Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 913: They Are All Animals

The four-handed Hulk was completely blown away!

He was originally slightly inferior to the Red Lantern Hulk, and with the integration of the bloody bull, he was even less of an opponent, and now he was all relying on the crazy superposition of anger to support him.

After the red light Hulk crossed the threshold, the four-handed Hulk was completely crushed, his powerful body was bombarded and recovered again and again, scarred, and green blood filled the space, which was extremely tragic.

But the Red Lantern Hulk is getting more and more crazy, the red light in his eyes is even more frightening, and all kinds of indexes are climbing crazily.

In the end, with a bang, the four-handed Hulk was completely annihilated into ashes and could never be revived again. The red-light Hulk roared wildly, and various powerful fluctuations spread, causing energy disorder in many worlds.

Red Light Hulk barely crossed the threshold and entered a higher level.


Hal the Parallax Demon just glanced at the sky enviously. The Yellow Lantern Ring and the Parallax Monster have already fed back a lot of data to him. Everyone in Halby knows the current state of the Red Lantern Hulk.

"What an enviable guy..."

Hal grunted, grinned ferociously, his sharp teeth gleamed coldly, and a lot of malicious eyes stared down.

"Don't come here!!!"

Shenlijie was frightened to death, hugged into a ball and shivered, looking at his double body in fear.

Hal snorted coldly: "Trash!"

He also felt ashamed of Shenlijie's ghostly appearance.

Hal's gaze directly ignored the earth's San Hal, and stared at the power ring. He had already seen this ring in the secret file in the Iron Castle Archives. It was a variant ring of the Green Lantern Ring, and it was of great value.

Even the indifferent Hal couldn't help but be moved by the divine power ring in front of him, with greed and longing shining in his eyes.

As for the information on where Cybertron got the power ring, Hal is not interested in knowing it at all. He only knows now that he must get this ring!

"I think Optimus Prime won't rob me of this, he already has a black lantern ring and a white lantern ring..."

Hal stuck out his tongue and licked his lips.

Earth Sanhar took a sneak peek and saw that the doppelganger was staring at his ring, and jumped up like a rooster whose feathers had exploded, screaming piercingly: "Are you planning on my ring? I tell you it's impossible, die! Even if I die, I won't give you the ring!"

He was trembling all over, and his face was stern.

He was able to become one of the big bosses of the evil alliance because of the power of the ring, otherwise a guy like him would have died in a corner of the third earth.

"Then you go to die."

Hal said something indifferently, the yellow light ring came on, and a yellow light beam shot fiercely at Sanhar on Earth.

A dark green monster immediately appeared, instantly blocking Hal's attack.

A huge yellow hammer smashed down, and at the same time, Hal also had a huge cannon in his hand. After greatly strengthening the power of fear, the creations created by Hal were extremely lethal.

The monster was smashed to pieces in an instant.

"What a strong will..."

Hal frowned slightly.

Some of the abilities and characteristics of the Divine Power Ring are similar to those of the Origin Ring, both of which can create a large number of grotesque Cthulhu monsters. Hal has long been mentally prepared for the difficulty of the Divine Power Ring.

But after the brief confrontation just now, the power of the divine power ring still exceeded his imagination.

A mere monster is so difficult to destroy... Only the devil knows how many monsters can be created by a magic ring.

"I want you more and more... What's the use of following that trash? It's better to join hands with me,

At least it's better than being in this boring multiverse. "

Hal said something to the power ring, but the power ring was only silent for a moment, and there seemed to be a sarcasm laughing vaguely, and more monsters were created, and they rushed towards Hal ferociously.

Hal snorted coldly, the yellow light ring flashed yellow light, and a huge mecha was created, it was a castrated version of the Godslayer armor, and all kinds of powerful but weakened abilities were brought out by Hal.

The more complex and powerful the creation is, the greater the consumption of the user of the lantern ring is, not only the rapid loss of the energy of the yellow light, but also the perseverance, will, imagination, self-control, and maintenance of the user. A comprehensive examination of strength.

A rookie Lanternman may only be able to create a pistol, but a powerful Lanternman can easily create a nuclear bomb, which can still be detonated.

