Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 903 Snake godly ambition

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Optimus Prime held Fu Rong's upper body that had been cut into two sections, his face was expressionless, and his huge palm was holding Fu Rong's head.

"This time, you won't have another chance to escape."

Optimus Prime raised his arm, and the black light ring on his left hand erupted with a deep black light, aiming directly at Furong.

"What do you want to do?" Fu Rong said grimly.

"Temporarily depriving you of the emotional spectrum and turning you into who you are."

Optimus Prime held the black light ring against Fu Rong's temple, the black lines spread rapidly like blood vessels, and Fu Rong's transparent body was immediately covered and spread by the black lines, wherever he passed, the emotional spectrum was possessed higher The black light ring deprivation of authority.

The colorful colors gradually faded away, and the place where Fu Rong was invaded by the power of the black lamp has become no different from ordinary people on earth. The emotional spectrum around him is deprived by the black lamp ring, and the source of his power is being forcibly removed.

Optimus Prime looked down at Huarong who had turned into an ordinary earthling amidst the screams, and threw him out with his backhand.

"Jack, keep an eye on him, this kind of thing can't happen again."

Optimus Prime said in a deep voice, and after finishing speaking, he ignored Fu Rong, but went straight to the bloody area to participate in the encirclement and suppression of Set and Ke Sen.

A powerful eighth-level god joined the battle and besieged two Chaos Gods together.

The five-faced monster and the blood-slaughtered bull Hulk are fighting fiercely with the snake god Seth, Doomsday King Kong and the just-arrived Bumblebee are besieging Kesen, and Old Shazam is leading a group of seventh-level gods to besiege the demon knife.

"Optimus Prime, you go hunt Ke Sen, don't worry about our side."

When Old Shazan saw Optimus Prime approaching, he immediately said: "Everything is Ke Sen's arm, kill him, and the blade will naturally return to normal."

Immediately, Optimus Prime turned into a beam of light, roaring and crashing into Ke Sen.

"There's another bug."

Ke Sen grinned, whispered like a devil, and a powerful force of chaos was thrown out, instantly blasting Doomsday King Kong from one end of the multiverse to the other.

In the entire Cybertron planet, only the new god and this unsolvable doomsday made Ke Sen afraid.

With the power of chaos fully erupting, the seemingly clumsy Doomsday King Kong was almost exploded, his body was shattered, and his soul almost fell into permanent chaos.

But Doomsday King Kong can always quickly return to its original state, and there is no trace of fear in the bloody and tyrannical eyes.

At the same time, under the strong pressure of the power of chaos, Doomsday King Kong immediately began to evolve again, his body became more and more solid, the black color became restrained, and the life factor quickly operated, adjusting the genes in Doomsday's body, and the bone spurs became It became thicker and thicker, sharp and frightening.

"Damn it, is this Doomsday really comparable to the ancient Doomsday?!"

Ke Sen looked at Doomsday King Kong who not only did not die, but became stronger, and couldn't help but curse secretly.

The most worrying thing still happened.

Many gods have noticed the Doomsday that follows the new god, and have made a lot of calculations on the Doomsday's combat power.

But in the final analysis, few people can really confirm whether this Doomsday has the characteristics of the ancient Doomsday.

From Ke Sen's current point of view, it is very likely that he has it, immortality, infinite evolution, which is extremely tricky.

"This monster, to some extent, is a greater threat than the new god..."

Ke Sen's face was gloomy, and on his purple body, the magic power of chaos swept across the endless blood field, detonating a large number of universes.

The new god has been promoted to level eight, and the growth in strength has slowed down significantly. No matter how tyrannical, there is still a limit.

How can Doomsday King Kong be played? Can't be killed, can't be killed, the more you fight, the stronger you get, until you have the ability to fight back...

Ho ho ho! ! !

After Doomsday King Kong crashed through multiple universes, he returned very quietly, only roared, and then made no other movements, his calmness was outrageous.

Only those tyrannical eyes can barely see some of the rage that destroyed Japan.

But it's this calmness,

But it made Ke Sen feel more and more uneasy.


Doomsday King Kong came back from killing, his eyes were red, and his hot gaze shot straight at Ke Sen. The powerful energy impact could even shake Ke Sen, the ancient god of chaos.

"It has obviously become stronger..." Ke Sen felt a little headache.

