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Earth, the moment the blade touched the Book of Darkness, a terrifying black magic power suddenly erupted, sweeping across the entire Earth.

The invisible fluctuations spread, and the darkness that covered the sky and the sun immediately soaked all the white. The power from the Book of Darkness burst out all at once after accumulating for a long time.

As a book written by Ke Sen himself, the Book of Darkness records a lot of cruel black magic. Similarly, the book is also engraved with Ke Sen's evil power, which is extremely terrifying and cruel to all living beings.

A black torch soared into the sky, tore through the earth's atmosphere in an instant, and rushed into the deep space of the universe.

At this moment, many people who were paying attention to the earth immediately realized that something was wrong, and suddenly got up.

"what happened?"

"There is a powerful black magic power in the main universe. I have never felt such a terrible black magic!"

"This is Ke Sen's power! He has appeared!!"

A powerful existence immediately got up, entered the cosmic bridge and rushed to the earth.

As long as they are high-level officials with a little bit of status and insight on Cybertron, they will understand what Ke Sen's appearance means.

"Find him and kill him!"

Someone roared.

The old mage and old Shazam did not act immediately, but looked at each other in surprise, suspicious and uneasy in their hearts.

How could Ke Sen take the initiative to jump out at this time? It's so unreasonable.

Old Shazam said in a deep voice: "I'll go to the main universe to see if Ke Sen has shown up. If so, I'll send you a signal."

The old mage nodded seriously, and said: "Be careful, that cunning guy will never do meaningless things."

Old Shazam left in a hurry, and immediately headed towards the earth.

In any case, it is always a good thing to have traces of Ke Sen, much better than not being able to find anyone at all.

At the same time, Downey also raised his head, frowning slightly, and the situation on the earth immediately came into his eyes.

Under Downey's sight, the Blade Warrior and the Book of Darkness had a linkage effect, and there was nothing to hide.

"This is... a demon knife? What is Ke Sen thinking, why did he transform the blade into a demon knife? Or is it just a coincidence?"

Downey raised his eyebrows, somewhat surprised.

The Devil Knife is the strongest form among the countless double bodies of the Blade Warrior. This half-human, half-vampire life body, with the blessing of the Book of Darkness, will explode in geometric multiples.

You must know that a creature like a vampire was originally a subsidiary derivative that was accidentally researched by a group of ancient black magicians when they were studying the Book of Darkness.

So now the blade can have a close connection with the book of darkness, and the blade was born because of the book of darkness.

In the comics, the Demon Knife's record is also extremely fierce, and tricky guys such as Ghost Rider and Michael Mobius all fell at the feet of the advanced Demon Knife. This is also the most glorious moment of the Blade Warrior.

And now, the Devil Knife was born, under the influence of the Book of Darkness.

"Interesting, Ke Sen is trying to create a loyal servant?"

Donnie stood up with a sneer.

There is nothing wrong with finding a servant, but finding Dao Feng is a big problem. Anyway, the blade warrior also helped Downey a lot back then, and he was also a member of the original Tang family. Donny could not tolerate Ke Sen attacking Dao Feng.

Downey looked at the earth indifferently, and the whole earth was plunged into a dense darkness. The power accumulated in the Book of Darkness for a long time exploded in one breath. of fear.

At this time, figures appeared on the earth, including not only the superheroes on the earth, but also many strong men from other planets in the main universe and Cybertron, who also arrived one after another, observing with solemn expressions.

Blade Warrior has changed drastically, and the Book of Darkness exuding a terrifying aura is floating in front of him.

Create a powerful dark space-time.

The strong dark power is continuously pouring into Blade's body.

A beast-like roar uttered, the blade's eyes were blood red, the corners of his mouth exposed long and pointed teeth, his palms began to turn black, and nails that exuded a cold glow extended from his fingers.

The body suddenly swelled, the clothes were swollen, and the muscles that were brewing with terrifying power were piled up piece by piece, and the hair on the head also grew wildly with the infusion of dark power.

The wild beast-like aura came out, and it was growing rapidly, bringing a scalp-numbing power to the half-human blade blade.

"Stop him!"

Clark growled, his eyes radiated heat, and blasted straight at the Book of Darkness, but as soon as the scorching heat sight touched the black barrier, it melted immediately, unable to cause the slightest ripple.

