Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 912 Advanced Red Light

Godslayer No. 2 is the latest model of armor developed by Tony in imitation of the Godslayer armor, and it is also the strongest armor he has ever built by himself, at least far surpassing the armor of the anti-God group.

As a mortal who has personally worn the Godslayer, Tony knows better than anyone the horror of the Godslayer Armor. After wearing the armor, he can receive all information, and the entire multiverse seems to be a plaything in his hands. The attraction to anyone is fatal.

Unfortunately, Tony couldn't control that big guy at all, so the proud Tony gave up and planned to develop his own godslayer.

Thus Godslayer II was born.

"I have obtained the legacy of a great civilization, and obtained the knowledge accumulated over hundreds of millions of years of their development. This set of Godslayer II is my most proud effort. It must be no problem to blow up your symbiont."

Tony flew into Godslayer No. 2 with his whole body, and the giant began to light up a lot of light. Terrible energy fluctuations were slowly evoked, kicking up a large cloud of dust, and all the free particles in the air stagnated at this moment.

"Let's start the second round. Let's see how I throw you into prison. As my double body, you are so stupid that you lose me."

Tony's voice came from Godslayer II.

"you you you……"

Ultimate Iron Man stared at Godslayer II in bewilderment, and the symbiote suit began to scan frantically, trying to restore the relevant data and combat power comparison of Godslayer II, but only countless question marks and unknowns were returned.

A huge shadow pressed down, covering the sky and the sun, as if the only thing left in the world was the shivering silver-white figure shrouded in shadow.

Ultimate Iron Man, hit the street.

In other battle situations, most of the visitors from Earth-3 were also beaten one-sidedly. The scene was cruel and pitiful.

The evil and sentimental Super Queen was being pressed to the ground by Diana and exploded with a hammer.

"You show, cousin, I can't believe you are my double body?? You don't need to wear clothes at all, you only need to stick three rags on it."

Diana blasted the hammer, hitting the opponent's nose and face swollen, while glaring fiercely at the opponent's extremely revealing clothes.

"How can you be so much stronger than me?" The super queen spat out a mouthful of blood. She tried to use the bondage rope, but it didn't work for Diana.

Diana's body surged with divine power,

With a livid look on his face, he vented his anger on his fists, and beat the Super Queen so weakly that he couldn't fight back.

Diana in the main universe is not a Wonder Woman, she is the Goddess of War! She is the Goddess of War who received the legacy of Ares, the God of War!

Mage Modu is also miserable. This evil mage from Earth-3 thought he could kill Stephen from Earth-3, and it would be easy for him to defeat Stephen from the main universe, but the reality gave him a slap in the face.

Stephen, who was directly connected to the upgraded version of Weissante, flicked white magic and black magic for free, and under the bombardment, Master Modu was stunned.

"The book of Emperor Weishan is also in your hand?! Are you the real son of Emperor Weishan???"

Mo Du's eyes were about to burst, he yelled in disbelief, and then rushed to the street.

The downfall of some main combat forces could not bring down the villains of the entire Earth 3, but they collapsed to find that they not only had to face the siege of the superheroes of the main universe, but also the backstabs of the super criminals.


Black Adam, who was dressed in a black battle suit, had a distorted face and bloodshot eyes. After a loud roar, he descended with a huge thunder and slammed into the center of the battlefield fiercely.

"You bastards, this is my earth! It's mine!! How dare you rubbish get involved?!"

Black Adam roared again and again, and a thunderbolt blasted away the Green Goblin standing in front of him.

The most powerful and dangerous four-handed Hulk looked downcast and silent, but at this moment he suddenly raised his head, showing a fierce light, and slowly waving his four thick arms.

"Let me come, didn't we discuss it, everyone has to deal with their own doppelganger? You don't want to interfere in my battle."

A short dark red hair spread out, and a lunatic-like figure suddenly appeared, with a frightening cold light in his eyes, wearing a black armor, he shouted loudly: "Zansha!"

Thunder came.

"You are my doppelgänger? No, you look different from me, and also from that sand sculpture..." Hei Adam said with a cold face.

Zansha, who was exuding a dangerous aura, came slowly, and all the villains on Earth 3 frowned immediately, and hurriedly moved away, as if they were extremely afraid of this guy.

