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The Sandman is coming, and coming sooner than expected.

During Downey's deliberate deep sleep, he easily saw the Sandman.

In this grotesque world, countless things are distorted and changeable. There is no fixed form, only indescribably great weirdness and deformity.

"I always feel that there is something wrong with your aesthetics." Donnie looked around and said calmly.

A small deer ran past Downey, and it turned into a road in an instant, leaving Downey speechless.

The dream world is also good at cold jokes?

"When you are free, go to Dreamland or Nightmare, and there will be something you like."

A man who was so flirtatious came over with a gentle face, flowing white hair, white clothes fluttering around his body, and a compassionate expression on his face, which easily aroused the favor of others.

This was the first time Downey saw the Sandman, and his expression was extremely calm.

"Tell me, what are you looking for? If you just get to know each other, I swear I will tear down your damned dream world," Downey said.

The Sandman just shook his head: "It's useless if you dismantle it. This dream is just a temporary creation by me. The raw materials are all taken from the beings of the multiverse."

Donnie didn't say a word, just stared at the Sandman, his muscles tensed, ready to turn his face at any time.

He could feel that as long as he wanted to, he could break through this dream at any time. The Fire Seed Source had always been closely connected with Downey, enough to ignore any illusions and falsehoods.

The Sandman didn't take it seriously, but took it out and sat on the ground very calmly. Below, there were countless grotesque images flying by, and indescribable strange creatures were swimming around. These things belonged exclusively to the creatures in the dreamland.

"I came to you to invite you to join the dream." Sandman said.

"I have my own world to protect, and I'm not interested in joining you."

"It doesn't matter, the dream is huge enough to accommodate your world, the result is the same." Sandman still maintained a gentle smile.

"I'll think about it seriously." Downey said calmly, talking nonsense with his eyes open.

He would think about it, he didn't have the mind to join some boring dream nightmare, his goal is to build Cybertron into a planet that rivals Apocalypse and New Genesis, how could it be possible to move Cybertron into the dream .

Sandman nodded earnestly, as if he really believed it: "You may not know that when you were promoted to the only god, members of our Endless family also helped you, deterring many guys who wanted to think about you."

Downey raised his eyebrows.

He really didn't know this. After all, there were too many gods gathered outside the Wall of God's Speed ​​and Force at that time. At that time, in order to disgust these gods, Downey even drove hundreds of millions of Doomsdays into the God's Wall in one go. Domain, it is reckoned that some of these guys should have survived, and they might have met the ancient Doomsday that was on rampage.

"If it's true, thank you very much." Downey nodded slightly, and didn't ask which member helped him.

There are seven full-fledged members of the Endless Family. They are connected with each other, and they wear a pair of pants. The eldest is fate, the second is dead, and the third is Sandman. Boundary, even if the other four are slightly worse, they won't be much worse.

The weakest chicken should also be the level of the eighth-level sole god.

"The second matter is related to the inevitable civil war that will break out in Wantianyi World..."

From Sandman's point of view, whether it is the Dark Multiverse or the Bright Multiverse, it is a civil war, and the scale of the war may be extremely large, so that the top realms of the God's Domain are willing to pay a little attention, but in the end it is the world of Wantianyi. The internal affairs of a tiny place.

The bigwigs in these top realms are concerned about whether Annihilation and Barbatos can go further after this war.

The new ninth-level Almighty God already has enough in the realm of gods, and there is no need for another one in the Wantianyi world.

Every more one means new uncertainty and uncontrollability, trouble.

Sandman said indifferently: "I hope you can intervene in this war, so that one side cannot completely annex the other."

Downey wanted to laugh, "Why should I listen to you, and I have no intention of participating in a war of this magnitude, and why did you choose me?"

Downey made up his mind. If Sandman dared to threaten the life forms under his command, Downey would definitely turn his back on him and punch Sandman to death.

As long as it is life, it will be more or less related to the dream world, and the realm of dreams is the territory of the Sandman.

