Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 916: The Lucky One

The news that there was another eighth-level god on Cybertron star spread to the ears of many residents in an instant, and the residents were very calm about this.

On the Cybertron star where strong people emerge one after another, XX strong people have successfully promoted, XX has a strong rise and other news, which happens almost every day. Although it is not enough to go everywhere at level 8, there are a lot of life forms below level 7.

In fact, this is easy to understand. You only need to take a closer look at the composition of the residents of Cybertron, and you will know that their starting point is definitely not low.

Transformers, Kryptonians, mutants.

Needless to say, Transformers, who just woke up from the cultivation warehouse, and randomly pulled out one and threw it on the earth, are qualified to be superheroes. The ability to combine various weapons at will is comparable to the brain and central processing unit of a quantum computer. The powerful metal body that has been genetically diffused by the modified X energy, and the weakest Transformers have powerful potential and immediate combat power.

Not to mention the Kryptonians, there are countless yellow suns shining on the surface of Cybertron, and the Kryptonians are very powerful at the beginning, so they can easily be strengthened.

The mutants didn't get off to a good start, but there are always guys with good potential. In addition, there are five major Omega mutants sitting at the top, and the superpowers of the mutants are even more varied, which greatly enriches the combat power system of each legion.

Moreover, no matter how weak the residents are, there are still other evolutionary routes to choose from. For carbon-based life, the simplest super-serum transformation is needless to say. strong foundation.

There are seven kinds of lantern rings, and there will always be a suitable one.

It is no exaggeration to say that there are no weak chickens on Cybertron, but there are strong ones.

"The newly appeared eighth-level god is said to be called Kuntasha, whose title is the Great Lord of Life."

"I've never heard of it..."

"She's a Transformer."

"Could it be another five-faced monster?!"

Several residents were communicating, and when they thought of the five-faced monster, their expressions suddenly changed, and they looked around nervously, for fear that the big guy with five faces would suddenly appear and threaten them.

This kind of thing happened not once or twice. Among the eighth-level gods, only the five-faced monster has an extremely bad temper. What he likes to do most is to monitor everything, and then suddenly appear, threatening loudly: "I, the five-faced monster!"

Many people suffer from headaches, can't hit and can't beat, and dare not to scold - considering that the other party has five mouths, coupled with the strong thinking ability and tireless characteristics of the eighth-level god, it is estimated that they can't win by scolding, but they have to Gasoline sprayed all over his face.

Just when several residents were entangled, a dark green light suddenly burst into the sky, breaking through a gap in the powerful defense system in an instant.

Not only did the isolated blood energy not pour in through the gap, but it was pushed back a lot by the Cthulhu monster gathered by the dark green powerful willpower.

An emotional power that can pull the thinking of many lives reaches its maximum in an instant, and the moment it spreads wildly, it sweeps back again.

"What happened?" Someone asked in surprise.

This dark green emotional energy is full of negativity, and everyone who feels it can't help frowning.

"The power that touches the emotional spectrum...Is it Optimus Prime? I've never heard that he has such a powerful ring of negative emotions."

Hal's figure flew into the sky, madly venting his power that was about to explode. After a long time, he calmed down and looked down at the divine power ring in his hand.

In Hal's sight, there are a large number of deformed monsters flickering on the surface of the lantern ring, appearing and passing away quickly.

"Just because you want to control me?"

Hal grinned grimly.

Yelling at Huo Rong who had already been suppressed and couldn't lift his head.

After an arduous tug-of-war, Hal finally gained the upper hand with his strong will, successfully suppressed the disaster, and seized the control of the Divine Power Ring in all directions, barely possessing the ability to wrestle arms with the eighth-level god .

Although this can easily make Hal exhausted, he uses the divine power ring, which means he has to fight against the enemy and at the same time, he has to be distracted to suppress the restlessness of the disaster, but no matter what, he is still the final winner, and no one can change it. at this point.

"Hal succeeded so quickly?"

