Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 909 That year, all of us were there

The Jade Emperor opened his mouth, jumped forward like a lunatic, and bit Seth's terrifyingly huge body hard.

He took a bloody bite, tore off a piece of flesh mixed with many high-dimensional energies, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Be a part of me, Seth, you should have died in the ancient times, you are lucky to be able to live until now, why don't you give me everything you have."

The Jade Emperor opened his palm and stabbed hard into Seth's wound, tearing off another piece of flesh.

The engulfment between gods is like this. At the same time, this scene is also the hidden rule that runs through the entire Marvel, the cruel law of the jungle hidden under the great light.

Cannibalism is the law enshrined by some high-level gods in the Marvel series, and it is extremely bloody.

This is what the ancestors of the World Tree gods did, this is what the Lord of Chaos did, this is what Thanos of Discord did, one is stronger than the other, one is more ferocious than the other, and the fiercest one has grown to the point where even oaa can’t hold it down Degree.

No one who can eat people is weak. This is the deep truth hidden on the Marvel side.

And there is no doubt that the Jade Emperor, who has been eating people, will either be eaten by other gods during his growth, or he will go higher step by step. If he can survive the backlash and not lose himself after eating people again and again, then he will Doomed to be extraordinary.

The two cannibal gods began to eat each other crazily, biting each other, just like two crazy beasts.

Seth was really going mad with anger, the seven snake heads kept biting at the Jade Emperor, some of them were dodged, while others were bitten, tearing off a large amount of energy from the Jade Emperor.

Seth swears, he has never been so angry since he was born!

Even if Downey took away the power of the Phoenix and all the snake crowns, it would not be able to keep up with one-tenth of the current anger!

"You bastard!!"

Seth cursed angrily, the snake god writhed and restless, but the wounds on his body did not flow out a drop of blood, and the Jade Emperor ate them all up.

The blood-red eyes stared at the Jade Emperor, who was originally an ant-like descendant of three generations of gods. Until now, Seth felt that this bastard's ambition was too big and too impossible to realize.

The World Tree god system, as the snake of the world that roams the multiverse, of course Seth understands that they are a group of worthless guys. Countless parallel universes are born every second, and countless World Trees are copied.

But this ant-like Jade Emperor in the main universe has completely overturned all Seth's cognition of the three generations of gods. This bastard actually carried out the feat of ants eating elephants.

And Seth was shocked to find that he might not be able to succeed yet!

"You are becoming weak." The Jade Emperor bit down, and his body had long been filled with Seite's ancient and huge energy index, becoming swollen, chaotic and dirty.

If he can make it through successfully, he can digest everything and become stronger. If he can't make it through... he will either explode with a bang, or become a madman who has lost his mind.


A green tail strikes with the power to destroy the world, and hits the Jade Emperor hard. This is an attack from the dimensions of time and space and even from the concept of meaning in the dark, and hits the Jade Emperor hard.

The Jade Emperor let out a muffled snort, his inflated body was in chaos for a while, but he stabilized quickly, and remained silent. His eyes became bright and frightening for no reason. He ignored Seth's attack and continued to pounce on him, mouthing heavily. bite.

The two generations of gods of the two World Trees were engaged in a brutal war of attrition in the blood domain, and the scene was terrifying.

A long time has passed, and the tragic tug-of-war that erupted in the blood domain has lasted for too long, until Seth found out aggrievedly that he was gradually falling into a disadvantage...

Although this change is very small,

But as an eighth-level Chaos God who can perfectly control everything about himself, Seth was the first to notice it.

This nearly caused him to explode in place.

"You picked a good time."

Seth suddenly tore off a large piece of Jade Emperor's energy in one gulp, said coldly.

The main body was seriously injured, and the 777 clones were battered and unable to come to support in time. It can be said that this is the weakest period since Set was born.

The Jade Emperor, who was as ferocious as a vulture, was eyeing this opportunity. The key was that he rushed forward bravely. This was a big gamble.

"If I hadn't chosen to invade Cybertron..."

Seth spat out the letter, regretting so much that his intestines were green.

