Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 921 You don't have to thank me! ! !

"How many years have passed?"

"Almost two hundred years..."

"so fast……"


"How many years have we been walking in this world?"

"Five hundred years, this damn world, I actually spent dozens of times my life time here."


"Hey, are you still alive?"


"It seems that you are dead, even the parts of your body are rotten, and no one has maintained and repaired it for a long time. With the current resource reserves, you are hopeless."

Another millennium passed, Tianhuo walked over tremblingly with his crutches, and casually shot a speedster who broke in. Seeing this terrible undead creature being completely smashed into scum, the cold and stern eyes just let him go. become chaotic again.

It seems that they have become harmless to humans and animals all of a sudden.

Every time he took a step, his body, which had been baptized for a long time, would always have tattered parts falling off.

Honestly speaking, even Tianhuo himself was surprised that he could survive till now.


Sitting on the ground with difficulty, Tianhuo discarded his crutches and stared blankly at the motionless guy lying in front of him. After a while, he just lay down on the ground and looked at the sky absently.

A series of powerful energy beams erupted in the air, and all kinds of strange creatures fought fiercely with the strong men and fleets sent from Cybertron.

At any moment, a large number of undead are emptied, and battleships are swallowed by countless strange figures, or explode with a bang, contributing its last afterglow.

This scene has lasted for fifteen hundred years.

A whole thousand and five hundred years!

God knows how they survived. In this wall of speed and power that has no concept of time, there are dirty things pouring in from all directions.

what they can do,

Just hold on, hold on, hold on.

In this damn world, no matter how awesome you are, don’t even think about taking the initiative to attack, because the number of enemies is endless, not to mention those speedsters who are enslaved by the speed force, just the fragile but endless time undead, can take the initiative The attacking troops were consumed alive.

No matter how much you kill, the opponent will only appear in more numbers, time is meaningless, and quantity is meaningless.

Relying on the supply of huge planets and hundreds of cosmic resources, Cybertron has been supported for 1,500 years, but there is still no end in sight ahead, and no one knows when it will be possible to break through this damn wall .

"This damn thing, sooner or later I will let you taste the lubricating oil that I haven't changed in a hundred years! You scumbag!"

Tianhuo suddenly cursed.

He's cursing the Speed ​​Force Wall.

After so many years, new residents join the battlefield every day, and if there is no one, people will die. This is how it has been for 1,500 years.

Transformers like them are fine, as long as they focus on maintaining the body, they can always live for a long time. After all, they are not only mechanical life, but also the creation of the only god. Life is nothing at all, the weakest Transformer Can live thousands of years.

But those mutants and Kryptonians are no good. As a veteran, Tianhuo himself doesn't know how many generations he has changed.

The generation of Professor X and Magneto is almost dead. Except for the five major Omega mutants and demigod mutants who can ignore their lifespans, only demon mutants and angel mutants can live long enough.

In other words, Professor X and Magneto have already entered the graveyard. They are already old, and they are only mortals after all. The level of the broken star in a second is not worth mentioning in this wall of super speed and power.

"They're all dead."

Tianhuo sighed, picked up his crutches and poked the pile of scrap metal in front of him, and when the opponent didn't move, he sighed even more.

"Even your natural enemy is dead, what a tragedy." Tianhuo shook his head.

Tianhuo reluctantly got up, and his old body made piercing roars, making people worry that the old guy would lie on the ground and fall apart in the next second.

"Anyway, you're all dead, and the fire has returned to its source. Why don't you give me your body, I'll dismantle it, maybe I can find useful parts, and let me kill a few enemies."

Tianhuo bent down to pick and pull.

The 1,500-year super-frequency battle has made the entire Cybertron star a little overwhelmed, and the sum of hundreds of universes in reserve is also rapidly consumed. worth mentioning.

No amount of resources is enough.

This is the result of more than a dozen eighth-level gods blocking most of the enemies, not to mention the ordinary residents who rely on the planet to fight, exhausted.

I'm afraid that the many gods standing like nodes on the periphery of the planet have already managed to maintain it at this time, and they will only become more irritable.

Tianhuo sighed, while touching his evil claws to the motionless natural enemy.

