Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 924 The New God Is a Scourge

With the departure of the Sangongmo, a great battle came to an end.

Countless jackal-like beings glared at Downey's group unwillingly, roared in displeasure, and left one after another.

It can only be said that as expected of a new god, this bastard was able to save his life under the attack of the Sangong Demon, and even exchanged a so-called daughter of the Sangong that he had never heard of before in exchange for Sangong's retreat.

In the distance, the battle between Hollenmeyer and Vissandi became intense, and sometimes there were terrifying fluctuations, which were enough to easily destroy some weak creatures.

Creatures that can survive in the realm of gods all know one truth, that is, weak chickens should never get close to battlefields where higher beings haunt, otherwise they will die.

"Great opportunity, but it didn't work out, damn it!"

An existence couldn't help but yelled, turned and left extremely unwillingly, and followed the disappearing figures one after another, chasing the strange editorial department.

Even if Hollenmeyer might not lose, even if the New God might still be wiped out, they didn't intend to stay any longer.

Even Sangongmo couldn't take down Xinshen by himself, let alone them?

It's better to pay more attention to that peculiar editorial department, which will attract their interest even more. Anyway, they can't kill New God, what if there is a bargain in the editorial department?

Moreover, the new gods have never been the only ones on Cybertron. Looking at the eighth-level gods who stared at them indifferently, they could only bow their heads and offend to death a ruthless character who urgently needs to kill and stand up to announce the arrival of the new gods. Yes, that's a fool's job.

Downey's demon-like figure watched the raven leave with his own eyes. His originally calm face became slightly unwilling at some point. Soon, his clenched fists were slowly loosened. Downey glanced at those who still refused to leave. After leaving, he looked at his guys with different expressions and raised his hand.

"Kill them!"

"Chop off their heads and take their souls away, and I will display a batch of good exhibits on the beautiful planet Cybertron!"

Optimus Prime, Megatron, Wanda, Doomsday... One after another figures rushed out, with fierce eyes, and all the suppressed anger burst out at this moment, each of them stared at the opponent and killed them.

"Don't be too arrogant, this is not your multiverse!"

"Just entered God's Domain,

Do you want to be the enemy of the world! ! ! "

One after another roared, and they fought with these cybertron gods.

Downey didn't even look at them. These bastards, maybe there are really some spectators, such as the Sandman, who refused to leave after Downey expressed his attitude and still chose to fight Optimus Prime and the others, that is the enemy.

Repressed anger needs an outlet.

Facing the furious new gods, many gods who were not hostile left directly, and the gods of Cybertron star did not stop them, ignoring their departure.

"If one day you can't hold on any longer, you can move the planet to my world. You can choose dreams, nightmares, or even I can help you bring the raven back."

The Sandman still maintains his usual coquettishness, but there is a strong bewitchment in his gentleness.

"I'll pick them up myself, and I don't need anyone's help." Downey said calmly.

He knew that the Sandman did have this ability. The endless family that ruled hell had unimaginable suppression power over the Sangong Demon, and Sangong would never dare to refuse.

But that doesn't make sense, and Raven can't be promoted very well.

Sandman smiled and left.

During the melee, Steppenwolf smashed the fearless Doomsday King Kong with an axe, showing a lot of fear, and said in a deep voice: "I didn't come to trouble you, I just wanted to tell you... Darkseid has already Figured out something, he's going crazy now."

After barely knocking Doomsday King into the air again, Steppenwolf looked at this unkillable thing, snorted coldly, and left directly.

Doomsday King Kong, who had lost his opponent, roared unhappily, and glared fiercely at the Steppenwolf figure, ready to move, but feeling Downey's will from the fire, he could only vent his dissatisfaction on other guys.

He couldn't hold back anymore. The 1,500 years in the wall of speed and force did not allow him to evolve very well. He felt the new opportunity of evolution brought to him by the world of God's Domain, and he couldn't wait for a long time. .

Looking at the chaotic battlefield, Donnie groaned in place.

