Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 918 Beastman, attack!

After accepting Downey's order, the Beastmen, who have been silent for a long time, have their only favored attribute stripped away. From then on, they will lose the possibility of maintaining their unique characteristics, and become no different from the diverse natives.

There are as many beast warriors as there are parallel universes.

When the sparks of General Orangutan and [UU Reading 00kxs] Tyrannosaurus Rex were modified by Downey, in an instant, in the entire multiverse, there were double bodies of General Orangutan and Tyrannosaurus Rex in countless universes.

They are shouldering the great mission given to them by Downey, and the divine words are nailed into the fire in their chests like a nail. This order will accompany countless of them until the end of time.

"The highest goal is to secretly find the whereabouts of the self gem, the rhythm gem and the heart of the universe!"

"Once found, the core program implanted in the deepest part of your fire will start, and I will be able to receive the signal from you."

"This matter is related to the future of Cybertron to some extent. After I leave the multiverse, the main body will not be able to return. The effect of the avatar is limited, and it is all up to you."

Downey transplanted this command directly into the Tinder of the Beastmen in the form of instinct, hoping to receive good news in a few years.

The self-gem, which seals the consciousness of the ninth-level Nemesis, is extremely dangerous, and it doesn't matter if you can't find it. The Rhythm Gem is another unique gem, which is of great significance to Megatron, not to mention the Heart of the Universe. With this thing, a ninth-level monster can be created in minutes.

In the entire multiverse, there are only these three things that Downey can remember, and they are also artifacts that Downey has never been able to find.

We can only rely on the Beastmen. Downey has high hopes for them. At the same time, the Beastmen are also a tiny spark of civilization left by Downey. The Beastmen can still pass on the Cybertron star.

Maybe there will be a day of rejuvenation.

Batches of transformed Beastmen were sent back to the main universe by Downey, where the old Cybertron star was still silent in the starry sky, covered with dust.

This dead and dilapidated planet will become the residence of the Beastman, and it will also be the node that allows the Beastman to spread throughout the multiverse.


The orangutan general felt that he had a long dream. When he woke up, he had forgotten a lot of things, and it seemed to be an illusion. He touched his head, showing a confused expression, scanning his memory repeatedly, and Confirm that there is no problem with your consciousness through complex logical problem solving.

A ferocious purple metal dragon flew down, and the violent flames spouted from its feet gave him the ability to fly.

"Gorilla, why are you in a daze, are you scared stupid?!" Tyrannosaurus rex spewed out a mouthful of anger, and said angrily.

The orangutan general got up and said calmly: "No, I just feel a little strange instinctively... Where is Thanos now?"

"Earth! That nasty purple sweet potato spirit came back from time travel in 2014, and planned to start the feat of destroying half of the universe. Ha, what an irony, the first public enemy of the universe appeared, but unfortunately it wasn't me, yes~"

The Tyrannosaurus rex roared majestically, and the power of the sub-celestial father spread, causing a huge storm on Cybertron.

The orangutan general's face drooped, he pondered for a moment, and said, "We are going to the earth immediately, we must stop him! If half the universe is destroyed, there is only a 50% chance of Cybertron's survival. We can't afford it." .”

Two sub-celestial father-level existences soared into the sky, stepped into the space bridge, and arrived at the earth immediately.

At this time, the earth has long been caught in the flames of war, and the dark sect leads many affiliated civilizations under Thanos,

There is a fierce confrontation with the indigenous forces of the earth.

All kinds of powerful technological weapons frantically scrubbed the ground, countless space warships rampaged, and many superheroes also appeared frequently, fighting bloody battles.

Unfortunately, they are facing Thanos.

"Thanos destroyed the Quantum Channel! Find a way to send the Infinity Stones back in time!"

"Ant-Man, activate the last quantum machine and send all the Infinity Stones to their proper age!"

Thanos almost smashed the black panther with his sword, and his vibrating gold battle suit was obviously damaged, which could not be repaired. Long bloodstains appeared on the black panther's body, and the blood flow continued.

