This is not a gift from death, but an unknown god."

"Yes, two deaths have fallen in love with me, but I don't know which one to choose! They are all so good, what do you say about Shuangfei? My XX will definitely satisfy them!"

Deadpool subconsciously wanted to pull down his pants, but was frustrated to find that his body was still in the process of self-healing, just like a child of a few years old.

Donnie didn't bother to pay attention to Deadpool's trash talk, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Two deaths... one is the death of the multiverse, and the other is the one from the endless family?"

Death, the second sister of the endless family of the ruler of hell, claims to be with God. Even if this sentence is watery, one can vaguely know how terrifying this death is.

Mysterious and powerful, no matter how you look at her, she is much stronger than the five great death gods, but she is extremely low-key, and the entire endless family is extremely low-key.

"How did you do that?" Donnie asked.

"I met another death at a guy who called himself the Sandman. You never know how coquettish that old bastard Sandman is, with white hair all over his head, but a gloomy handsome face... Bah! Don't Face!"

Deadpool was a little jealous.

Compared with Sandman, his image score is too far behind.

"Sandman... or Dream God..."

Donnie stroked his chin.

The Sandman is amazing. The third head of the Endless Family is also the one with the highest appearance rate among the members of the Endless Family in the comics. Wherever there is life and dreams, there is his Sandman.

The Sandman is very ancient, and when the first beings were born and began to dream, the Sandman was born.

And it is worth noting that Sandman, an ancient god, does not rule hell like other endless family members, but is independent, and one person is in charge of two top realms.

Dreamland and Nightmare, these are two opposing realms similar to Apocalypse and New Creation Star. Both are dream worlds, but one represents sweet dreams and the other represents nightmares. Countless powerful creatures such as Fairy King Oberon and Santa Claus They are all residents of the two major dream worlds, and there are countless monsters, elves, and wizards haunting them.

Both of the top realms belong to the Sandman.

This shows the power of Sandman.

"What did the Sandman touch you for?"

Donnie frowned.

He doesn't care much about death, because this death is notoriously low-key.

But if it's the Sandman... Sandman is not a bad god, but he never does meaningless things.

For a moment, Downey thought a lot. What is this? This is an indirect contact with himself through Deadpool.

Needless to say, Sandman likes to do this kind of thing the most, first to gain a sense of presence, and then to do things easily.

Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Downey really didn't understand what he had to communicate with the Sandman, and there was no conflict of interest between the two of them.

"Maybe he's in love with you." Deadpool muttered, "I just want to see my goddess again, but he just ignored my request and pretended to be stupid... You have to help me teach him a lesson!"

Downey was speechless.


He really might not be able to defeat Sandman, and Sandman would not roll up his sleeves to go into battle himself unless it was a last resort. He would only try his best to encourage those chosen by him to start a proxy war.

Don't doubt it, the Sandman has this kind of old Yinbi's character, if he can persuade others to do it, he will never do it himself.

People are not bad, just a bit lazy, if you can BB, you will never do it.

"I should also prepare in advance..."

Donnie stroked his chin.

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