Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 910: Earth III

Greer ran back again.

This daughter of Darkseid wandered around the antimatter universe for several years without finding anything, and finally couldn't bear to run back.

"Sister, let's think of other ways, Xinshen won't help us."

Sean said in distress.

Greer remained silent, grabbed Thain and shuttled through the blood field, creating a powerful force field to protect the two.

Greer himself is not afraid of the dangers in the blood field, but Thain is not. This guy is too weak, and he will die soon after being thrown into the blood field.

"I missed a lot of big things, as long as I can catch it once, it won't be like this."

After a long time, Greer choked out a sentence.

No matter how Greer calculated, she felt that she was being generous, and she shouldn't have been foolish enough to listen to Donnie's nonsense and go to Kwad Star.

Well now, the anti-monitor is missing, and there is no way to keep her from becoming stronger in the entire anti-matter universe. Maybe there is, but she missed it.

Thain said in distress: "But with our identity, we can't enter the Cybertron star. It's a huge cosmic planet, and we can't get in."

"Then wait and find a chance to go in." Greer muffled.

Damn, if you had focused on Cybertron back then, you would have been able to grab one of the many opportunities, right?

Now the entire multiverse is spreading the hurricane of Cybertron star, strong people gather, multiverse-level gods appear in groups, and a group of guys with terrible potential are developing in a low-key way. I don’t know when there will be more A few polytheistic gods came out.

Greer was so jealous, she really shouldn't have listened to Donnie's nonsense back then!

God is so pitiful, Downey didn't trick her back then, he just wanted to cause some trouble for the anti-monitor. Unexpectedly, the anti-monitor realized something was wrong, left the anti-matter universe and ran away, never going back.

Greer wasted a lot of time.

"This time, no matter what, I won't listen to that guy's nonsense, I just want to gain power, as long as I get multiverse-level power..." Greer took a deep breath.

boom! ! !

As far as Greer could see, a violent explosion erupted from the universe. Half of the complete small black ball was blown up, and the remaining half was also in danger. Hundreds of millions of lives were turned into dust and swallowed by the blood field.

A deep and terrifying sense of destruction came wave after wave. This is an ultimate force that is like a tit-for-tat life.

"Death? Or the Black Death Emperor?"

Greer looked in that direction in amazement, even as a descendant of the only god, she couldn't help but feel the chills at this moment, her blood was almost frozen.

I was even more horrified in my heart. What kind of power can make the descendants of the only god feel like facing a natural enemy?

"where are we going!"

Greer's blood-colored pupils flashed, dragged Thain and rushed over, his expression showed excitement and excitement, in case this kind of power could be controlled by himself...

Greer is a little crazy.

Thain had no choice but to bite the bullet and move against the shattered universe that almost suffocated him.

As the distance draws closer, the tragic image of the universe has emerged in front of the eyes. Most of the round universe has collapsed, and the remaining incomplete parts are also in jeopardy. Destruction is only a matter of time.

A large amount of blood domain energy crazily poured into it, just like the great flood in the doomsday prophecy, brutally cleaning everything in the world.

Greer ignored the bloody ocean, went directly into it, and observed carefully.

"Where did the little bug come from..."

Mobius glanced at Greer and Thain coldly, and was a little concerned about Greer's breath, which was clearly the smell of Darkseid.

"My lord, my lord, spare our lives!! We are willing to give everything to serve you!!!"

A man wearing a battle suit with the S logo knelt down and begged bitterly.

Around Mobius, superheroes and super criminals have already been lying all over the floor, most of them died in battle, and only a few survived.

Mobius retracted his eyes casually, staring at the disfigured earth that he had destroyed.

Destroyed cities, collapsing ecology, dead seas, and smoky skies.

This azure planet has turned into another color, and life is almost extinct, all of which were brutally killed by Mobius and absorbed as part of the anti-life equation.