The gradually flamboyant anti-surveillance, and the increasingly irritable Dakseid... It seems that both of them know each other's existence, and even more know that the other has something they want.

But so what, whoever loves will die, what does it have to do with me?

Donnie looked at the fallen God Realm beings one after another, most of them were below level eight, unable to even escape.

Downey turned his head again, looking at the terrifying fluctuations that came from an unknown number of worlds away. It was Vissandi fighting fiercely with Hollenmeyer.

"Doomsday, go help Weissandi and kill Hollenmeyer!"

Downey suddenly vented his dissatisfaction with Doomsday King Kong and said in a cold voice: "I promise you now, as long as you can kill Hollenmeyer's body, I will give you freedom! That guy is just a quasi-unique god, Once the main body dies, he will be invincible."

"Go ahead, kill him, through him you will have a chance to advance to the quasi-ninth level!"

"Go, kill him for me! This is my last request to you! Kill him and I will fulfill my promise, and you will embrace freedom from now on! Isn't this what you have been longing for the most?"

Doomsday King Kong, who was about to slap and explode a hell demon, suddenly paused, his black metal body suddenly turned around, his blood-colored pupils stared fixedly at Downey, as if he wanted to use this immature way to identify the real man. Fake.

No liar with a firm will will be seen through his eyes.

But Doomsday King Kong chose to believe that if he roared in a low voice and could express his emotions with a roar, he would never speak, which was very troublesome.

The huge figure instantly disappeared in place, and from time to time there were fanatical roars. I don't know if they were excited for freedom, or happy for the bloody battle with the quasi-ninth level.

"Are you willing? Your trump card for threatening the Sangong refers to this Doomsday, right? You can control him, but you choose to remove the shackles for him?" Liana, who was holding the Book of Darkness, came over and looked up. Glancing at Doomsday King Kong who had already disappeared within the range of perception, he asked in a low voice.

"I never force my own person. He is my own person in my heart. I created him with my own hands, and personally felt the rhythm of his creation from nothing, from death to life... He wants to be free, to do whatever he wants Evolution, I am satisfied with him - as long as he does not aim the butcher knife at us in the future, I will not interfere in all his affairs."

Downey casually crushed an unknown creature that pounced on him in despair. His face was expressionless, but his eyes were always looking in a distant direction.

Are you reluctant? There must be some, but letting the beast go is the best outcome.

Entering the eighth level, Downey can clearly feel that his entry speed is extremely subtle. If it weren't for the Supreme God Armor and other artifacts, Downey himself would not be invincible at level eight, at least he couldn't beat Darkseid—although Darkseid De is also in charge of the Omega effect...

Downey reckoned that if he continued to tie the beast, and promised to give him freedom in God's Domain but failed to keep his word, Doomsday King Kong would lose control sooner or later and bite him hard.

Getting to this point is not worth the candle.

Soon, those idiots who hesitated to leave either fled or died cleanly. The corpses and souls were pulled out, cruelly made into specimens, and hung in the most prominent position on Cybertron.

These lucky guys may have forgotten that Downey also has the title of "God Slayer", and the Ragnarok that spread to the multiverse was created by Downey.

The gods returned one after another. Although they were a little out of breath and were still trying to adapt to the thicker and more difficult rules of God's Domain, everything was moving in a good direction.

The most critical first step is to break through.

Downey turned his head, looked at the slightly dilapidated and embarrassed Cybertron, and looked at the eager and excited eyes of countless residents above. He took a deep breath, and his steady voice resounded throughout the entire Cybertron.

"We made it, let's enjoy the joy."

After finishing speaking, Downey seemed to be relieved of a heavy burden.

Downey slightly raised his hand, and pulled the entire Cybertron star to move slowly, sticking to the surface of the God's Domain world, and directly carried out super long-distance teleportation with powerful force. After moving for a while, he slowly stopped. .

Here, strictly speaking, it is still not too far away from the wall of speed and force. This is also Donnie's intention. He knows nothing about the situation in the outer layer of the domain of gods. There are countless worlds, large and small Standing erect, there are even several supreme realms that lie across it like mountains that suppress everything.

