Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 892 This emperor has never seen such a brazen person

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Wanda still went berserk.

It is already not easy to get to this last step and go berserk under the joint efforts of Fu Rong and Ke Sen. If it weren't for Downey who has been consciously suppressing Wanda, Wanda would have fallen into an out-of-control rage long ago state.

"I didn't think it was necessary to go this far, but this is something that can't be helped..."

Donnie held Wanda's swiftly icy palm, feeling the wave after wave of berserk power coming from the other person's body, and his expression regained his composure.

"The entire Cybertron star is under martial law, and the defense system is fully activated."

Downey's order immediately spread throughout the entire Cybertron star. Countless beams of light shot up into the sky, a powerful energy system began to operate, war behemoths began to activate one after another, and the terrifying energy shield immediately blocked the huge and incomparably huge Cybertron star.

With the unrestricted rise of Wanda's power, the huge aftermath of energy caused violent tremors in time and space, and the aura of the power of chaos continued to emerge, attacking Downey who was standing in front of Wanda first.

"My...head hurts..." Wanda covered her head and made a painful sound, struggling to suppress the chaotic magic power pouring out continuously.

"Don't worry, I will help you deal with the enemy." Downey still spoke softly, a powerful force erupted, and a stalemate started with the power of chaos.

call out! !

A set of black battle armor flew over quickly.

At this time, Wanda's eyes turned completely red, and her rationality was finally overwhelmed by higher-end power, leading to an extremely tyrannical character.


Wanda roared, an ominous red light appeared, and he lifted his palm slightly, and a red light that could collapse a universe blasted at Downey.


The red light was directly shattered by Downey's slap, and the magic power of chaos was suppressed in all directions, but obviously, this was just a trivial beginning. Ke Sen would not just let it go, and Wanda, who ran away, would not be so weak.

Circles of red ripples spread, and the entire Academy of Sciences fell into a huge turmoil. Cracks erupted on the ground, and countless precious instruments were turned into dust.

"Chaos wave..." Downey frowned slightly, feeling the high-level power that distorts all matter.

Just such a trick of Chaos Wave, the multiverse simply can't handle it.

As one of the three supreme powers born in the multiverse, the power of chaos is born with the authority to modify the multiverse, and as the chaotic wave that manifests the magic power of chaos, its lethality can be imagined.

"Donnie, what should you do now..." Wanda opened her red lips, her eyes glowed abnormally red, as if countless universes were brewing, the bloodthirsty touch revealed madness, and the power from chaos replaced her. The old personality has taken over everything.

"I'll cut off your head, Ke Sen, no one can save you."

Downey took a deep breath and looked at the completely unfamiliar Wanda. His anger was brewing like a volcano, and his killing intent could almost burn the whole world.

"Then chop it up and show me."

Ke Sen controlled Wanda's will, and let out a dark smile.

Even a new god would have weaknesses, such ridiculous and almost pathetic weaknesses. Ke Sen does not have such things as feelings, and he is not interested in putting a layer of shackles on himself, but when others have this set of shackles, Ke Sen will be extremely excited.

Although he didn't dare to touch Wanda for such a long time, so as not to expose himself, but the long-term patience is worth it, and Wanda is also Downey's Achilles' heel.

"I'll make your life worse than death." Downey made a deep voice.


The red light suddenly spread, and Wanda's cold and unfamiliar expression had long lost the slightest sense of familiarity—even though she instinctively tried to resist Ke Sen's control, but facing Ke Sen who had been dormant for a long time and broke out with all his strength, Wanda had no sense of familiarity at all. There is room to fight back.

How can a downstream existence of the magic chain that has accepted the instillation of Ke Sen's power have the power to counter the upstream.

This is impossible.

The chaotic wave finally erupted, and the first to attack Donnie was a beam of light with red ripples.

With the power to obliterate and destroy.

At this moment, the entire Cybertron planet began to fall into a huge turmoil, but it only lasted for a moment, and the fire source in the earth's core immediately burst into a strong light, smoothing out the sense of shock brought by Wanda.

Inside, Wanda and Donnie began to confront each other, and another wave of chaos began to brew.

In the outside world, the two demon-like figures of Ke Sen and Seth also appeared. They entered the blood domain and came to the periphery of the world of Cybertron, looking greedily at the giant planet in the blood domain.

"It's really amazing. No one in the multiverse has been able to build this kind of planetary universe... Unfortunately, it will soon be gone."