Earth Sanzansha, formerly known as Alexander Luthor, has the ability to transform. The power after his transformation does not come from a higher-level god, but from the people he killed.

Zansha can obtain various superpowers through continuous killing. This guy is also an extremely dangerous guy on Earth 3.

"My double body didn't appear on the battlefield, maybe someone killed it." Zansha laughed ferociously.

He is the doppelganger of Lex Luthor who was killed by Downey long ago.

The two figures collided together, a sonic boom erupted, and the ground was blasted into deep ravines by the two flying and colliding figures.

"If I kill you, I don't know if I can get the power you inherited..." Zansha licked his lips.

Black Adam snorted coldly, with a sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, the originally weak lightning suddenly erupted on his body, and amidst the lightning and thunder, his energy index rose explosively, reaching the level of the seventh-level limit in an instant.

Zansha frowned: "You..."

Black Adam grinned grinningly, the thunder flew out, and the man had already come to Zansha, punching Zansha's head with a punch, and a long stream of blood flew away.

Just kidding, Black Adam inherited Franklin's power, and Franklin's power characteristic is omnipotent, whether it is pure energy superposition, or modifying reality, or creating things out of thin air, or strengthening the body, strengthening the spirit...There is no Franklin who can't do it of.

Super Omega mutants are so domineering, and they are also as comprehensive as panacea.

Although Black Adam can't use any ability to modify reality, the simple superposition of energy has already given him the ability to blow up Zansha.

Zansha, who showed horror in his eyes, fell into a disadvantage in an instant and was beaten from all directions.

Spider-Man faced the Green Goblin, and with the assists of villains such as Doctor Octopus who came to help, he had an overwhelming advantage. The three Green Goblins on Earth were beaten and cried.

"This world can only be ruled by us. What do you, an outsider, want to die for?!" Dr. Octopus waved his mechanical arm and pushed the Green Goblin into the wall, smiling cruelly.

Spidey looked at Dr. Octopus who had been in love and killed with him for half his life, speechless, and didn't know what to say for a while.

This feeling... not bad.

The other villains also had to face the siege of many superheroes and supervillains, and their high-end combat power was lost or delayed one after another, and other weaker guys were retreating steadily.

"This is fucking unscientific! I want to go home!!"

Seeing the fierce battle, whether it was in terms of strength or number of his companions who were firmly suppressed, Shenlijie's face showed deep horror, and he almost peed in fright, and the whole person sat on the ground, crying bitterly.

"Trash! What are you bringing home?! Stand up for me!" Chaoba cursed vaguely with a bruised nose and swollen face.

The divine power ring sat on the ground like a fool, staring blankly. The green light ring in his hand was emitting a strange light, and dark green Cthulhu monsters were appearing one after another, competing with many main characters. Space warriors at war.

But this does not give him the slightest sense of security.

The divine power ring of Earth-3 is the double body of Hal Jordan in the main universe. He is a waste by nature, cowardly, cowardly, stupid, short-sighted... Any insulting words can be pinned on this man, and there is no harm in it. No sense of incongruity.

And the name of the divine power ring is not only Hal's villainous nickname, but also the name of this weird green light ring.

"You all know that I don't want to fight at all, I just want to abuse food!!!"

Using all fours, Hal rolled his shit on the ground, rolling and crawling as far away from the center of the battlefield as possible.

Some guys from the main universe wanted to kill him, but they were unable to break through the defenses of many Cthulhu monsters.

Yes, Lantern Ring is the reliance of this incompetent guy.

To be more precise, this trash is just a puppet, and the real owner is the lantern ring itself. The divine power ring, a mutant ring under the band of will, is the property of the three scourges of the earth.

At the same time, it is also the ring of origin of all the lamp rings of the three earths. Its characteristic is that it hosts the consciousness of the three disasters of the earth, and it likes to enslave weak chickens as its puppets.

Hal Jordan is the puppet chosen by the power ring.

Although he had been prepared for a long time, the Divine Power Ring was still very upset at this moment. With such a puppet, it would be very embarrassing.

"What? You asked me to rush up and kill them? You are crazy! Even if you are my master, you can't let me go to die!! I won't go, even if I'm killed! If you have the guts, take me and run away! "Hal's face was terrified, his whole face was twisted into a ball, and it was so green that it was outrageous.