If he didn't listen to that idiot Ke Sen's nonsense, he wouldn't go to fight Cybertron. He had a chance to devour Ke Sen first. Well now, the Chaos God Ke Sen who was most likely to be devoured by him died, and he himself suffered heavy losses and was weaker than ever.

This back and forth, the loss is big!

"Ke Sen the dog! If he dies, he will kill me!!!"

The more Seth thought about it, the more angry he became, and he cursed loudly.

The Jade Emperor has no expression on his face, but the painful expression that appears from time to time is always fleeting, but the process of biting him never stops, just like the beginning, firm and powerful, with the determination to die together.

He is getting stronger, and every time he devours Seth, he can always cause greater damage.

"You have a good taste. You are worthy of being the Chaos God of Megatron Multiverse. You will be mine soon."

The Jade Emperor bit it for a while, and after a rare utterance, he continued to remain silent, biting and tsk-tsk, seeming to enjoy this growing process of coexistence of pain and pleasure.

Seth let out a violent roar, and wrestled with the Jade Emperor who was rapidly growing in size.

The bodies and souls of the two have become shattered, each contains elements of the other, and the scene is extremely tragic.

"It's useless for you to eat me." Seth suddenly laughed, and whispered, "I'm dead, and there are still many clones, it's only a matter of time before I recover. You will suffer my bloody revenge, I hide The hole cards are beyond your imagination."

The Jade Emperor paused immediately.

Seth struck while the iron was hot, suppressed the hatred in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "I'll give you a choice, either get out now, or wait to die! Not only you are going to die, but the gods you belong to are going to die! Your relatives and friends are going to die! !!!”

"So, tell me now, you despicable... damn it, why are you biting even harder! You really want to die!!"

Seth roared angrily, looked at the Jade Emperor who was getting worse, and cursed loudly.

Are you tired of living? ! I have countless avatars, and my life-saving methods are top-notch. If you die, you rubbish multi-dimensional god, you are really dead, and you don't even have a chance to come back! !

The Jade Emperor stared at the eyes that turned blood red at some point, filled with iceberg-like coldness and indifference: "After eating this you, I will eat the next one until I eat all of you, and at that time you will be mine." Now, what kind of hatred is there to distinguish..."

Seth was furious, and felt even more helpless, biting the bullet and biting the Jade Emperor a few mouthfuls. The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he calculated, the more he felt that it was worthless. Fortunately, he flicked his broken tail and planned to run away.

I ran once, and then ran a second time, without losing my mind.

But the Jade Emperor held Seth tightly, and refused to let go. The battle broke out again, chasing and swallowing, fighting and fleeing at the same time.

With the passage of time, Seth's body inevitably weakened, and everything about the Jade Emperor was becoming chaotic, but it was steadily strengthening.

In the end, Seth uttered a final growl of venom and stared at the Jade Emperor, his entire huge snake body turned into illusory bones.

The snake of the world was eaten up by the Jade Emperor.

"I'll look for it, where are the other clones of this big snake..." the Jade Emperor muttered, picking up his body like picking up tatters, picking and choosing from the many chaotic and violent forces, trying to locate Sai Te's other avatars.

The main body fell, and the other avatars were far weaker than the main body. It was a great opportunity for the Jade Emperor's ants to swallow the elephant.

"When I eat all of Seth, I will get rid of the essence of multiple gods and climb up one level..." Jade Emperor looked down at his inflated body, his eyes flickering.

The precious opportunity was seized by him, and he succeeded, and he will get everything Seth left behind. At this moment, he could almost hear the crazy roars of many Seths in the entire multiverse.

These are the nutrients for his growth.


The Jade Emperor swallowed Seth violently, and Tang Ni, who was far away on Cybertron, also felt a little bit. He just calmly looked up at the fierce battle in the depths of the blood field, and ignored it.

For him, whether Jade Emperor wins or Seth wins, it doesn't matter much. Jade Emperor wins is the best. Where can he find such a good shield. It doesn't matter if Seth wins, anyway, if this guy dares to come, he will kill him regardless.

Compared to such trivial matters, Downey was more interested in the large celebration banquet in front of him.

Many high-level people and acquaintances have come, and on the huge lawn, there are existences exuding terrifying auras walking, laughing and communicating, creating a harmonious and vibrant atmosphere.

