Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 927 Don't go out, you will be beaten to death

"I really can't stand this dude..."

Countless light-years away from the main universe, Downey's avatar is standing on a white dwarf star, looking far away in the direction of the earth, watching this Michael-shaped transcendent embark on his path of mischief.

Just like in the comics, this is an idiot with low IQ. He believes what others say. The omniscience and omnipotence ability only makes him feel more confused. He doesn't know why. Goals are achieved through hard work.

For those who transcend, what is a goal and what is a dream? Isn't that something that can be realized by thinking about it? He was invincible from birth, and he had no growth process at all.

Now, no one in the entire multiverse has a clear understanding of what this one means. Even the superheroes who have intersected with the Transcendent have no idea what terrible monsters they are facing.

A tenth-level existence, standing at the pinnacle of countless worlds, an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipotent original transcender in the true sense, the first person under Marvel OAA.

In the comics, there are very interesting descriptions of OAA, the original transcendent and the life court: there are a group of children playing around on the playground, they are death, eternity, swallowing stars, etc., and the strongest one is the life court, Whoever refuses to accept him will be beaten.

OAA is the principal of this school.

The transcendent is the dean of this school.

Now, the dean of Marvel Elementary School appeared and was learning all the rules of this elementary school at an astonishing speed. When he learned everything and became mature, the trouble began.

Punch a primary school student to understand?

The most helpless thing was that no matter how Downey looked at him, he felt that he was the one among the elementary school students.

"It was born without a sound, but there was no sign at all. A group of ancient gods in the realm of gods disappeared inexplicably... Has my memory been corrected by the transcendent?"

Donnie shook his head, then put the thought aside.

It doesn't make sense to fix it or not. The point is that the original transcendent has already been born. Thanks to his secret placement of a clone in the main universe, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to find it.

Donnie looked at the superheroes and listened to their every comment. These guys thought that the Transcendor was a troublesome guy from the fifth dimension.

Tony also wants Clark to contact the Troublemaker, so that the Troublemaker can bring the Transcendent back...

After observing for a while, I saw the transcendent lingering in various banquets and beauties, unable to extricate themselves, deeply immersed in it.

Of course, this is just the beginning. When this guy realizes that power is more valuable than money, he will embark on the road to run for the president of the United States.

At least for now, the transcendents are blinded by the extravagant life of the earth. The governments of all countries wish that such a dangerous guy can indulge in money and beauty, which gives them precious time to research and formulate countermeasures, although this is impossible .

Downey's avatar left decisively, stood in the blood zone, pondered for a while, and then ran far away, monitoring the main universe's dynamics across many universes.

It's better for this great god to stay away. Don't look at how terrifying and difficult to kill Downey, the only god in the world, as long as the transcendent thinks, he can kill Downey with a single breath.

"As long as this guy is on the earth, he will inevitably come into contact with my information. If this guy gets tired of playing on the earth, will he come to my Cybertron star to toss..."

The more he thought about it, the darker Downey's face became. This was not unfounded worry, but a high probability event. The transcendent's curiosity was terribly high.

In the comics, the Transcendent has a reporter friend, who chanted a few slogans casually, talked about life and death, and mocked the gods for not knowing the fear of death in humble life.

The drunk original transcender was not good at righteousness. When he saw that his friend was in trouble, he comforted him without saying a word, and said to him: "Relax, my friend, I will help you solve your problem. Come, I will give you a solution." Introduce a god, this one is death."

In front of the reporter, the transcendent forcefully poured a glass of cocktail into the mouth of Death who suddenly appeared here out of nowhere with a bewildered expression.

And then death just burps.

Since then, there is no concept of death in the world, and everyone does not need to eat or drink, and they will not die anyway.

This is a major crisis event in the multiverse, and death is fucking drunk to death.

The original transcendent is definitely the most unreliable tenth-level existence in history.

With such a dean, Downey, a primary school student, doesn't look good.

Downey's legends are everywhere on the earth. His experience of rising has long been engraved in human history, which cannot be erased. Sooner or later, the transcendent will come into contact with Downey's past. Donnie went over to concoct a meal...

Thinking of this, Downey looked at the main universe even more unkindly, and hid further away.

"I don't know if there will be a secret war if the transcendent is playing crazy, there is no need to put my avatar into it..."

Downey hid in other universes, but kept his eyes on the main universe.

Secret Wars is a big play of the Transcendent. He pulled a lot of superheroes, super criminals and a lot of gods into a battlefield, and watched them tear up with great interest.

Downey didn't want to lose his avatar, that would be too miserable.

"Fortunately, there is still time, let this guy be a disaster on Earth for a while longer." Downey shook his head.


The realm of the gods, Cybertron.

Downey rubbed the center of his brows, feeling a little headache. His main body received everything that the avatar saw.

"Do you want to find a way for Richard to find a way to contact OAA? Can you take this unreliable guy back!"

Downey just thought about it, and finally sighed. Compared with the tenth-level existence, his eighth-level existence is too far behind.

He raised his head and looked at the vast God's Domain. In the world where all things are united, there is an extremely terrifying dimensional weight supporting everything, and the terrifyingly heavy high energy of God's Domain flows slowly, providing nutrition for every high god. .

It's an extremely fascinating world. Weak beings may not feel it at all, but at Downey's level, they can clearly feel the charm of the realm of gods. It's simply breathtakingly beautiful.

Compared with this, the multiverse is like a big mud hole, no matter how careful you are, you will always feel uncomfortable.

Only the domain of gods is the only world where gods live.

The news that the new god led his planet into the realm of the gods has spread in all directions at an astonishing speed, but it is known that Downey, the new god, is still only a minority, and more worlds are still ignorant.

