Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 898 Bruce, I can help you

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"You guys from the multiverse always have boring thoughts in your mind, but you never think that only darkness is the truth deep in your heart."

The laughing bat stared at the nails, but looked through the blindfold, observing every slight change in Bruce.

This barbed eye patch can even easily see through the cosmic membrane between the multiverse and the dark multiverse, and it is even easier to observe Bruce's situation.

"Shut your mouth, disgusting thing, you should get your teeth cleaned." Bruce spit out a mouthful of blood, and accurately spit it on the face of the laughing bat.

The other five bats became more and more manic, and began to punch and kick Bruce. The ruthless War Demon directly cut off Bruce's limbs with a sword, and then stood there quietly watching Bruce recover bit by bit by relying on his own strength.

"We have plenty of time to entertain you, at least let you understand the laws of the dark multiverse! Only the darkest and craziest people can survive in this cruel world!"

"If an idiot like you is put into the dark multiverse, I bet you won't survive the next day."

Daybreak Strange Lamp let out a gloomy low laugh, he likes to laugh very much, his laugh is weird and long.

Bruce managed to grow out the tongue that had just been cut off, gasped a few times, and said in a low voice: "If you put such a mindless thing in the Bright Multiverse, you will never survive the next second, and there will be stronger to kill you cringing wretch."


The heat vision was launched, and the heat vision that Bruce had been brewing for a long time immediately blasted towards...Laughing bats!

This was the first time he used the strange superpower of heat vision after he was injected with the doomsday serum. For a former mortal like him, using body energy to exert a strength far beyond that of a mortal body was still an extremely unfamiliar way of fighting.

"You will definitely die in my hands, I have this hunch!"

Bruce growled, and the beam of thermal vision became stronger and stronger, like magma materialized, instantly raising the temperature in the icy hall by a large margin.

Two red lights blasted towards the head of the Laughing Bat in an instant.

To be on the safe side, Bruce could choose to attack the Laughing Bat's forehead, because he's not sure what the spiked blindfolds on Laughing Bat's eyes are.

Cautious and ruthless, this is the code of conduct among Batmen.

The Laughing Bat stood quietly on the spot, as if it didn't react at all, until when the hot line of sight was close at hand, it tilted its head slightly and avoided it precisely.

"I can 'see clearly' all your plans, Bruce, I can clearly see the process of mobilizing energy in your eye sockets."

The Laughing Bat calmly pointed to his blindfold, his lips were blooming, and the ferocious teeth, which occupied almost half of his face, rubbed up and down, making piercing screams.

"Teach him well. The first rule of the dark law is that the strong who can determine his fate should maintain proper humility and obedience."

The laughing bat turned and walked into the darkness, "Because anyone who is not humble and disobedient, either he is the superior himself, or he is already dead."

"This is the way to survive in the dark multiverse!"

Behind him, five figures tormented Bruce crazily, laughing crazily from time to time. Every Batman here is a calm lunatic, a lunatic with a dark heart erupting.

They are not dark knights, let alone bat creatures that walk between darkness and light, but nightmare knights who truly embrace darkness!

Darkness is their only living world!

And now, the Nightmare Knights are tirelessly teaching the old folks' lessons to the naive rookies from the multiverse.

The teaching method is crazy torture, all-round torture from body to spirit.

After a long time, the five Batmen got bored and threw Bruce, which had been broken into hundreds of parts, to the ground. Looking at each other's wriggling body,

Blood proliferated crazily, and flesh and blood spread and gathered.

"It's really tenacious vitality. Even if there is a breath, it can always regenerate like an infinite cycle without absorbing external nutrients."

The Red Death snapped off Bruce's thigh like lightning, and then stared intently, watching the blood and flesh splicing together from the broken leg, sighing.

"Your dark speed force is not bad, super self-healing is just the most basic ability, right? If you can't beat it, you can run wildly in the speed force, and return to the battlefield after all the seriously injured body has recovered."