"Your greed makes you not let go of any possibility of becoming stronger, and your calmness allows you to walk through the dangerous cracks." Sandman said, "And you are a native of the multiverse, you are the only one. God joins the battle, and the Wall of God's Speed ​​and Force will not go mad."

"What can I get?" Donnie asked persistently.

"Everything." Sandman said, "But everything you see, hear, and touch is yours, and the entire Wantianyi world is yours."


Downey stood up straight away, blasted the Sandman in front of him to pieces with one punch, and shattered the entire dream world with the second punch.

"Why are you so irritable..." Sandman sighed and whispered, and a white ghost-like figure quietly appeared.

Downey said coldly: "I have a better plan, you send the only gods of dreams and nightmares to Wantianyi world, kill the five great gods and Barbatos in one go, and the reward is the entire Wantianyi The world, it's all yours."

"Good idea." The Sandman applauded gracefully, with a look of amazement on his face, which made Donnie almost believe it.

"Go to hell, shit."

Downey sneered.

Empty glove white wolf? Anyone can do it.

Donnie can guess what Sandman is up to, it's just that he doesn't want to see Annihilation or Barbatos being promoted to the ninth level of Almighty God, and would rather give this opportunity to Donnie—to break the sky, Donnie would Only from the eighth level to the quasi-ninth level, there is still a huge gap between the omnipotence.

"The rules of the game are like this, you don't need to believe it, but if you really want to participate, you can only follow this rule." Sandman said gently.

"I will not get involved in this troublesome war, and you don't want to encourage me to participate. I will enter the realm of God before the war breaks out."

Downey said indifferently.

The Sandman took a deep look at Downey, and sighed regretfully, as if he felt sorry for Downey's failure to agree.

Before leaving, Sandman suddenly said: "Don't forget, you are going to join my dream world."

Downey ignored him and returned to the real world.

The night was sultry. The sun shining on this area had already set according to the established rules. There was a gentle breeze blowing in the night. On the comfortable velvet bed, Downey suddenly opened his eyes.

"The talk broke down?" Wanda also woke up at the right time. She actually didn't need sleep to recover herself, it was just out of a human habit.

"Simply put, the Sandman is even more shameless than I imagined, almost shameless."

Downey lifted the quilt, walked to the coffee table, poured himself a cup of tea, and said in a helpless tone.

Sandman, the old cunt, really didn't want to be shameless, and tried his best to encourage Donnie to get involved, making the situation even more chaotic.

Anyway, no matter whether Barbatos wins or Annihilation wins, they can't get all of them. They must divide a lot of shares, and they can't fill them all with one god.

What if he really becomes the ninth-level Almighty God? Although the probability is very slim, precautions must be taken.

The concept of the ninth level is to compete against the sum of countless multiverses with one's own body.

The sum of countless multiverses is the omnipotent universe.

It is too difficult, too difficult, too difficult to find a promotion to the Almighty Cosmic Rank based on a mere civil war in the world of Wantianyi.

"That guy Sandman has seen more than everyone else. He definitely won't just look for me."

Downey sneered.


Dark multiverse.

In the vast hall, seven nightmare knights of different sizes just walked out.

Among the seven figures exuding a cold and tyrannical atmosphere, one of them seemed a little different. Compared with the other six figures of the same kind, this person was a little more restrained and calm.

"Bruce, do you want to have a drink? I know one of the best bars, and the advanced creatures in the entire dark multiverse like to patronize this bar." The laughing bat showed his ferocious sharp teeth that almost occupied half of his face, Let out a low and sinister laugh.

"Not interested in."

The person who spoke was a hideous guy with a lot of barbs and horniness on his body. If you feel it carefully, you will be surprised to find that the life factor of this person is undergoing subtle changes all the time.

"The original ravager was a grumpy guy. Why did he come to you? He looks calmer than me. This doesn't look like you... Did you really inject Doomsday Serum?"

The Laughing Bat let out a malicious low laugh, which echoed in the dark hall.