If you look from the air, the surface of this planet is full of potholes, which are not only left by the battle between Mobius and the indigenous life, but also left by all the nuclear bombs dropped by the governments of all countries on the earth in desperation. down the deep pit.

The high concentration of radiation permeating the air is enough to kill any creature, and it is only a matter of time before ordinary people who are barely alive meet death.

Nuclear winter will take their lives, and the land will no longer be able to grow food.

This planet is over, this species is gone.

Mobius examined his great achievements with admiring eyes, and immediately looked at his feet.

The superman of this universe was kneeling on the ground, tightly hugging his thigh, with a complex expression of flattery and pleading on his scarred face.


Mobius stepped on the superman's back, stretched out his huge palm, pinched his head like a ping-pong ball, and lifted it up stiffly.

The weird range gives people a feeling that he is going to break Superman's neck.

"Chaoba, in some respects you are exactly the same as the anti-matter Chaoba. They are both good at judging the situation and have no persistence at all."

Mobius let out a creepy laugh.

After leaving Kovad for so long, to be honest, I still miss it a little bit, but it doesn't make any sense.

Now he is so powerful that he can see the ceiling within reach when he looks up.

"grown ups!"

Chaoba had a flattering face, and on his bruised and swollen face, he squeezed out a flattering smile, and said humbly: "I will try my best to satisfy you more than him. You are so powerful, you also need servants, don't you? Our evil alliance is happy to serve you. You work."

"We Dark Avengers are willing too!"

On the other side, Ultimate Iron Man also yelled.

These people were originally evil super criminals who ruled the earth with cruel means, brutally slaughtered superheroes, and never allowed any individual or organization that resisted their brutal rule to appear on the earth.

Until they were full of confidence and hit the iron plate of the anti-monitor, kicking and breaking their legs, a miserable group.

Who knows why they are so unlucky to be targeted by such terrifying multiverse monsters!

Chaoba doesn't know Mobius, the anti-monitor, and doesn't care "why" Mobius attacked their universe. Chaoba now only wants to save his life.

He's so powerful, he doesn't want to die yet, he hasn't lived enough.

"My subordinates have never had waste." Mobius sneered.

"Coincidentally, none of us are trash!"

Chaoba smiled all over his face, but he just smiled from this ugly and disgusting face, which made people feel a little disgusted.

Mobius kicked Chaoba out with one kick, and looked majestically at all the people lying on the ground present.

No one can stand, that kind of person is beaten to the ground by Mobius.

"Okay, I have a task for you."

Mobius nodded in satisfaction, and said: "You guys, as long as you can breathe, go to the main universe and take down the earth in the main universe, and I promise to give you the qualification to live."

"Yes! Yes! Thank you for your trust, our Guilty Alliance will not let you down." Chaoba nodded and bowed, almost crying with excitement.

"Our Dark Avengers will not let you down!" Ultimate Iron Man howled again.

Chaoba looked at Iron Man angrily.

In this universe, villains rule everything, and the League of Evil and the Dark Avengers are the top team of villains. They dislike each other very much, and it is common for them to fight each other.

"Hehehe, then go, you know the end of failure."

Mobius waved his hand, signaling the group of ants to get out of here quickly, and looked straight at the sky. The scene of the gradual destruction of the universe made Mobius feel happy.

Relieved, the Alliance of Evil and the Dark Avengers immediately supported each other to get up, looked at Mobius in fear, and left cautiously, with bitterness and helplessness on each other's expressions.

This universe is over, this planet is over, even if Mobius let them go, they will die.

The only option is to invade and take over the earth in other universes as a new territory.

Mobius raised his head, snorted coldly, and stretched out his big hand to tear the air fiercely. The hidden Greer and Sean were caught by Mobius like little chickens.

"It's you two again..."

Mobius looked at the two mice with a sneer.

He clearly remembered that the reason why he left Star Kovad and entered the blood domain was because he sensed Greer's aura.