Seth, the snake of the world, has a greedy face, and the seven snake heads are staring at the planet.

Ke Sen said indifferently: "According to our previous agreement, even if you can't kill the New God this time, you have to injure him severely. Afterwards, this planet belongs to you. If you can eat Downey, then Downey will belong to you too. Everything else is up to you." to me."

"Greedy guy."

Seth sneered and said nothing more.

The two guys with their own agendas know that the so-called agreement is a joke. If the benefits come to their door, they will definitely swallow them immediately. At that time, it is time to tear up the agreement.

You know, there are many good things on Cybertron, among other things, the power of the phoenix and the power of goblins are what Seth values.

That's right, Seth, the snake of the world, has the ability to devour phoenixes and goblins. Every second-generation Chaos God has two brushes.

"Donnie's words..." Seth's seven pairs of red eyes rolled, not knowing what to calculate.

The ear-piercing roar continued, and the two Chaos Gods joined the attack on Cybertron. Each of them was bigger than Cybertron, especially Seth, whose green snake body was hideous and terrifying.

A series of powerful auras burst out from the planet Cybertron, and rushed towards the two powerful and ancient Chaos Gods. Fierce battles broke out, and they fell into a huge scale in an instant.


A ray of light shot out and pierced through the main universe. The blade that had just advanced to the Demon Blade, holding the Book of Darkness, followed Ke Sen's call and joined the battlefield.


Bobby and the others, who were quite familiar with the blade fighters, looked at the blade whose aura changed drastically in astonishment.

The Demon Knife just grinned, showing its long and pointed teeth, holding the Book of Darkness in one hand, and drawing the knife with the other, its long and sharp claws flashed a black cold light.

Amidst the constant loud noises, energy waves that could easily destroy many universes collided with each other and collapsed, destroying many unlucky universes and exploding on the spot.

But no one has the interest to pay attention to these universes, if it explodes, it will explode, and no one cares about these ruthless characters present.

Figures suppressing countless worlds wandered in the blood field one after another, and a large number of eighth-level combat forces began to fight desperately, causing turmoil in the entire multiverse.

On the surface of Cybertron, Downey has been suppressing Wanda who is in a state of rampage, but his powerful perception hits his attention on Ke Sen.

Even Seth was ignored by Downey.

Old Shazam has just rushed back from Earth, following the trail of the Demon Knife.

"Ke Sen controlled Wanda and Blade, which forced us not to kill." Old Shazan said, strongly resisting the Demon Knife, and besieged with Thirteen Yuanzu and others, but the Demon Knife at this time had a dark side. With the blessing of the book, they were unable to break through the barrier of the book of darkness in a short time.


With a flick of his tail, Seth, facing the siege of the Quintesque and the Blood Slaughter Hulk, forcibly broke through the outermost protective shield of Cybertron star directly, pouring a lot of blood domain energy into it.

The entire Cybertron star was opened a gap.

"Kerson, hurry up and do it!"

Seth laughed wildly.

The Devil Knife held the Book of Darkness in his hand high, and dark clouds came densely, pouring into the Cybertron star along the gap.

Containing the power of Ke Sen's will, using the Book of Darkness as a medium, trying to infect more life forms and transform them into puppets.

Downey directly dispatched the divine power avatar and led twelve divine power knights to seal the gap, but this was only delaying time.

Downey's body stared at Ke Sen, trying to confirm whether this guy was Ke Sen's body. While Downey continued to defeat Wanda's chaotic waves, he manipulated the fire source in the earth's core to stabilize the Cybertron star.

If it weren't for the power of the fire source, the Cybertron star would have been destroyed long ago.

"You will die, you will die!!"

Fu Rong finally broke free, roaring loudly, and the Ring of Origin broke through layers of blockades and put it on Fu Rong's finger.

Undoubtedly, Fu Rong was very proud of getting the Ring of Origin again. He roared angrily, with a look of hatred and pleasure on his face, and stared at Downey distortedly.

"The humiliation you brought me, I will return to you a hundred times!" Fu Rong showed a cruel expression, glanced at Wanda, sneered, and raised the ring of origin.

"Huo Rong, do you think of the tacit understanding between us?"

"Wanda" suddenly spoke and said indifferently.

Huo Rong paused, a ferocious smile appeared on his rebellious face, and the ring of origin radiated a beam of light, blasting towards Downey.