Thanos held a terrifying light blue long sword in his hand. Every time he swung it, a large number of soldiers were killed. The powerful energy wave extending from the long sword ravaged the earth, turning the earth into a There are ravines and ravines.

"You group of ants, don't even think about it."

With a ferocious face, Thanos stretched out his big hand and grabbed the Infinity Gauntlet that fell on the ground, with longing in his eyes.


Captain Marvel punched Thanos hard and staggered. This powerful superhero, with a golden light comparable to a star, grabbed the Infinity Gauntlet.

"you wanna die!"

Thanos roared, tugged at the gloves with Captain Marvel, raised the blue long sword in rage, and slashed it down, easily breaking through Captain Marvel's energy field. , a head raised high, bringing up a large flower of blood.

"In front of my infinite sword, no one is my opponent."

Thanos licked his lips ferociously. The cosmic-level power constantly erupting from the long sword satisfied Thanos. The power of this infinite sword was beyond his imagination.

The Infinity Sword, Marvel's first sword, as a part to match the Infinity Gems and Infinity Gloves, can only exert part of its power now.

The power of a single Infinity Sword is the same as that of a single Infinity Gem, at most it has cosmic power, but if it can be combined with each other, the burst of power is enough to make the gods tremble.

Thanos is looking forward to getting all these together, and then completing his feat of destroying half of the universe, otherwise how can he please death? This is his promised gift to death.

A number of superheroes tried to snatch the Infinity Stones, but they were all killed by Thanos with a sword. Only Wolverine, a guy covered in Adamantium alloy, can resist the Infinity Sword and survive with his claws. The body was left with deep and visible bone wounds.

Thanos ignored the scars all over his body, greedily stared at the Infinity Gauntlet, stretched out his right glove, and seeing that his dream of destroying half of the universe was about to come true, this cosmic tyrant was inevitably a little excited.


A huge beam of light came crashing down and hit Thanos himself precisely from the sky. The two rushing figures moved quickly. The Tyrannosaurus rex stepped on Thanos' right arm, and the orangutan general strangled Thanos from behind. body.

"Thanos, your ambition is destined to be shattered!" General Orangutan roared loudly with all his strength, the metal body was tense, each piece of metal was under tremendous pressure and rattled.

There was a fierce light in Thanos' eyes, and he was about to wield the sword of infinity, but the Tyrannosaurus rex directly swung his tail and knocked the dangerous long sword into the air.

A large number of light beams descended again, and the expeditionary forces from the cybertron star arrived on the earth one by one, and began a fierce battle against the Thanos army. Each of these tireless Transformers is an elite fighter who is proficient in combat. showed great advantages.

"General Gorilla, transform!"

"Tyrannosaurus rex, transform!"

(What is going on with this strong secondary feeling...)

The two big guys showed their fighting form one after another, brutally pressing Thanos to the ground.

Compared with orangutans and dinosaurs, Thanos is still too thin.

"Damn you all!!"

Thanos summoned the Infinity Sword, and the cosmic-level powerful energy field began to shake, the entire earth began to tremble, dense cracks appeared on the ground, and volcanoes erupted frequently, creating a doomsday scene.

This blue long sword surged with a strong sense of coercion. The orangutan general strangled Thanos fiercely, and then there was a back fall, and Thanos was firmly pushed into the ground.

Tyrannosaurus Rex grabbed the Infinity Gauntlet, and General Orangutan picked up the Infinity Sword. These two dangerous weapons officially fell into their hands.

Thanos was about to go mad with anger, his eyes widened, and his eyes were about to burst: "No, that's my thing!! You damn robots, who are you?!!"

Tyrannosaurus rex showed a piercing smile: "Welcome to the Centaur Cantilever Cybertron as a guest, yes, Eternal Titan."


After finishing speaking, Thanos was punched by Tyrannosaurus rex, his face was shattered and blood flowed profusely.


The orangutan general swung his long sword and stabbed directly into Thanos' chest, the tip of the sword pierced through, and the powerful energy instantly destroyed Thanos' internal organs, annihilating Thanos' vitality from the inside out.