A large number of bats inhabiting here seem to be frightened, fluttering their wings and flying in groups, making ugly calls.

"This question, you should ask that waste that was killed, not me. Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

The new ravager opened his blood-colored eyes, looked indifferently at the Laughing Bat standing in front of him, stretched out an arm, and with a little force, the Laughing Bat flew out like a cannonball, hit the wall with a loud bang, and set off an explosion. A large cloud of smoke and dust.

"The level of a mortal..." The new ravager quickly remembered this information in his heart.

The Laughing Bat is just a mortal with a crazy mind, easy to kill, and fundamentally different from the other Nightmare Knights, which is very important information.

"Hey, newcomer, don't think that you can do whatever you want in our territory if you are favored by Lord Barbatos... If you want to die, we can help you!"

The other five figures surrounded the ravager, ready to move, each exuding a strong sense of oppression, tyranny, coldness, indifference, bloodthirsty...

Drowning and resentful souls, ruthless war demons, dawn lights, killing machines, red death...

Five Batmen from the dark multiverse, making no secret of their murderous intent, stared at this guy from the main universe.

Just laugh at the bat and say a word, and they will kill the ravager without hesitation!

The original Ravager was one of them, but this newcomer was not! This guy is a dangerous person from the main universe!

"Everyone is Batman, who doesn't know who..."

Suddenly, Daybreak Lantern sneered, and the other Batmen couldn't help but laugh too, but the laughter was extremely gloomy and cold.

The ravager felt heavy in his heart. For the first time, he felt that the wisdom he was so proud of became a trouble.

Everyone here is Batman, their experience is more tragic than the bats in the main universe, and the fate they experience is more cruel and bloody. Similarly, their hearts are more twisted and have no bottom line.

But in essence, they are all the same, they are all Batman.


With the sound of pushing away the gravel, the laughing bat spat out a mouthful of blood, and its ferocious teeth were stained with blood.

He got up a little staggeringly, and went straight to the ravager, still with that disturbing low smile: "Bruce, are you satisfied with this temptation?"

"That's fair." The Ravager said indifferently.

Kuangxiao came to test him, and he took the opportunity to test Kuangxiao, it was a fair deal.

"But I don't think so."

The laughing bat suddenly retreated.

not good!

The Ravager was taken aback, but it was too late.

The other five nightmare knights who were most capable of fighting were already laughing wildly, and rushed towards him ferociously.

The sea power of the drowned and resentful souls, the Amazon artifact of the ruthless war demon, the twisted green light ring of the daybreak lamp, the technological weapon of the killing machine, and the dark speed force of the red death, five familiar but unfamiliar forces erupted together, brutal and murderous. Ravager.

Bruce, who came from the main universe, was knocked down in an instant. Muscles on his three-meter-high body were tensed. With the roar from his mouth, his veins jumped violently, his blood rolled like a torrential river, and a large number of bone spurs rose upside down. More horny hyperplasia.


The Ruthless War Demon took the lead in stabbing his heart with a long sword, spattering a large amount of blood.

The life factor ushered in a new round of explosion, urging Bruce to evolve to gain the power to fight against the Nightmare Knights.

The six figures started a bloody battle in this silent hall. The Devastator was besieged by powerful enemies and suffered repeated injuries, which was equivalent to facing the powerful enemies of the entire enhanced Justice League.

The Laughing Bat has long since disappeared, hiding in a corner laughing and watching the show.

The ear-piercing roar resounded for a long time, and the smoke and dust flew up.

After a long time, the Laughing Bat reappeared, standing a few meters away, looking at Bruce who had been skinned and boned and hung up.

"The newcomers don't understand the rules of the Nightmare Knights, so Lord Barbatos probably won't mind."

The laughing bat stared at the long and pointed nails on his hand, which were stained with black blood. From the corner of his eye, he looked at the inhuman Bruce who had been beaten through the props in his eyes.

Despite the blessing of the Doomsday serum, Bruce is only a transformed Doomsday, not Doomsday itself. At this time, he was suspended in the air, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

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