The divine power ring became brighter and brighter, and the evil Rong inside was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he simply forced Hal to move forward.

Hal screamed again and again, and he returned to the battlefield uncontrollably. At the same time, more powerful monsters were created, so fierce that even the heroes and villains of the main universe could not resist for a while.

At this time, no one really realized the horror of the divine power ring, and everyone in the main universe just looked sideways.

This divine power ring is a super artifact that can intervene in the decisive battle between Darkseid and Mobius. At its peak, Mobius can be wiped out, thanks to the strong intervention of the divine power ring.

Only now, Shenlijie has to face his real opponent.

Above the earth, two figures are flying towards them, one yellow and one red.


Hal Jordan, who merged with the parallax monster, and the Red Lantern Hulk, who merged with the blood butchered cow, suddenly arrived on the earth.

"The others haven't come yet?" Hal asked indifferently.

Hulk snorted coldly: "That idiot Du Zun, I don't know what he's thinking, forget it, let's play our game."

As a large number of eyeliners on the earth, the Sky Eye Society with extremely high monitoring authority has sent the relevant information back to the Cybertron star for the first time, and successfully attracted the attention of a group of idle guys. Many people They haven't played with their respective doppelgängers yet, so it's not fresh.

Hal and Red Lantern Hulk were the fastest, excitedly arriving first.

"When I deal with that trash, having such a double body is really embarrassing." Hal looked coldly at San Hal, who kept wailing but was actually not a big deal, his heart was full of malice, and the yellow light ring in his hand exuded a strange The luster, the parallax monster in the body is about to move.

The Red Lantern Hulk didn't speak, and jumped directly in front of his double body, intending to face the four-handed Hulk.

"You are qualified to be my opponent."

The four-handed Hulk whispered, slowly raised his head, with disheveled hair, like a savage who has lived alone in the deep mountains and old forests for many years, but the violent and oppressive feeling on him is also real.

Four-Handed Hulk, as the second strongest Hulk in the comics after the Immortal Hulk, has a record of killing seven observers in a flash. Although the upper limit of strength is still unknown, the proper seventh-level peak cannot escape.

(Readers from some channels can’t see the single chapter I posted before. Let me explain here again. Marvel launched the Immortal Hulk comics a few months ago, so the ranking of Hulk’s combat power is Immortal Hulk No. 1, fourth Hand Hulk, Captain Universe Hulk, and Green Death Hulk are next.)

"I'm afraid you chose the wrong opponent."

The Red Lantern Hulk clenched his fists, his muscles swelled, the angry red light exploded, and the red flames blazed.

Although the four-handed Hulk is powerful, the guy standing in front of him is also terrifying. As a monster made of the combination of Green War + Red Lantern, combined with the blood of the angry lamp beast to slaughter the cow, the strength of the Red Lantern Hulk has already reached An extremely dire degree.

Only half a foot away, you can break through the eighth level, surpassing the limitation of a single universe.

With the precious Lantern Beast as an introduction to a higher level, the Red Lantern Hulk urgently needs a big battle to vent.

The two Hulks looked at each other, and each was reflected in each other's beast-like pupils. They were both taciturn people, so of course there was no need to talk too much nonsense.

There was a huge sound, and the ground suddenly sank into two deep pits, and the major plates of the entire earth were also shaken, and even the tilt angle of the earth itself was slightly deflected when it rotated.

The two monsters collided extremely ferociously, and shot from the ground to the sky, directly into the outer space. There is no confrontation of brilliant magic and exquisite technology. These two monsters rely on the purest fists to attack each other's body brutally time and time again.

Every attack can always cause a large shock.

In just a few seconds, the two had punched to the flesh hundreds of times. The confrontation was fierce and rough, simple and straightforward, but both had the power to smash stars with one punch. As the intensity of the battle increased greatly, they were born with anger. , the strength also began to increase rapidly.

The four-handed Hulk's body was even bigger, and his four arms became more ferocious and terrifying.

However, his opponents increased even more rapidly.


After punching the four-handed Hulk into the air, taking advantage of this short interval, the Red Lantern Hulk roared, and his whole body fell into an ethereal state, devoting himself to "anger".

In the dark, the already crumbling monomer barrier was completely shattered, the door to the new world was opened, and the infinity of the multiverse appeared in front of us bit by bit.

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