In a certain secret laboratory, Optimus Prime suddenly raised his head, and looked in surprise at Hal, whose eyes were bloodshot and somewhat hysterical.

He originally thought that it would take Hal a lot of time to suppress Fu Rong.

Megatron tore open the sleeping chamber, stood up indifferently, his body became a little dark and deep, and he snorted coldly: "To some extent, that guy is more suitable for doing some terrible things than you, because his The psychological expectations are much lower than yours, and controlling a mere mutant ring is nothing at all."

Optimus Prime didn't respond, but just looked intently at the completely changed Megatron, and the eight rings scanned Megatron's situation, thoughtfully.

The plot gem is inlaid on Megatron's left hand, exuding a strange black luster, and sometimes there is a terrible sense of discomfort. Even the mighty Optimus Prime feels a sense of discomfort. Every time his eyes touch the black Gemstones all have a weird feeling that their souls will be extracted.

"This plot gem is more powerful than I imagined, and I almost won't be able to come back."

Megatron raised his arm on his own initiative, staring at the plot gem on his finger bone with lingering fear.

This was the first one-of-a-kind gem he absorbed, and its terrifying omnipotence almost caused Megatron to sink forever, and his soul would wander endlessly in the dark world.

If it weren't for the guidance of Tinder, he wouldn't have woken up at all.

"At least you succeeded, didn't you, you got what you wanted." Optimus Prime patted Megatron on the shoulder.

Megatron didn't speak, he carefully felt the power of the plot gem, the feeling of omnipotence gave Megatron the illusion that he was the creator god of countless worlds.

The plot gem is too powerful, and the ability to control everything, control everything and have everything as you like is simply a deadly poison.

Fortunately, Megatron survived, defeated himself, and did not become a slave to the plot gem.

"What's the situation on Cybertron now? I just woke up, and even Hal became a god." Megatron said indifferently.

Generally speaking, on Cybertron, only those who have reached the eighth level are eligible to be called gods, and "weak chickens" like Hal have gained the power to fight against the gods, which is beyond the power of Megatron. expected.

"Not only Hal, Hulk has also become a god, the unprecedented god of anger, Bobby has also tapped his potential now, Bobby also has the new life lord Kuntasha, the power on our side is even stronger strong."

"How long before we leave for the realm of the gods?"

Megatron was connected to the global network, and he had an instant insight into all the secret information. During the time he was asleep, many big things really happened.

The God of Chaos and the God of Phoenix have also appeared. Ke Sen died in battle and Seth fled. He actually missed so many things, which made Megatron somewhat regretful.

"Soon, maybe in a few months, maybe in a few years," Optimus Prime replied.

Time is the least valuable thing to them.

Megatron activated the plot gem, and in an instant, the powerful aura on the entire Cybertron star was easily captured and recorded by him. This is Megatron's unique way of greeting.

Not long after she was born, Quintasha, who was wandering around on Cybertron, suddenly stopped. The metal man's face showed displeasure, and powerful magic particles rushed in, shielding unknown prying eyes.

"Impolite guy..." Quintasha muttered.

This newly born god, born divine, is rapidly collecting all the information and constantly enriching herself. She was born with powerful strength and super high authority, but she lacks self-awareness of this world.

"Let's think about it, um, the lucky one who received the approval of the magic chain..."

Quintasha thought about it, and moved quickly, and there were a lot of magic traces flickering wherever she passed. For some magicians, these traces left by Quintasha inadvertently belonged to the magic holy land.

The concentration of magic particles is terrifying.

"I need a servant I can trust."

Kuntasha is petite and moves forward like an elf. She intends to find the resident who is recognized by the magic chain. There are not many lives in the entire multiverse that can be absorbed by the new magic chain, but there is actually one on Cybertron. one.

The proud Quintessa decided to take down this guy with good qualifications.


It descended from the sky, setting off waves of ripples, purifying the air and washing away the dust. The nearby residents were looking at this newly arrived god in surprise.

