Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 899 I want to kill Ke Sen

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The Sandman and the main universe Batman secretly reached some kind of deal, and no one except the two parties knew about it.

Even Barbatos didn't realize that the dream world was extremely secretive, and he would never have guessed that the Sandman actually intervened in the civil war in Wan Tianyi World.

There was no other way. Downey ignored the Sandman, and the Sandman had no choice but to choose Bruce as his thug.

"It would be great if Downey could listen to me, but this guy is too cunning, and I can't come up with anything that will make him fall in love..."

The Sandman walks in the dreamland, looking at the beings in the multiverse with admiring eyes, dreaming one after another bizarre dreams.

He likes this kind of entertainment very much. He specializes in watching other people's dreams, and he won't get bored after watching them for hundreds of millions of years.

The next step is to wait quietly, and from time to time, according to the agreement between him and Bruce, to influence the will of some guys, so as to help Bruce create a powerful armor comparable to the godslayer.

To be honest, the Sandman didn't expect that Bruce didn't seriously develop his potential, but he was more willing to believe in the super armor made by wisdom.

But this is also normal, Batman is such a person, if he wants, he has countless opportunities to get supernatural power in the main universe, but Batman himself refuses to ask for it.

If he hadn't been forced to do nothing by the Clown Emperor, he wouldn't have injected Doomsday serum to gain strength.


The Sandman is constantly running around, very few people know about it, and those who know are not interested in talking to such an old Yinbi.

Because the talk has already collapsed.

The entire multiverse fell into a brief tranquility, and in this tranquility, the dead silence before the storm was brewing.

It's just that the vast majority of people don't know anything about it, and they lament this rare peace and tranquility.

Recently, Dormammu has added a favorite activity, which is walking around.

Strolling around, it is always a coincidence to stroll to the Karon Arena.

Then he raised his head more casually, and looked at the two figures, one big and one small, who were suspended on a 100,000-meter-high platform.

Dormammu was smiling, a charming smile.

"Hey, Duzun, what are you doing here?"

This is the 14,370th time that Dormammu asked the same question, and every time he asked, he was astonished and stunned as if he had seen it for the first time. On the burning head, the flames jumped, as if Trying to show the violent fluctuations in his heart.

Duzun looked down, nodded politely, and said, "Get lost!"

On the side, the collector with only one big head giggled strangely.

This is one of his few entertainment activities, watching Duzun and Domamu fight daily.

"Oh, what an embarrassment..."

Domamu flew up, spanned a distance of 100,000 meters in an instant, and floated in front of Duzun.

"My brother, why do you want to enjoy the shade here?" Domamu asked maliciously.

There is a rope tied around Duzun's neck, and he is suspended at an altitude of 100,000 meters by this rope.

Duzun looked at Domamu coldly, narrowed his eyes, looked solemn and majestic, put his hands on his back subconsciously, and said, "You have no right to talk to me."

The collectors were laughing like crazy, letting out deafening laughter.

Watching these two dudes tearing each other up every day makes him happy physically and mentally.

Dormammu glared at the Collector unhappily. If he hadn't considered that he couldn't handle this guy, he would have smashed this annoying big head.

"Sovereign, if you have any difficulties, I can help you. You know, I have a very strong relationship with Donnie. We are both great mages who came from the earth..." Domamu said hypocritically.

Duzun's eyes twitched, and he scolded: "Dormam! How shameless are you?! If it wasn't for Tang... my father gave you back that piece of broken dimension that you don't want, you have the confidence to stand in front of me and talk to me!" Me talking? Bah! You big trash!"

The dark dimension, on the brand new Cybertron star, is useless,

Fortunately, Downey stripped out this dark dimension, pasted it on Cybertron at will, and returned the core to Dormammu.

Domamu was finally proud, and was promoted from a demigod to a seventh-level god.

Duzun dares to bet that even if Dormammu has the hang of the dark dimension, if he dares to fight with himself, he will rub this thing on the ground in minutes!

This is the confidence of the Duzun uncle!


"Come here if you want to." Domamu sneered, and hooked his fingers, "Pick this rope and fight with me if you want to. It's in the Karon Arena below! See you, down there How many residents are jumping for joy!"

Duzun's eyes shot out heat, and Dormammu was viciously knocked into the air.