To be cautious, Downey still prefers to get closer to the wall of speed and force, which is safer.

After 1,500 years of continuous wars, the huge Cybertron star finally gained a new foothold, like a wounded beast licking its wounds. Although it is in a state of distress, its ferocious nature still exists , As long as you wait for your vitality to recover, everything will be different together.

Downey's will spread to the entire Cybertron star, looking at the faces, the souls of all colors, listening to everyone's heartbeat, silent for a long time.

He has been quietly watching, listening, and feeling, sitting on the ground like a mortal, listening to the nagging of young people.

"Tired?" Wanda said softly.

"It's a bit...but it's worth it together." Donnie narrowed his eyes happily and let out a long breath.

The cybertron star, the cybertron world, the dream for many years has finally come true, and the heavy boulder on the chest has finally been put down.

After thinking about it, Downey directly communicated with the fire source that returned to the earth's core, where a large number of souls were also sleeping.

The Fire Seed Source is not only an artifact for creating life, but also a cemetery that accepts countless souls to sleep forever. Many lives who died during the battle, as long as they are not wiped out on the spot, their souls are sleeping in the Fire Seed Source.

"Want to see those old friends?" Downey suddenly smiled.

Magneto and those people are all sleeping peacefully. Downey can revive them at any time, build new bodies for them, and mend their damaged souls.

Wanda first smiled, and then his expression darkened: "Let's ask for their own wishes first. Those who are willing to live, give them new gods, and those who are willing to continue to sleep in the warmth, don't bother them... I don't want the old bartender happened again..."

Donnie fell silent, and gently rubbed Wanda's head, "After a while, I will go to the underworld to bring back the soul of the old bartender. He has a good talk, at least, take him back to Cybertron and continue to sleep."

Similarly, if there are unknown beings who want to use the underworld to do something... Downey's eyebrows drooped, showing a little chill.

The source of fire was communicated by Downey. Those residents who died in the wall of super speed force were all talking to Downey one by one. Some people were willing to return to a new life. After all, who would like to die and sleep if they can live.

But after all, there are some people who have seen through all kinds of life, and after embracing death themselves, they find that death itself is no longer something to be afraid of, so they don't plan to resurrect. They want to continue to sleep, without all kinds of Complicated things to bother.

Both Magneto and Professor X chose to continue to sleep. Their life-long career has long been achieved. They are too tired and just want to take a good rest.

After a moment of silence, Downey chose to give them a peaceful long sleep. In this source of fire, he created the warmest and most comfortable world for them, free from worries and worldly disturbances.

The old people of the old generation are gradually fading out, and the new generation who started higher are full of vigor and look forward to a more brilliant future.

"Suddenly I feel like an old man..." Downey laughed at himself.

"Actually, you are indeed an old man. You are almost sixty years old, and this still doesn't count the passage of time in the Wall of Speed ​​and Force." Wanda smiled, wringing her fingers.

Donnie paused, and said with emotion: "Yeah, it's been so many years..."


When the new god and his people are enjoying the joy of victory.

Somewhere, inside the fourth wall.

A bunch of guys were about to cry.

An editor was holding various comics with wide-eyed eyes, staring dumbfounded at the pictures above, his whole body was trembling and his face was ashen-colored.

"Who can tell me! Why did this group of gangsters suddenly come towards our editorial department?! Look, this bastard even named us by name and said he wanted to kill us!"

An editor held the comics, pointed at one of them and shouted angrily.

In the comics, those lifelike guys, each with anticipation and malice, claimed to each other that they were looking for the editorial department.

This almost scared these mortal editors to death!

"The fourth wall can shield the thinking of all beings, making them subconsciously ignore our real existence, did it happen this time, how could these guys detect us? The fourth wall is broken?"

"It must have something to do with the new god. This disaster, the only major incident in the recent past is his impact on the realm of God! Something must have happened over there!"

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