In front of this huge arsenal, Kuntasha is like a bright moon in the dark, instantly attracting all the attention.

"Who are you?"

Ji Butian stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "This is an arsenal, and no one else is allowed to enter. If you have no official status, I will arrest you."

"What are you doing?" Kuntasha blinked, watching curiously as the factory continuously produced all kinds of "outdated", "ugly" and "useless" mechanical weapons.

Ji Butian frowned, and looked at Kuntasha, not sure what the identity of this little guy is, such a small it a miniature Transformer?

"Preparing for war, fighting in God's Domain requires countless powerful weapons, and our duty is to produce the most advanced weapons!"

Ji Butian proudly puffed out his chest.

Quintasha lost interest in an instant.

Most advanced?

It's all rubbish...

It is true that Kuntasha is a master of life who plays magic now, but her predecessor was the most capable godslayer... There is no record of any advanced weapons, just the weapons produced by this arsenal... It simply makes Kunta Sarah couldn't bear to look directly.

But there is no way, who made this arsenal serve existences below level seven.

"I'm looking for confinement, he is qualified to be my servant." Kuntasha said lightly.

Ji Butian did not speak, and directly connected to the global network. As the administrator of an arsenal, he was considered a small cadre.

"Ao Chuang, tell me the identity of this person." Ji Butian whispered.

"Sir, your authority is insufficient." Ultron replied.

Ji Butian relaxed his brows, pondered for a moment, and sent someone to find him in confinement.

"Although I don't know which adult you are, it's his honor to be able to take a fancy to confinement..." Ji Butian's expression eased, and his meticulous body bent slightly to show respect.

Kuntasha became a little impatient, she stretched out a finger and tapped lightly, and with a bang, a black Transformer appeared on the spot.

This is a guy with a height of six meters, which is really not that high among the group of Transformers, and it is far from Megatron's ten meters.

Confinement subconsciously pulled out the saber, and immediately put it down.

"Who are you?" Lockdown asked.

"I am your master, from now on, you are my servant, and you will become the most powerful warrior under my command."

Quintasha threw out a spell again, imprisoned the confinement in an instant, moved it away, and Quintasha herself disappeared in place.

Ji Butian looked at the two people who disappeared, and kept silent. Although he felt sorry for losing the half of his disciples who had been locked up, that was all. It was a great honor for Locked Up to be seen by a big shot.

"I just don't know which strong man this is." Ji Butian sighed regretfully.

On the current Cybertron star, there are various powerful beings appearing almost every day, and it is normal for him not to know Quintasha.



The confinement was thrown roughly to the ground.

Floating in the air, Kuntasha said indifferently: "I am Kuntasha, the great life lord, the latest god. As the first life on the local planet to be resonated with the magic chain, you are qualified to be my servant."

Confinement looked at the little guy in front of him in horror, which was not as big as his head.

This little thing is the Great Lord of Life? Still chose yourself? !

The mental quality of confinement is excellent, he immediately digested the news, stood still, and said in a deep voice: "What do you want me to do, as long as it can make me stronger, I am willing to give you my loyalty."

"Very good, I will use magic to transform your body, you are too weak now, you will lose me if you take it out."

Quintasha raised her hand slightly, and the confinement floated up with a whirring sound. Quintasha shot out powerful magic one after another, and poured it roughly into the confinement's body, and began to transform the confinement's body in all directions.

If you want to become the number one fighter under her command, you need to be at level seven, no matter how weak you are, it's too much.

Quintasha is very happy to transform this fierce guy in front of her into a magic warrior that suits her wishes. It is not difficult. Quintasha is very good at this kind of life magic, and it is easy to transform the characteristics of a Transformer.

This is a transformation from the level of life factors. A magical adaptation body is piled up by artificial means, and the whole body is a magical body.

The ghost knows how painful the confinement is at this time, but he is enduring it, just for his ambition to have an opportunity to burst out.

Not long ago, he inexplicably received the magic chain, which was the biggest opportunity and gave him a new chance.

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