But it was another that gave him even more headaches.

The bumblebee threw itself on him, opened its mouth and ate crazily, the power of the goblin was crazy, biting his chaotic magic power.

The Hornet is also getting stronger and stronger...

Why, these are clearly two beasts!

how to spell?

One evolved crazily while fighting, and the other simply ignored the bite like a mad dog, and every bite would become stronger...

Ke Sen's face was livid, and he felt that he had miscalculated for the first time. Doomsday King Kong was really the second of the ancient Doomsday, and the power of goblins was more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Seth, stop playing!! If you put water there again, I'll turn around and leave!!!"

Ke Sen roared at the big green snake next to him.

At this time, Seth was playing with the five-faced monster and the blood slaughtered bull, playing around with these two guys.

Seth sneered and said, "You were the one who proposed to attack the New God, and you were the one who vowed to make it happen, and now you are the one who is worried... Ke Sen, you haven't changed at all, you are still so ignorant and short-sighted."

If you hadn't been lucky enough to get the power of Chaos, you idiot would definitely be the first Chaos God I ate!

Seth cursed inwardly, and a snake head swept over Ke Sen contemptuously.

In the melee in the ancient years, Seth could have become the biggest winner. He ate countless gods, and his strength had already swelled to a terrifying level. If he could eat Ke Sen at that time, he would not even be afraid of the God Eater!

No need to run away at all!

But who told Ke Sen to get the power of chaos? Seth's jealous eyeballs were almost on fire.

If I can give myself the power of chaos...

I can even eat Weissandi! Even the Creator can eat it! ! !

Seth snorted coldly, flicked the tail of the snake, and immediately sent the weakest Blood Slaughter Hulk flying, stretched out a snake head, and bit off half of the five-faced monster's mechanical body with one bite.

The two exuberant guys who were still fighting just now were instantly laid down by the snake god.

"It's not too late now, as long as I can eat the new god... no, it's fine to eat either the power of the fairy or the Doomsday... even the phoenix is ​​fine."

Seth greedily watched all the battlefields, and all the halazi flowed down.

Not to mention Bumblebee and Doomsday King Kong, even Qin, who is besieging the Devil Knife, is the object of Seth's attention.

A relatively low-key snake head suddenly jumped out, and the hidden phoenix power was spreading. This is a snake head that swallowed part of the phoenix fragments.

(Snake God Seth is so fierce, he swallowed countless ancient gods, and even part of the power of the phoenix was eaten by him. Among the four chaotic gods, his combat power is almost no less than that of the Trinity Weishan Emperor, weak and weak not much)

As long as he eats the White Phoenix Qin again, Seth's strength will usher in another leap.

"It's a waste to put the phoenix fragment on you, woman, give it to me! Only I can perfectly exert the power of the phoenix!"

The snake god Set completely ignored Ke Sen's request for help, and rushed straight to the direction of the demon knife, staring straight at Qin.

The crazy fragments in the opponent's body stimulated the appetite of the snake of the world.

"I'll stop him!"

Bobby quickly left the battlefield, and his whole body melted into ice instantly. The moment he faced Seth, his hands sprayed out a huge amount of cold air.

Terrifying cold air spewed out crazily without limit, and the rioting high-latitude energy of the blood domain was frozen on the spot, falling into a strange state of stiffness.

This stiffness even carried out a chain reaction, spreading rapidly and directly extending to Seth.

The biting cold made Seth a little surprised. He didn't expect this insignificant human being to be able to create such an unreasonable cold air, freezing all matter and energy in its path.

"Too weak."

Seth shook his body slightly, and the ice shattered.

"Then try this!!"

Iceman Bobby was also furious, roaring, frantically squeezing the infinite potential in his body, like a brave ant challenging the gods.

The cold air became more and more frightening, reaching the point where Seth felt a little uncomfortable. Bobby's infinite potential was discovered under extreme stimulation, and even he himself didn't notice that invisible obstacles were gradually being overcome.

Seth looked at this ant-like human being gloomyly. At his level, he could feel things at a deeper level.

"Good thing, I can become stronger after eating you! Your potential will belong to me from now on!!"

Seth was about to go crazy, the seven snake heads let out howls that shocked the soul and collapsed the universe, he never thought that there were so many good things on Cybertron.