"Get lost! Touch me, and I'll shoot your head off!"

Yu Tiandi yelled suddenly, his weak and unbearable body suddenly moved again, cursed fiercely, and kicked Tianhuo more than ten meters away.

"Are you still alive?" Tianhuo was surprised.

"What the hell do you want to die? I'll satisfy you!" Yu Tiandi struggled a bit, pulled out a big knife, and slashed at Tianhuo viciously, but his movements were extremely slow, and every tiny move made a harsh metal friction sound.

Tianhuo looked contemptuous, and he didn't bother to hide at all. In the state of this old thing, he was half a breath away from death.

"How is the war? How long have I been dormant?" Yu Tiandi panted.

"In less than a week, I thought you were dead."

Tianhuo pointed to the sky: "As for the war, it still looks like that. Now it depends on what the higher-ups think. If there is no countermeasure in this terrible tug-of-war, we must lose. I don't believe the higher-ups There are no plans for this situation."

In the wall of speed and power, there is no matter and energy to replenish you at all, and you can only rely on the existing reserves to carry it. If this stalemate continues, it will definitely be the Cybertron star that loses.

"Hey, we're pretty good. The worst thing is those young people who were born in the wall of speed and force. They didn't even see the outside world with their own eyes. From the moment they opened their eyes, they fought endlessly until they died..."

"Did you know, Yu Tiandi, when many young people saw me, they rushed to ask me how many times I changed the lubricating oil every day in the outside world. They laughed when they asked, and I burst into tears when I heard it."

Tianhuo looked up at the sky, and was kicked by Yu Tiandi again.

"If you persevere, there will be hope." Yu Tiandi said.


The outermost part of Cybertron, here, is the place where the battle is most intense.

More than a dozen gods who can destroy the multiverse with a backhand are engaged in an all-round battle with the vast and endless wall of speed and force.

Those undead of time that can't be killed and the blackened speedsters are just some appetizers. More than a dozen gods form a network that blocks the Cybertron star, and cleans the monsters that come in waves one after another.

Those who can break into the Cybertron star are really an extremely rare part.


One after another vortex hit and was blown up one after another. This scene has lasted for 1,500 years, which is very long, but if it is placed outside, it may only have passed a second.

By the time the creatures outside opened and closed their eyes, they had already gone through a long bloody battle.

At the forefront is an eternal existence, which has been standing at the forefront for more than a thousand years, powerfully bombarding the thickest and most terrifying offensive of the wall of speed and force, pulling Cybertron to move in this troublesome world.

Every second that passes, countless time and space are shuttled, but the most indispensable thing in the wall of speed and force is the superimposed time and space.

Downey followed the aura of the God's Domain that he had grasped, and continued to fight forward firmly. Every step forward was a step closer to success.

"It's impossible for you to succeed." The pan-consciousness of super speed and power converged on Barry's appearance again, and said expressionlessly.

"Then try it. If I were easy to listen to other people's nonsense, I would have died somewhere, and you are not even a human being, just a dry program."

Downey blasted the consciousness body with one punch, and dragged Cybertron forward a little further.

"Leave the power of the phoenix, and I'll let you go." The pan-consciousness of super speed and power appeared again.

Downey suddenly stopped, "You're in a hurry."


"You are impatient." Downey said lightly, "I have studied the rigid program more deeply than you can imagine. My experience tells me that you are impatient, in a way unique to an intelligent program. If the Flash Seeing you now, you will probably be disappointed... I guess, we are not far from the God's Domain, right? Or someone is planning to pick us up from the God's Domain, and they are attacking you right now."

"Assuming it doesn't make any sense, Donnie, even if someone from the outside world really plans to pick you up, it will be countless years later. In the world inside the wall, you can only wrestle with meaningless time forever. Your residents, sooner or later All die."

Said the pan-consciousness of the speed force.

"It seems so... I've been waiting for this opportunity. You know, it would be very difficult if we wanted to break you by force, but it's different now."

Downey said expressionlessly, "You think you can drag us here completely if you grasp the time? Naive, you can only be a rigid program forever."

