Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 908 Your friend Jade Emperor is online

A month later, just as Megatron fell into a new slumber, the God of War finally began to act.

Marvel's No. 1 fan, Mr. Fantastic Richard, finally walked out of the Iron Castle Archives and began to fulfill his promise.

During this month, he searched all the materials in the Iron Castle Archives except for the S-level files, and all the information, technology, etc. were all swept away by him.

Although he regretted not being able to view the most advanced files, Richard couldn't help it. He also knew that it would be a fool to open the core secrets to outsiders.

In a huge laboratory, Richard took the snake crown that Donnie gave him, and began to develop new machines, trying to locate all the snake crowns in the multiverse, and then suck them all in.

Richard, who has entered the state, is really a god. All kinds of technological barriers and unsolved mysteries that seem like a natural moat to ordinary people are like toys played by children in front of Richard, and they are easily studied. thorough.

Richard, this is a mortal who can overthrow any god with technology, and use technology to achieve things that even the gods cannot do.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Richard wanted to deal with the only god, Downey, Downey would have to seriously consider how to run away.

It is estimated that even running will be a big problem, unless he can find and strangle Richard, a mortal, first, otherwise he is destined to be restrained to death.

Fortunately, Richard is not the kind of vicious guy who can't be one of his own, at least not an enemy.

"That's why I was obsessed with killing Lex Luthor."

Downey looked at Richard, who seemed to be hanging out. The light in this mortal's eyes made Downey think deeply.

Every time he looked at Richard, he would always think of the seemingly innocent Lex Luthor who was brutally strangled to death by Downey just after jumping twice.

Although Luthor's cheating intensity in DC is not as exaggerated as Richard in Marvel, it is still extremely terrifying, and Luthor is a typical paranoid and lunatic, and he must not be soft if he can kill him.

So Luthor died, and he was strangled to death by Donnie obviously without doing anything.

The entire multiverse has no secrets at all in front of such people.

"Snake God Seth... If he can be more honest and hold back, I wouldn't bother to kill him."

Downey shook the teacup, lay comfortably on the chair, and quietly watched Richard pretending to be aggressive.

After a few days, Richard finally built a shuttle-like device and activated it himself.

A terrifyingly powerful energy fluctuation erupted, and directly opened countless gates of time and space. The barriers of hundreds of millions of dimensions were all opened in one breath, and a gap was pierced.

A large number of beacons were launched, chasing the same exponential fluctuations as the snake crown, and quickly spread to the entire multiverse.

On the screen of the instrument, a frightening torrent of data is flashing, universes being screened and eliminated one after another.

"One, two, three..."

Richard pushed back his glasses and stared intently at the screen.

In the end, the number was fixed at 777.

"There are 777 snake crowns in the multiverse? So many?" Richard was slightly surprised.

During this period of time, he has studied the artifact of the snake crown, and he also knows that the power of the snake crown is very powerful, but there are more than 700 such things, so one can imagine how powerful Seth is.

However, no matter how strong you are, you have to kneel down in front of the cheating man.

Richard started the machine, and a powerful traction immediately erupted, pulling the 777 snake crowns at the same time.

Downey's figure appeared quietly, looking very satisfied with the artifacts coming to him one by one.

"When these snake crowns are formed into a complete form, it becomes another extremely powerful artifact."

When the last snake crown was obtained, Downey praised it.

Richard took off his glasses and said, "I have completed what I promised you. Is there anything else I need to do? Of course, there is a fee. If you open all the materials in the Iron Castle Archives to me..."

Downey took away all the snake crowns and walked out of the laboratory expressionlessly, completely ignoring the chattering Mister Fantastic who was chasing him.

Just kidding, a fool will show all the core secrets to outsiders, and he is still an outsider who is cheating.

At the same time, the multiverse.

Seth's avatars in countless universes suddenly let out a roar, and Seth's main body, which was swimming in the blood field, roared in fury, smashing a universe with his tail.

The seven snake heads watched helplessly as the snake's crown was touched away, and with their snake tails, they all knew that it must have been done by Donnie.

"The core of the snake crown and 777 incomplete snake crowns are all gone!"

