Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 925: The Birth of a Monster

The group of editors were all terrified.

They were originally carefully hiding behind the fourth wall, observing the changes in the Wantianyi world from a God's perspective, An Anxin was an alternative observer, and at the same time obeyed the editor's order.

After all, they are just mortals, not superpowers.

When a large group of ancient gods rushed out from the realm of gods, frantically searching for their whereabouts, they were really frightened.

"What to do, it is only a matter of time before we are exposed. Once they are clearly aware of the existence of people like us, the shielding effect of the fourth wall will be greatly weakened."

"Do you want to contact the editor-in-chief and call him back?"

"Are you sure? As far as the editor-in-chief's violent temper is concerned, even if he really puts down what he is doing and runs back, the first thing to do is to clean up the guy who disturbed him..."

The person who spoke suddenly shrank his neck, and was immediately cowardly.

Just kidding, Mandrake is not a good temper.

At this time, an ancient god had already arrived outside the gate of the editorial department.

"I found it! I didn't expect you guys to exist in this world!"

The ancient god was so happy that he went crazy, his eyes widened, and he looked at the fourth wall in surprise. It was amazing that this thing could block his thoughts.

The greedy eyes looked undisguisedly, and on the other side of the wall, all those weak chickens were perceived by him.

It turned out to be a group of mortals! ! This group of ants actually occupy such a good place, this is simply a gift of wealth!

"Hmph, Xinshen can be so strong, maybe it's because he discovered this shitty editorial department. It's ridiculous. If he gives me the opportunity, I will only do better than Xinshen!"

This ferocious demon directly crossed the fourth wall and walked into the editorial office with a grinning grin.

All the editors stared blankly at this guy, their faces pale.

"The beholder! How could it be him!!!" An editor sat down on the ground with a sad face.

The entire editorial department was crying.

"Oh? You know me?"

The beholder swings its long green tentacles,

He stared at the group of mortals.

More precisely, the beholder has no real body, it only has one eye, from which a large number of tentacles extend.

And the beholder is also a terrifying demon god in the comics, so powerful that even Emperor Weisan is no match for him—of course it is the Emperor Weisan in the past, who has advanced to the ninth level and can hammer with one hand. blast him.

As one of Emperor Weishan's deadly enemies, the beholder is keeping a low profile now, for fear that the powerful Weishan Emperor will find him to settle accounts.

Likewise, the beholder has long since gone mad with envy.

That little bum of Emperor Weishan was not as good as him before, so why was he suddenly promoted to the quasi-ninth level? How could the beholder, who had suppressed Emperor Weishan for countless years in the realm of gods, swallow this breath?

"You bastards, become my slaves. I will mercifully let you survive as puppets."

The beholder's eyes widened, and he scanned the entire editorial department coldly, focusing on the manga in their hands and on the table, which successfully aroused his interest.

"An observer similar to God's perspective? Even you have the ability to modify some life thinking? It's really interesting, but these are all mine."

The beholder sneered, and waved its tentacles, one editor after another was rolled up by him. The powerful force made these mortals scream in an instant.

"Quick! Take out the bomb and blow up this bastard! Or we'll all die!"

exclaimed an editor.

"Bullshit! Blow that thing up, none of us will survive!"

"Then sublimate! Sublimate ahead of time, fight this beast! Falling into the hands of the beholder would be worse than death!"

The entire editorial office was in a mess, a large group of people were in a mess, roaring loudly.

To be honest, this is the first time that the editorial department has been invaded to such a degree. Dangerous elements like beholders have always been the focus of the editorial department's attention, and they are strictly guarded against.

Jin Chao Yinchao, Deadpool Mister Fantastic and others can enter and leave the editorial department because they are not vicious guys, and the editorial department is not so strict about them.

But Hollenmeyer directly exposed the editorial department, making the shielding of the fourth wall lose its effect, and the trouble became serious.

Beholders are just the beginning, and more ancient beings will come one after another.