Killing Machine said indifferently.

Each of the five of them is very difficult to kill. Super self-healing is just one of the most basic abilities, but it's not as exaggerated as the Ravager.

"A thing like Doomsday, from the moment it was born, formed a nearly perfect closed internal circulation in the body, even if it doesn't eat or drink, even if it doesn't bask in the sun or absorb free particles in the air, it doesn't make sense survive."

The Daybreak Lantern stared at Bruce, and was using the sub-lights or the Daybreak Lantern in the green band to perform simulations and calculations.

He envied: "This is basically a creature that breaks the conservation of energy. You must know that even the vast majority of gods must obey the law of conservation to some extent."

The reason is to a certain extent, because the taller god can destroy more things with the smallest energy.

For example, Downey, now he is extremely scary, popping out an atom like a glass ball can destroy a universe, which follows the energy conservation of a ghost.

It is only partly followed, one atom = one universe, no matter how unreasonable the equal sign is, it is always giving first and then giving back.

But the Doomsday creature doesn't care about this at all. He himself is a perfect system that regenerates and grows continuously. It goes on and on, and every time it circulates in the body, it can get a new increase in power.

The five nightmare knights were communicating, and all the words were clearly heard by Bruce, who silently memorized them.

Eventually, the five Batmen left, dumping Bruce on the ground like trash.

In the empty hall, black shadows struck, swallowing more light, only Bruce, who was lying motionless on the ground like a dead body, was bathed in the faint light that came from nowhere.

Like the only place where the spotlight shines on a dark stage.

"Still too weak..."

Bruce thought silently, feeling every change in his body, and doubted himself for the first time.

Even a cold-blooded dark knight will doubt himself, reflect on himself again and again, and stand on the sidelines from the perspective of God.

"On my own, I will never be able to be redeemed... The Doomsday serum has changed me deeply, but I can't even win Nightmare Knight, and I can't win one-on-one..."

Still have to rely on his most proud wisdom!

Even if he was affected by the doomsday serum, even if he had to face seven Batmen who were no less intelligent than him and far surpassed him in strength!

"And Barbatos..."

The main universe Batman's heart skipped a beat and he didn't dare to think about it.

If he guessed right, Barbatos, the god of bats, could clearly know what was going on in his mind, which made Bruce dare not even think of Barbatos' full name in his brain.

As soon as the name of Barbatos is chanted in his mind, Barbatos will know, and then pry into his heart, and there is no hiding for all the secrets.

"I want to use other methods, relying solely on the power brought by the doomsday serum will definitely not work..."

Bruce thought silently, repairing the injury bit by bit, and slowly stood up. His fragmented body was repaired in just a few minutes to a framework that could barely move, which was extremely terrifying.

Moreover, the strength has also become stronger.

But this is not what Bruce wants, he has given up the idea of ​​using his own force to defeat the Nightmare Knights and even Barbatos.

This kind of continuous evolution, the devil knows when he can get the power to crush everything, otherwise the Nightmare Knights will organize him, and Barbatos will stop him.

Everyone is watching his jokes now.

"It's ironic, we still have to pick up the housekeeping skills."

Bruce laughed at himself, and sat down under a pillar, feeling inexplicably sleepy, and he couldn't help falling into sleep.

He is so tired.

In the dream, all kinds of grotesque, reality and fantasy are perfectly intertwined in this strange world. It seems weird and deformed, but it gives people a strange sense of beauty.

Just like Picasso's paintings, weird and weird, but with a kind of deformed beauty, in this dream, similar or even more exaggerated scenes are commonplace.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what a pitiful person... In the dark, but still looking for the light, their attempts to change you are about to fail."

The Sandman was still wearing that signature long white gown, feeling compassionate, and came to Bruce's side naturally.


What responded to him was a hot gaze first, and then, a fist the size of a sandbag with a force of hundreds of thousands of tons smashed fiercely at his head.

"In the dream, these are useless, no one can hurt me here... Oh, at least you can't."