Seth was furious. The Snake Crown was an artifact he valued very much, and it was gone in one breath. Many of the guys controlled by him through the Snake Crown were all out of trouble in one breath, and they were fighting back frantically to revenge Seth's clone.

One clone died in battle, God knows how much Seth lost.

This means that all his latent strongholds are exposed, and all the back roads are not safe.

"How the hell did he do it?"

Seth was puzzled, his eyes were red, his anger was surging, and his seven heads roared extremely.

With one snake crown, can the other 777 hidden and intact snake crowns be taken away? Will the new God have this ability?

"I knew I shouldn't have given him the snake crown in the first place! It's a fight to the death!"

Seth regretted so much, he gave the phoenix fragments and it was fine, at most it was a pain in the flesh, but losing all the snake crowns and exposing all the strongholds was a heavy loss.

He can only find a place to hide first, and build a new stronghold after dormant for a period of time. It is not the style of the snake of the world to act rashly without a sense of security.

The cruel eyes glanced back at the Cybertron star standing not far from the main universe, revealing deep hatred, this hatred is too great.

The famous Snake of the World was already qualified to run rampant across the multiverse, with invincible combat power, but he bumped head-on into the forces of the new gods and fell.

"I will have my revenge."

Seth growled coldly.

"You may not have a chance... I don't know how many years ago I was half an ancestor."

A strange voice came.

Seth turned his head indifferently, spat out the letter, and collected all the information leaked by this strange god in an instant, and immediately sneered: "After following me for so long, are you finally willing to come out?"

The Jade Emperor tore apart a large area of ​​blood energy, and walked out with a flat expression. The robe with the dragon image was draped on his body seemingly casually, but the dragon shape on it was looming, as if it was shining with golden light, and could appear at any time. pounce.

Seth glanced at the Jade Emperor coldly, and Xinzi collected a lot of scattered information from the main universe and even the multiverse in an instant. Seeing many fragmentary pictures, Seth immediately sneered: "A descendant of three generations of gods, even himself The position is out of order..."

Seth is a noble second-generation chaotic god, and there are only four such chaotic gods, while the Jade Emperor is just a descendant of the third-generation gods formed after the self-destruction of a war weapon like Yatum.

Seth took the lead in setting off a wave of devouring in ancient times, and countless gods followed suit. Yatum is a weapon of war bred by the Creator and Gaia, and it specializes in hunting down the fallen gods headed by Seth.

As a result, Set and Ke Sen escaped, and the other fallen gods were all killed by Yatum, and their divine power was swallowed. Yatum finally chose to self-destruct, and the power of countless gods absorbed burst out in one breath, which is the many gods on the world tree today.

The Jade Emperor, Odin, and Zeus are just descendants of three generations of god kings.

In terms of background, they are so different from Seth, they don't even have the qualifications to be tied.

"So, what do you want me to do, you little bastard?" Seth looked greedily at the Jade Emperor, the eighth-level multi-god, and it was enough for him to eat, just to make up for his wounded heart.

Yes, the first time he saw the Jade Emperor, Seth put the Jade Emperor on his recipe.

"Just want to try, what if the ants swallow the elephant? I have been secretly looking for you for so long, and I finally seized the opportunity."

The Jade Emperor had no expression on his face, but his bottomless black eyes faintly exuded a faint luster.

He, the Jade Emperor, is not a good stubble, and he grew up by eating people. It is not a coincidence that he is staring at the second generation Chaos God.

The Jade Emperor calmly said: "The entire three generations of gods can't bring me more. A group of double bodies and countless multiple gods can push my strength to the eighth level. It is already the limit."

"Only you, the second-generation Chaos Gods, are left."

In front of Seth, the Jade Emperor analyzed with his fingers: "Naturally, Emperor Weishan needs to say that provoking Ossett is equivalent to confronting a unique god. At that time, Donnie will not stand by and watch, and my fate will be very bad." Miserable... and I haven't heard of an example where multiple gods can perfectly swallow a single god and sublimate their own essence."

"Gaia is the mother of the earth. Many three generations of gods are actually connected with Gaia. She has the closest connection with the Creator, and I don't want to be an enemy of her emotionally."

"There are only you two scum left, you and Ke Sen."

"Ke Sen has already been divided by Xinshen and Weishandi, and it's useless for me to have any ideas."