Dormammu was furious, and threw out a spell directly, and confronted Duzun in the air. Of course he wouldn't go close to the Sovereign to fight hand-to-hand. Fighting with Kryptonians is definitely a brain pit.

The two seventh-level beings faced each other like this, one stared desperately, and the other fired the magic laser desperately.


Shazam and the old mage watched from a distance as the two dudes began to fight each other daily, communicating in low voices.

"It has been confirmed that Dormammu borrowed Ke Sen's black magic power thousands of years ago..."

"Downey also confirmed that we may be able to locate Ke Sen through Dormammu."

Old Shazam was worried: "Kurson is not a fool. If Dormammu summons his power again, Kesen may not agree. After all, Wanda is here..."

The god of the underworld and the god of black magic, Ke Sen, has a ghostly figure in many corners.

Dormammu, Mephisto, who has been dead for a long time, Wanda... Many people have more or less the shadow of Ke Sen in their power.

The old Shazam and the old mage tried to start from this aspect and find out the whereabouts of Ke Sen in advance.

"According to the information we got from Tang Nina, together with the records of the Sanctuary of Achalas, these second-generation Chaos Gods broke out a fierce civil war in the super ancient era. The three Chaos Gods except Ossett , the god of the underworld Kesen, the snake god Seth, and the earth Gaia were all involved, and Kesen finally lost to the God Eater and fled to an unknown dimension."

The old mage whispered.

The creator of the gods, that is, the god of life, as the ultimate source of all world tree gods, created the four chaotic gods of Gaia, Osset, Kesen, and Seth, which are the second-generation gods, plus other gods. A bunch of messy natural gods together form an ultra-ancient prosperous scene.

And the cruel and cunning snake god Set was the first to discover a secret, that is, devouring other gods can greatly increase one's own strength. This discovery directly opened the door to a new world, which is far more cost-effective than self-cultivation.

The snake god Set took the lead, and began to devour them one by one from weak to strong, and his strength skyrocketed.

This secret was discovered by other people, so a group of gods fell one after another, becoming ogres like Seth, killing each other crazily, one god after another was demonized, the whole god system became smoky, and everyone was in danger.

Gaia couldn't stand it anymore, so she combined with the Gods Creator and gave birth to a ruthless character named "Yatum".

Atum has been charged with a huge mission since its birth, and its strength is also extremely tyrannical. It began to massacre those demonized ancient gods. In the end, Atum almost killed all the fallen ancient gods, absorbing too much. power, and finally turned into a terrifying God Eater.

At this time, only two noble second-generation Chaos Gods, Ke Sen and Saito, remained among the fallen ancient gods.

Ke Sen and Seth, two like-minded guys, were forced to join forces to resist the terrifying God Eater, but failed miserably, Seth was exiled, and Ke Sen also fled to the unknown dimension in embarrassment.

And because Ossett left a long time ago, looking for the slim possibility of being promoted to the only god, the Trinity Visandi, so he didn't participate in this mess, and he was able to survive on his own.

After solving the threat of the fallen gods, Yatum, the God Eater, finally chose to release all his powers. These powers directly led to the birth of the third generation of orthodox gods—that is, Heaven, Asgard, and Orin. Pith, Mesopotamia, Mayan and other gods.

Today's Jade Emperor, Odin and other god kings are the direct descendants of the orthodox third generation gods in ancient times.

This is the oldest history of the World Tree, and it is also the origin of the World Tree god system.

This can be traced back to the history of what happened when the multiverse was first formed.

Now the old Shazam and the old mage are researching, trying to find clues about Ke Sen, so that they can kill this guy as soon as possible.

"I've also looked at the Wandago Mountains in Eastern Europe. There is indeed Ke Sen's power left, but Ke Sen himself has disappeared."

Old Shazam scratched his head, a little distressed.

He wasn't afraid to face Ke Sen now. Even if he couldn't beat Ke Sen, with the help of Downey's strength, he could still save his life in a short time.

Shazam's lineage has no other advantages. It is absolutely no problem to be a super carrier of high power, and it will explode amazing combat power.

After the two exchanged again, they couldn't help sighing again and again.

If Ke Sen's problem is not resolved, the magic chain will not be perfected, which will affect the subsequent series of plans.