The yellow translucent Godslayer moved forward ferociously, blowing away a large piece of blank space with a punch, those Cthulhu monsters suffered heavy casualties in an instant, and were killed by this castrated version of the Godslayer armor.

The divine power ring faintly exuded a dark green brilliance: "Godslayer... the new god even got this thing."

The disaster of Earth 3 is exuding his unique will, observing carefully, and his mood is extremely bad. The guy in charge of the red light ring in outer space made him even more restless.

According to his idea, he just wants to be the master, and find a weak puppet like Sanhar on Earth, but if it falls into the hands of Cybertron... to die?

It would be light to erase his will!

The two Hals broke out in a big battle, and all kinds of strange creations and weird deformed monsters collided together, which became the strangest battle on earth.

For a moment, no one could do anything to anyone, and fell into a stalemate.


When the Alliance of Evil and the Dark Avengers were fighting against the Alliance and the Avengers, and when the eyes of the whole world were focused on this unique war, some of the visitors from Earth-3 had already quietly left, and did not participate in the melee at all.

"Grid, have you controlled the nuclear bombs of the countries on Earth?"

Under the night of Gotham City, a black owl-like figure quietly passed by, his dark eyes were looking viciously at this sinful city that lost Batman.

Ye Xiao waited patiently for a while, but did not get the slightest response. Under the owl mask, his brows were deeply frowned.

"Grid?" Ye Xiao asked again.

"...Mission failed, sizzling... I was discovered, there have always been troublesome guys on the earth, Ultron and Brainiac have placed a lot of subprograms on the earth, they found me!  … Hiss...I can't hold it anymore, you run away!"

Accompanied by harsh electronic sounds, the connection of the grid was forcibly severed.

As the double body of Cyborg, the ruthless program Grid has been lurking as soon as it came to the main universe. He was supposed to be the god of the Internet, but unfortunately, he ran into two gods, so he was kneeled down.

Ye Xiao stood quietly on the top of the building, and the pouring rain poured down, instantly soaking his battle clothes, and the black robe was tightly attached to his broad back.

"This earth is run by the new gods. That guy seems to have left the earth a long time ago, but in fact he firmly controls this planet...Damn it!"

Ye Xiao took a deep breath. He was as cold and rational as him, but he actually felt a little irritated in his heart, which was very rare.

They gathered all the capable elites from the three parts of the earth to invade the main universe, and the result was extremely miserable, with consecutive defeats. The power of the main universe was simply beyond imagination, and this was just a pawn that the new god randomly placed with a finger. their power.

The gap is too big.

"If you say that the earth can be so strong by itself, I don't believe it if you kill it. Mobius is here to let us die!"

Ye Xiao stood in the torrential rain, with terrifying lightning flickering above his head from time to time, tearing up the night sky and making the whole world extremely pale.

Look at these beasts in the main universe, all of them are hanging out, such as Doomsday Superman, Godslayer Iron Man, Goddess of War Diana, Black Magic Supreme Sorcerer, Omega Black Adam, damn it is unheard of. brute**.

This is the result of the new gods abducting all the existences on the earth.

Originally, according to their plan, even if the main universe earth is the hometown of the new gods, they will not be so strong that they cannot match, and at most they will fall into a disadvantage.

As the chief strategist and conspirator of the Evil Alliance, Ye Xiao specially analyzed all the information he could collect about the new gods. He felt that the new gods had already abandoned the main universe, so how could they care about the little earth.

But the reality gave him a shoulder throw. These elite villains who dared to confront Mobius were not only at a disadvantage, they were tortured to death from the very beginning!

"The original plan can only be discarded, and the backup plan is used..."

Ye Xiao took a deep breath and felt a heavy pressure in his heart. This was the worst outcome, even though he had been mentally prepared for it.

As the counterpart of Batman, Night Owl has a habit similar to Batman's. If plan a fails, he will come up with a plan b specially designed to deal with the failure of plan a. If plan b fails again, then there will be a plan c specially designed to deal with the failure of plan b. plan……

Now, all abcd is saved, and we can go directly to the last step: the ultimate plan for how to turn around after all the plans are stillborn before they have time to start.