Numerous superheroes also started to act, besieging the black curtain shrouded in blades, but to no avail, their attacks were powerless to blast through the barrier formed by the Book of Darkness.

"It's useless, your strength is not strong enough to break through the energy radiation of the Book of Darkness."

Old Shazam came with a serious expression, and frowned as he looked at the ancient book exuding a strange atmosphere.

Ke Sen's Book of Darkness is a treasure comparable to Wei Shandi's Book of Wei Shandi to some extent, and can be regarded as part of Ke Sen's independent power.

"Let me try it."

The old Shazam took a deep breath and shouted "Shazam", a huge thunder pierced through countless galaxies and fell on the old Shazam. The powerful power from Downey's body followed the trajectory of the thunder and poured into the old Shazam violently in the body.

The breath swelled wildly, and it reached the seventh level in an instant, and continued to climb, and finally stayed at the limit of the seventh level.

Old Shazam made a calculation, raised his old and powerful palm, pointed at the Book of Darkness, and uttered a spell in his mouth. Terrifying thunder surged out, and rushed fiercely towards the black barrier.


The ground shook under his feet, the thunder collided with the power of darkness, and a fierce roar erupted. The power of darkness gathered, but part of it collapsed until the power of old Shazam was melted away.

"Very powerful..." Old Shazam whispered.

When the bumblebee arrived, it couldn't wait to pounce on the black barrier immediately. The power of the goblin ran out greedily, turned into a deformed monster, and bit it viciously.

With a sip, the Book of Darkness vibrated, and there was a faint roar.

The bumblebee was so excited that he bit it harder, using the Book of Darkness as nutrition for him to become stronger.

In this world, there is really nothing that cannot be eaten by the power of a goblin. Even if Ke Sen, who is in charge of the power of chaos, comes, he can still eat it.

The Book of Darkness suddenly withdrew its brilliance, and flew away with a whoosh sound. The bumblebee quickly pursued it, staring at the book.

In situ, the blade with increased stature and strength, no, it should be said to be a demon blade, and those blood-red eyes slowly turned, reflecting everyone present.

"Blade, you need to control yourself, no one here wants to hurt you!" Clark immediately stood on the front line and said cautiously.

But Devil Knife just looked indifferent, looking at the nearest Superman, the corners of his mouth were grinning, revealing his long, blood-colored teeth.


A part of the ground suddenly sank, and a fierce battle broke out between the Demon Knife and Clark, and the terrifying sharp claws could easily tear Clark's steel body apart.

"Be careful, everyone, he has a virus on his paws!"

Clark punched it, and the Demon Knife just staggered a step, shook his head, and pounced again.

The wounds on Clark's body are also rapidly healing themselves. The doomsday serum in his body gives him enough confidence to evolve the ability to be immune to the enhanced version of the vampire virus.

Old Shazam also shot decisively, creating a large number of thunderbolts to block the surrounding area, cutting off the distance between Demon Knife and the others.

Thunderbolts flashed like money, and under the stern gaze of Old Shazan, they quickly killed the vampire virus gushing out of the Demon Knife.

Electrician Max also started to act, a large number of lightning flashes, cutting off the vicinity, and at the same time began to disperse some superheroes with insufficient combat power, and removed them immediately.

The blade turned into a demon knife, which attracted the attention of many people. There were fierce battles, and the whole earth was attracted by this beyond-standard battle.


Cybertron star.

Under the illumination of the endless blood field, the endless sky will always be endless blood red. If there are not billions of suns revolving around the star Cybertron, the scenery of this planet will only become monotonous and boring, giving people a sense of An unspeakable sense of oppression.

When everyone's attention was drawn to the earth, when Downey was taking care of the two directions of Weissandi and the main universe at the same time.

Wanda, who was sleeping, woke up again.

Recently, the frequency of her nightmares has become more and more frequent. In her sleep, Wanda can always vaguely feel that something is looking at her greedily.

Wanda knew that it was Ke Sen, the gaze of the ancient god from the source of chaos.

"It's getting closer..."

Wanda took a deep breath and hugged the quilt tightly in a daze.

