Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 915 Kuntasha, the Great Life Venerable

The partner of Superman and Sovereign is very suitable for the candidate in Downey's mind. In the future, if the Overseer family wants to activate the thinking machine Superman, they must find two Supermen to act as energy sources.

The Positive Matter Speedmaster and the Antimatter Speedmaster are the two energy sources selected by Downey, and they are also the most suitable candidates.

"Although the Superman is a little weaker, for a beast like Superman, there is nothing that a tube of Doomsday virus can't solve. If there is, then another tube."

Downey nodded in satisfaction. Originally, he listed the Superman of the main universe as the first choice, but from the current point of view, Superman is also very suitable. This kind of bullying character is also easy to control. As long as the fist is bigger than him, Superman I dare not jump.

If it were Mobius who invaded the main universe, the superman in the main universe would definitely fight bloody battles until the last moment and would not surrender. As soon as Chaoba found out that he could not defeat Mobius anyway, he surrendered decisively... This is the gap , Superman is better to control than the main universe Superman.

"Hal and Hulk are also standing at a higher position. Generally speaking, in terms of numbers alone, there is no shortage of level 8, and it is enough to protect themselves in the realm of gods."

Downey got up, walked out slowly, looked up at the sky, and disappeared in place. In the next second, Downey appeared in an empty underground space.

As a cybertron star with a thousand layers of underground space, except for the free movement of all residents on the surface, the thousand layers of underground time and space are all closed, because there is no need to open them.

The entire Cybertron star is so huge, but the population is extremely sparse. Even if the population has been increased desperately in the past few years, it is only a mere two billion, which is nothing compared to the size of a universe, which is the average ratio of these populations. The power is very high, and only the wider space-time on the surface can accommodate these guys with high destructive power.

"It's time to start the transformation of Godslayer. When the magic chain is completely perfected and Kuntasha is born, the time will be ripe..."

Downey walked in the underground time and space, waved his hand, and pulled Wanda, the old mage, old Shazam, etc. over.

"let's start."

Downey said calmly.

The old mage said in a deep voice: "I have been studying the Book of Darkness for a while. If I want to build a magic chain that can supply countless lives to absorb power, I must have a huge energy source as support. The power of chaos is the best choice. ...But if this is the case, Wanda will face enormous pressure and benefit even more."

Old Shazam explained: "As long as Wanda becomes the source, the entire magic chain will serve Wanda, including those magicians who obtain power from the chain. Every time they borrow, every research, every time they use magic, You have to pay the price of knowledge, soul, and belief, and these will become the nourishment for Wanda to become stronger."

Wanda was dressed in red, and looked at Downey tenderly: "I have the confidence to do this."

Downey nodded emphatically. Regarding the magic chain, Downey doesn't intend to be the source himself. In fact, his current knowledge of magic is really inferior to Wanda, the God of Chaos.

Several people started working together, and Wanda glowed red all over, illuminating the underground world in an instant. The powerful power of chaos continued to gather. In the multiverse, a rule that runs through countless worlds is slowly being born.

It wasn't just the power of chaos, Downey also made a move. The powerful will of the only god was embedded in the chain. In an instant, this newly born magic chain received a powerful blessing and became stable in an instant.

Greedy eyes peeped over, hoping to make a fortune from this nascent magic system, but as soon as they felt Downey's will, they immediately gave up.

"This fellow Xinshen,

Simply pervasive! Does he regard the multiverse as his back garden? ! "

"Actually, it's really the back garden... Few gods in the entire multiverse can stop him."

"This guy should go to the realm of harming gods as soon as possible. There is a single god in the multiverse, and I always feel uncomfortable..."

"A wolf got in among the huskies?"

The gods and demons communicated for a while, and then quietly looked at the magic chain being constructed. The complexity of the new, high-end, and extremely powerful magic chain made them feel dizzy.

