Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 922 Moor God

The red magma-like body lay in front of him like a mountain, and the six blood-colored pupils were full of sin, and countless souls were howling in them.

The two sharp horns on the top of the head seem to be able to pierce the universe, and the long and sharp claws are grasped out, shining coldly.

Looking at the Sangong Mo standing in front of him, Downey was silent for a long time, opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

You are so desperately attacking the wall of speed and force, dragging me out of a very critical moment, just to kill me with your own hands?

This logic is too perfect, impeccable.

Behind him, the slightly embarrassed Cybertron and the gods just broke free from the wall of speed and force, and stood behind Downey.

Downey looked at Wei Shandi.

Emperor Weishan also looked at Downey with an innocent expression on his face.

Emperor Weishan really felt that he was wronged too much.

"I really worked hard." Weishandi said helplessly, "The first time I received your signal, I rushed over to prepare to attack the wall of speed and force to buy you time, but I didn't expect this guy to be more active than me. , working harder than me."

"Because I want to kill you with my own hands as soon as possible!" Sangong laughed ferociously, his mouth full of sharp teeth, and he faced Downey ferociously.

Downey was silent for a while, looked around, and finally sighed: "Sangong, you are really outstanding."

Frowning slightly, Downey asked again: "Where's the group of people in Heaven? They haven't been blocked by the wall of speed and force, so they should reach the realm of God before me."

The huge figure of Emperor Weishan shrugged: "They are the most unlucky. As soon as they entered the wall of speed and force, they were dragged here by Sangong. They were hit head-on before they figured out the situation."

"The Jade Emperor is dead?"

"No, but it's almost too soon. Sangong found out that it wasn't you who was dragged out but a group of miscellaneous fish that he hadn't heard of. In a rage, he beat up Da Luotian, and the Jade Emperor rolled his eyes when he pinched... But he shouldn't be dead. I don't know where it was thrown by Sangong."

Donnie took a deep breath.

Very good, a miserable group. Originally, they wanted to let the group of people in the Heavenly Court hit the thunder, but the thunder was a bit big... Anyway, the goal was achieved.

Sangong couldn't bear it anymore,

The six blood-colored pupils revealed a fierce light, and red rays gushed out at the same time, which was an attack more powerful than Darkseid's omega rays.

Downey frowned slightly, and was about to stretch out his hand to blow it up. Emperor Weishan stretched out his giant hand first, and the powerful magic palm was thrown out in front of Downey, directly crushing Sangong's hot gaze.

"Go away, Emperor Weishan, don't think that you can stop me by being lucky enough to be promoted to the super universe level, I think it will not take much effort to kill you!"

Sannomiya was a little annoyed.

That being said, it is too difficult to kill Emperor Weishan. Even if the newly promoted Emperor Weishan cannot beat him, he can still take Donnie away calmly.

Then his idea of ​​revenge cannot be realized.

If it was other enemies, it wouldn't be so short of time, but if it was Donny... Sangong was extremely irritable, wishing he could kill Donny right now.

Because the growth rate of this new god is too outrageous.

Sangong stared at Donnie, his face trembled slightly, and there was a volcanic eruption of sulfurous magma smell. Donnie's top-level power of level 8 had already horrified Sangong.

What happened to make the new god and his subordinates grow to this point? How long is this? For an existence like Sangong, it was only a mere nap, and Downey had grown to such a terrifying level!

I thought it was a stronger ant, but in the blink of an eye, the ant has grown into a beast!

This contrast is too great.

In the past, four of his avatars did die in Downey's hands, but that was mainly because Downey relied on strong external forces, whether it was the Infinity Stones or the sudden appearance of troublemakers.

But now... this bastard can already stand at the top level of the multiverse level by himself!

It's unbelievable!

If you don't kill him now, the devil will know if this supposedly humble human being will have the power to kill him!

"Today you must die, no one can save you!"

Sangong's eyeballs became even redder by three points, and the demon's real body swelled up and charged at Donnie.

Wei Shandi was about to make a move, but Downey said with a serious expression, "Don't move, I'll block this guy... Help me guard against other guys, as long as anyone makes a move, at least help me block him."