"Huh, I can't search your souls?" The beholder grabbed an editor, and the powerful tentacles directly strangled him to death, whispering in surprise.

Is this also the characteristic of life in the editorial department, or is there a higher existence protecting them?

With a bang, the editor who turned into a corpse fell to the ground and died, bleeding from his orifices.

Everyone's eyes were red, staring at the beholder with hatred.

"Nice eyes, I like them very much, so, who will tell me what you are, where did you come from? How did you occupy this place?" The beholder sneered, and once again held up several editors and authors, They will let go and throw them to death.

"Take out the bomb, we don't have time to sublimate..."

An editor showed ferocity and determination, and turned around to grope for something.

The beholder watched with great interest, waiting for the group of ants to bring him new surprises. Could it be that his majestic eighth-level existence can still be killed by a group of mortals? bomb? ridiculous.

The editor walked around with the consciousness of death, but his movements froze suddenly.

At this time, more ancient beings came up and looked at the beholder with wild laughter.

"I was almost preempted by your disgusting big eyeballs!" A demon descended with a wild laugh, and the saliva from his mouth dripped down, corroding the ground clothing into deep pits.

A series of terrifying figures came and descended on the editorial department.

The spacious editorial office was occupied by this group of guys, and it seemed crowded all of a sudden.

"I'm going to split half of these guys, and I'm going to tear down that wall." The beholder looked at the group of people extremely coldly.


"I have a better idea, that is, everything belongs to me, and you all go eat shit." The big devil sneered.

All the editors were quiet at this moment, and looked at them with sneering eyes, as if they were looking at a group of creatures waiting to die. Obviously, they were very confident in the bombs they prepared, and these arrogant guys would die.

"Guys, I have some good or bad news for you guys."

The editor who went to pick up the bomb suddenly ran back and looked at them innocently: "The bomb has not been retrieved, and a more troublesome thing has awakened."

The other editors were stunned and looked at each other.

"The baby is awake?" an editor asked in confusion.

Everyone's faces were darkened, and some people were even more broken.

Killed by their own bombs, they still have a chance to be resurrected, and the editor-in-chief who is active outside is their hope.

But if it is killed by a revived larva...then it will be really cold, the kind that can't be revived no matter what.

"How could this be..." Someone was covering his face, almost going crazy, "Could it be that this group of idiots who came to the door stimulated him?"

Yes, it must be so, it's all the fault of these zabis, they released an uncontrollable monster with their own hands!

A terrifying wave came out, making this group of noisy and tense ancient gods suddenly quiet down. At the same time, they turned their heads and looked at a certain place in the air in astonishment.

There, from scratch, a light cluster is gradually appearing, exuding an aura that makes their hearts palpitate and scalp numb.

It's as if the things in this light group are their natural enemies.

"Say, what is this?! How many secrets do you have?!"

The beholder asked gloomily. Seeing that the editors just looked at him with a sneer, each of them looked sad and indignant. , like looking at a dead body.


A beam of brilliance gushed out from the ball of light, expanded rapidly, and reached the eighth level in an instant, and was still climbing crazily. In the next second, it reached the quasi-level nine, overwhelming all the ancient gods present.

But this is still not the end, the promotion is still intensifying.

A more high-end and terrifying aura far surpassing the quasi-ninth level gushed out, pressing all lives to the ground on the spot, and just a tiny bit of aura almost wiped out their souls.

In that instant, the entire world of Wantianyi, and even the entire realm of gods, were deeply shocked.

"Another omnipotent existence was born? But how is this possible?"

"It stands to reason that there are already enough Almighty Cosmic Levels in the Domain of God, and it is no longer possible to support the existence of new Almighty Levels..."

"No, this thing is still getting stronger! What the hell is he!!!"

In an instant, countless beings standing at the top of the pyramid woke up, and looked in the direction of the editorial department with a look of horror on their faces. The light group was still crazily becoming stronger, and even reached a level beyond the almighty universe level.

It is simply the living supreme god!