It is too complicated, and the foundation of this magic chain is too thick, it is difficult to destroy, and it is directly comparable to the magic chain built by Emperor Weishan in the early years.

After a long time, with a voice that almost resounded in the minds of billions of life forms in the multiverse, the construction of the magic chain unique to Cybertron was completed.

"This is just the beginning."

Downey's eyes spanned countless worlds, looking at the extremely complicated magic chain, the magic particles surging on it were rotating at a speed beyond time and space, sometimes swimming, sometimes converging, some particles had already entered the vast multiverse, and The lucky one with a very low probability agreed.

Downey turned to look at Wanda, and said in a deep voice, "How do you feel?"

Wanda frowned, feeling the feeling carefully. After a while, she hesitated and said: "There are already several life forms communicating with the magic chain..."

"So fast?! Are some gods spying on you?" The old mage frowned.

"No, it's just the lucky ones. They accidentally accepted the free magic particles and ignited the magic fire in their bodies. By the way, one of them is a resident of the surface."

Wanda spread her hands, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

The old mage and old Shazam looked at each other, a little dumbfounded, what a lucky guy.

Thinking about it carefully, this is actually quite normal. The multiverse is very fragile in the eyes of the only god, but in the eyes of life forms below the eighth level, it is almost infinite, let alone how many lives are being born and destroyed continuously. There are a few extremely lucky guys It's so normal.

After solving the problem of the magic chain, it was a big worry.

Even Downey couldn't help showing a smile. He opened his hand and aimed at the visiting godslayer. The power of the fire seed was activated through the soul, controlling the godslayer to move.

The bright lights and huge body are enough to easily destroy the energy index of the universe, and every slight movement can cause violent shaking of the surrounding time and space.

Downey stabilized the surrounding space-time dimension with one hand, and controlled this big toy with the other. Only Downey has such a luxury in the entire multiverse.

"I will spend time transforming this big guy to make it a powerful combat force on the Cybertron magic chain, which can be understood as an existence like a messenger."

Downey ordered the old mage and old Shazam: "You two leave first, and leave the rest to me and Wanda."

After the old mage and old Shazam left, Downey manipulated the godslayer to come over and landed in front of himself and Wanda.

"I thought who would you hand over this big guy to control." Wanda looked at the godslayer with her beautiful eyes.

"The result is the same. An eighth-level combat power, whether I transform it myself or give it to someone to control, it's the same."

Downey shrugged.

In fact, in Downey's mind, he is more inclined to modify it by himself. After all, Godslayer has an extremely complicated code on it. Without a life form recognized by the Aspirant, it is difficult to control this big toy.

Even if Downey spends a lot of effort to transform the Godslayer from the inside to the outside, it will still not change the exclusivity of this machine. It would be more beneficial to directly build a new Transformer.

Downey started to do it, and the huge Godslayer made an extremely ear-piercing roar like an ancient giant machine. Every sound was enough to easily destroy countless planets. The powerful sound waves carried energy beyond dimensions and were created by Wanda. The red barrier was forced down.

Facing the all-round invasion of the fire source, Godslayer finally began to disintegrate little by little.

The old energy system, transmission device, interdimensional technology, etc., have all begun to be reintegrated by Downey, and the mechanical parts have been stripped off, slowly distorting their shapes, and constantly transforming into a new look.

"Is it very difficult?"

Wanda, who was very familiar with Downey, was a little surprised and said that when Downey transformed the oaa god, it was not as difficult as it is now....

"The main reason is that the energy index is too huge. It is worthy of being a war weapon that almost wiped out the universe god group. No matter how you look at it, it is infinitely more complicated than that oaa god."

Downey's eyes are extremely bright, like a researcher who has discovered a new field, more like a child who has found a new way to play, even in the face of many difficulties, he is still full of interest.

At every moment, there are energy indices and logic programs that are comparable to the sum of countless universes being disassembled and combined. This means that Downey and Wanda are firmly in control. Randomly explode a part of it, there is no telling how many universes will be unluckily affected, it is extremely miserable.