The Sandman raised a finger and easily blocked Bruce's fist.

Instead, the thermal vision became extremely slow, moving towards the Sandman a little bit flickeringly, as if it had been cast with delay magic.

In the dream world, there are no fixed rules, no specific laws, only Sandman, a true god.

"Who are you, the real face of Barbatos?" Bruce said coldly.

"Don't try it, in this world, even Barbatos can't perceive your thoughts, because you are already in the dream world."

Sandman said softly.

Trying to call Barbatos deliberately in this way, the response was quick, but it was useless.

"Talk about it, Batman, I have a hunch that you will be the key to saving the world in the great battle between light and darkness."

The Sandman once again spoke nonsense with his eyes open. Not long ago, he told Donnie in a similar tone.

save the world? Of course, no problem, as long as someone is willing to listen to his Sandman's arrangement, the world will be saved.

Anyway, as long as you can cut Hubabatos and annihilate as much as possible, you can save the world. As for how many people died in the world of Wan Tianyi...does it matter?

There are countless multiverses, countless double bodies, and it doesn't matter if you die ninety-nine percent. Anyway, new double bodies will continue to breed soon.

The Sandman said to himself: "Maybe you already know that Barbatos has huge ambitions for the multiverse and even the entire Wantianyi world. We must stop him. Also, let me introduce myself, my name is Sandman , you just call me in your sleep, and I will come."

"Bruce, as the Batman of the main universe, you are an important connection point. Hundreds of millions of lives are waiting for you to save. You have to stop all of this."

Bruce said indifferently: "Why should I trust you?"

"What benefit can I get by lying to you?" Sandman asked back.

Bruce remained silent, doubts and vigilance still in his heart.

At this moment, a Santa Claus ambles over to Bruce, flicks from his pocket, and pops out an Easter bunny.

Bruce's brain froze for a moment, and he watched this serious violation of peace in a daze.

Sandman twitched his face, and scolded: "Go, go, what are you two doing here, go back quickly, if someone finds out, you will be in trouble."

Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, the high-ranking residents of the dream world at this time, are also the noble Sole God.

The Sandman couldn't wait to chase the restless two off.

The Sandman explained to Bruce: "Fortunately, the people who came here are the residents of the dreamland. If the guy who comes from the nightmare will attack you immediately, but don't worry, I was negligent just now, and there will be no strange things running in now. gone."

The dreamland represents sweet dreams, and there are many famous and unique gods such as the fairy king and the fairyland court sitting in the town.

Nightmare is the extreme opposite of dreams, it is a concentration camp of nightmares, it is an extremely distorted and chaotic place, think about it carefully, countless people dream of all kinds of messy and nasty things in their dreams, these vicious people or things are all from the nightmare world regulars.

Monsters and wizards are very happy to come and grab such an important thing as Bruce, and take it back as an experiment, such as throwing it into a large pot for cooking, and when it is almost cooked, take it out and wait for the next cooking, and then use soup to configure something Weird potions...

"I can help you, but now only I can help you." Sandman said seriously.

Bruce still remained silent, calculating quickly in his mind, the infinite nutrition and super brain brought by the doomsday serum, although it is difficult to say that it has improved Bruce's wisdom, because the tyrannical power in the serum has more or less affected Bruce.

But it is true that the computing power has been improved. Now Batman has a powerful super brain comparable to the Superman of the main universe.

"I can help you perfect your plan, I can be everywhere and help you secretly."

The Sandman said calmly: "You want to create a suit of armor that can perfectly match your present? Comparable to the godslayer Tony wore when he rescued you? You can't do it alone, but if someone helps you, there will be no problem."

Bruce raised his head with an ugly expression, and instantly emptied all the thoughts in his brain, maintaining a void of not thinking about anything, and stared blankly at the Sandman.

"If you spy on my thoughts again, I will make you pay the price."

On Bruce's swollen, dark and distorted face, there was a calm ferocity.

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