Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 911 You guys are cheating!

Two arcs flashed through the air, leaving long trails behind.

The red figure and the yellow figure were entangled together. Every nanosecond, these two speedsters had clashed tens of thousands of times.

"Who the hell are you! When is there another speedster on Earth?"

Kid Flash looked at Quick in confusion, and what bothered him the most was that Quick was faster than him.

Seeing an opportunity to take advantage of it, Kuai Ke quickly came behind Kid Lightning, punched him flying, stopped suddenly, and looked at him condescendingly: "You are so weak, how can you be so weak? Become the speedster of the main universe?"

Quick Ke stepped on Kid Lightning's chest, which was what Mobius did to the Speedmaster before. This kind of life-and-death feeling made Quick Ke extremely enjoyable.

Kid Lightning roared: "I'm just a latecomer, if Flash is still around, you'd be defeated right away!"


"He's a real superhero, the killer of criminals!"

"Oh oh oh~ But what about the others, they seem to be missing, right?"

Quick sarcasm, I miss Grid and Ultron a little at this time. If these two guys are here, there will be no such trouble at all, and the main universe and the earth will have no secrets.

It's a pity that there is no double body of Grid and Ultron in this universe. It's really evil. As a result, Grid and Ultron can't smuggle in, so he can only go on the speedy one.

"Meet your doomsday, little genius."

Quick taunted, holding up Pandora's Box obsessively, stroking his hands gently, as if he was stroking his lover.

This box exudes an intoxicating smell, which seems to be able to absorb the soul, and the powerful magical power is looming.

This thing is one of the mysterious side treasures sealed by the Justice League, and the estimated risk factor is very high.

In front of Kid Flash, Quick takes Pandora's Box and holds it high.

The powerful magical power suddenly became restless, surpassing the main universe, sending out fluctuations to the more distant blood domain.

At the other end of the multiverse, the villains who received the signal from the magic box immediately opened the positioning transmission device and swarmed into the transmission channel.

The powerful power disseminated by Pandora's box spread rapidly, shaking the entire earth.

The powerful magic that escaped made every mage on this planet feel tremendous pressure.


Superman and other heroes with super speed have already arrived, seeing the light beam extending from Pandora's Box, and the rapidly spreading light curtain, they made a decisive move.


The hot line of sight blasted out, but was easily flashed by the quick guest.

"It's too late!! My companions are coming, this world is about to fall into the hands of our criminal syndicate!!"

Quickie danced and laughed wildly, and he tore off the goggles on his eye sockets, and threw them on the ground. Quickie was venting in this way.

Mobius put too much pressure on them,

He couldn't forget what this terrible monster had done to their world.

The entire No. 3 universe was like paper in the hands of Mobius. One after another, the galaxies were wiped out, and countless lives died.

The solar system where the earth is located is already the only complete galaxy left in the No. 3 universe, but the ecosystem has also collapsed, and it is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.

"You who live in peace and stability, never know how scary the outside is! Have you ever seen a night without stars!!!"

Quickie keeps running, avoiding the attacks of superheroes, and the whole person is crazy like a lunatic.

The feeling of suffocation is dissipating, and the dawn has been born.

Although Kuaike doesn't know much about the main universe, no matter how miserable it is, it won't be worse than their Earth III, right? No matter how powerful it is, it won't be stronger than Mobius, right?

That's enough, this planet, will become a new world ruled by their criminal syndicate.

A golden circle of light suddenly appeared, but was easily bypassed by Kuai Ke.

Stephen appeared with a livid face, one after another powerful magic blasted towards the quick guest, and tried to close the Pandora's box, but it was too late. Once the box was opened, it was difficult to close.

Under the watchful eyes of many superheroes, evil and bloodthirsty figures emerged from the light curtain.

More than a dozen figures emerged one after another, and the villains from Earth-3 finally arrived at the main universe Earth.

"Very well done, Quickie!"

Chaoba took the lead, put the package in his hand on the ground with a bang, and opened it with a tear. It turned out to be a large pile of green kryptonite, emitting a disturbing light.

Chaoba looked up at the burning yellow sun, showed disgust, reached out and picked up a piece of kryptonite, chewed it and swallowed it in front of everyone.

