Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 890: The Birth of the Demon Knife

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In this world full of strong magical power, four figures are standing silently.

Downey said: "Wanda's situation is very dangerous, she is rapidly approaching Ke Sen, I can't take her to take risks."

Ossett's whole body was covered by groups of powerful white magic, and the traces of time and space passed rapidly in her white pupils. She said: "Kerson is the most cunning individual among the four of us. To attract him, you must Make him feel absolutely sure."

Hoggs also said: "If we don't take risks, this cunning fellow Coson will not be fooled."

Donnie fell silent for a moment.

Risking Wanda? It's a good idea, but it's also very risky.

Thinking of the picture of Wanda throwing chaotic waves around in the comics, Donnie felt a headache.

It's too risky.

"Based on your connection with Ke Sen, can't you find him?" Downey asked unwillingly.

"I can't find it. The most important thing is your sudden rise, forcing him to give up most of the arrangements." Ossett said.

Among other things, there are actually many, many traces of Ke Sen on the entire earth. These are the mediums that Ke Sen prepared for his own arrival. As a result, Downey's strong rise directly shocked Ke Sen. .

Only when Downey was promoted to the only god, Ke Sen, who was like a shark smelling blood, came over in a hurry. That time, he was also repelled by Wei Shandi who had been preparing for a long time. Although he was seriously injured, he would never die.

Donnie stood there silently, frowning.


In the multiverse, in the unknown space-time gap.

A figure in the shape of a demon stood indifferently, his whole body was intertwined with chaos, every moment of disintegration and rebirth was staged on him, the wide black robe seemed to be able to cover the entire universe, one after another vast The power of chaos swept all directions.

After a long time, until Ke Sen felt impatient, someone finally came.

This is a snake of the world, with seven heads, spitting out a message, twisting and wandering all the way, the huge and terrifying body easily shakes countless time and space, a large number of dimensions are easily smashed on the spot, and the aftermath of the eruption It is impossible to cause the slightest injury on this snake of the world.

The seven snake heads raised their heads and stared at Ke Sen with greed that could easily devour a universe, and tyranny and cruelty were brewing in the bloody pupils.

"Hehehe, my brother, you can finally take it no longer..." Snake God Seth let out a piercing low laugh.

Ke Sen said coldly: "The person I chose is rapidly approaching me on the power of chaos. I will be exposed sooner or later. I can't wait any longer."

Seth smiled and said: "I have already reminded you, either to kill the woman earlier, or to give up altogether, and resolutely get back the power of chaos... After such a stalemate, it finally came to this point, you have to follow The new gods face to face."

"I didn't know the situation would become like this!"

Ke Sen let out a low roar of rage, and the power of chaos vibrated, reflecting the master's anger.

"Who would have known that there would be a unique god in that big fart of the main universe?!"

"Who would have thought that this new god would have the platform of Emperor Weishan! Otherwise, when he is promoted, I will kill him!"

"Who would know that this new god grows up so fast like a beast! It's like eating pig feed!!"

Ke Sen roared, and the violent power spread, shaking countless time and space.

Snake God Seth's eyes flashed, red light bloomed, he forcibly stabilized the surrounding area, and immediately dissatisfied: "Idiot, do you want us to expose? It's okay if you want to die, don't pull me."

Ke Sen can't keep a low profile now, he just came to the door for the local new god, this point is very clear to Seth, and he doesn't bother to blame Ke Sen.

Seth still felt gloating in his heart. Seeing Ke Sen's misfortune undoubtedly made him happy.

If the new god can hit the door and beat Ke Sen seriously...

The snake god couldn't help showing deep greed,

He stared at Ke Sen.

If he can eat a Chaos God who is closest to the Creator, his strength will surely usher in another leap!

Don't forget, he, Seth, was the chief culprit who set off the melee in the ancient times, and was the first fallen person who began to try to devour his own kind.

"Put away your dirty eyes, you despicable bastard!" Ke Sensenhan whispered.