Just this ant-like guy in front of him can actually make this ancient god fall in love with him!

"I should have come a long time ago!!" Seth's eyes were green, full of greed.

This ice-making guy actually tapped his potential in front of him, and almost achieved the transformation from level seven to level eight—even though this transformation will take a while to be realized, it is already amazing enough.

A humble guy, so young, can come this far without relying on external forces but only on his own! !

There is also the sand sculpture roaring Shazam, who actually has a lot of new god power on his body. If he can eat this guy, it is equivalent to eating part of the new god's power.

This Cybertron star is full of treasures! This is the creation that mainly makes him set to a higher level!

"It's all mine!" Seth roared.

"Your uncle!!"

Facing the heavy punch of Doomsday King Kong, Ke Sen's body shook on the spot, and he almost exploded on the spot when he heard the words.

This dead snake didn't come to help him, but went for food instead! ! He even went to look for weak chickens for food! ! !

Ke Sen's eyes were also red. Although he can still suppress Doomsday King Kong and Bumblebee, as the two opponents continue to become stronger, this advantage will not last long.

Especially King Kong, the psychological pressure on him was too great.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to recreate the God of Creation this time, and I will continue to hide in the future until the God of God leaves the multiverse..." Ke Sen looked at the ecstatic Seth coldly, feeling ruthless in his heart, and had already made up his mind to give up this A greedy stupid snake.

"As long as I take Wanda away, it's like holding a trump card."

Ke Sen distracted himself from manipulating Wanda's will while thinking with a gloomy expression.

He decided to retreat, even though he and Seth still had a clear advantage in the scene, but the cunning Ke Sen was already planning to retreat.

If they don't withdraw, Wanda will collapse. Once Wanda is defeated, the new god will be liberated. He and Seth are destined to stay one forever.

Ke Sen absolutely did not intend to stay by himself, he would only let Seth stay.

You must leave immediately! The excellent puppet who can take away Wanda, the magic power of chaos, did not come in vain!

"If you hadn't forced me, I wouldn't have come this far!"

On Cybertron, Wanda suddenly spoke with a sharp and piercing voice. It was Ke Sen's voice.

Downey's face was always calm, with a sense of palpitation that made the other party uneasy, he was always suppressing Wanda, and constantly destroying the waves of chaos that Wanda sent out.

This is a very troublesome move. If Chaos Wave cannot stop it, even if Cybertron is protected by the Fire Seed Source, the multiverse will be gone.

Downey is not interested in being a savior, but he cares about Wanda. Destroying the multiverse will trigger the wrath of many gods, and the five gods will not let it go.

Wanda is not a troublemaker, and does not have the support of the fifth dimension, so all the pressure will be transferred to Cybertron.

"It's almost certain..."

Downey calmly blasted away Wanda's attack again, and glanced at the battlefield on Ke Sen's side from the corner of his eye, expressionless.

If it wasn't for killing Ke Sen in one fell swoop and not leaving a way for him to survive, Downey wouldn't have endured until now.

Everything is Ke Sen's plan, kill Ke Sen, whether it is Wanda or Blade, the problem will be solved easily.


At this time, a white light suddenly descended, and a little baby flew out, and came straight to Donnie, with his hands on his hips, teasing like a little adult: "The great Supreme God, do you need the help of me, a little mortal?"

Richard stepped out of the shuttle machine and looked at the war-torn Cybertron star with a dazed look: "What happened here? Space war?"

Downey glanced at the Ji family indifferently, and finally looked at Franklin, who had a strange and malicious expression, and said, "You are doing me a great favor by not causing trouble for me."

Franklin's eyes widened, as if he was wronged, but he couldn't hide the eagerness in his eyes.

Downey snorted coldly, and repelled Wanda with one move. The sudden explosion left a deep crater on the surface of Cybertron that was millions of light years long.

"Wanda, you need to calm down for a while, everything will be fine."

Downey said in a low voice, before Wanda got up, he immediately summoned three mother boxes, and the white light vibrated when they collided with each other, besieging Wanda in the middle, forming an indestructible black prison, and swallowing Wanda completely.

Ke Sen's roar could be faintly heard.

"You haven't returned this thing to Darkseid yet?" Franklin looked at the three mother boxes slowly closing together, wondering when Darkseid's temper was so good?

It's completely different from what he knew.

So kind?

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