"The world illuminated by the yellow sun is really disgusting. Fortunately, I was prepared...Guys, after killing these guys, the first thing we have to do is to transform this star so that it can enter the red sun stage as soon as possible."

Chaoba took a mouthful of kryptonite, constantly strengthening his own strength, and resisting Huang Sun's weakening of him.

Unlike most supermen in the multiverse, this superman grew up eating kryptonite. The more he eats, the stronger he becomes.

The defect of Superman is the advantage of Superman, and the advantage of Superman is the defect of Superman, everything is reversed.

At this time, more superheroes arrived, confronting visitors from different universes with cautious expressions.

Superman said coldly: "Who the hell are you?"

Chaoba looked at the Superman of the main universe, sneered, threw the half-eaten kryptonite on the ground, and laughed wildly: "Guys, tell these weak chickens who we are!!!"

A figure walked out of the light curtain, looking at the superheroes with strange smiles.


"Night owl!"

"Super Queen!"

"Divine power ring!"

"Sea Overlord!"



"Ultimate Iron Man!"

"Captain Red Skull!"

"Evil God Loki!"

"Four-handed Hulk!"

"Master Mordo!"

"Green Goblin!"


Chaoba's smile became more and more wild, he waved his arms domineeringly, looked at everyone in the main universe with contempt, and took a deep breath: "Yes, we are the ones in the legend..."

In unison: "Crime Syndicate/Dark Avengers!!!"


Chaoba was furious, turned his head suddenly, and stared at the Ultra Iron Man who took the lead in making troubles with violent eyes: "Tony! Didn't we agree to unify the name!!!"

The silver-white battle helmet on Ultimate Iron Man's head slowly receded like living slime, revealing the same irritable face behind: "The name of the Criminal Syndicate is too ugly, it makes people sick."

"Your mother, you owe me death?!" Chaoba's eyes showed a fierce look.

Ultimate Iron Man sneered: "You can try it, waste, I beat you with one hand like a son, and beat you to death."

The Alliance of Evil and the Dark Avengers were at war immediately, staring at each other with murderous intent.

These two super villain teams killed all the surviving superheroes on Earth 3 before they came to the main universe. They are the only remaining lives on Earth 3.

The Justice League and the Avengers looked at the visitor from another universe coldly, and fell silent for a while.

The Pandora's Box slowly closed, and Stephen tried to control him, but the mage Mordo on the opposite side also used magic to fight for control of Pandora.

"In my world, I've already killed you trash." Modu sneered again and again.

Stephen looked cold, competing with Modu with more powerful magic.

Iron Man of the main universe said indifferently: "No matter where you are from, there are only two choices now, either you will be killed by us, or we will kill you and throw you back to your world."

Ultimate Iron Man looked at his doppelgänger with interest, and his silver-white suit immediately began to squirm. This set of venom suit was his most proud work.

"We still have a third option, to kill you all."

Chaoba showed a dangerous smile, and his confidence in strength made this guy completely ignore the idiots in the main universe.

Even a cracker can easily steal Pandora's box, so many superheroes can't solve a small cracker, so how awesome can it be?

Those of us are the ones who survived the war against the Anti-Monitor! Can this group of people in the main universe do it? !

The mentality of Super Dominance is bursting, and the visitors of the whole Earth-3 are also bursting with mentality.

The war broke out.

One after another figure approached their respective opponents, and a fierce battle broke out.

In an instant, all kinds of magic and technology confronted each other on the main universe earth, and a group of opponents with similar appearance and abilities fought fiercely.

Superman stared at Superman, and without waiting for Superman to make any moves, he came to Superman first, sizing up the doppelganger that was the same as his own, but taller, burlier and darker-skinned.

"Your weakness is kryptonite, tsk tsk tsk, how pitiful..."

Chaoba took out a piece of kryptonite, took a bite to replenish his energy, and shook it in his hand, sneering.

Superman looked at him blankly.

Chaoba frowned, and for some reason, he suddenly felt uneasy. After thinking for a moment, he threw the kryptonite at Superman.


The kryptonite hit Superman and crashed to the ground.

