Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 919 Hitting the Wall of Speed ​​Force

The Jade Emperor himself couldn't count how many universes he traveled through and how many battles he experienced.

He only knows that he is getting stronger and stronger, and he will always win with a smaller price every time he fights.


The Jade Emperor held down the dying giant snake with one hand, and opened his mouth to bite fiercely. With every bite, he could always eat a large piece of flesh and blood mixed with majestic energy. This obvious feeling of increased strength made Jade God is very happy.

"I've won again, Seth."

The Jade Emperor said calmly while eating.

The giant snake, Seth, flicked its tail angrily. The heads of the snakes spit out powerful beams of light desperately, but they hit the Jade Emperor without pain or itching.

The Jade Emperor is already too powerful. After devouring Seth's body, he has already grown to a terrifying level. The essence of his multiple gods is slowly rising. Devouring and absorbing Seth...

In the entire multiverse, Seth only has this last clone left, and none of the 777 clones escaped the Jade Emperor's tracking.

"Let me go! There is no mortal enmity between you and me, why are you chasing after me?!" Seth wailed continuously, feeling the rapid loss of his last bit of life in horror.

The Jade Emperor was very calm: "Don't you think it's too late to talk about this now?"

"It's not too late! It's not too late! As long as you let me go, I will give you all my secrets! Including the secrets of the ancient gods of the entire multiverse..." Seth struggled, trying to slow the Jade Emperor from swallowing him The speed, while trembling.

The Jade Emperor suddenly stopped his movements, quietly staring at the Chaos God who was powerful in the multiverse not long ago, and fell silent for a while.

Seth roared again and again, dragging his bruised body, trying to struggle out, but the seemingly small palm of the Jade Emperor held him firmly, unable to move.

"You have changed, Seth. In the face of eternal demise, you have become different. What if I let you go? I am surrounded by you who have not been digested. Wherever I go, I can track it..."

The Jade Emperor suddenly shook his head, feeling a little sad.

After speaking, he bit the last clone of Seth again, no matter how much Seth cursed or pleaded, he could not shake the Jade Emperor.

No matter what kind of promise Sai Zhe makes, Yu Dì Dū will not be moved.

"I'm different from you. I'm about to leave the multiverse forever. What you promised doesn't mean anything to me."

The Jade Emperor explained lightly, firmly and calmly, he devoured Seth, and swallowed the astonished and complicated soul of the other party in one last bite.

One of the four gods of chaos, the creator of chaos in ancient times, Seth, the snake of the world, died.

Everything about him was occupied by the Jade Emperor.

After completely devouring all of Seth, the essence of the Chaos God has entered the body and soul of the Jade Emperor without a trace. The essence is sublimating, and the multiple gods are fading.

The Jade Emperor relied on the death of a chaotic god to sublimate himself and make a leap in life.

Although it is still far inferior to the only god, at least it is at the same level as the quasi-unique god.

Standing in the blood field, the Jade Emperor carefully felt every change in himself. If there was something wrong, he would forcefully suppress and crush him. He must make Seite die cleanly and become a part of him forever, inseparable.

After a long time, the Jade Emperor sighed quietly.


A figure arrived across a distant time and space.

"You want me to die like that?" Jade Emperor asked calmly with his hands behind his back.

Tang Ni looked at the Jade Emperor with the eyes of the prey,

Nodded: "It went smoothly beyond my imagination. I originally wanted to help you secretly to speed up your transformation."

The Jade Emperor showed deep helplessness on his face.

"Stop talking nonsense, go back and unify the heavens immediately. Although most of the immortals are still weak, there are also very good guys born. The stronger the heavens, the better for me, and then immediately set off to enter the realm of the gods."

Downey stared at the Jade Emperor: "I don't care what you think, at least we are on the same page when it comes to entering God's Domain."

The Jade Emperor frowned and said, "Why must one be used as cannon fodder? Can't we join hands together?"

"I can decide to let Heaven temporarily station on my Cybertron star, but the question is, do you dare? Do you dare to bet?"

Donnie showed a strange expression.