The huge figure of Emperor Weishan hesitated for a moment, and then fell silent. The three cores in the body, Ossett, Hogarth, and Agamotto looked at Downey at the same time without saying a word.

Indeed, many shadowy figures gathered at some time ago, distributed around the huge wall of speed and force, staring at each other.

How many of them are just to watch the excitement, and how many are here to pick up the bargain, it is impossible to say for sure.

On Downey's side, the only top combat power that can be used is the quasi-level nine Emperor Weishan. Nothing else, as long as Weishandi does not move, he can act as a nuclear weapon in the human world.

Donnie put on the helmet, with a grim expression on his face, the black figure disappeared in an instant, and its speed had surpassed the limitations of time and space. In an instant, his entire body and soul began to be formally cleansed by the rules of the domain of gods.

As a super world beyond the multiverse, the Realm of God has a more majestic and complex system, whether it is high-energy particles floating in any corner, or the established laws that can crush the multiverse, it is far beyond.

More importantly, the concept of dimensions in the domain of gods is broader, the infinite time and space are merged into one, and everything is constant to a terrifyingly thick level, and the creatures that can survive here are inherently stronger than the natives of the multiverse. Creatures are too powerful.

In the comics, as long as Darkseid's main body is dispatched, even if it stands there motionless, it can collapse the fourth world. The principle is similar, and it is a terrifying power that surpasses the existing limitations. world of capabilities.

At this time, Downey began to accept the rules of the domain of gods in an all-round way. With the body of the only god, the established concept of the domain of gods can only be accepted by Downey, and it is possible to shed the low-level power of Downey.

The power of the multiverse has been purged, and Downey himself has undergone subtle changes, although not obvious, but growing stronger.

At this moment, his soul became more pure, washed away by high-energy particles, and outdated energy was eliminated. The body became healthier, and every cell was crazily devouring everything in the realm of the gods, as if someone who was used to eating junk food could suddenly enjoy delicacies from mountains and seas.

The key is that this delicacy is still a great tonic, specially supplementing what is most lacking in oneself.

call out!

Downey moved, and the black shadow moved in the domain of the gods. With a soft sound, a sharp blade shot out from his arm, cutting straight towards Sangong's neck.

Powerful power continued to spread along the sharp blade, and its power continued to accumulate and superimpose, even surpassing the original limit that Downey could achieve.

Downey is growing at a rapid speed due to the powerful transforming power from the realm of gods.

"here we go……"

"As I guessed, the only god, as the topmost creature, has a natural fit with the realm of gods, and there is no need for an adaptation period like other creatures... Once the new god leaves the fragile world of Wan Tianyi, his strength will There will be an explosion."

"Even so, he can't beat Sangong..."

"Compared to this, I care more about the planet behind him. Who the hell will tell me, I just blinked an eye, how did he collect so many gods?! There are more than a dozen gods! How did he Made it!!!”

"Probably hung up..."

Spiritual thoughts were exchanged one after another, and the high-level creatures from the realm of gods watched the excitement with great interest.

If there is an advantage, take advantage of it, and if there is no advantage, just relax and add a little more fun to their boring life.

You know, in the vast and empty world of the Domain of God, it is generally extremely cruel and boring. They cannot participate in high-end battles, and they don't even dare to get close. If they get close, they will die.

It's rare for such a nerve-stimulating thing to happen, a unique god who came from the multiverse!

Since the existence of God's Domain, it was really the first time.

The focus of their sights was Downey, who was growing in strength, and he had officially started a war with Sangongmo.

Every huge ripple that erupts is brewing with terrifying power enough to destroy the multiverse, enough to trigger the intervention of many high-level gods, but in the realm of gods, their unscrupulous confrontation only caused vibrations in part of the realm of the gods. It's nothing to the world.


Downey punched Sangongmo away from the heat of sight, raised his right hand, and pierced Sangong's neck with a sharp knife.

San Gongmo bowed his head indifferently, raised his hand to grab Donnie, and the two figures came into contact with each other, making an ear-piercing sound.

