Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 917 Don't Let Me Down

The realm of the gods.

In this vast and frightening world, except for those few top-level realms, and some large realms that are confident in their own strength, the other small and medium realms are carefully hiding themselves.

Unlike hell, which is so vast that it can easily accommodate countless lives, small and medium realms are mostly established by a certain force or a certain family, and at the extreme end, they are hiding places built by only a certain god.

A world like hell has the confidence to be inclusive of all rivers and rivers. Whoever you are, if you have the ability to enter hell, and if you have the ability to survive in a hell full of dangers, demons and monsters, you have the qualifications to survive in hell.

But those small and medium realms are not good, they hide themselves carefully, for fear of being targeted by a ruthless character and destroying them at will.

In the realm of the gods, apart from those giant worlds that can last forever, there are many worlds with weak strength that are destroyed every moment.

There are more high-end energy and more fascinating laws, as well as the more precarious and precarious laws of the jungle.

At this time, the realm of the gods, a hidden magic realm.

This kind of magic realm is very common in the realm of gods. As a power system that is extremely popular and accessible, magic has many fans in the realm of gods.

The Trinity Emperor Weishan slowly opened his eyes, and the three gods looked at each other.

"The source of black magic has been contained."

"The super-cosmic level is no longer a problem, but if we are promoted, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of commotion."

"let's start."

Powerful beams of light emerged, and the two diametrically opposed forces of black and white continued to spiral upward in the interweaving. The strong will destroyed everything, and the entire magical world fell into huge turmoil, being forcibly shaken by more advanced forces. Stirred into chaos by powerful and new forces.

The huge phantom surpassed the limitation of this small world in an instant, and the figure of Emperor Weishan radiated, covering many worlds.

The sharply rising level of power also greatly shocked the other gods.

"Emperor Weishan? He actually found a chance to be promoted to super-large class?!"

"How is this possible, damn it, if it's me..."

"Fortunately, Emperor Weishan is not that kind of evil god. With his protection, the small realms around us can be safer."

Immediately, one after another divine thoughts came to explore, and they were immediately smashed by Weishandi's greatly enhanced force field, but more divine thoughts continued to explore, observing the changes of Weishandi.

For them, whose highest level is only eighth, the power of quasi-ninth level can only be looked up to, and Chaoda's crushing of Diversity is absolute.

But in any case, thanks to Emperor Weishan, not some vicious guy who was promoted.

The strength of Emperor Weishan has skyrocketed, and this ancient Chaos God has surpassed everything in the past, becoming the first god to step forward to a higher level.

Weishandi is too old, his magic chain can even radiate to any corner of the multiverse, and is respected and awed by countless beings.

However, after all, it is only an eighth level, which makes people feel that something is missing.

But now, Emperor Weishan finally got rid of the embarrassing situation of not being able to get up and down. He is a quasi-level nine, and he already has the qualifications to be respected by powerful beings.

The changes here continue to spread, and the quasi-ninth-level breath spreads rapidly, alarming more worlds. Most of the worlds act as ostriches, hiding themselves, and there is no plan to investigate at all, wishing that the scary guys ignore them.

Many ancient existences have no scruples, and they are probing unscrupulously.

Emperor Weishan let out a cold snort,

In an instant, countless prying eyes were shattered.

"Damn guy..."

Some gods couldn't help cursing, and gave up angrily.

Some ninth-level ancient existences have also awakened a little bit, just glanced at them casually, and ignored them. The super-cosmic level is still rubbish in their eyes.

But no matter what, the quasi-ninth-level Emperor Weishan is already qualified enough to win the awe of countless gods in the realm of gods.

In the huge phantom, three faces emerged.

Agamotto whispered: "Successful, let Donnie know."

"If there is no accident, we who have just been promoted will be involved in a big trouble, and we will have to fight some tricky guys." Hogs said.

"I need to find someone who is not afraid of death to consolidate my strength. I haven't used black magic yet..." Ossett was extremely indifferent.

A message crossed the Speed ​​Force wall and entered the multiverse.