"No... Now we are going to implement the modified version of the ultimate plan..."

Ye Xiao looked coldly at the guy who quietly appeared in front of him.

Not Batman, the Batman in the main universe has long since disappeared, but the Clown Emperor projected images of him torturing Batman in a fancy way in front of the entire multiverse.

Standing in front of him was a guy with exactly the same body shape and clothes as him.

Thomas Wayne, the younger brother of Batman in the main universe, when Downey used iron and blood methods to cleanse Gotham City, he specifically found Thomas Wayne and promoted him to the position of mayor of Gotham City, trying to consolidate the results of the cleansing.

Unfortunately, after Downey left, Batman still stubbornly implemented his own set, and the sky in Gotham City became dark again within a few years.

"I didn't expect that after Batman left, it would be you who succeeded him... Don't you hate your brother the most, or is this the meaning of the new god?" Ye Xiao slowly took off the owl mask.

Exactly the same face.

Night Owl's true identity is Thomas Wayne from Earth 3, an extreme guy. After witnessing his parents' FǔBài, he joined hands with Alfred to kill his biological parents, and killed his younger brother Bruce Wayne by mistake, and took over Wayne's control. grace enterprise.

Wearing an owl suit, Thomas said indifferently: "I'm not interested in taking over the position of that stupid bat. If he had listened to me, Gotham would have become a city of light... I just want to kill you. , this is my city anyway."

As he spoke, he pulled out a sharp blade, and the super serum in his body flowed.

As the only survivor of the Court of Owls, he was taken away by the Court of Owls for training as a baby. Although he is extremely low-key in the main universe, it does not mean that he is much worse than Batman.

At least in terms of strength, he can suppress Batman. After being injected with Downey's modified super serum to replace the dangerous Dionysus factor, he is even stronger.

"It's just you?" Supper was calm and unhurried, "Without the help of other minions, you can't defeat me. I have been desperately trying to survive since I was born, from Earth 3 to the main universe, I don't know how many times I have been in danger." Dead or alive, you are far away..."

After thinking about it, Ye Xiao suddenly patted his head: "Almost forgot, your owl court is all destroyed, right, because the Sangong Mo invaded the main universe and gave all of you guys who used the Dionysus factor It's overwhelmed... not everyone can enjoy the favor of the most powerful demon."

Thomas looked indifferently at himself in another universe, and said coldly: "You said you want to implement a modified version of the ultimate plan?"

Ye Xiao nodded: "Yes."

"Then my advice to you."


"Make an ultimate plan and kill it without changing the version. All your plans will not work."

Thomas remained indifferent and rushed towards Ye Xiao.

The night owl of the main universe and the three night owls of the earth are fighting in the night. Although they are all in the mortal stage, their ghostly movement speed and every attack accurate to the millimeter level are enough to make people amazing.

These are two super mortals who have used what they can do at the moment to the limit. Every movement of them is the essence of thousands of years of practice.

An owl dart was thrown, Ye Xiao immediately jumped off the building, opened his cloak, and flew across the night sky like a huge owl.

Thomas also jumped off immediately. During the rapid fall, he did not immediately chase after Ye Xiao. Taking advantage of this gap, he slid down the wall of the building, and then punched through a weak part of the wall, pulling out a big guy .

This is an...enhanced energy bazooka...

Thomas is not Batman, why should he fight hand-to-hand if he can take out a guy? !

call out!


Ye Xiao suddenly turned his head in the lightning and flint, showing a sneer, and then his whole body was hit by the energy bombardment. The owl suit on his body immediately countered, which seemed to have the function of reflecting energy. The powerful energy hedging led to an amazing explosion .

The entire Gotham City was shaken.

The heroes who guarded the city came one after another. They are the limited power to guard the city after Batman leaves.

The first-generation Robin Dick, the second-generation Robin Jason, the third-generation Robin Tim, and even Damian Wayne, who had just left the Shadow Warriors and came to Gotham City, rushed over immediately when they heard the voice.

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