In an instant, the editorial department became the center of attention of countless people. Many Almighty Gods had already acted, and rushed towards the editorial department solemnly, intending to find out. Maybe it would give them a chance to break the wall of origin?

Things that the Almighty Cosmic Level cannot do, then the transcendent Almighty Cosmic Level will definitely be able to do it!

In the editorial office at this time, many ancient beings were so frightened that they did not dare to move, and their souls were almost frozen.

Here, even if you are the most powerful sole god, you are incomparably humble and ridiculous at this moment, no different from an ant.

"Kill them! If you can understand what I mean, you should know that we are not the enemy, but the group of guys who invaded us!"

An editor yelled at Guangtuan.

A huge beam of light was sent out suddenly, and the light cluster expanded instantly, crushing all the incomparable forces one after another and directly irradiating every ancient god who invaded the editorial department.

"You can't kill me, my master is Cytorak, the ruler of the Crimson Hell..." the great demon roared in horror, and immediately his body collapsed and his soul disappeared.

All traces of his existence are being erased, and all this seems to be taken for granted.

The beholder wanted to beg for mercy, but he found in despair that he could not even utter a word, and everything about him disappeared in the beam.

At the same time, a more powerful force surged out, covering countless worlds. As long as they were creatures within the origin wall, part of their memory was lost out of thin air.

Those ninth-level beings who had already left returned to their respective worlds with bewildered faces and continued to sleep. They were unable to respond to what happened just now, and part of their memory was forcibly erased.

Standing on Cybertron, looking at Downey in the editorial department solemnly, he was even more horrified: "I didn't expect that there would be such a thing in the editorial department... I seem to have guessed what it is. Isn't it just..."

A ray of light shone over, Downey's body swayed, he was stunned for a moment, and then he revealed deep confusion: "What am I doing here, looking at the scenery? By the way, I'm about to resurrect those dead people..."

All life is modified by a higher power without exception.

An editor put down the manuscript in confusion, looked at his companions who were completely normal, and continued to worry about what to draw in the next issue of comics.

Everything returned to the original state, and nothing happened again, except for those beings who were killed, they really died.

The light group in the editorial department suddenly disappeared, watching them from afar in the boundless and distant area, watching countless lives in countless worlds, constantly wandering.

It seems that this light group is very curious about all this, and turns around with great interest.

After all, he is a newborn, moreover, he is still a juvenile.

The existence in the light group wandered around for a long time, and finally felt bored. For him who is omnipotent and omnipotent in the true sense, he only needs to move his thoughts casually to know everything and obtain the most secret information in the world .

It was very fresh at the beginning, but after a long time, it seemed a little boring. He knew everything, so it was too boring.

But there was one question he didn't know yet, which gave him the raw motivation to chase the answer.

"Who am I, what should I do? Why do I do this?"

Guang Tuan became excited again, and he found the meaning of doing something.

Immediately, he set off immediately, and after exhausting almost all the secrets, he finally chose the multiverse as the first stop.

In the multiverse, there is no place more exciting than the main universe. There are countless knowledgeable people living there, and they will definitely be able to give themselves the answer!

call out!

This light cluster started to move, pulling out a long beam of light, leaving behind a beautiful trajectory, roaring towards the main universe.

Earth, on that planet, there must be wise men who can answer his questions, and the light group believes this.

The main universe, Earth.

A newborn, unprecedentedly great creature has descended quietly, and no one can find him. The strict monitoring system and defense mechanism on the earth are almost as if they do not exist.

This group of light appeared in the bustling city under the night, shining brightly.

A drunk hippie was approaching drunkenly, staggering and muttering something from time to time.

"Are you the smartest person in the world?" a voice asked.

The hippie didn't even raise his head, and coaxed: "Of course, I'm the smartest. Tomorrow's horse race, bet on the number seven will win!"

"Why mention the horse race?"

"Hey, man, what's wrong with your head, is there a man in this world who doesn't like horse racing? Horse racing!"

The hippies babbled.

The light cluster disappeared in thought.

The next day, he actually went to watch a horse race.

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