Donnie, who had been waiting for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, and a fiery gaze flashed in his eyes.

He has been waiting, waiting for Weishan Emperor to be promoted successfully, and waiting for Weishan Emperor to send him a message. Fortunately, Weishan Emperor did not disappoint him, and the promotion speed was much faster than expected.

"it's time……"

Donnie took a deep breath.

It's time for the entire Cybertron star to enter the realm of the gods.

Now under Downey's command, there are more than a dozen eighth-level existences alone.

Wanda, God of Chaos, Bumblebee, God of Fairies, God of Phoenix, Optimus Prime, God of Spectrum, Megatron, God of Infinity, Super Omega Franklin, Red Lantern Hulk, Power Ring Hal, Kunta the Great Life Sha, Quintessentials, Doomsday King Kong, Old Shazam, Ice God Bobby...

Raven, the daughter of Sangong, is also coming soon.

This is a force that Downey has spent countless efforts to build up. Putting it in the realm of God, it is more than enough from the perspective of self-protection.

"I finally waited for this day..."

With an excited expression, Downey stepped forward, opened his arms and flew into the sky, looking down at the planet under his feet.

Feeling in the hearts of countless residents, they looked up at the sky in surprise, feeling Downey's will. They waited patiently, waiting for the Highest God in their hearts to spread his word.

After a long time, only one voice echoed repeatedly in their minds.

"Let's... go to the realm of the gods!"

Go to the realm of the gods!

The entire planet fell into a momentary silence, and countless people fell silent, opening their mouths in surprise.

After a while, there were countless almost crazy cheers.

"The Realm of the Gods!! Are you finally going to the world of the gods!!"

"I have been waiting, waiting for the Supreme Council to issue a war mobilization order, and finally..."

"Nothing can stop us! Cybertron civilization is bound to go great!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"I'm going to Apocalypse! I'm going to wrestle with Darkseid!! I'm going to hell, I'm going to wrestle with Sangongmo!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"


Everyone is crazy, they have been waiting silently.

Just like them back then, a group of apprehensive people left the earth for the first time and entered the vast universe and starry sky.

Just as they have lived in the main universe for half their lives, they set off to relocate once again, and entered the bloody realm full of crises for a long time.

This time, it is the third great migration, and it may also be the last time. They will surely arrive at the world where countless gods live, and become a member there. No one can stop or shake them.

Downey's words were like a mobilization order of the highest level, and the entire planet fell into an abnormal state of frenzy. No matter how weak the residents were, they wiped their weapons repeatedly, waiting for the day when they would conquer the God of War domain.

Even those Buddhist residents who don't like war will inevitably fall into entanglements, eager to settle in the realm of gods that only exist in legends.

The beings living in the multiverse, as long as they reach a certain level, know how fragile the multiverse is, and countless universes are destroyed by the aftermath of the battle between the high gods every minute.

In the realm of gods, there will be no such fear. Compared with the realm of gods, the vast multiverse is nothing worth mentioning.

As for the high-end power that Cybertron already has, as long as it is not attacked by an outrageously powerful guy, it is more than enough for self-protection.

The entire Cybertron star has fallen into a huge restlessness.

In the Supreme Council, many high-level officials gathered, and a powerful god descended with solemn expressions.

If you want to attack the realm of gods, there are many crises. Among other things, the level of the wall of speed and power alone is doomed to be extremely difficult.

"The key to the question now is whether the wall of speed force will allow us to take away the three supreme powers, which are the essential power systems born in the multiverse."

"There is no definite news to prove that the Wall of Speed ​​Force will contain the holders of the three powers, but this is the problem. We also cannot be sure that he will not contain it. We must prepare for the worst."

"Isn't it possible to use the mother box to break through the speed force barrier? We have three mother boxes in custody, so it's not difficult to create a sonic boom channel that wraps the entire Cybertron star." Someone asked.

Downey shook his head: "The full version of the mother box can break through the limit of the wall of speed and force, but only three are not enough, and there are a large number of eighth-level gods among us, the mother box cannot afford it."