Most of the residents of Cybertron have no sense of Downey's big move, and they are still doing their own things.

Only those who have crossed the eighth level can feel the terrible oppressive feeling from the underground world, especially the Red Lantern Hulk, who has barely reached the eighth level, is the most affected.

"It seems that the magic chain has almost been built, and there is not much time left for us."

The yellow light Hal is communicating with the disaster in the power ring, but his face is extremely ugly, obviously the process is not going well, through part of the power of the power ring, Hal sensed the movement underground, and his heart became more and more urgent.

He must control this damn ring before entering the realm of gods!

A ruthless look flashed in Hal's eyes.

"Many people want to control me, but their end is not very good." The divine power ring floated in the air, and the will of Huo Rong came out, "Why can't you live in peace with me? You can use my power, I Promise that you won't get in the way, on condition that you don't just order me to do things I don't like."

Hal sneered, "A fool would believe this kind of bullshit agreement. What you don't like? The devil knows what you don't like. You're just scared. You're afraid that I'll have no choice but to find Downey to deal with you!"

The divine power ring floated quietly and did not speak for a while.

[UU Reading 00ks] Hal frowned, and suddenly said: "No, you are not only worried about being wiped out... You want to get more, the Ring of Origin, right, the Ring of Origin is something from your double body , it stands to reason that you can also use want to use me to get a more powerful ring of origin!"

The Divine Power Ring was silent for a while, and the voice of Huo Rong came out slowly: "No one doesn't want the Ring of Origin, let alone the ring of my double body. It's normal for me to have greed for it. Help me Get the ring of origin, and you will become a god, and the ring of origin and divine power will give you the power to look down on the multiverse."

"Suggestion like shit, I will destroy you, get the power ring, plus a yellow light ring, and still be able to look down on the multiverse!"

Hal sneered, with a ruthless look on his face, gritted his teeth, and put the power ring on his finger!

Whether it can succeed, whether it can defeat the three evils of the earth, depends on this gamble, and Hal doesn't want to wait any longer.

The dark green of extreme will erupted, and covered the howling Hal with a deformed coat. He stared at the terrible eyes and was transforming into an unknown direction.

Hal's will and Huo Rong's will launched a fierce confrontation, with the emotional spectrum as the battlefield, a war broke out between the two.

On the side, the Red Lantern Hulk remained silent, watching this crucial battle indifferently. He was the last layer of insurance. Once the troublemaker gained the upper hand, he would use his own means to help Hal out of trouble, and directly call the other eight God acts as a reinforcement.

"Don't lose..." Hulk said in a low voice.



Downey focused on modifying every particle of the Godslayer, arranging them into a brand new existence according to his own mind. I don't know how long it took, the huge Godslayer disappeared, and everything in it was integrated into a new life middle.

At the same time, a little x energy was injected into this new life by Downey, and a powerful breath of life burst out, revealing joy. At the same time, the terrible atmosphere is spreading.

"Wanda, pull the magic chain and make room for this little guy. I don't want her to follow the normal direction of energy development."

Donnie shouted in a low voice.

Wanda immediately opened her palm and turned slowly towards the slowly wriggling metal ball. A powerful magic chain suddenly extended, one end of which rushed straight into the metal ball, and suddenly, expanding magic particles continued to flow. into it.

The complicated fire of life was extracted to form a brand-like thing, which was controlled by Wanda to enter the magic chain and embedded on it.

A female Transformer takes shape, and her facial features gradually emerge. Compared with normal Transformers, her petite body is slightly smaller. Tentacle-like metal strips are constantly wriggling, absorbing and sorting out huge energy fluctuations, and constantly analyzing huge energy fluctuations. The magic chain, a large number of magic particles are continuously understood and absorbed by her.

Donnie stared at her, and said slowly, "Quntasha, your name is Quintasha."

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