The terrifying energy wave quickly spread out, and in this incomparably solid realm of gods, it has been transmitted too far and too far, unlike the world of Wantianyi, where the power directly collapses everything. Here, the condensed The combined concept of time and space seems to have become a more precious carrier, specially used to carry the power of the only gods.

The fierce battle between Downey and Sangong is a kind of powerful baptism on this carrier.


A long wound appeared on Sangongmo's arm, and scorching hot blood that was more terrifying than lava flowed out. With an extreme sense of filth, it immediately began to corrode everything.

But in the next moment, the wound had healed. With a loud bang, Downey flew upside down like a kite with broken strings. Even if he crazily unloaded his force, he slammed into Cybertron like a cannonball. , Even with a dozen eighth-level gods dispatched together, Downey crashed deeply into the center of the planet Cybertron.

The power of the quasi-ninth level is overwhelming, even if there is only a little bit of power left, these eighth-level gods are extremely uncomfortable, and the strength they are proud of will collapse at the touch of a touch.

Unknowingly, Sangong's eyes became more and more gloomy. He indifferently glanced at these eighth-level beings who stood up, and his mood became more and more bad.

Too much.

There are too many eighth-level gods.

Although they are all ants that can be easily killed in his eyes, how long has it been? When the new god had to use the infinite gems to fight against his mere avatar, how long has it been until now?

Donnie must die!

The corner of Sangong's mouth showed a ferocious face, and his huge body rushed over.


The black figure rushed out of the earth's core in an instant, and at some point in his hand he had already picked up a black cube.

"If you don't go all out, there is really no way to stop you... The Supreme God Armor is not enough, so add more artifacts."

Downey sneered, and patted the dust on the black armor with his free hand as if nothing had happened. When he raised his hand, three cubes emerged. The three mother boxes were spliced ​​together and attached to Downey's body surface. The mother box armed After a lapse of several decades, it was once again covered by Donnie, even though it was incompletely armed.

Half of the medal from the Observer family also floated out quietly, and was inlaid on the chest of the battle armor. There, a depression that had been created earlier was specially prepared for this half of the medal.

A snake-shaped crown flew out of Cybertron, and was precisely placed on Downey's head, instantly merging with the powerful armor.

The accumulation and combination of several artifacts, and several completely different power systems, barely merged into one under Donnie's strong control, bursting out with incomparable brilliance.

In the center of this domain of gods, on the periphery of the wall of speed and power, the terrifying energy index climbed crazily, and its momentum was extremely terrifying. The weaker eighth-level existences felt unable to hold their heads up.

The stalwart walls of speed and power exude a quiet tremor, although they disappear quickly, they do exist.

In the God's Domain area near the central area, a core beam of light is erupting crazily, diverging towards every remote corner in every direction.

Sangong stared dumbfounded at Downey, who was full of magical power and dashed forward unreasonably.

His gaze subconsciously looked behind Downey, where there was the power of the phoenix, the power of the goblin, the power of chaos, the infinite gemstones, and the spectrum of emotions... Even if so many artifacts were distributed to his subordinates, how could this bastard still have the power? There will be so many? !

"You..." Sangong faintly felt a toothache.

At this moment, he really felt the power of Hao, which is an unreasonable strength.

Although Downey is far from breaking the boundaries of multivariate and super large, this bastard has armed himself as a super turtle shell, and the possibility of him wanting to kill Downey is greatly reduced.

How many Years of God's Domain would it take to attack one after another before Tangning could be pulled out of the tortoise shell and strangled to death? !

Nima's cheating dog...

Sangong almost exploded on the spot, and the six red eyes became brighter.

In the distance, those watching beings were speechless, staring dumbfounded at the new god covered in artifacts, not knowing what to say for a while.

"I thought that he distributed a lot of power to his subordinates, which would only weaken his combat effectiveness, but..."

The Sandman hid somewhere, stroked his white hair, and clicked his tongue.

Although Downey still can't beat Sangong, it's enough to protect himself.

"But the real fun is just beginning."

The Sandman shook his head, tsk tsk.

In the distance, a terrifying existence no less than the Sangong Demon is approaching rapidly, exuding undisguised greed and killing intent.

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