In the sky, a huge crescent moon hangs high, so huge that it seems to be within reach. In fact, everyone here can easily touch and destroy this moon... It's just that it's boring and stupid to do so.

The bright moonlight sprinkled on the ground, laying a warm veil on the earth. To fit the atmosphere, the giant lawn has been lit with lights, just like those used on Earth.

Square tables and round tables are placed one by one, and exquisite food is displayed on them, exuding a tempting aroma.

The atmosphere of the entire open banquet reached its peak with the arrival of Donny and Wanda.

Under the night, Downey and Wanda walked slowly.

Downey was wearing a formal suit. The structure of every atom had been carefully designed, exuding beauty and coordination. The black was extremely deep, which set off Downey's tall and straight figure. His sharp eyes looked at everyone present, there was a heartfelt smile on the corner of his mouth, and his sword-shaped eyebrows were slightly opened, no longer wrinkled as before.

Wanda is wearing a red evening dress, the flame-like red sets off her hot temperament, and her well-dressed long hair is floating, dotted with stars under the sky.

The master of the world of Cybertron, the Supreme God, has come.

According to the customs from the other side of the earth, Downey led Wanda onto the stage, and after delivering a speech, the banquet officially kicked off.

Donnie took Wanda, clinked glasses with many people, and poured high-strength alcohol into his stomach, as much as he wanted, anyway, as long as he wanted, he would not get drunk.

As the rhythm progressed, Downey strolled solemnly in formal attire, holding a glass of wine.

"What's the matter, judging by your appearance, you are not used to it?"

Downey came to the table at the far end, gestured to a big man, and drank it down in one gulp.

"Yes, it always feels strange..."

"You will get used to it. After all, there is a process, isn't it? It's the same as before." Downey shrugged and said, "Did I call you the devil knife, or the blade?"

"Blade, I still like this name."

Dao Feng scratched his head in distress, took a deep breath, grabbed a bunch of wine glasses and drank them all in one gulp.

He hasn't been with this group of people for too long, and even the best relationship will become unfamiliar and strange. Counting the time, it has been almost thirty years since Downey left the earth.

Blade has become an old man, although he still has black hair, and his skin is firm and unwrinkled.

"Take your time, you will definitely get used to it, it's just a matter of time."

Downey clinked glasses with Blade and smiled.

"How is the use of the Book of Darkness, can it be controlled?" Downey asked.

Blade nodded, shook his head again, frowned and said: "The power contained in the Book of Darkness is huge. Although I fit well with this thing, I still don't understand magic... I still need Liana to help me, so I can use it." The power of this book, the Book of Darkness is simply not for me."

"Then give it to Liana. She might be able to become a seventh-level archmage with the help of the Book of Darkness."

Downey smiled, not paying attention. The Book of Darkness is indeed a good artifact, but that's all. It is valuable as a supplement to the magic chain that will be built on Cybertron.

Anyway, Downey didn't take it seriously, no matter who the Book of Darkness was handed over to, it would fall into his own hands.

"I heard that we are going to the realm of the gods, right? It is said that there is a world where the gods live." The blade picked up a plate and cut off a piece of cake, and picked a few mutant grapes and sprinkled it on the cake, which seemed to be full of rituals feel.

Then, he opened his bloody mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

Downey was also eating, but he tasted it like an ordinary person, and he ate a little. Hearing the words, he responded: "Yes, just wait a little longer, wait for Bobby to finish, and wait for the magic chain to be constructed. When I transform the Godslayer Armor, all preparations will be completed."

"God's world, we will also go there, and set off a bunch of waves there..."

Donnie looked excited.

"The waves are big, will you die?" Dao Feng added.

"...You have changed. You have evolved from a blade to a supplementary blade. You were not like this before."

Downey was so blocked that he couldn't speak, he snorted twice in anger, grabbed a bunch of grapes and began to taste them.

Blade grinned, just like many years ago, under the night, the moonlight was bright, and a group of people gathered together to enjoy the peace and tranquility.

At that time, the old bartender was still there, everyone was still there, and many people hadn't parted ways yet.

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