Downey sneered at Speed ​​Force's general consciousness, and punched out, forcing a huge dent in Speed ​​Force in front of him, and immediately raised his other hand, and a figure was already held in his hand.

Frog looked at it with a dazed expression.

"Frog map, I have lived on my planet for so long, should I pay my salary?!"

In this tense and surprisingly frequent battlefield, Downey managed to force a smile.

The observer Frog immediately showed a confused expression, and said in a daze, "Remuneration? What kind of remuneration? Didn't you allow me to enter your world?"

"There is a word called interest! Don't talk nonsense. If we are finished, where are you going to record so many major events? Don't try to hide it from me. The decades of following me have made your status in the entire observer family extremely low. Isn’t it different? There is no place in the entire multiverse as exciting as here.”

Donnie held Frog by the back of his neck, and desperately shook the head of this guy who was still pretending to be stupid: "Give me the Observer Medal!"

"How do you know?!" Frog Tu's face changed instantly, and he subconsciously covered his chest.

"Observer Medal?"

The superconscious mind murmured in a low voice, and its expression became more serious. Obviously, it knew what this thing was. After careful logical calculation, it found that the possibility of stopping Downey was almost zero.

Under Downey's gaze, Frog showed a struggling expression, and slowly took out half of the medal he always wore.

This half of the medal is an artifact specially given to him by the observers to save his life, in order to enable the weak Frog to have the power to ensure his own immortality while tracking and recording the series of major events experienced by the rise of the new god.

I didn't expect to use this half medal for the first time under such circumstances.

"This is already a serious violation of the rules of the Observer Clan - you must not interfere with the progress of any incident." Frog showed a look of reluctance, and handed half of the medal to Downey.

"I will remember your dedication, and I will never treat those who have helped me badly."

Downey picked up the medal, and in an instant, a powerful force was controlled by him, and the terrifying ability of this medal was also controlled by Downey. In an instant, the barrier of the entire wall of speed and force became so subtle and weak.

The Observer Medal, the supreme artifact of the Observer family, has unsolvable abilities, almost comparable to the legendary miracle wishing machine.

The person who holds the Medal of Observer can use the medal to do almost everything - as long as it does not exceed the upper limit of the medal's power.

In the original book, the God Talisman of the Eternal Son took half of the medal he snatched, and killed all the swallowing stars with one move, directly killing one of the five great gods, the swallowing stars.

And killing a small one of the five great gods is far from the upper limit of the medal's power, it's only half of the medal's power, if it can be pieced together, the devil will know how terrifying this thing is.

The Supreme Artifact of the Observer Clan does have its horrors.

Downey held up half of the medal, powerful power gushed out from it, and with the blessing of Downey's will, the huge light beam swept across everything, and the time undead and speed people who spread countless worlds were wiped out on the spot. In the world of Speed ​​Force, it became extremely clean in an instant.


A beam of light burst out from the medal, blasting through all the barriers in front of it, even after the speed force consciousness body was smashed, it did not reappear, because it knew it was futile.

"You won, but it's never the end." The voice of Speed ​​​​Li's pan-consciousness echoed.

Downey snorted coldly, ignored it directly, and brought the entire Cybertron star forward. Finally, with a violent explosion, a gap was broken in the wall of speed and force, and the Cybertron star was forcibly smashed out!

A powerful force surged in, a mixed force mixed with higher-level power and the collapsed speed force, which was enough to disturb all perceptions.

"Emperor Weishan is really reliable."

Donnie nodded slightly, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, he was able to break through, thanks to the fact that the Wall of Speed ​​and Force was pulling most of the force away, Emperor Weishan made a big effort... right?

"Hahaha~ Donny! I finally pulled you out!!! Don't thank me, the accounts between you and me can finally be settled!!! You are going to die soon!!!"

A grinning laugh sounded, and a huge red figure rushed out, blocking Downey.

Downey suddenly fell into a long silence, turned his head silently, and looked at the other big guy.

Emperor Weishan spread his hands helplessly: "No way, I rushed over to pull you out immediately, but this guy is more active than me, and he will try his best to drag you out of the quagmire with his own hands, you said I can What should I do? This can't be stopped!"

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