"Why is it useless? Just pretend." Chaoba frowned, chewed the stone in his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp, muttering.

Superman kept silent, bent down to pick up the kryptonite on the ground, and in front of Superman, crushed it in one bite, chewed loudly, and swallowed it into his stomach.


The Superman of the main universe said calmly.

Chaoba was dumbfounded at the time, staring blankly at the main universe Superman.

" can you eat kryptonite?!!"

Chaoba's face changed wildly, and his mind roared.

Superman nodded calmly: "Kryptonite, I was not afraid of it more than ten years ago."

Superman's body stretched straight, and the kryptonite swallowed in his stomach began to combine with Superman's cells. There was a slight mismatch at first, but in an instant, Superman's genes evolved the ability to adapt to kryptonite, and in turn absorbed the kryptonite. Contains great power.

So Superman would say that it tastes good, and he already has the ability to absorb kryptonite.

Don't forget, this superman of the main universe is injected with the doomsday virus, whether it is magic, kryptonite, or the red sun, he can ignore it long ago.

Now he is the most perfect him ever!

"Although I don't know why you chose the main universe as your target, I still want to are so pitiful!" Superman said slowly.

Chaoba roared in disbelief, and moved with a bang, the ground suddenly sank a lot, and his sandbag-sized fist went straight to Superman's face.


Superman's fist, which was bigger than a sandbag, easily grabbed Superman's full blow and held it firmly.

He didn't even move a single hair. It seemed that the superpower and the sonic boom caused by it didn't even have the qualifications to shake the hair of Superman in the main universe.


Superman squeezed hard, and Superman let out a scream, his eyes were red, and his hot eyes blasted out, hitting Superman in the face.

But Superman remained motionless. The powerful impact and destructive power of the thermal sight was like two harmless streams of water. Not only did it not hurt, but it was also a little itchy.

"How can you be so strong!!" Chaoba collapsed, with despair on his face.

This is different from what he expected! !

A superman who is not afraid of kryptonite and can eat kryptonite like himself? Can it also absorb yellow sun rays? Ignore your strongest attack?

This... this kind of monster really exists? !

Chaoba doubted life on the spot.

Superman looked down at him, his eyes were dangerous, the huge shadow pressed down, and he beat up Superman repeatedly.

A few seconds later, Chaoba lay on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, already in a semi-comatose state.

On the other side, Iron Man also officially engaged in fire with Ultimate Iron Man, fighting fiercely and spamming each other with trash talk.

"Your battle armor is something I have eliminated long ago. Bad hard metal will only restrict the function of the battle armor. You idiot are doomed."

A powerful beam of energy blasted from the chest of Ultimate Iron Man, and the moment the opponent dodged, the part of the armor in his hand immediately squirmed, creating a sharp blade, which slashed fiercely at the neck of Iron Man of the main universe.

"But you must not know, I have thought about the concept of the symbiote armor for a long time, a clone of the god of symbiosis that was originally imprisoned by SHIELD."

Tony grabbed the white sharp blade and said sarcastically: "This type of armor has a too low upper limit, and it will only be reduced to cannon fodder when facing powerful enemies at the universe level and multiverse level! The modified version of the symbiont that you are proud of, If you perceive the breath at that level, you will be too scared to move."

The red-gold and silver-white figures were constantly intertwined and entangled with each other, and powerful energy blasted out from time to time. At first glance, it was impossible to tell the winner.

Tony ordered directly: "Jarvis, drive that big guy out."

"Got it, sir."

On the perennially gloomy face of Ultimate Iron Man, there was a hint of ferocity: "Then I will completely smash the thing you are most proud of!"

Tony snorted coldly and smiled dismissively.

Until a giant mac flew in the sky, it felt like covering the sky and the sun, and the place it passed directly brought a terrible shadow to the earth.

Ultimate Iron Man suddenly looked up, and the symbiote suit told him that he had detected a powerful energy signal, and exuded a feeling of uneasiness.

Tony flew into the sky and entered the big guy's body through his chest. With a loud bang, the giant armor descended, causing a small earthquake.

"Meet Godslayer II, idiot." Tony's voice came out.

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