"Fortunately, they didn't do anything wrong and left me with a badly injured you."

The Jade Emperor raised his head slowly, his expression changed slightly, showing a smile that was not a smile, and he said to Seth, who was already icy and cold, "I should really thank Donnie, although he is just too lazy to spend energy to kill you, But it’s really cheap for me.”

Seth subconsciously twisted the gigantic snake body, setting off waves of tsunamis in the blood field, which was his instinctive reaction to hunt.

"Boy, do you know what you're doing?"

The seven snake heads gathered together, fixedly staring at the Jade Emperor, who didn't know the so-called brat, with both surprise and sneer in their hearts.

In terms of the development of eating gods, he, Seth, is the originator of all the gods in the multiverse, and he does not know how many gods he has turned into his own nourishment.

But what did he see now? A miscellaneous descendant of three generations who didn't know how far apart, came all the way and told him that he was going to swallow him... This is the biggest joke of this era.

"When I was cannibal, your own father wasn't even born..."

Seth laughed lowly, a snake head suddenly rushed over, opened its ferocious mouth and bit the Jade Emperor fiercely.

The Jade Emperor just held his head up. In the calmness, the small figure suddenly burst out with powerful force, knocking the snake head aside.


Seth was a little surprised.

"You still think your own powerful snake god?" The Jade Emperor said lightly, "Without the phoenix fragments and the blessing of the snake crown, you in real state are not as powerful as you imagined, and you will be swallowed up by me obediently." Well, wouldn't it be nice to be a part of me?"


Seth twisted his green body and threw himself at the Jade Emperor ferociously. As he acted casually, the blood field was shaken. The multiverse that had just been calm for a while, another high-end war broke out, and many worlds that were already dilapidated and dying , suffered the aftermath of the attack and collapsed on the spot, turning hundreds of millions of lives into ashes.

No one will care about them, just like the modern warfare of humans on earth, when the firepower washes the ground, no soldier or commander will care how many ants on the ground die.

The battle between the second-generation gods and the third-generation gods was in full swing. Unexpectedly, the Jade Emperor did not fall into an obvious disadvantage.


Two powerful energy cores collided with each other, setting off another energy tsunami that spread out on the spot, wreaking havoc on countless worlds.

"How many gods have you swallowed..."

Seth was a little annoyed, this descendant of three generations of gods was stronger than he imagined.

The Jade Emperor knocked off a snake's head with one blow, and said indifferently: "I can't count myself, I can't compare to you, all the gods I devoured were the third generation gods, and the second generation gods were all killed by you and Yatum. "

Among the second generation, the four major chaos gods have the highest status, and the other second and second and a half generations are much worse, but overall they are higher than the Jade Emperor.

Whether it is strength or status.

But the one in front of him... the devil knows how many descendants of the three generations of gods he killed. Seeing the indifferent expression of the Jade Emperor, Seth faintly felt a little tricky.

The two eighth-level gods fought again, and the aftermath of the explosion continued to surge, and powerful divine power was released, rendering the huge multiverse into chaotic colors.

"Again, endless?!!"

"Recently, the multiverse has been full of disasters and disasters. The ancient gods who are not seen a few times in an era usually appear in groups?!"

Some beings are already annoyed, can you please be quiet? No matter how stable the multiverse is, it cannot prevent a group of beasts from wreaking havoc frequently.

Ke Saite and Jade Emperor were still fiercely confronting each other, and their figures crossed countless times every nanosecond.

"You can't do it anymore, Seth, you should become a part of me sooner... If you replace you, I can also become the second generation Chaos God." The Jade Emperor said in a faint tone.

There are many disadvantages of multiple gods, but the second generation Chaos God is different. This is the only favored level, the closest to the creator of the gods. After swallowing Seth, the Jade Emperor is qualified to sublimate his essence.


There was an extra wound on Seth's body, and the blood flowed out, mixed into the blood field and flowed continuously. After losing the power of the phoenix and the snake crown, his combat power dropped sharply.

The aura around the Jade Emperor became more and more terrifying: "I originally planned to find the Lord of Chaos. That guy also swallowed many gods of the third generation, but now you are easier to deal with."

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