There was Steppenwolf first, and then there was Greer. Mobius seriously suspected that Darkseid had already set his sights on him, so he decisively ran into the blood field to destroy the universe.

Greer's whole body was pinched tightly by Mobius, his bones were rattling, his blood was coagulated, and the energy shock could not be used. He couldn't help swallowing, and reluctantly said: "The noble anti-monitor, daughter of Darkseid Salute to you."

Mobius sneered, the strength in his hands suddenly became stronger, and said coldly: "Tell me, how did Apocalypse notice me?"

Greer said: "No, this has nothing to do with Apocalypse, I left that hell planet a long time ago, looking for someone who can kill Darkseid... I came to you because I worship the new god Guidelines……"

Mobius threw the two of them out irritably, and threw them on the ground hard, with an uncertain expression.

Donnie... this insidious guy!

Everything is clear, and the reason is Downey, but Mobius has not figured out until now, how did Downey realize that the anti-life equation is on him!

"Damn New God..."

Mobius muttered in a low voice.

But it doesn't matter, he Mobius is already so powerful and terrifying, enough to deal with any enemy, although the process is slightly twists and turns, but the result is good.

The Anti-Monitor will eventually have it all.

"What do you want to do when you come to me?" Mobius let out a cold laugh.

"I originally planned to get power from you, that's what the New God told me, that you have what I want." Greer said honestly, "And now, I hope you can kill Dak Syd."

Mobius remained silent, staring at Greer for a while, the strong sense of oppression almost broke Greer's soul to death.


Mobius was expressionless, thought for a moment, then waved his hand indifferently: "I will kill Darkseid and take everything from him."

Greer raised her head in disbelief, showing a dull and ecstatic mood. The words of Mobius are simply the true words of God. For many years, Greer has been looking for an existence with the courage and strength to take action against Darkseid.

Now finally.

"I can lead the way for you, I am very familiar with Apocalypse!"

Greer roared impatiently.

"No need, when I think the time is up, Darkseid will naturally come to me."

Mobius flew high into the sky, looked down at the broken request under his feet, and smiled contemptuously.

Soon, he will reach his peak strength, and that time will be the time for his decisive battle with Darkseid, and Mobius is looking forward to that time.

Greer stared blankly at the sky.

Thain hesitated for a moment and asked, "Where are we going now?"

"Master Universe Earth, let's go there and wait, it must be very exciting there."

Greer licked his lips, with hysterical madness on his face, and quickly regained his composure, pulling Thain out of this universe.


main universe.


A speedster was galloping, easily using high-frequency vibrations to pass through the defense system arranged by the heroes of the earth, and entered the depths of the building. After a while of selection, he finally found a box.

"I found it, Pandora's Box, the weapon that can open the passage to another world."

Quick Ke held the box in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

As the speedster of the Evil Alliance and a member of the Earth 3 crime syndicate, he shoulders the heavy responsibility of opening the teleportation tunnel.

The only person who can complete this task is Quick, who can use the speed force to travel through parallel universes, and everyone's hopes rest on him.

The evil-faced and grinning speedster, real name Jonathan Allen, is a villain down to the bone.

The alarm was sounded, and many superheroes noticed the invasion of the speedsters, and immediately rushed to try to catch the fast people.

"It's a pity, you guys are all going to die, there can only be one ruler of a planet."

Kuai Ke hugged the box and kissed him hard, looked contemptuously at the heroes who blocked him, activated the speed force to move at high speed, and left here easily.

"Where's Kid Lightning? I need him to go after this speedster and get back what was lost!"

Clark said with a serious expression.

The heroes of the earth have sealed up many dangerous props. After fighting against criminals and aliens for so many years, of course they have seized many mysterious side props, many of which they have not figured out how to use.

Pandora's Box is one of them.

Quickie ran quickly, and dazzling lightning appeared in the air.

But a figure was chasing towards him swiftly, and the third-generation Flash in a yellow suit, Kid Flash, was performing his duties.

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