There is no way, the domain of gods is too huge, even if it is the existence of the eighth-level peak, it will take a long time to explore this world.

Powerful power surged out of Downey, carefully creating an energy barrier suitable for Cybertron, and constantly trying to match Cybertron and God's Domain.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

"are you back?"

A crack opened suddenly, and the well-hidden Cybertron star immediately revealed a corner of itself.

A figure with three huge light clusters on his body descended slowly, and entered Cybertron safely, and the cracks slowly closed.

Emperor Weishan looked at the planet and praised: "That's right, I was worried that you didn't know how to hide your world, but it seems I was overthinking it."

"In your mind, I'm just so ostentatious and brainless?" Donnie glared at the guy angrily, and as he waved his hands, a square table with very earthy characteristics suddenly appeared. On it, four cups of hot tea were bubbling. The hot air and the invigorating aroma are exuded.

Weishandi's huge phantom immediately dissipated, and three light clusters floated down, turning into three human figures.

Agamotto just shrugged his shoulders, did not refute Donnie's rhetorical question, and happily picked up a teacup and drank it.

Ossett was extremely aloof, sitting down like a lady, staring at the teacup in front of him, clearly showing... disgust.

"As a god, it's a waste of time to drink such unnutritious things. I don't understand your hobbies." Ossett said coldly, with one black and one white eyeball open.

Originally her eyes were pure white, but after absorbing the source of black magic, they became one black and one white.

"Gods also want their own hobbies. According to me, you are living a miserable life. Look at your magical world. Except for a group of magical elves, there is only magical energy and nothing else. It is extremely boring." Downey snorted coldly.

The big tiger Hoggs shook his head: "I support Ossett's opinion on this point. You like these things because you are too young. We have lived for countless years, and we have already seen through some meaningless things and are bored. Well, sooner or later you will go through this stage."

Every god in the realm of gods has lived for too long, so long that many gods have become numb and indifferent to all entertainment.

"Maybe, but that will be a long time later. Now I just want to maintain my living habits..." Donnie tasted the tea he had drunk countless times. For some reason, the taste in his mouth was extremely strong this time. Dry and boring.

The four gods who were friendly with each other just sat around the square table and waited dryly for a moment. Ossett also picked up the teacup, with a stinky face that the whole God Domain owed her millions of mana sources, and tasted it expressionlessly. Tasted, then put down the glass.

"So, is Hollenmeyer dead?" Downey asked calmly, spitting out the scent of tea.

"No, he ran away." Hoggs said, "We have worked very hard, but Hollenmeyer is a veteran god. If he wants to escape, we can't stop him."

Downey nodded slightly, and didn't deliberately mention thank you. At their level, some things don't need to be understood so clearly.

As a former supreme mage, Downey has been in contact with Emperor Weishan when he was on Earth, and they have supported each other so many times over the years, and they have a deep friendship. In the crisis-ridden place of God's Domain, friends are really an extremely luxurious thing. .

More concepts of strong and weak, superior and inferior.

"Your Doomsday is very good." Ossett said suddenly.

Agamotto smiled bitterly and said, "Not only is it good, but it's terrifyingly strong. We watched him get knocked out again and again by Hollenmeyer, revived again and again, charged again with no fear of death, and then got knocked out again... ...every time he dies, his strength will unexpectedly skyrocket, which is too terrifying."

Agamotto recalled the scene at that time, his scalp was numb.

The more he fought, the stronger he became, and the more he killed, the stronger he became. The reason why Hollenmeyer chose to escape was not so much that he was driven away by Weishandi, but rather that he was frightened away by Doomsday King Kong.

This kind of creature is simply the most perfect weapon of war, and it is still the kind that has no solution.

"It's only a matter of time before he gets promoted to super-large level, and it will be faster than you think. Have you prepared for the worst?" Ossett said lightly.

Donnie was silent for a moment, then nodded calmly.

If he wanted to kill Hollenmeyer, Doomsday King Kong was destined to stand at the level of quasi-ninth level, otherwise he would not be able to kill Hollenmeyer.

But by that time, Downey estimated that he would still be at the eighth level, and Doomsday King Kong would be out of his control. Even if it was the source of fire seeds, he would no longer be able to interfere with Doomsday King Kong.

Moreover, Downey never used the Fire Seed Source as a weapon against Doomsday King Kong. Once he used it, Doomsday King Kong would evolve the ability to get rid of or even counter the Fire Seed Source. Downey hit hard.

Deterrence is always just deterrence, just like human nuclear weapons, intimidation is fine, but if it is really used, you must be prepared to die together and everyone will die together.

"You may not believe me...I believe in him. I created him by myself. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is his real father...I believe in him." Downey let out a long breath.

"I suggest you say this to Ancient Destruction Day again. You can see whether he gave you a loving look or a fist in the head." Ossett said sarcastically, "I really don't believe that your head is the same as Ancient One's. How can a monster carved out of the same mold on Doomsday be any different?"

Want an incomprehensible weapon of war to have human emotions? This is also beautiful.

At least in Ossett's view, whether it is the ancient Doomsday or the Doomsday King Kong, these two man-made weapons that make gods fear, are born as emotionless living machines, and will only act according to the initial programming settings .

"Where is the Day of Destruction of the Ancient Ones now?" Downey asked suddenly.

"Thanks to you, after this guy enters the realm of gods, he is like a mad dog who is having fun. He kills anyone he sees, and destroys a world when he encounters it. I won't make a move."

Agamotto spread his hands and reminded: "You must not go out. Do you know how many people in the Realm of God want to skin you? And the trillions of heads you put into the Realm of God on the spot Ninety-nine percent of the defective products of the Doomsday died, but there are still many guys who have tapped their potential and survived, making some small and medium-sized realms miserable."

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