The increasingly powerful chaos magic in the body forced Wanda to move to a higher level-even though Wanda didn't want to become stronger, this is what Downey hoped. Before he found Ke Sen, Wanda could not be allowed to approach Curson.

It is a pity that this is not something that Wanda can decide on her own. Chaos magic originally originated from Kesen. The longer it accumulates, the stronger the chaos magic will be, and finally drives Wanda towards the more upstream of the power of chaos. The area is close.

"Kerson..." Wanda clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.

If possible, Wanda really wanted to strangle this ancient god with her own hands. Over the years, she has been on the verge of losing control many times. Fortunately, Donnie has been paying close attention to her state, and in the end she was simply not allowed to join any form of battle.

Wanda could clearly foresee that she was not far away from the day when she would completely lose control. There was only a layer of window paper left on the Great Wall of reason, which could be broken easily.

Under the night, Wanda sat on the bed in a daze, dazed.

Until a vague voice sounded from her mind.

"let me out."

cried the voice.

"Huo Rong?"

Wanda's complexion changed slightly, her eyes widened, and a bad premonition arose in her heart.

Why did Huo Rong's voice enter her mind? ! This guy should be subject to the strictest monitoring in all of Cybertron. The great scientists in the Academy of Sciences are all equipped with cosmic-level intelligence, and they are strictly guarded against every experiment of Fu Rong. How could they give Fu Rong the opportunity to transmit information? ? !

"Let me out." Fu Rong said again.


Wanda's sanity, which was already at risk, suffered a powerful shock. All kinds of complex emotional fluctuations suddenly erupted, resulting in terrible restlessness, and the stable thinking system began to appear disordered.

Misfortune is stimulating Wanda's spirit.

The red eyes began to glow with a strange red light, and she became numb and lifeless. Following the voice in her brain subconsciously, Wanda got up slowly and silently walked towards the Academy of Sciences.

The manic feeling from the heart was miraculously suppressed, and the chaotic magic power surging around him quietly calmed down, and everything seemed so normal.

"let me out."

Only the voice in my head is still talking stubbornly.

The door of the Academy of Sciences was opened, and Wanda, as a person with extremely high authority, was naturally unimpeded. All kinds of sophisticated defense systems did not respond to Wanda's arrival at all.

Sai Tianjiao and Master Titanium have just completed the latest round of experiments. The two discussed the experimental data and are planning to leave.

"Wanda? What are you doing here?" Master Ti looked confused.

Wanda pulled out a stiff smile: "I want to see your latest research results, maybe it can better control my mood swings."

Sai Tianjiao nodded slightly, and said lightly: "We have indeed obtained some interesting results, come with me."

The moment he turned around, the eyes of Sai Tianjiao and Master Ti crossed each other, full of deep meaning.

Sai Tianjiao led Wanda all the way deep without expression, bypassing a lot of guards and defense mechanisms along the way.

Suddenly, Wanda stopped in front of a huge closed laboratory, turned around abruptly, and was about to open the door to enter.

"This is the place where Fu Rong is imprisoned. It is not suitable for you to enter here now." Sai Tianjiao stood where he was, and said calmly, and did not stop him.

Wanda glanced at Sai Tianjiao stiffly, with a blank expression on her face, she firmly raised her hand and grabbed the door.


A hand suddenly stretched out from behind, firmly grasping Wanda's hand, and at the same time, a gentle voice came: "Wanda, you can't come here."

Downey smiled, and at some point appeared beside Wanda, looking at her gently.

Sai Tianjiao casually raised his metal eyelids, turned around and left without saying a word, the next matter was beyond her control, and involved a higher level of fighting.

"I...I..." Wanda trembled slightly.

Downey remained gentle all the time, but the strength in his hand unconsciously became stronger: "Wanda, listen to me, get out of here."

"None of you can leave!" Fu Rong's resentful voice came into Downey's mind, and in the closed laboratory, violent emotional energy erupted wave after wave, falling into an extremely violent state.

At the same time, Wanda finally couldn't resist, and the ancient god behind her finally couldn't help but make a move.


Wanda's whole body was covered in bloody light, and the terrifying magic power boiled, dyeing the entire tunnel into a frightening red.

It further reflected Downey's suddenly ugly face.

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