It's not impossible to teleport one by one, but I'm afraid that the power to face the wall of super speed and force will be lacking, and no one can guarantee that there are no guys waiting on the sidelines in the domain of gods.

Those old Yinbi are very bad, and the most important thing is patience.

"We have the Weishandi platform on the quasi-ninth level. If it doesn't work, I should be able to barely hold a quasi-ninth level with the Supreme God Armor. Don't worry, as long as we can break through the wall of speed and power, with our strength, Enough to overwhelm a group of guys who don't shoot to death can't hold their heads up."

Downey said lightly.

Just kidding, more than a dozen eighth-level gods, don't beat those idiots with malicious intentions out of shit!

Who would have thought that Downey would have collected such a large number of eighth-level gods in just thirty years? It is no exaggeration to say that this scale is enough to flatten ninety-nine percent of the medium-sized realms. In terms of quantity alone, even the Apocalypse and New Genesis cannot compete with Cybertron.

Of course, it's just the number. If Darkseid personally attacked Cybertron, it is estimated that the record of one against five and one against ten can be easily achieved.

Like the five-faced monster, its combat power is actually at the bottom of the eighth level. When it resisted the snake god Seth, it was almost blown away, let alone compared with a super god like Darkseid.

Donnie glanced at the hundreds of people present, and said calmly: "And don't forget, as long as the mother box is in hand, no matter who comes, I am sure to throw him on the Apocalypse... Naturally, Dak Sid handles it."

The members present fell into a state of speechlessness. They carefully recalled what Downey did in the past, and couldn't help but think deeply... Darkseid is so pitiful...

"When is the departure?" Professor X asked tremblingly.

"How about a month? I need to place chess pieces in the multiverse. It will take a little time, and it will take time for all the residents to prepare."

Donnie has not concealed the goal of conquering the God of War domain from the very beginning. Every resident on this planet knows it well, and has been silently preparing for it all these years, whether it is psychological or material preparation.

"To shake the wall of the speed force hard, you may fall into the speed force, which requires us to prepare a lot of logistical supplies."

"I suggest that all the eighth-level gods enter the multiverse and frantically search for materials. The total matter and total mass of at least several hundred universes must be stored on Cybertron."

Magneto's face was extremely cold, and he said coldly.

The proposal passed quickly.

The devil knows how long they will be in a stalemate in the speed force. Those at the seventh and eighth levels may not have an urgent need for supplies, but those below the seventh level cannot, unless they abandon those residents below the seventh level, but this is impossible.


Proposals have been initiated and passed continuously. No one who can stand on the Supreme Council is a mediocre person. Everyone has strong thinking ability and excellent vision, with a rich experience that is frighteningly rich, and many ideas Been proposed.

Soon, the meeting ended, and a congressman left with an extremely serious expression.

Different from previous relocations, the risk of relocations in the past was suppressed by absolute force, which was easy to control, but one must be cautious when entering the realm of God.

Downey stood alone in front of the Supreme Council, as if he was facing countless worlds.

"I'll surprise you all... I alone have the strength of Darkseid's level, whoever comes and who dies!"

Downey walked out of here slowly, and his expression returned to calm, like an ancient pool with no bottom, only the surging powerful energy showed that his heart was not peaceful.

The arm was raised, the portal was opened, and two figures appeared in front of Downey.

"Although we leave the multiverse, it doesn't mean we give up here. There are still many secrets to be discovered here. I need you to stay in the multiverse and monitor this world for me."

"Don't worry about lack of strength or lack of energy. I will find a way to get rid of your only favored characteristics and make you the same as other multiple beings."

"Every time a universe is created, there will be your double body. Whether you choose to destroy the world, choose to establish the kingdom of God, or something else, it doesn't matter, it's up to you."

Downey looked at the two figures standing in front of him, and said slowly: "Your forces are collectively called... Beastman."

"Understood, General Orangutan, Tyrannosaurus Rex, don't let me down."

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