The Jade Emperor fell silent.

The bet was not whether Downey would destroy them with a backhand blow, but a bet that if he stood with Downey, he would not be targeted by the monsters in the realm of gods.

This will only be more dangerous, and the Jade Emperor really can't afford to gamble.

"I understand." The Jade Emperor took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "At least, because we are from the same universe as the main universe, we won't become enemies in the future, right?"

Downey nodded.

The Jade Emperor turned around and left, quickly returning to the main universe.

Seeing the distant figure of the Jade Emperor, Donnie stroked his chin, pondered for a while, and immediately returned to Cybertron.

The Jade Emperor transformed, and the final preparations were completed. As long as the Jade Emperor rushed into the realm of God with his front foot, Donnie would also act immediately with his back foot.

If there is a terrible crisis, the Heavenly Court will be gone, and Donnie doesn't feel bad at all, as long as he can give Donnie a little early warning signal, that's enough.

The entire Cybertron star has entered a state of war, and countless giant war machines have been produced continuously. Ultron began to frantically coordinate the arsenal of the entire planet, frantically manufacturing various types of weapons, and each training base is also fully powered, countless. The Transformers are born.

If you look down on this big and outrageous planet from a high altitude, you will see a horrifying picture. The planet itself is a giant war weapon.

Many eighth-level gods are constantly going back and forth, transporting massive amounts of matter and energy. These are the things left over from the destroyed universe, and they are all collected as war reserves.

Downey returned to Cybertron, stared at it for a while, and finally disappeared in place, and appeared in the main universe Earth in the next second.

New York.

Downey stood outside a magnificent manor, watching it quietly, then disappeared in place, and came to a street where high-rise buildings had already been built, watching silently.

"Is it convenient to have a drink?" Tony's voice came from the nearest public address system, and many pedestrians looked around in confusion.

Tony sat in the high-rise lobby of the Stark Tower, carefully pouring the long-preserved wine into the glass.

Picking up the cup with one palm just right, he took a sip.

Tony raised his eyebrows, carefully screwed the lid on, clinked glasses with Downey, and said, "Is this the last time we meet?"

Donnie tasted the wine, feeling the pungent taste of the alcohol in his mouth, and nodded slightly upon hearing this.

"Probably yes, I can live for many years, but you will be gone in a few decades..." Downey said.

"Why every time you talk, you always give me the idea of ​​punching you." Tony shook his head, staring at the amazing guy in front of him.

This trip may be a farewell. The two are not at the same level of life at all. Downey has an unlimited lifespan, but Tony does not. Even if his body can be immortalized by technological means, his mortal soul cannot endure the long-term torment.

"It's like a dream..."

Tony sighed.

"If you want, you can follow me to the Realm of God. My planet is so big that it can accommodate you." Downey said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Tony gulped it down: "Forget it, my future is on the earth, and it can only be on the earth. This planet cannot be without the protection of a superhero like me. It's just a pity, you guys are always one step ahead of me. We are about to enter the realm of gods..."

Donnie snatched the bottle with his hands, ignored Tony's pained expression, filled it up for himself in one go, and filled up the other half for Tony until it was empty, Tony almost scolded.

"I will arrange several clones in the multiverse. If there is a major explosion related to the main universe in the near future, maybe we can meet again."

"Then I can't wait to see you for the rest of my life! Meeting is tantamount to trouble!" Tony looked at the wine in his glass with heartache.

The two clinked glasses again.

"Seriously, can you find a way to bring that big bat back? Without him, the earth always feels like something is missing." Tony was a little drunk.

Donnie just shook his head.

He can't do it.

Leaving the multiverse now is also to avoid the big melee between the dark multiverse and the bright multiverse. If you don't leave now, when the war breaks out, you won't even have a place to run.

The two clinked glasses silently a few more times until they drank everything. Tony staggered and wanted to take out more wine. When he turned around with the bottle in hand, Downey had already disappeared.

Tony froze for a moment, couldn't help but snorted, sat down on the sofa, and drank to himself.

"Good luck, man, don't die," Tony muttered.