Seth's seven snake heads raised at the same time, staring at Ke Sen. The two Chaos Gods were confronting each other stiffly, with a subtle aura, and it seemed that a big battle might start at any moment.

After a long time, Seth gave in first, and said in a cold voice, "Tell me, what exactly do you want me to do here? If you want me to help you attack the new god, don't even think about it. I won't take the risk."

"No, you will, as long as there is a chance to succeed, you will pounce on it like a mad snake." Ke Sen said indifferently.

Seth's seven heads looked at each other and fell silent for a moment.

Swallowing the new god is a brilliant idea. It is much more useful than swallowing the unpalatable and indigestible Ke Sen, but the risk is too great.

In the recent period, too many gods have fallen into the hands of the new gods, one after another. Although Seth is confident, he is not so strong as to wrestle with the new gods head-on.

He has missed his best chance.

The more he thought about it, the angrier Seth became: "How could he grow up so fast!"

If I could do it earlier and swallow the new god in one gulp...

"You can't do it earlier, Xinshen will definitely throw you to Apocalypse, and then you will have to face Darkseid." Ke Sen knew what this old man was thinking, and couldn't help but feel sad Said.

Seth was speechless.

The Mother Box is too cheating, even the Ancient Doomsday was exiled, Seth didn't think he was stronger than the Ancient Doomsday.

"I have an idea."

Ke Sen took off his hood, revealing that ugly face, grinning ferociously, "We have an excellent partner."


The main universe, Earth.

The blade warrior was riding a motorcycle and galloping on the road at high speed. The cold eyes behind the black sunglasses were staring straight ahead. This flat road with no end in sight was just suitable for him to drive fast.

The former vampire hunter has long since retired, because all the vampires on the planet have been killed, which also means that Blade has lost a stable job, which is a good thing.

After the destruction of the vampire kingdom, and in the following ten years, under the brutal encirclement and suppression of sporadic vampires launched by major forces all over the earth, vampires, the undead creatures that have almost run through human history, have finally stepped into extinction.

Blade Warrior has gradually lived a retired life from a front-line soldier. Although he has entered old age, his physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary adults. Half of the vampire blood flowing in his body is continuously providing him with With powerful strength, long lifespan, and powerful self-healing ability.


On the motorcycle, the communication sound rang.

"Victor?" Daofeng clicked on the motorcycle and asked.

Victor Strange, the younger brother of Doctor Strange, the second blood baron, is one of the only half-vampires left on Earth - the blade is the other half.

"It's me, Stephen..." Doctor Strange's low voice came from the other end of the phone.

Dao Feng's expression remained unchanged, but his heart still skipped a beat, and he asked calmly, "What happened."

"Victor is dead."

"cause of death?"


Holding the mobile phone, Dao Feng fell into a long silence, and after a while he made a deep voice: "He still chose to do this..."

Victor, the resurrected vampire, can still restrain his thirst for blood, and has been fighting against his instincts painfully for more than twenty years.

This is also a very different kind of superhero, who only appears at night. Compared with Batman in Gotham City, Victor is more like a vampire bat, relying on absorbing a little blood from animals to maintain his life every day.

Also because he is a vampire, Victor has always refused to cooperate with other heroes, but stubbornly followed his own principles. In this regard, he is as stubborn as Doctor Strange.

Today, the last vampire finally couldn't bear it, he couldn't bear the thirst for blood, he couldn't stand the endless reality, the conflict between ideas and instincts tormented him day and night.

He finally chose to commit suicide, ending his life worthy of a legend.

Yes, legend, even though this blood baron is not a savior, he is worthy of this title for the rest of his life fighting against himself.

"I am sorry that we have lost a reliable friend and a worthy fighter."

buzz buzz...

Dao Feng hung up the phone, twisted the accelerator, and suddenly increased the speed to the extreme. The motorcycle turned into an afterimage that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, and began to run wildly.

From now on, only half of the vampires are left on the whole earth.

I'm really going to lose my job.