At the same time, the emotional spectrum is agitated, trying to drag Downey into the endless emotional world, which is of course impossible, and illusory things cannot affect the noble and sole god.

"Jumping clown."

Downey casually turned his head and glanced at Fu Rong, undisguisedly calm and contemptuous, casually glanced at the transparent man bursting with colorful light, and said calmly: "Optimus Prime, I'm leaving this clown to you."

Optimus Prime, who had been ready for a long time, appeared immediately, and after wearing the eight lantern rings, the black lantern ring was particularly conspicuous.

Huai Rong's face was gloomy, even showing a little mania, and he roared: "I don't believe you can summon the Black Death Emperor! Even if you can summon, don't even try to kill me easily this time!!"

Wo Rong roared again and again, the ring of origin exploded, and a transparent lamp furnace appeared, radiating a lot of emotional light, which spread across half of the Cybertron star in an instant, and hundreds of millions of lives were invaded by Wo Rong , caught in endless choices on the spot.

Their spirits were also harvested by Fu Rong.

This happened in an instant, and the aura of Huo Rong swelled several times, returning to its peak.

Optimus Prime watched calmly, until Downey forcibly dragged Wanda away, then he looked at the extremely arrogant Huo Rong firmly, and said calmly: "You are indeed a clown, and you can only always base your greatness on the ground of ordinary people. However, there is nothing you can do about a power that is equal to or even greater than can only be a pathetic clown."

Before Huarong got angry, Optimus Prime raised his fist, the seven lamps dimmed, and the black lamp bloomed with profound brilliance. The door to the world of the dead opened again, and the aura of darkness and death spread. This familiar feeling made Hua Rong heal. Get mad and angry.

"Do you dare not use the black light ring?!" Fu Rong looked at the open gate of the dead with a gloomy expression.

Optimus Prime calmly said: "Do you dare not use the origin ring and fight me hand-to-hand?"

"There's nothing you dare to do. Without the protection of the Black Death Emperor, you're just trash! Even the white lamps that were forcibly piled up with seven lamps are still trash!"

Fu Rong simply took off the Ring of Origin and sneered.

Optimus Prime said slowly: "You say I'm trash, then I can't pick it."

Fu Rong's expression froze, his eyes widened, never expecting Optimus Prime to be so upright.

The gate of the undead world is opened to the largest scale, and the world depicted only by gray and black lines is clearly presented in front of the eyes of the living.

It's just that huge skeleton figure like a mountain almost filled the entire world of the dead.

"you again……"

The Black Death Emperor got up slowly, and countless undead entwined around him, howling mournfully, as if they were following the Black Death Emperor, roaring threateningly.

Optimus Prime ordered: "Old rules!"

"I understand, kill Furong..." the Black Death Emperor whispered, and returned to the world of the living with a sickle, but those empty eyes passed by Furong and stared straight at Optimus Prime.

Without further ado, Fu Rong put on the Ring of Origin and was about to run away. The two ancient gods Kesen and Seth outside were his natural allies, and they were fighting fiercely with the gods on Cybertron at this time.

Optimus Prime turned on the black light ring, and the black lights jumped one after another. Through the black light ring, Optimus Prime ordered again: "Hei Sidi, hurry up, the matter between you and me will be discussed after we get rid of Huo Rong!"

The Black Death Emperor took a deep look at Optimus Prime and decided to believe it. He picked up the death scythe, and his huge body stood in front of Hua Rong in an instant.

"No—" Huo Rong stared at the scythe that fell down with teary eyes, and this familiar scene became a psychological shadow that he couldn't shake off.

I'm going to repeat myself again...


Huo Rong was cut in two, but he was not dead yet, relying on half of his body to resist the penetration of the power of the Black Death Emperor.

Optimus Prime decisively radiated eight rays of light, which shattered Fu Rong's arm on the spot, and the Ring of Origin broke away and floated in the air.

"Leave it to me. You can go back. I'll call you when I need you." Optimus Prime said to Hei Sidi, urging Hei Sidi to leave quickly.


The Black Death Emperor no longer hesitated, picked up the sickle and rushed towards Optimus Prime, but Optimus Prime was faster, the gate of the world of the dead burst open, swallowing the mountain-like body of the Black Death Emperor, hiding in darkness.

The moment the door closed, Heishi Emperor showed meaningful eyes.

Very good, Optimus Prime, you have successfully attracted the attention of my Black Death Emperor, I will remember you forever.

This emperor has never seen such a brazen person!

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