Downey quietly listened to the reports of the old Shazam and the old mage, looked up at Wanda who was a little uneasy next to him, and fell into deep thought for a while.

Wanda fidgeted and said, "Otherwise, I will try to communicate with Ke Sen, I can feel that I am getting closer to him..."

"No! This is too risky. You have no room to fight back against Ke Sen at the source of the power of chaos. The best result is a disastrous defeat! It is difficult for me to intervene in time!"

Downey flatly refused.

With the strengthening of Wanda's strength, she is getting closer and closer to Ke Sen's level. As the only user of chaotic magic power chosen by Ke Sen, Wanda is moving closer to Ke Sen without limit.

This was the case when Downey deliberately suppressed the growth of Wanda's strength, otherwise Wanda would have met Ke Sen long ago.

At that time, Wanda's personality will change drastically, and she will go crazy and extreme, becoming an existence similar to Corson's projection.

This is what Downey tried his best to forbid, and he absolutely cannot tolerate Wanda leaving him.

After pondering for a while, Downey said in a deep voice, "I'm going to the Realm of Gods now to meet Emperor Weishan."

"Be careful, don't conflict with those guys in the Realm of Gods." The old mage reminded that many guys in the Realm of Gods had thoughts about Downey, the only god.

Downey nodded slightly.

The group left one after another, leaving time for Downey himself.

"Honey, be careful, don't take any risks...I'll wait for your return."

Wanda looked worried.

Donnie smiled, gently cupped Wanda's face, kissed hard on the left and right sides, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm just sending an insignificant clone there, even if someone dares to kill it, it doesn't matter. I will definitely catch this mouse, Ke Sen, and kill it, and clean up this cancerous tumor."

With Ke Sen, a lingering guy, Wanda didn't dare to use Chaos Magic too much, because he was worried that Ke Sen would take advantage of it and control his soul.

"The power of chaos must belong to you. No one can stop us from moving forward." Donnie hugged Wanda and whispered.

Now the key to everything lies in Ke Sen. If Ke Sen is taken down and the power of chaos is stripped away, many problems will be solved, the magic chain will be established, Quintasha will be born, Wanda's out-of-control ills will be solved, and the entire Cybertron star will be restored. Able to confidently and boldly aim at the last Phoenix Force.

When the three powers are in hand, immediately set off to enter the realm of the gods and leave the powder keg of Wantianyi World.

Everything is no longer a problem.

After Wanda left with a worried expression on his face, Downey sat quietly on the spot, disc-shaped magic lines appeared on his hands, and a magic circle quickly formed.

This is the magic circle mastered from Karma Taj when Downey was the supreme mage, and it was prepared for every supreme mage to communicate with Visandra.

"In the name of the supreme mage, Emperor Weishan is everywhere... In short, I have something urgent to see you, so hurry up and pull me over."

Downey muttered to the magic circle.

The sharp cones on the periphery of the entire magic circle immediately made a low-pitched low tone, and Downey felt a non-malicious pull.

A long-prepared consciousness was sent out, thrown into the magic circle, protected by the power of Emperor Weishan, and quickly traversed countless universes.

When passing through the wall of speed force, as always, a large number of speed force swarmed over, staring at Donnie, not hiding their malice.

Winds and clouds surged, lightning flashed and thunder roared, and the momentum was huge. The endless vortex of speed and force "surrounded" Downey, traveling like an emperor.

"You hold a grudge too much," Downey said flatly.

Speedli ignored him and continued to follow him.

Until Downey left the realm of the speed force and reached the realm of God.

This is the fourth time Downey sent his consciousness to the realm of God.

The first time was when he first took over as the supreme mage, the second time was when he was solving the problem of the Three Palace Demon, and the third time was when he was almost hacked to death by the Black Death Emperor and had to flee to the Apocalypse as a buffer.

Now is the fourth time.

It was still a world surrounded by countless lights, and three stalwart figures who seemed to stand at the end of the world were standing silently, looking at Downey who came here for the third time.

"This time, who did you offend again?" The big tiger Hoggs was the first to tease.

Downey has many enemies, and it would not be unusual to have a few more.

"I want to kill Ke Sen." Downey said.

The three Weishan Emperors were silent for a moment.

Agamotto said simply: "Good idea, but we haven't found him until now, probably because he offended you and hid, planning something."

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