The era of tyrants and tyrants has come to an end.

The army brought by Thanos was also severely cleaned, and was almost slaughtered by the army of Cybertron.

"Um, thank you very much for your help, but no matter who you are, please return the Infinity Stones to us." Iron Man flew up and opened his hand towards the Tyrannosaurus rex.

In any case, there's no reason for them to give up the Infinity Stones, which can't fall into the hands of untrustworthy strangers.

What if you suddenly snap your fingers again?

The Tyrannosaurus Rex maintained a weird smile, and suddenly, with a bang, Iron Man was thrown into the air, and said coldly in an unchanging gentle tone: "I have something in my hand, and you want to go back? You think too much."

"Infinity Gems, Infinity Gloves, Infinity Sword, from now on will be the loot of Cybertron, we will use them well, I promise, yes..."

The Tyrannosaurus rex stared obsessively at the Infinity Gauntlet held in his hand. The six gemstones inlaid on it were neatly arranged, exuding a powerful and terrifying aura.

Under the glaring and even decisive attacks of a group of superheroes, a huge space bridge descended, taking away all the Cybertronians in an instant.

Looking at the land that suddenly became empty, the heroes of the earth fell into a long period of sluggishness.

"Who are they? An unknown race in the universe? Captain Marvel was killed by Thanos, maybe she knows some information."

Captain America was extremely angry, and smashed Thor's Hammer in his hand to the ground, roaring unwillingly.

Cybertron? Never heard of it! Moreover, there are actually two sub-heavenly father-level powerhouses. It stands to reason that they should not be unknown in the universe. Where did these guys come from?

Thor carried the Storm Axe, his brows were tightly frowned, and his face showed deep confusion. In his more than a thousand years of life, he had never heard of Cybertron.

The planet seemed to appear out of nowhere.


Death's avatar located in this universe is wandering leisurely in the universe. Many dead souls are unknowingly attracted by her, rushing to her one after another, blending into death without any purpose, becoming a part of death and disappearing.

But death's mind was obviously not on these boring souls. She raised her head, and the skull under the hood stared blankly at the direction of the Milky Way.

"Could it be possible to produce a Transformer with a double body... It seems that this is the nail planted by the new god."

At this moment, the entire history of Cybertron was seen by death, including all the activities of the countless Transformers on it, including all the conversations between the orangutan general and the Tyrannosaurus rex.

To be precise, these Cybertron stars, these Transformers, were born in this universe for only a few hours, and a powerful force interfered with the laws of the universe, forcing these guys into the original time on-line.

Of course, Death didn't have the time to slap and destroy Cybertron. Such a stupid move was meaningless, and she wasn't interested in paying attention to what Downey's purpose was.

Just a group of mechanical life forms, nothing at all.

"You lost, Thanos, I'm really disappointed."

Death pulled Thanos' soul out alone, said lightly.

Thanos was expressionless, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, I failed and let you down."

Death caressed Thanos' cheek, and said softly: "You know, I'm not disappointed at all, because I don't care about the life of half the universe at all, do you think I will care about this?"

"You are the god in charge of death, half the soul of the universe should be very satisfying to you." Thanos frowned.

Death let out a creepy laugh.

She has countless avatars in countless universes, and countless souls are harvested every second. How can she take the life of half a universe in her heart?

She just... just thought it was fun.

When the interest came up, I fiddled with the little bug, and let the little bug crawl around desperately for a trivial gift... Isn't it interesting?

Thanos is the little bug she fiddled with, and the more you drive Thanos crazy, the happier she is, which can add a little fun to her long and boring life.

Thanos' eyelids trembled, and he fell into a long silence, standing there blankly like a solidified sculpture.

No one knows what Thanos is thinking at this time.

When he raised his head again, there was nothing in front of his eyes. Death had already left without knowing when. Maybe he was tired of playing.

Thanos' eyes were dim, and the tyrant fell into a silent silence. His cold and stiff face gradually twisted, but he quickly regained his composure and left in an extremely calm manner.

He felt that he should do something, no longer live for death, but for himself, and he should try a new way of living.

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