Donnie wandered around the earth alone, looking at the planet he had lived in for more than 20 years, traveled to many places, and finally returned to Cybertron again.

Reminiscing about this kind of thing is just a kind of feeling. You can miss it when you have nothing to do, but it is always a thing of the past, and you need to face reality.

Arriving at the Supreme Council, Downey sat silently on the chair in front of him, waiting quietly.

In this incomparably magnificent hall, there were also many congressmen waiting with solemn expressions.

They are constantly sliding countless virtual screens in their hands, wearing special devices on their heads to receive countless signals, and some people even show dense beads of sweat because of excessive tension.

"What are you thinking?"

Raven quietly appeared behind Downey and asked softly.

"I'm just wondering who will trouble me after entering the realm of gods..."

Downey shrugged, "Sangong will never let go of this opportunity, he will definitely be the first one to rush out to trouble me."

Raven bit his lip.

This is the biggest trouble at present. The Sangong Demon is also the strongest enemy that Cybertron will face, and no one is stronger than Sangong.

Needless to say, looking at Donnie is like looking at ants, so you won’t be so full that you can’t find trouble with Donnie. Even if you really want to kill Donnie, you can poke him to death with just one finger. It’s easy and fast, Don It's no use fleeing anywhere.

A quasi-ninth-level strong enemy is the ceiling of combat power that the entire Cybertron star faces.

"If it really doesn't work, why don't I take the initiative..."


Donnie thought about Raven's words, and frowned: "We haven't reached that point yet. If we can't even get past the Sangong, we might as well stay in the multiverse. Don't worry, I've already prepared for it."

Raven nodded silently.

Sangong has always been a heavy stone on her heart, especially this piece of pressure that originally belonged to her, and it seems that the entire Cybertron planet will bear it for her...

Raven felt uneasy and blamed himself extremely.

"Do you have the power to fight against Sangong's body?" Raven looked forward, with fear in four red eyes.

"Yes." Donnie replied.

Raven left worriedly.

Downey turned his head and continued to monitor the operation of the entire Cybertron star, but he smiled helplessly in his heart.

Sannomiya? The quasi-ninth level is very powerful, but the quasi-ninth level strong enemy they have to face has never been a three palace.

This is not counting the guys at level eight or below, there will definitely be a group of scumbags to take advantage of it, which requires other level eight gods on Cybertron to resist or even fight back.

Any force that wants to gain a foothold in an unfamiliar place must use iron and blood methods to cleanse a group of enemies.

Dozens of days passed in a flash.

In Tang Ni's sight, Tianting finally left. The moment the Jade Emperor moved to Da Luo Tian, ​​he raised his head and looked at Tang Ni from a long distance, which was very meaningful.

"Let's set off! The goal, the realm of the gods!"

Downey gave the order.

The huge planet began to move, and countless stunned super mechanical devices started to activate. Under the tension and expectation of countless residents, this huge war weapon finally moved.

In the Supreme Council, Downey controlled the fire source of the earth's core, and drove this behemoth to disappear in place in an instant. A huge pulse was formed, and the powerful dimension squeezed and spread to the entire multiverse.

In the entire Wantianyi world, a sharp cone suddenly appeared, forcefully blasting through countless barriers of time and space, rushing towards a higher-dimensional world.

In an instant, the blood field rolled and was torn apart by the powerful planet, but with the re-transition of the Cybertron star, it disappeared directly in the blood field, and instantly came to the edge of the Wantianyi world.

A vast and endless huge wall that cannot be figured out by manpower lies in front of it like the end of the world, blocking all the way forward.

On the wall, countless clouds and mist rolled, lightning flashed and thundered, shattering all creatures that approached, and there were many crises. Every surge, there was a flow of power that could easily destroy the universe.

"The Wall of Speed ​​Force..."

Downey took a deep breath, his eyes became sharper than ever.

Compared with this stalwart wall, the rapidly approaching Cybertron star is as tiny as a tiny bacterium. The horror and grandeur of this wall cannot be described in words.

Countless residents raised their heads and looked at the barrier that filled all horizons.

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