Originally, Dao Feng was still thinking that if one day Victor couldn't hold back and went to the point of sucking living people to breed vampires, he could resume his old business, and finally took the knife to clean the vampires.

But not now.

At this time, Dao Feng enjoyed the whistling of the strong wind to his heart's content, and with his horsepower increased to this point, his strong physical fitness can still be easily controlled, and he will not overturn the car.

The burden on the body was completely put aside, but for some reason, there was no joy in my heart, only emptiness, which was a lack of meaning in life.

"Would you like to go to Cybertron...? If I go to Klein, he will definitely agree to open the cosmic bridge for me."

Blade sighed.

Many people have left, all those he knew have left, and his old partner died of illness a few years ago. Even Victor, the last remaining vampire who always reminded the meaning of the existence of the blade, has left forever.

His sense of presence on the earth has been infinitely reduced, and Dao Feng can't even find the meaning of staying on this planet.

You can't really retire, can you? Dao Feng reckoned that with his powerful body, he could easily live for hundreds of years. For the next few hundred years, he would have to wear floral shirts, play cards during the day, and go to bars to pick up girls at night. Why don't you try it first?

When Dao Feng was in a daze, a black light suddenly shone and flashed in Dao Feng's eyes.


The blade braked quickly, with a screeching sound, the tires left long black tracks on the ground, and a somewhat outdated shotgun was pulled out instantly, all in one go.

Nothing at all.

On the empty road, there are endless fields on both sides, and there are no people.

But Dao Feng believed that he would never be wrong, something had really passed, faintly, Dao Feng felt his blood start to boil, this feeling was unprecedented.

In the distance, another black light whizzed over. The blade didn't say a word, with a calm expression on his face, he directly pulled out his gun and fired at the black light.


Unscathed, the black light came to Dao Feng's body in an instant and stopped suddenly.

The black light dissipated slowly, revealing its true face. This is a black book, with the whispers of the ancient gods on it, revealing the mind-blowing power.

In an instant, the blood in Dao Feng's body began to boil, and a powerful instinct drove Dao Feng crazily, making him grab the book of unknown origin.

"What the hell are you!"

Dao Feng trembled all over, the pain suppressed the desire from the heart, and his heart was terrified.

What is this book that can actually trigger the restlessness of the vampire blood in his body?

"Vampires are born from this book."

In the dark, whispers came from the book, something was looking at him greedily from a long distance away.

Dao Feng unconsciously leaned over, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the ancient book. The black light suddenly burst out and surged, covering Dao Feng, the last half of the vampire.

On the cover of that book, the ancient text changed quietly, and a text that could be understood by people emerged. When it was translated, it was the name of the book.

The Book of Darkness, the true origin of all vampires, this is a book written by Ke Sen.

Terrifying rays of light erupted, scrambling to get into Blade's body, Blade howled in pain, his sunglasses fell off, his eyes were already blood red, urging Blade to transform into an unknown creature.

at the same time.

Cybertron, Academy of Sciences.

Huo Rong was imprisoned in a huge lamp furnace, countless emotional energies surged like crazy, and countless brilliance flowed, bursting out into brilliant brilliance.

"Emotional fluctuations have increased again. Increase the output index. I want to see more valuable things."

"Peel off more emotions, and find a way to study how this guy connects to the emotional spectrum."

"Be careful, don't kill yourself, this is an extremely precious experimental material..."

A famous scientist moved quickly, carrying out cruel experiments on Furong in cold blood.

"I'm going to get out sooner or later, nothing can trap me!!"

Huo Rong screamed in pain frequently, and dazzling colored lights rose from his body.

It's hard to imagine how cruelly Huo Rong has been treated during this period, but no one cares. People in the Academy of Sciences only care about how far they can advance their research on the emotional spectrum by concocting Huo Rong.

If you can find a way for Fu Rong to become a coordinate, then you're done.

One after another, hideous machines were erected, and they were devoted to the analysis of Furong. In this huge laboratory, it became a catastrophic place, and everything revolved around Furong.

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